12 years, 8 months ago by Bhakta Italo

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada¡

Muchas gracias Maharaja por guiarme a los pies de loto de Srila Prabhupada.

No siguo estrictamente los 4 principios, yo tengo ese deber de terminar con mis deseos impuros, a veces es maya, no acepto sus ofertas gracias a mi querido Sri Guru gracias a El siguo vivo y avnvanzo; disculpe ya no sere mal educado en tales detalles, solo que de otras cartas que lei, decia que no hay secretos.

Siguen 6 rondas, 2 principios, a veces canto un poco mas; Sri Guru distribuye mis horas, yo le propongo hacemos esto, que debo hacer, soy un sirviente cantamos esto; y El me dice que hacer.

Ahora mi tarea en los Kirtan, es esmerarme para que Sri Guru se exprese en el sonido, se complace pues purifica los corazones de los devotos del area, y el extasis es muy fuerte y cuando mi cuerpo tiembla le pido a El que me controle y asi lo hace

HpS - ASA ---  Jaya.  Y Caitanya caritamrta?   Ya esta en internet!!

asram guru

12 years, 8 months ago by harsh_horse

hare krsna dandvat pranam

sorry to disturb oiu again with our foolishness.

but is there any place/ scripture by which  we can understand crietria for selcting asrama guru ...

HpS - AGTSP   pamho.  in first or second canto it describes dhaumya rsi.  look for quote in the ABC NDX at our web page or the SB Index.   Basically he follows the Instruction for his Ashrama and teaches other how to do it by example and concpets!!   Look for somebody whom you want to follow on the same path.

in absence of asrama guru which scriptures we should read to get understanding.. as In srila prabhupada books we are nto abel to findng asram related things.... it s more general and instructs dos of householder.. but doies nto talk about when the wife is of complete different mentality.. [ hope we can find answern of such question some here else]

if we are not able to find even such scripture.. then its not better to enter that asrama where the prupose of ife can be more easily executed...


HpS - AGTSP     paoho.  As you go on, on, on reading Srila Prabhpada's books everything is included.  You will find the general principles over and over and over over and over and over over and over and over over and over and over over and over and over over and over and over  over and over and over over and over and over over and over and over  over and over and over over and over and over over and over and over  over and over and over     again.   Wife is not for your sense or mind gratification.   mind candy.   wife is servant of Krsna, albeit confused maybe.  How can I get her involved in her service.  that is only thing that will make she (he) it.  Happy.

Then there are so many details in purport after purport.

Have to keep on reading, scanning.   Incredible details!!!!!!!!

Ambarisa M Das

12 years, 8 months ago by Ambarisa Maharaja Das

hare krsna

all glories to you guru deva
i m still in mayapur, the 20 of jaunary we are going with madhavendra puri 
and his wife yasoda and vrisabhanu nandani to jaganntha puri and diferent places in south india.
then the plan is to go to spain and do book distribution, sankirtana
untill june and return to argentina. what do you think?
now i m reading books related to navadwip, bhaktivinoda thakur and also
about sri caitanya and at least in a no sistematic way i keep reading the srimad bhagavatam.
the other day i opened a book the poor man who raed the srimad bhagavatam 
(satvarupa das goswami). and the first thing that i read was..... o ambarisa if you want to end with the material bondage you have to read and recite
the srimad bhagavatam. and i think and apreciate very much your effort to teach the srimad bhagavatam and the revolution that the s.b generete in every life of the people who read the sb.
i m seeing my position and how i have 
to work to be a better person and became a devotee. i apreciate that you can guide me and utize me in sankirtan i trying to became a better tool
thank you very much.
trayimg to serve Ambarisa m das
HpS - ASA -  Jaya!   It seem like a nice program.  Tirtha-yatra. Visiting places of piligrimage, but then with sufficient purification, get your orchard, Garden of Eden, in Argentina and start to produce Good Fruit, and protect your Wife from Snakes, (Haw!    Haw!     Haw!).   Your father can come to live in the orchard with you all!   Send us news of your travels regularly.  Why not study the first two cantos systematically.  And the rest in general?

Ananda vardha

12 years, 8 months ago by ananda vardhana

   Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaj

  Le ofresco mis humiles reverencias a Usted, un sincero y entuciasta predicador de conciencia de Krishna, tlgaSP¡¡¡

HpS - ASA - TlgaSP    pfanrh   Vd es mas!

    Estoy muy asustado de no poder escribir el reporte, soy un verdadero estupido dicipulo,

ASA - Si, pero tiene hemosa sonrisa!

por favor perdone mis errores, estoy tratado de mejorar, mi vida sigue siendo un " circo" de correr y correr solucionanado problemas familiares, pero esta Usted en mi vida y Usted es cooneccion con Krishna, poor favor no me rechase por mis errores.

ASA --   Hari Bolo!!!        Kirtanya sada harih!

     Estoy cantando las rondas al igual que los otros miembros de la familia, ( naru, gopa y la señora)

ASA - ! ! ! !       !

Naroootam y Golpal, pasaron de nivel dando examenes libres y así decidimos continuar con este maravilloso desafio de educar a los niños en el hogar.

ASA - Esta relacionando con ninos, escuela en su aldea??

Mi principal deseo es complacerlo a Usted y así Usted me regale el mas dulce de todos los tesoros: BHAKTI por Radha Krishna, yo se que soy caido y lujurioso, pero tambien se que Usted tiene el poder para salvarme de esta situacion materias, así que  lloro por sus bendiciones, por favor ocupeme de la forma que lo desee.

                 su bien tonto y campesino dicipulo, Ananda Vardhana das

  HpS - ASA -  Jagannatha es mas grande???

practical relation with Srila prabhupada

12 years, 8 months ago by harsh_horse

Hare Krsna Maharaj.
Dandvat Pranam,

after reading you replies on blog, the guru tattva file. It will be very helpful if you can tell this buffalo [ignorant]/ horse [ passionate ]

1. How do we build Practical relation with Srila Prabhupada ? What are the different ways for us to same?  Is it just by reading Srila Prabhupda books.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!!!     thank you for your question.  it will save the world.  love is the only way to establish a relationship. you must love srila prabhupada, even though you don't feel like it. if you can understand the importance of loving your wife and son and srila prabhupada then you do it.   how, by hearing from them with an attitude of helping them in their service to krsna!

2. As prabhu pada said if you can not read books then just chant, dance and eat prasadam. If books are the only way to build  practical relation with prabhupada.. then how can we make the same with just chant,dance and prasad.

HpS - Well book are not the only way.  But they can be a basis. You can base your relationship on one instruction that your heard from his lips or the lips of his representative.      Usually we have balanced program of chanting, dancing, arati, japa, books, prasadam, karma-yoga, sankirtana, joking and crying.

We are asking this as we are progressing in dark well. our ability [mentally & physically] is reducing to read Prabhupda books. Infact in second semested of Padam-poada we have not given even 30% of what we gave in first semester.

HpS - Better to get a steady program and push in a healthy way to expand it, not dog hard, than to be a Bhakti Yo Yo.  Lot today nothing tommorrow! ....

Also we are trying to make morning proram [ ML at 430 , tulsi pooja, japa, hearing Sb class, parasdam] as center of life. {we realize we do not know what it means to make krsna as center of we make Morning prog as center of life}. [ doing things [a] to do it [b] to improve it]

HpS - Jaya!!!!!

without your guidance, we are actually hollow and hopeless... thank you for adventing in our life.


HpS - ASA ---- Jaya!    Good Buffalo!      Good Buffalo!       We are just mailmen.  You are giving all you need to, to your family, just go ahead. It will get more and more organized!   Next letter.... . .   come with us!

Report from kolkata .

12 years, 8 months ago by Caitanya candrodaya das

Report from Romulo Alfonso Yallico Andia And Caitanya Candrodaya Das )

ALL Glories  to Srila Parabhupada  ki jayy!! All Glories  to the   Vaishnavas  ki jayy!!

PLEASE accept My  most  humble  and respectful  obeisances  Dear  Gurudeva .

 I  moved  to kolkata   I  came  here 2  weeks  before  and  i'm staying  in Gita  Bhawan   it's  part of  iskcon kolkata  and  devotees who  has a  job  and  students stay  in this  building  I'm  here  now  with   good  association  and  also  there  is   library   , Harisuari  Prabhu  who  is  charge  of   the  library .

I  ready  stard to study  Alternative  medicines    and  Flute  .  My course  of  alternative  medicine  is  not  regular  classes  , i  have  to study my ownself i know  is  difficult but  that's  will  be  posible  by  the mercy  of  krishna  if  he  give me  knowledge  and also  i have  to study   , i  wish  to  get that  goal  for maybe in the future   i can work  , do  service  and  help  to the devotees  . This  course  is  for  Two  years  and i will  have training   for  all the  last months for 7  days . i wil  have  for  year  one exam . 

About  flute  i'm practicing  my own  self  for  this month and the  next month  i will get  a  teacher  for  flute .

On weekends  i'm  going  to   Sri   DHAM Mayapur   becouse  i miss  so much my   home  .

Sadhana BHakti : i  try   to wake  up  everyday  3AM  and  chant  my  16 rounds , read Srimad  Bhagavat   Gita .  after that I  make  my own Breakfast  some  fruits  ans  yogurt ,  i study  Anatomy  and  Physiology   from my course  of  AL MEDICINE , take  rest , Lunch  in iskcon- kolkata ,  Flute  and  Mridanga  then again  study  AL medicine  , hang  out  , Internet  and  i  go to  bed  at 9 pm .  this  is  my time  table  i  really  i want  to  be  serious but sometimes  i can't  my mind  is   going  somewhere   . PLEASE I  need  ur  bless  me  . i really want to  learn  and  i will help   and  do services  for  Radha  and krishna  . Radha  Madhana Bihari  are  in my  heart ilove so  much  them . 

Sorry  for  my  offenses................ur  servant Caitanya candrodaya  das .

Romulo  Alfonso Yallico  torres :

I  call  him  and   also  he  call me  sometimes  , i  try  to have  a nice  communication  with  all my family now  everybody is  in  differents  countries and  it's  very  hard  to talk  with them just  by Internet and  cell phone  .

  well my  Father  said he  is  chanting  16  rounds  sometimes  but he is   regualar  chanting 14  rounds  ,  wake  up  for  mangala artik sometimes  because his  job is  hard  and  tired  so  he  can not  wake  up  everyday  and  he has  problem  with his column  sometimes  pain .


I LOVE  U  GURUDEVA ...........thank u  for  everything.

HpS -   AGTSP   pamho.  Super!!!!   You will get the details worked our soon.  Main thing is to go,      inside      and see who you are buy the Japa etc.   Then look for people to associate with, flute, root, boot, suite....    the details come once you have stable association.   People who will form a part of you life for a long time.   Even if you will only be with them for a short time.

Please tell your father   -   Two more rounds.     Be a hero!    Better to die serving Krsna!!!!   Same for Brahma muhurta.   If he makes less money from following Mangala arati then Krsna wants Him to get a better job.  Watch for it!