Jayam 2/3 !!

5 years, 6 months ago by hps in Special Category B


El periódico en español del Ministerio de Educación de ISKCON se acaba de publicar en http://jayarama.us/archives/jayam-2.3.pdf

Sannyasa 2

5 years, 6 months ago by jayanta in Special Category B

En cuanto al verso S.B. 1.6.13 sobre sannyasa pienso que la aplicación de temas absolutos en el mundo relativo queda reservada a espiritualistas con una conexión limpia con paramatma; sin interferencias de modalidades de la naturaleza.

La perspectiva de Bhaktivedanta Swami es increible, pura, aguda y siempre sorprendente. Es evidente que sannyasa no es para personas comunes y, desde mi perspectiva o la perspectiva de un burro de dos patas, creo que tambien incluye a devotos kanistha y kanistha-Madhyama.

En ISKCON asociamos sannyasa a parivrajakacarya. Pienso que es un cambio muy radical (salvo raras excepciones) pasar de brahmacari, grihastha o vanaprastha a parivrajakacarya. Posiblemente sería bueno antes algo de kuti caka y bahu daka y estar un tiempo (2 años??) pasando desapercibido, sin viajar, sin facebook, sin danda y sin utarilla y desarrollar aún mas la sencillez, la valentía para depender sólo de Dios y no de los demás, la humildad, etc.

HpS - Desde mi experiencia personal eso es realmente lo que sucedió. Naturalmente pasé por el escenario: kuti-caka, bahu-daka, parivrajacacaryary ...

Despues puede ser un sannyasa viajero típico de ISKCON que no se deja impresionar por la puja, fama,tartas de cumpleaños, etc.

Opiniones ? Quejas? Donativos?

Firmado por un burro que sueña con ser devoto.

Jayanta das

HpS - Gracias. Base es cantar mejor y mejor rondas, y canta constante durante la dia para cumplir con sus demas responsibilidades. Entonese, estas Ashramas va a ser bien practico, como aplicar. Con 70-anos, mas y mas puedo ver como estas etapas de la vida son bien natural. Todos son enfocado en terner un muerte feliz, no?

CC Verse Statistics

5 years, 7 months ago by hps in Special Category B

> Do any of you know the number of verses in Sri Caitanya Caritamrita divided by Lila?


1 - 110

2 - 121

3 - 114

4 - 277

5 - 235

6 - 120

7 - 171

8 - 85

9 - 55

10 - 164

11 - 61

12 - 96

13 - 124

14 - 97

15 - 34

16 - 111

17 - 33

sum 1981


1 - 287

2 - 95

3 - 219

4 - 213

5 - 161

6 - 286

7 - 155

8 - 313

9 - 365

10 - 190

11 - 243

12 - 222

13 - 209

14 - 257

15 - 302

16 - 290

17 - 234

18 - 229

19 - 257

20 - 406

21 - 149

22 - 169

23 - 127

24 - 355

25 - 283

sum 6016


1 - 223

2 - 172

3 - 272

4 - 239

5 - 164

6 - 329

7 - 173

8 - 103

9 - 153

10 - 162

11 - 108

12 - 155

13 - 139

14 - 123

15 - 99

16 - 151

17 - 73

18 - 121

19 - 112

20 - 157

sum 3228

Grand total 11225

Verses Drawn from Other Scriptutures

Sri Caitanya-caritamrta consists of a total of 11,519 verses of which 851

verses are drawn from 53 other scriptures.

Sri Caitanya-caritamrta Adi-lila has a total of 2311 verses in 17 chapters.

144 verses of the Adi-lila are drawn from different scriptures

Sri Caitanya-caritamrta Madhya-lila has a total of 6010 verses in 25 chapters.

571 verses of the Madhya-lila are drawn from different scriptures.

Sri Caitanya-caritamrta Antya-lila has a total of 3,228 verses in 20 chapters.

136 verses of the Antya-lila are drawn from different scriptures

Top 10 Quoted Scriptures

393 verses of the CC are taken from Srimad-Bhagavatam

87 verses of the CC are taken from Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu

50 verses of the CC are taken from Bhagavad-gita

34 verses of the CC are taken from Vidagdha-madhava

21 verses of the CC are taken from Lalita-madhava

20 verses of the CC are taken from Brahma-samhita

20 verses of the CC are taken from Padma Purana

19 verses of the CC are taken from Visnu Purana

19 verses of the CC are taken from Govinda-lilamrta

16 verses of the CC are taken from Caitanya-candrodaya-nataka

All Sources

Verses From Srimad-Bhagavatam (393 verses)

Canto 1 (44 Verses)

Canto 2 (34 Verses)

Canto 3 (33 Verses)

Canto 4 (4 Verses)

Canto 5 (10 Verses)

Canto 6 (7 Verses)

Canto 7 (8 Verses)

Canto 8 (1 Verse)

Canto 9 (7 Verses)

Canto 10 (156 Verses)

Canto 11 (66 Verses)

Canto 12 (5 Verses)

Verses From Bhagavad-gita (50 Verses)

BG 03.21 - Adi-lila 03.025 and Madhya-lila 17.178

BG 03.24 - Adi-lila 03.024

BG 04.07 - Adi-lila 03.022

BG 04.08 - Adi-lila 03.023

BG 04.11 - Adi-lila 04.020, Adi-lila 04.178 and Madhya-lila 08.091 BG 05.18 -

Antya-lila 04.177 BG 06.03 - Madhya-lila 24.159

BG 06.04 - Madhya-lila 24.160

BG 06.08 - Antya-lila 04.178

BG 06.16-17 - Antya-lila 08.067-068

BG 07.04 - Madhya-lila 06.164

BG 07.05 - Adi-lila 07.118, Madhya-lila 06.165 and Madhya-lila 20.116 BG 07.14

- Madhya-lila 20.116, Madhya-lila 22.023 and Madhya-lila 24.138 BG 07.16 -

Madhya-lila 24.094 BG 09.11 - Madhya-lila 25.039

BG 09.27 - Madhya-lila 08.060

BG 10.08 - Madhya-lila 24.189

BG 10.10 - Adi-lila 01.049, Madhya-lila 24.173 and Madhya-lila 24.192 BG 10.41

- Madhya-lila 20.375 BG 10.42 - Adi-lila 02.020, Madhya-lila 20.163 and

Madhya-lila 20.376 BG 11.41-42 - Madhya-lila 19.199-200 BG 12.13-14 -

Madhya-lila 23.107

BG 12.15 - Madhya-lila 23.108

BG 12.16 - Madhya-lila 23.109

BG 12.17 - Madhya-lila 23.110

BG 12.18-19 - Madhya-lila 23.111-112

BG 12.20 - Madhya-lila 23.113

BG 16.19 - Madhya-lila 25.040

BG 18.54 - Madhya-lila 08.065, Madhya-lila 24.132 and Madhya-lila 25.155 BG

18.64-65 - Madhya-lila 22.057-58 BG 18.66 - Madhya-lila 08.063, Madhya-lila

09.265 and Madhya-lila 22.094

Verses From Other Sources

Adi Purana (4 Verses)

Amara-kosa Dictionary (2 Verses)

Bhagavata-sandarbha (1 Verse)

Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (78 Verses)

Bhavartha-dipika (9 Verses)

Brahma-samhita (20 Verses)

Brahma-vaivarta Purana (1 Verse)

Brahmanda Purana (1 Verse)

Brhan-naradiya Purana (5 Verses)

Caitanya-candrodaya-nataka (16 Verses)

Dana-keli-kaumudi (1 Verse)

Diary of SDG (4 Verses)

Doctrine of Nyaya (2 Verses)

Garuda Purana (1 Verse)

Gauranga-stava-kalpavrksa (4 Verses)

Gautamiya-tantra (3 Verses)

Gita-govinda (6 Verses)

Gopi-premamrta (1 Verse)

Govinda-lilamrta (19 Verses)

Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya (10 Verses)

Hari-bhakti-vilasa (6 Verses)

Jagannatha-vallabha-nataka (2 Verses)

Katyayana-samhita (1 Verse)

Krsna-karnamrta (10 Verses)

Kurma Purana (2 Verses)

Laghu-bhagavatamrta (13 Verses)

Lalita-madhava (21 Verses)

Maha Upanisad (1 Verse)

Mahabharata (8 Verses)

Mukunda-mala-stotra (1 Verse)

Nama-kaumudi (1 Verse)

Narada-pancaratra (3 Verses)

Nataka-candrika (1 Verse)

Nrsimha Purana (2 Verses)

Padma Purana (20 Verses)

Padyavali (15 Verses)

Panini's Sutras (3 Verses)

Premambhoja-maranda (1 Verse)

Raghu-vamsa (1 Verse)

Ramayana (1 Verse)

Sankaracarya's Commentary (2 Verses)

Satvata-tantra (1 Verse)

Skanda Purana (3 Verses)

Smrti-sastra (1 Verse)

Stava-mala (8 Verses)

Stotra-ratna (7 Verses)

Svetasvatara Upanisad (1 Verse)

Ujjvala-nilamani (14 Verses)

Uttara-rama-carita (1 Verse)

Vedic Literature (1 Verse)

Vidagdha-madhava (34 Verses)

Visnu Purana (19 Verses)

Visva-prakasa Dictionary (5 Verses)

Letter to the Jungians

5 years, 7 months ago by hps in Special Category B

Jaya Sri Krsna!

After 12-weeks of excellent travel, being bounced about in at least 19-different airplanes, we have returned to our little cottage-by-the-road in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. We go for 44-minute evening walks with Dr. Ravi each day and are beginning to sort out all the results from the tour.

One thing that stands out very, very prominently was the Congress in Santa Barbara. Thank you Patricia for inviting us. Thank you Beverely and everyone for staging it.

1. We saw Prof. Shonu Shyamdasani in the flesh. For us it was like seeing the Pope for the first time. He even looked at us and, was probably wondering what a Buddhist monk was doing at a Jung Congress.

2. Our understanding of the character of the Jungian community has increased 20-times at least.

3. We derived so much benefit in our personal endeavors, and received so much education, that it was very much worth the extreme investment of time and resources for us. Thank you.

4. We can go on for a long time, but specifically, we think more than ever that there is opportunity and necessity for integral work with our NIOS efforts and your good selves and other Jungian entities such as the Philemon Foundation.

  • Intellectually the first rapport might be to discuss the work of Prof. David Haberman from Indiana University on our 15th century saint, scholar, statesman, Rupa Goswami and Jung's realizations and experiences.
  • If Philemon is planning on turning its very big guns on Jung's visit to India we have excellent contacts at Calcutta University who might be able to help, but they are getting old.
  • As Patricia noted the next Congress on art and the creative imagination might be successfully held in Peru, for example in 2022. Again we are signing a Convenio with San Marcos University right now for the next three years on our "Education and the Sacred" cycle. They look more substantial than the National Museum with whom we were partners for the last three years.
  • Can you all participate in the above mentioned cycle?  Education and the Sacred? We expect grand participation in our Journal, "Solaris", symposium with San Marcos, Jesuits, ICCR from India, et al.
  • Finally, we have heard Jungian Psychologist Beverely Zabriesky mention at least three times that the Introduction to the 'Red Book' by Prof. Shyamdasani is the most excellent resource Jungians have for presenting a summary of Jung's ideas. So, is there any plan to publish it, soon, as a separate book? I, for example, am in contact with a 'large new-age religious cult' of over 1-million members of whom many would love to understand Prof. Jung's experiences and conclusions and then engage in dialog on those from the perspective of the Sanskrit, Vedic, Bhagvata traditions for practical solutions to the world and ones own personal problems.

O.K. I was floored by three daze of the Congress, so I hope this letter is a little bit of revenge in kind. Thank you. Hope to hear from you soon.

H. P. Swami (Prof. H. H. Robinson)

Jayanta das - Sannyasa

5 years, 7 months ago by jayanta in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category B

Querido Gurudev: Pamho. TgSP y sus seguidores fieles.

Suelo leer el blog de forma regular (algunas cartas) y puedo ver que ya está en el mundo civilizado-informatizado. Por aquí sin grandes cambios; meditando en lo importante y lo dificil que es volverse un devoto autentico. La muerte está acechando y tenemos que entregarnos mas pronto que tarde. "nasty eva, nasty eva, nasty eva."

En cuanto a mi opinión sobre el asram de sannyasa tengo que decirle que (mezclando sadhu- sastra) entiendo que sannyasa es para los brahmanas y tengo alguna duda de que esté recomendado en Kali yuga. Pero debido a que el ACARYA BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI lo ha recomendado, aceptamos que en kali yuga se pueda tomar sannyasa (brahmana). El sintoma de que que el vaisnava brahmana está listo para tomar sannyasa puede ser que cuando cante el maha mantra su mente no sobrevuele el estercólero de la complacencia sensual al menos durante seis meses. Otra cualificación subjetiva sería que el asram de sannyasa indefectiblemente lo vuelva a uno mas humilde (si no es así nadie debería aceptar ese asram). Evidentemente me encuentro lejos de esa posición y tenemos que servir desde posiciones sociales mas humildes.

Sin mas y esperando se encuentre bien de ánimo se despide su sirviente (posiblemente torpe)

Jayanta das

HpS - Super perspectiva, gracias! Que piensa de esta verso - https://www.vedabase.com/es/sb/1/6/13 ??? Claro una estandard es esperar hasta los muchachos son madura, y puede la esposa, como ejemplo de Devahuti y Kardama. Otro es tomar votas formal de Vanaprastha y no a Sannyasa. La muerte es Sannyasa si le gustamos o no. Entonces tomando esta ashrama en esta vida es buen preparacion. Que piensa. Buen diagolo para muchos.