Pamho. PabloParikrama.


Agt Nitay y Gauranga!
Please accept my humble obeisances! 
Hare Krsna Maharaja, I am Bhakta pablo of Parikrama from Spain. 
I hope You are very well in all aspects when you receive this letter. And I hope that Krsna give many blessings and protection. 
I wanted to comment that I was talking with 24 Kirtan Mayapur, for the requirement, few problems if there is continuous chanting, but I think maybe it´s better when my duties are done, (what is your opinion?). 

ASA - Don't  know?

I remain firm with the idea of dedicating a Sankirtana traveler, (it's okay for me?) Is good for a devotee like me use book distribution for to keep me ?? 
        ASA - Could be. Have to know the details!

Soon will be the Vyasa-puja of Jayapataka Maharaja, and as you know I love him a lot too, (you 2 have my heart) and I would like to write this year by Vyasa-puja as well-wisher and want ask  to accept my be my Siksa-guru, is it correct that prompted this?,  You reviewer?, looks it good, my request is correct?? .... The truth, not know how it goes...

    ASA - Of course, is very nice.

Few days ago I read a very nice Bhakti Caru Maharaja text in which he spoke that in Krsna consciousness one can ask questions about Krsna, God, without being ugly and not as in other religions .. etc, Prabhupada said "ask, I have the answer "and so, and at the end says" Just like a subject has to be Studied Systematically Following specific books, under the guidance of qualified teachers, This process has to be Studied also Following a specific syllabus under the guidance of the qualified . teachers ", my question is please, which means" Studied Following a specific syllabus ... "?? 

           ASA - It may be this idea of Bhakti Sastri, Bhakti vaibhava, Bhakti vedanta that Srila Prabhupada suggested. Look at the Introduction to SB you will see life of Lord Caitanya and Prabhupada says that he doesn't include all the discussions between Lord Caitanya and Ramananda Raya because they are for more advanced devotees.

Thank you so much for everything Maharaja, and forgive me for so long robe. 
At His feet. 
Bhakta Paul. 
Hare Krsna.

More news!!! Guru tattva.

Hare Krsna Maharaja!

Agt Srila Prabhupa! Please Accept my humble obeisances.

Thank you for answer my above questions... All clear. The last question I wrote, was about my service. I am going to trying to write it in english: I keep on 16 rounds for day, and keep on regulations but sometimes the service its hard for me.. because it is difficult to link up the action to serve with the cause, Krsna . I have a fixed service in the pujari.. like an assistant of pujari all wednesday during the morning and sometimes its difficult to me thinking that I do it for Krsna... How can I improve that? That is the pending question of the last time.

HpS - Well, AGTSP paoho. It seems that it should be natural. The Deity IS Krsna, so adjusting His clothes for example is service to Him. But service to the Deity as a person requires to be in a little bit advanced position. First we can realize Krsna is a person by hearing about Him and talking about Him. Then we can realize His Form, the Deity, then His characteristics. (NOI 7-8).

Play a nice Kirtan or chant while you work.

On the other hand, today i am very happy because yesterday in Gaura Purnima, I had Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy to be in the altar in front of deities for the first time. I was making all the decoration for a few hours and it was amazing. I was thinking in Krsna all the time inevitably. Also you was there in that beautiful moment for me, because there were a disciple of you, serving to Gaura Nitai and he had your picture. And that was fantastic. I think that maybe Nityananda Prabhu are show me something that I had been asked him for several times... something about who should to be my gurudeva... but maybe its just a coincidence.... (I dont think so) :B

Attach a Gaura Nitai's photo I took them, yesterday!

Thank you for share your rounds by japa joe.. it is a very nice inspiration for me

Your aspirant of servant,

Bhaktin Belen from Bs As. Argentina.

HpS - ASA --- Ha! Ha! Ha! . . .Son los oraciones del Satyavrata Maharaja. Son SUPER. Uno de los mejores descripciones de Guru en La Biblioteca Bhaktivedanta.


Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



Just a quick report yesterday Gaura Purnima festival in Chosik was just wonderful

The deities were so beautiful, we had fire sacrifice, abhishek , dance, drama, maha prasadam, sadhu sanga… just wonderful, we were meditating the whole day on the fortunate that we are to have U as our Gurumaharaja who is always worried about how to help us to get out of this entanglement ¡¡¡  I aspire to be some day like U when U say that U feel always happy ¡¡¡ That is why U do not belong to this world anymore ¡¡¡¡ U just continue here to help us, Thank  U for all iur concern

I was with Gaura Nitai from Wilson the whole day meditating on Their mercy upon us.. And thinking about what may please Them the most , all devotees in CHosik were very happy to have Them as the Special Guests of the festival.

We had abhishek for our personal deities there so that everybody may participate in the abhishek ¡¡¡ It was just wonderful

We receive some gifts for our golden donkey it was really nice to spend our birthday in chosik with all devotees, deities etc

I had some reports from devotees who asked me to give U the following messages:

Rupa Gosai das: He has decided to commit his life to study and preach no more leaving in temples he want to become a bhaktivedanta ¡¡no for ego but to please SP and his GM he humbly request iur blessings

Priyasakhi dd (peru) Is doing the manual that U told her

And this is for me yesterday Guruvrata das renewed his vows as second initiated devotee. I know that U appreciate him a lot so I just wanted to tell U that

Palika dd gave me a ride to my place along with Caturatma, Parvati and Patraka ¡¡¡¡ Very nice friends I  have I feel so fortunate

Thank U Gurudeva again and again ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Always trying to be iur disciple

Candramukhi dd 

HpS - Thank you for the news, so much. Why should we even visit Peru if we have such nice news reports. Guru-vrata, Rupa-gosai! Gaura-nitai's hair was too long. Ha! Ha! Ha!

Lokanatha Das told us that Jadurani told him that Prabhupada tolder her that Krsna's hair should never be longer than His shoulders and always behind the ears. (Gauranga's also?).

Was a very, colorful looking festival!

A Little Sankhya

10 years, 10 months ago by hps in Special Category A

On Monday, March 24, 2014 10:54 AM, Sujata Srikanteswaran <[email protected]> wrote:

Hare Krsna Dear Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga and Srila Prabhupada.

I have a question regarding this verse : What does "The embodiment seen on the eyeballs is called the adhibhautic person" mean. Can you please explain this to me.

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 2.10.8

yo 'dhyātmiko 'yaḿ puruṣaḥ

so 'sāv evādhidaivikaḥ

yas tatrobhaya-vicchedaḥ

puruṣo hy ādhibhautikaḥ


yaḥ — one who; adhyātmikaḥ — is possessed of the sense organs; ayam — this; puruṣaḥ — personality; saḥ — he; asau — that; eva — also; adhidaivikaḥ — controlling deity; yaḥ — that which; tatra — there; ubhaya — of both; vicchedaḥ — separation; puruṣaḥ — person; hi — for; ādhibhautikaḥ — the visible body or the embodied living entity.


The individual person possessing different instruments of senses is called the adhyātmic person, and the individual controlling deity of the senses is called adhidaivic. The embodiment seen on the eyeballs is called the adhibhautic person.

Thank you,



HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. This is a great question for our Blog: I will post it all there. We get 500 letters/month without the use of the Blog, but when the questions and answers go public there we get only 150, manageable for  a lazy guy like us.

We are the Atma, we have eyes, ears etc.

The Deities who control all the eyes in the universe are the Daiva person. Like all the fire in the universe is the body of the 49-fire gods. They have a big body. As we control this big personal body made of many cells they control the Body of Fire in the universe as there body and the fire in our bodies is like cells of that.

Then there is the Bhautic or gross world. And that is the things we feel with our hands and the things we see with our eyes.



Haré krishna!!

por estos días estamos organizando los cursos que deberían tomar los líderes de bhakti Vriksa durante este año.

si todo resulta bien el currículum para este año sería:

bhakti-Sastri VTE

comunicaciones VTE

facilitacion I y II. VTE

liderazgo y administración VTE

curso de discípulos  VTE. 

Quedaria pendiente para el 2015  los siguientes cursos. 

Cauching, resolución de conflictos, mediación y asuntos matrimoniales y familiares. 

A mitad de febrero estaremos trabajando en establecer Visión y Misión para el proyecto de educación en Chile. 

Desde marzo incluir más personas para completar el equipo de trabajo 

segundo semestre de este año quizás partir con una escuelita de fin de semana. 


Madhumangala das.

                     HpS - Jaya!  TlgaSP.   pfanrh.  Descupla la demurra responder. Puede ver la problema, no? Fuerte, presion de viaje a India! Ya, despues de una semana en USA estamos de salud, energia normal. Sus cursos aparecen super.

Esperamos hablar con Rama-giri-dhari Das 12-19 Marzo acerca de Ministry of Education (MOE) y Sud America. Hay mucho interes de Lima tambien. Tambien Jayapataka Swami por Ekanatha Gaura Das tiene mucho interes en organizar cosas en terminos de MOE.

Mucho oportunidad!!

Esperamos mas noticias durante proxima dias.  Reunion 12-19th en Houston.

Study Guide Presentations

10 years, 10 months ago by balabhadra dasa in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Maharaja, please kindly accept my most humble obeisances; All glories to his divine grace, Srila Prabhupada; All glories to your tireless efforts in the service of Sri Sri Guru & Gauranga.

We gathered this evening for kirtan and prasadam in my home, as we do every Saturday afternoon/evening: Sri Hari, Sriman Chandra prabhu and myself.  After the kirtan we had some lively Krishna katha discussing some highlights from the Sriman Bhagavatam, and then I had inquired about next weekend, seeing as how it is Gaura Purnima Sunday.  Then his grace, Sri Hari prabhu gives me this outrageous request to present some sort of study guide on the pastimes of Lord Chaitanya, perhaps from the Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat in honor of the occasion.  

I have only 2 books of the Chaitanya Bhagavat, but what really bothers me is that I was NEVER any good in writing any sort of term paper.  In fact, it was always a painstaking, devastating task for me to compile such things, throughout all of my high school years and on into my one year of college.  I felt trapped and helpless at Sri Hari's suggestion because of his sincerity, and I didn't know how to offer some sort of refusal, so I accepted the service, but not without great anxiety due to my weakness.  

If I am going to really do this service in a nice way it will only be because of your blessings.  So, is it alright if I do this service, given my ignorance and weakness?  If you give your blessings, then I can attempt this task with the hope that all the devotees will be pleased.  I anxiously await your reply: Hare Krishna.

Your lowly servant,

Balabhadra dasa

                    ASA-Monkey --- AGTSP. Esteemed "lowly servant", thank you for your letter, it is so nice. Are you starting a Reading Group?  If it is just three people them you don't need much of Study Guides. What might work better is for everyone to read, take notes and then compare notes when you get together. Then one Secretary and  collect and type the Notes.

Of course, it can be even easier. Don't even read a fixed assignment in advance, just read when you get together and keep Notes.

O.K???  Whoop!  Whoop!