ASA, $$$, 2023 Aug 1 - Sep 12

1 year, 3 months ago by hps in Special Category A

ASA - $$$

2023 Aug 1 - Sep 12

IN+/OUT- [Jan 1 to date]

USA-Assistance+ 609[3006]

Donations+ 106[2915]

Donations- 0[1181]

Printing- 48[52]

Bhoga- 97[224]

Supplies- 88[163]

Telephone- 216[251]

Travel- 40[526]

Occupancy- 40[420]

Postal- 0[19]


Cash + Bank+ 4024

A/C Payable- 52

TOTAL+ 3972

Full Morning Service - Current Kirtan Leader Schedule

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva 🙏🏻

Please, accept my humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

It [This] is the current schedule of devotees for leading kirtan on Full Morning Service:

● MONDAY: H. H. Hanumatpresaka Swami.

● TUESDAY: Govardhana das, Priya Sakhi devi dasi, Mitravinda devi dasi.

● WEDNESDAY: Yugala Kishora dasi, Jagad Guru das.

● THURSDAY: Karuna Mayi devi dasi, Caturatma das.

● FRIDAY: Abhinanda das, Deva Vrata das.

● SATURDAY: Isvari Radha devi dasi, Karuna Sakti devi dasi, Guru Govinda Dasi.

● SUNDAY: Candramukhi devi dasi, Parasurama Avatara das.

Thank you 🙏🏻

ASA/SUAC - AgtSP! paoho and sincere thanks. Everyone chanting or learning to chant with meaning!

Urgent! Kapi Dhvaja 30th August 2023

1 year, 4 months ago by Patrak das in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Dear Guru maharaja!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and All glories to you.

Please accept our humble obeisances. (PAOHO)

As of every two weeks:

* Bulletin is now upload on Facebook (English & Spanish), it is also in Google Groups (English & Spanish) as listed at:

Hare Krishna. I hope you are doing very well. I always pray for that. I am very happy and honoured with all your words and support with your answers. They keep us alive in every way.

We got a new computer!!! This last fortnight was interesting:

I resumed my thesis work in education. But first I have to take a course at the university, for about 2 months. I am also taking a diploma in educational management.

A few days ago I had an accident. I was getting on the bus when a lady stepped on my finger with her heel. I had to go to the clinic for a check-up and now for two weeks I won't be able to wear shoes or slippers.

HpS - I think you mean toe! In English is different word for 'dedos de pie', no?

TB/BW - How is Jivatma in baby body?

Ptrk- She is doing well. This Thursday she will be 10 months. She listens to maha mantra everyday.

We thanks a lot all you support and patience.

Your aspirant servants

EDT (Patrak das & Antuanette)

HpS / ASA - Brown, White and Prof. Gismo et al, are always endebted to your for your association!

We are adjusting the Kapi Dhvaja according to our age, and may really minimize it soon, yet if someone else wants to become Editor-in-Training, that might be a good thing.

You did not say how you got a new computer.

Just saving 25-cents every day???


It has been a long and very productive day.

Lord Nrsmha deva had 12-cups of popcorn cooked in his hot air cooker, four bananas mashed with salt and pepper, 1 cup of hot milk and finished everything with 4 cups of camomille tea and freshly squeezed apple juice from apples from our neighbor's tree!

Now we hope He is resting in His Yoga nidra!!

it is 9.03PM

Very tired, but happy.

Let us look at maybe one more letter.

Manuel's report 05-2023

1 year, 4 months ago by manuel in Special Category A

ALL GLORY TO SRILA PRABHUPADA!! and to his disciples like you who are determined to carry out the mission of Sri Caitanya at all times, places and circumstances.

We are going to divide this report into four parts:

1) DTC-UT INDIA PROGRESS: We have entered the final stage of the DTC-UT India edition: Pablo is incorporating all the suggestions you raised after the 2nd cut. Also, Raúl and Pablo are refining some scenes of the film based on the concepts of "water" and "fire" taken from Srimad Bhagavatam, by the mercy of Guru-Gauranga we hope to have it ready for Radhastami, any additional suggestions?

2) DEVELOPMENT OF THE NIOS-HISPÁNICO WEB PAGE: We have already had 6 work meetings, although at the beginning 10 members were summoned to participate in the end, those who participate in all the meetings are:

Professor Dolores Chávez (Lalita-gopi DD) / PhD in Language Sciences

Professor José Manrique (Jagat-pavitram D) / Electronic Engineer

Professor Diego Rodríguez de Ita / Doctoral student in Architecture

Karla Celdrán / Marketing expert

Professor Alejandro Salazar (Abhiram Thakur D) / Mathematician and SOLARIS Editor, and

Luis Celdrán León / Psychologist and CEO of Cleos Online, the company that is building the WEB. Here is a brief summary of the advanced points:

VALUE PROPOSAL: We are an educational institution with a singular perspective that serves as a bridge between the academic community and spirituality (science, psyche, and spirituality). Our goal for 2024 is to establish a community of 5,000 participants in the Hispanic world (We humbly ask for your blessings to be able to achieve this goal).

TARGET PUBLIC: Students and professors of the university field, in particular, of Human and Social Sciences. Specifically we want to connect with people who want to solve the riddle of Who am I? And how can I get a real sense of life? Currently our main focus of development is in Chile, Mexico and Peru.

COMMUNICATION CHANNELS: Website - Blog - SOLARIS Magazine - Podcast - Social Networks: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube and Twitter.

RELATIONS WITH THE TARGET PUBLIC: Conferences, Symposiums and face-to-face and virtual Workshops. We are a space for meditation and contemplation through artistic, cultural and academic activities.

3) CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EDITION OF PROFESSOR POLO'S BOOK: The book will be finished by the end of September, its title is: TRUTH AND KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORLD IN ANCIENT INDIA, he is asking H. H. HpS to write a short text on th"e importance of knowledge from Ancient India for NIOS, and for Professor Ravi Gupta (Radhika Raman D) to write an article on SABDA PRAMANA, the deadline is October 3rd, is that ok?

HpS-ASA - Thank you!

  1. How can the book be "finished by the end of September" is our "deadline is October 3rd"?
  2. I can understand "Knowledge of the World in Ancient India" but not "Truth of the World in...".
  3. "The Importance of Knowledge from Ancient India for NIOS" is a workable topic, but it would require time defining terms more precisely. How long is a "Short Text"?
  4. Radhika's topic, Shabda Praman, is like asking ArtD to write an article on Mathematics in Europe. It is very broad. Is Miguel thinking of something more specific?


4) DISTRIBUTION OF SOLARIS 7 IN INDIA: Thanks to the support of Dr. Mónica Campos (Head of Cancilleria of the Peruvian embassy in India) through diplomatic pouch we have already sent 10 SOLARIS No 7 Journals, they arrive in Delhi on the 6th September. Also mother Tarangaksi has brought 20 SOLARIS 7 Journals. She is now in Spain and will deliver five copies to Jayanta for Sankirtana in Spain and the other 15, when she arrives in India, will be sent to the address of Prof. Harsh Pradhana. . Finally, mother Mitravinda is taking 20 more copies of SOLARIS No 7, she arrives for Kartika in India and she will also send those copies to Prof. Harsh Pradhana. is OK?

I sincerely hope these points will be helpful in your Sankirtana for Srila Prabhupada's pleasure,



ASA (SAUC) - The Supreme Absolute Undifferentiated Commando of ASA is greatly pleased with this excellent report. Please send another, at least after one month.

Thank you!

You are a column in the substantiation of the universe!

[ASA Carnaval] - Reporte Pavitropana Ekadasi 2023

1 year, 4 months ago by asacarnaval in Special Category A

¡Hare Krsna! Guru Maharaja

por favor acepte nuestras entregadas reverencias

¡Todas las Glorias sean a nuestro muy misericordioso Fundador - Acarya, AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada!

Y todas las Glorias a sus fieles seguidores.

Orando siempre para que se encuentre en buena salud

asa - salud mental???

salud. . . .

...y con energía favorable para su sankirtan,

le estamos muy agradecidos por sus esfuerzos para mantenernos conectados al Guru ParamPara, oramos para ser capaces de aprovechar tanta misericordia que recibimos de usted. 🙏


Escribo como parte del equipo de ASA Carnaval, para enviar nuestro reporte de actividades:

*Continuamos transmitiendo las clases sabatinas de Prabhu Upendra y usted.

*También hemos agregado al canal de youtube las clases que usted ha dado para ParthSarthi Foundation (Houston)

*En los canales de FB y Youtube los usuarios podrán encontrar una lista de reproducción con algunas clases de Srila Prabhupada (Ingles - Español)


*Tenemos pendiente coordinar con Abhirama Thakura Prabhu, cómo podríamos colaborar para la difusión y resguardo de las grabaciones de Santa Eulalia.

asa - el libro KRSNA.

*Lentamente continuamos con el trabajo de indización y respaldo en la plataforma de youtube.

***Guru Maharaja, en su respuesta a nuestra carta anterior usted dijo: “Esperamos que el mismo trabajo esté sucediendo para Srila Prabhupada seis veces más fuertemente que para nosotros”…

Con el deseo de atender su instrucción, sus sirvientes ASA Carnaval, estamos proponiendo realizar una serie de Talleres prácticos, con el apoyo de la Dra. Radhika Devi Dasi (México) donde se tratarían problemáticas cotidianas y su resolución basada en las instrucciones de Srila Prabhupada, teniendo como eje diferentes libros de nuestro Acarya.

asa - eg. stri dharma, sannyasa dharma en SB/CC etc.

Por otra parte; hemos pensado que quizá, con apoyo de otros miembros de ASA, podríamos realizar lecturas en línea, quizá diarias de máximo 5 minutos, sobre el Prabhupada Lilamrita. (Aunque esta propuesta requiere de análisis debido a los derechos de autor)

asa - spanish bbt, aravinda das

Por favor Gurudeva, ¿A usted le gustaría sugerirnos alguna forma en la que podamos contribuir directamente en la misión de Srila Prabhupada? Estaremos muy agradecidos por su misericordiosa guía.

asa - comienza con diferentes cosas cortas. clips of lilamrta. illustrating different oraciones. leyendo libro KRSNA en modo srrealista...

Por ahora esos son nuestros pequeños esfuerzos, muchas gracias por su paciencia.


Enlaces de contacto:

Plataformas 💻

Para mejorar su búsqueda consulte:

Correo:📨 [email protected]

Equipo coordinador:

Isvari Radha Devi Dasi / Abhinanda Das / Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi


Hasta aquí nuestro reporte actual, por favor disculpe las fallas. Muchas gracias por mantenernos entusiastas en la misión de Srila Prabhupada.

Siempre a sus órdenes, su aspirante a sirviente

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

ASA Carnaval



Full Morning Service - Current Kirtan Leader Schedule

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva 🙏🏻

Please, accept my humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

This is the current schedule of devotees for leading kirtan on Full Morning Service:

● MONDAY: H. H. Hanumatpresaka Swami.

● TUESDAY: Govardhana das, Priya Sakhi devi dasi, Mitravinda devi dasi.

● WEDNESDAY: Yugala Kishora dasi, Jagad Guru das.

● THURSDAY: Tarangaksi devi dasi, Caturatma das.

● FRIDAY: Abhinanda das, Deva Vrata das.

● SATURDAY: Isvari Radha devi dasi, Karuna Sakti devi dasi, Guru Govinda Dasi.

● SUNDAY: Candramukhi devi dasi, Parasurama Avatara das.

Priya Sakhi devi dasi and Guru Govinda Dasi have been added to the list of leaders.

Two more devotees are yet to confirm their participation as well.

I have been sharing with the leaders devotees your instructions about kirtan: They have to learn word by word meaning of Sri Sri Guru Astakam and have to maintain a regular Brahma muhurta program.

Thank you 🙏🏻

Your aspiring servant:

Mitravinda dd.

tb/asa - hare krsna!!!! hare krsna..... if the building has a good foundation it will naturally become amazing, no?