2nd Initiations

2 days ago by hps in Special Category B

We, agtSP, are receiving requests for second initiation from several people to whom we have given 1st initiation.

This communication from ISKCON Houston is very nice.

"Maharaja! Hare Krishna! Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I pray all is well on your side.

I’m writing to let you know that we received an inquiry from your disciple ABC dd regarding a letter of recommendation for Brahmin initiation. We have sent her the criteria required for 2nd initiation of our temple standards. At this time she does not meet the requirements. It is up to you maharaja if you would like to give her second. Attached is the policy. Thank you - XYZ dd (ISKCON Houston)."

The Temple Standard is very nice.

Eg. Committed to doing service on Temple altar, fixed in first initiation standard, regular technical financial service.

Need, simple sane relationship with Temple service and administration et al.

Only thought that comes to our head is that 2nd iniation is often called "Brahmanical Initiation". In general Srila Prabhupada gives fantastic description in NOI 5, and we see that it is more Daivi Varna Ashrama Dharma.

In this age 1st initiation if sufficient, but if you are going to be serving as higher class Vaisya, administrator or Brahmin in ISKCON then it is important to become Dvija formally and observe the formalities.

Eg. Jayananda Das' ''brahmana thread'' was black from auromobile grease and he told me he had forgotten some of the Mantras, yet he was way, way, beyond second initiation standard.

The same applies in our thoughts about Bh. Sastri exam. Prabhupada said that it was not so necessary for Pujari's since it was a Sankirtan, preacher's, diploma and Pujari's had there won Sastra to learn.

Anyone we have given gayatri mantras to want to start giving second initiation?

We hear H. H. Haridasa Das in Manipur will start initiating formally in March.

That is very nice.

He has been a real, prominent, Siksa guru for so many people we initiatied there.

Also, Vana mali, Sadhu bhusana Das et al.

Sleeping Less

1 month, 2 weeks ago by hps in Special Category A, Special Category B

asa[e] vaidhi bhakti

All glories to Prabhu pada, 

I am a Brahmachari from India and met you in Amsterdam.

I wanted to ask you ,how I can reduce my sleep to 4 hours daily.

For a long time I try it by reduced eating and regulation but I have to take 5 hours rest to the body.

Your servant

Bhagavan das

HpS/ASA - AgtSP.

We remember H. H. Tamal-krsna Goswami commenting to Srila Prabhupuada that one devotee in Los Angeles was sleeping more than six hours a day.

Srila Prabhupada answered firmly, that what was the difficulty with that if, when he was awake, he did three times as much work as TkD did.

Hmmm. Big topic, but seems that some jobs require that we let the body sleep more to recover.


To our mind, we remember that the American philosopher, Benjamin Franklin commented that one should not eat to dullness.

Jayananda Das told us that he had tried so many diets but the one that actually seemed to work was: Don't eat too much and work hard.

Chant HK/HR while you eat, while you fill your plate, while you digest.

Pray to Krsna to engage your senses in His service etc.

I useful?

We might be able to say more but please post in our Blog. Then the dialog can be useful to many other devotees.

Thank you!!

I will never leave ISKCON

1 month, 2 weeks ago by hps in Special Category B

BnD: HK Gurudeva pamho, TlgaSP!!!

Could you give me a few minutes to call you on the phone please? If possible. You propose the time and I will call you on WhatsApp.

I am [xxx]

Gurudeva, my current wish is to withdraw from Iskcon, in order to end this political persecution to which I have been subjected.

I do not want to give up on you or Srila Prabhupada, and I wish to continue supporting your Sankirtan... But not within Iskcon, I will look for a way to continue serving Srila Prabhupada in Lord Caitanya's mission. I will find a way to do it,

[LPlease give me your permission to withdraw from Iskcon.

[8/16, 7:05 PM] HP Swami - Prof HHR:

Why, agtSP, let them win?


I will never leave ISKCON.

It does not belong to anyone but it's Founder Acharya!

If people are dressing themselves falsely as leaders of the institution but at heart are self seeking demons then we shall chant Hare Krsna, Hare Rama, praying for Rama and Krsna to save all the honest members of Srila Prabhupada’s ISKCON, and if They want us to kill demons it will be obvious that we are just Their instruments. 

You me and Prabhupada will always stay in ISKCON even if everyone else leaves?

Reflections During Japa

Dear Siksha Guru Maharaja, Hare Krishna;

HpS/ASA - Sudama Swami said that when he was with SP in Japan he asked him what was a Siksa guru, and SP replied that anyone who enlivens you in devotional service by citing from the scriptures or previous Acharyas is a Siksa Guru.

He asked SP, "Anyone?", and SP responded firmly, "Anyone". 👍

. . . please kindly accept my most humble obeisances; all glories to Srila Prabhupada; all glories to your good self, his faithful and devoted servant; all glories to all the devotees of Lord Chaitanya, who have dedicated their lives to the spreading of the holy names of the Lord. I have been struggling with trying to find a peaceful moment to be able write some things down, but in my domestic world that seems like a most impossible opportunity. It seems that I am forced to take the time out of my japa to write things.

🐵 🐖 🐖 - Yup! ... but not too much time, no?

I find myself reflecting the many turn of events in my life, particularly during my years as a devotee. It's during my japa period that I can peacefully reflect on how it's all been Krishna's mercy. The tears of sadness and moments of laughter; the blissful association and the painful separation of devotees. It is a very overwhelming experience. When I feel such peaceful moments I can face myself and acknowledge my faults, and my failure to surrender: all of these thoughts are solely due to Krishna's mercy. In this way I can better understand that there is nothing outside of Krishna's mercy: even misery.

It's amazing how these thoughts all come to me during my japa.

I am supposed to be focused on my chanting, and instead my mind is fixed on these sentiments, hoping for some solace or tranquility.

I feel embarrassed with offenses and inattentiveness during my japa. All these thoughts seen to come to me, as if Krishna wants me to know of them and to be aware of them. But I also feel as if Krishna wants me to see how He hasn't pushed me away, in spite of my poor character and offensive chanting: again, His special mercy.

This much I can take in when I am feeling peaceful and serene during my japa. When I am feeling disturbed, it is another matter all together.

I find great comfort in my japa period in spite of all the mental distractions. I find it almost unbelievable how something so incredibly simple, as chanting Hare Krishna can be so calming.

It sounds almost too good for something to be so simple and so true.

I am convinced that Krishna is real, that He is really there in the sound of His holy names. It's beyond my comprehension to explain.

ASA - We are pretty convinced that we are talking with you, and not an AI robot that has invaded your house!!

In the evenings, when the temperature is cooler and things seem to quiet down, I am able to finish my rounds in the backyard. As the sun is setting I reflect on the verse from first canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, "ayur harati vai:" how our lives are diminished with each rising and setting of the sun.

I then wonder about life, why we are born and the inevitable death that awaits us all. I reflect on Krishna's instructions in the Bhagavad gita about working "under His protection." I simultaneously feel within me the confidence that Krishna is protecting me, and at the same time hoping that He is going to protect: remembering all that I have tried to do in my life as a devotee. All of these things go through my head when I am supposed to be chanting, begging Krishna to please engage me in His devotional service. What kind of japa is this?

HpS - Second class???

I do it a lot!!!

I know that my words sound foolishly sentimental, and perhaps even like some mode of sahajya mentality. In addition to my japa, I have found it within me the willingness to visit the temple, but only once every few weeks: and then again, only when no one is around, save and except for the pujari on the altar: I still don't trust or feel safe. How offensive that must sound! At home, our Deity worship continues, as does our japa, daily readings and online classes. And on occasion some books will go out when driving for Uber. I recently acquired a couple of hundred small books for distribution, so I am very hopeful that Lord Chaitanya will allow me to remain connected to His Sankirtan movement through my work.

HpS/ASA - Did we mention Jayananda Das'a Taxi-kirtan? asa[e] - Sankirtan; Jayananda's Taxi-kirtan.

He would put a nice big book on the back seat and when the next passenger got in they would mention, that there was first class book in the back seat.

He would say, what's it about, there was a really interesting Indian guy as my last passenger. He must have left it.

Then the passenger would read SP's book and they would talk about it.

He would suggest the passenger take it with him, and usually he would, and give nice tip.

And with this much having been said, I will close here, hoping to remain a beneficiary of you ongoing kindness and mercy. I am very confident that Srila Prabhupada and Lord Krishna are waiting with all eagerness to shake your hand and congratulate you for your own selfless life of devotional service: inasmuch as Lord Vishnu shook Lord Brahma's hand at the dawn of creation: Hare Krishna.

HpS - Krsna is very greedy, egoistic person. He really wants to enjoy life, so even the tiniest contribution is greedily scooped up by Him and henchmen!!

Your lowly servant,

Balabhadra dasa

Consejería para matrimonio

asa[e] - DVAD, Grhastha, Divorce

Querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

A veces nos piden dar alguna opinión sobre las dificultades matrimoniales y la idea del divorcio como una solución, pensamos que no somos buenos consejeros sobre este tema pero después de escuchar la situación y dar una humilde opinión de introducción invitamos a leer sus palabras y buscar otros buenos consejeros, en algunos casos parece necesario la ayuda profesional.

Si a alguien le sirve comparto el material que he guardado, hay cartas particulares pero tengo dos buenas publicaciones de su parte.

El divorcio: ¿un espejismo de felicidad? (Primera parte )


El divorcio, el espejismo de la felicidad (segunda parte)


Muchas gracias por sacrificar su energía por sus niños.

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd


Dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept our respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Sometimes we are asked to give an opinion on marital difficulties and the idea of ​​divorce as a solution, we think that we are not good counselors on this subject but after listening to the situation and giving a humble introductory opinion we invite people to read your words and look for other good counselors, in some cases professional help seems necessary.

If it helps anyone I share the material that I have saved, there are private letters but I have two good publications from you.

Divorce: a mirage of happiness? (Part One)


Divorce, the mirage of happiness (Part Two)


Thank you very much for sacrificing your energy for your children.

Your eternally aspiring servant

Asta Sakhi dd

HpS/ASA - Thank you. AgtSP and His Divine Grace's ISKCON.

ASA has been trying to publish an Encyclopedia [asa(e)] for many years. We get asked the same questions again and again and we try to answer them in depth one time and then have that work sorted by topic.

Many nice devotees have tried to work on it but not so much result so far.

Maybe after we finish our last movie: Hanuman Reporting to Rama, and release it on Janmastami, and travel to Richmond, Spain, India. We can work on that.

Hare Krsna.

Hare Krsna.

Thank you so, so, much.

We have all, by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and Nitai-Nimai, changed so many lives.

Thanks to you and Jambavati Devi Dasi, H. H. Bhakti-bhusana Swami et al.

Please advise (continued) Mangala arati

Hare Krishna!

Guru Maharaja,

Yes, you are very right, my wife has been a rock in my spiritual life.

My materialistic nature of ignorance like to see her as a problem but that is right.

She is a gift Krishna has put in my life allowing me a lot of growth when I am mature enough (and sometimes even when I am not) to see it as Krishna arrangement.

I do know how important morning program is for you. I appreciate it very much in that I have also made it an upmost importance in my life. This is because of your example and encouragement (instruction 😉).

You have made it very clear what Srila Prabhupada has asked and wants from us in morning program. THANK YOU!!!!! I have grown to LOVE morning program.

This discussion was taken a bit to WhatsApp however can we please continue it here.


Your servant,

Nanda-braja das.

HpS - AgtSP.

Apologize that have not been able to answer this or other letters so quickly.

Body, Buddy, is disintegrating.

Were 40% deaf last year and now, as expected, tested at 60% this year.

Our skin, teeth, eyes, mind, institution about the same.

Yet, we are only satisfied when we can squeeze the last drop of use of them out of Krsna's service.

Also, yes, yes, yes. Using this Blog forum for the kind of communication work it is supposed to do and using WhatsApp and Twitter for the kind of work they are supposed to do is correct.

We are in very stressful circumstances. Me, probably you, probably all of our esteemed readers.


God certifies this!

Now it is 3.03AM.

Chanting Japa.

Doing little Blog work.

3.15am bath, tilaka, Deity worship, Mangala arati.. Kirtan.. Reading LoB... = FMS

In the middle of hell it allows us to focus on Krsna's name, Associates, Qualities, Form and ... it allows us to express our spiritual nature.


Hari Bolo!

Sing and Dance in ecstacy.

Better than joining Larry Bird in basketball.

We were really struck by one incident related by Nava-yogindra Swami.

He came from a little town in Nepal. The devotees were there on traveling Sankirtan from Krsna Balarama Temple.

He was so attracted that he took permission from his Mother and Family and went back with them on the bus to Vrndavana.

As I remember he said he was looking out of the back of the bus as it drove away, seeing his mother with tears of anguish in her eyes, waving good bye.

Then, he served as B'cari in Temple in Braja.

Met Srila Prabhupada and had some direct interaction with him. Was Temple Commander at one point.

Yet early on he explained that he was in the Temple room during Japa time in the morning and Srila Prabhupada's Secretary came to him and told him that Srila Prabhupada wanted to speak with him immediately.

He was shocked.

He went to Prabhupada's rooms and paid his obeisances and asked how he could serve him, and Srila Prabhupada told him that he had a Temple in Africa that was failing and he was going to send him, NYD, to become the Temple President.

NYD said he was shocked again and replied, "SP, I am just a new man, little village boy. Coming to Braja has been a culture shock for me. How can I go to different country, different continent and become not only President of a Temple, but President of one that is failing!"

He said that Srila Prabhupada smiled and then looked at him very seriously and said that if he followed four principles strictly and chanted 16-nice rounds daily and kept a full morning and evening program and saw that everyone under his authority did the same thing, he would have... no... problems.

He said he applied it and it worked.

We have applied it and it works.

Of course, some very nice devotees like President in Los Angeles keep full morning program in Temple with devotees, and evening program with their family.


Yet, if it is nice program, even not in Temple room, then seems they should be so encouraged that then want to share it in practical ways with others from time to time.


NoI 5 shows how to relate to different kinds of devotees.

NoI 10 how to relate to kinds of devotees and all others.


Must run to bath.

Thank you.

Photo attached of man on way to Mangala arati.