Joining Twitter

Hare Krsna Gurudev 

Dandavat pranam at your lotus feet.

Gurudev kindly accept my request in your Twitter account.

As ur Twitter seems to be protected .

I lost access to my old account, so I have sent through a new account.

I hope to follow ur tweets.

Hare krishna.


HpS/ASA - Thank, agtSP, you! We don't get any notification when someone applies. We blocked it because we were afraid that someone was hacking the links.

We looked and found abount five applications.

We approved you and Lalita Gopi [?] and Lalita madhava and disapproved, Satan [no joke] and on Sunil who we didn't recognize. Hope tells us who he is and trys again.

Urgente úrgente

1 year ago by kazzymiro@ in Special Category A

Hare Kṛṣṇa Gurvdeva

Por favor acepte mis reverencias

Al escribir esta carta estoy desobedeciendo a mi hermano mayor Akincana Kṛṣṇa Dāsa, su discípulo iniciado, como ya le había mencionado en una carta anterior lo lleve a Jalisco (México) con su familia porque está muy enfermo, el no ha querido que nadie se entere de su estado y me pidió discreción, pero no puedo hacerlo Mahārāja, es la tercera vez que lo internan en el hospital en el transcurso de un mes, ahora se complicó con hongos en los pulmones, aunque él no quiere que nadie sepa, creo que UD. y nuestros hermanos Vaiṣṇavas son los indicados para orar a Śrī Kṛṣṇa por Él, para que lo que elija Kṛṣṇa le resulte favorable, nadie mejor que UD para orar por mi hermano.

Estoy tratando de hacer un mejor Sadhana por él.

Ojalá los Devotos reunidos puedan orar también por él.

Todas las Glorias Mahārāja.

Jaya Śrīla Prabhupāda


Hare Kṛṣṇa Gurvdeva

Please accept my obeisances

By writing this letter I am disobeying my older brother Akincana Kṛṣṇa Dāsa, your initiated disciple, as I had already mentioned in a previous letter, I took him to Jalisco (Mexico) with his family because he is very sick,

HpS - We haven't read that in a previous letter. Maybe we haven't read it yet.

He did not want anyone to find out of his condition and asked me for discretion, but I cannot do it Mahārāja, it is the third time that he has been admitted to the hospital in the course of a month, now he has complications with fungus in the lungs, although he does not want anyone to know, I think YOU and our Vaiṣṇava brothers are the ones indicated to pray to Śrī Kṛṣṇa for Him, so that whatever Kṛṣṇa chooses will be favorable to Him. There is no one better than YOU to pray for my brother.

I am trying to do better Sadhana for him.

Hopefully the gathered Devotees can also pray for him.

All Glories Mahārāja.

Jaya Srila Prabhupada

HpS - Thank you. We can take this as Krsna's instruction to pray for him. Of course, we pray that he can take full advantage of this disease that Krsna is sending him to advance in his service to Goloka Radha-Krsna.

Thank you for informing us.

If you are in contact with him. Please tell to keep us informed of his situation as much as he can.

We love him very much, as do many people, and always want him to be healthy to continue his wonderful Sankirtan!!!

Thank you.

[ASA Carnaval] - some questions

1 year ago by asacarnaval in Special Category A

¡Hare Krsna!

Querido Gurudeva, por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias

Todas las Glorias sean a nuestro Fundador-Acarya, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Todas las Glorias a la trascendental biblioteca Bhaktivedanta y Todas las glorias sean a usted que nos ocupa en esta orquesta trascendental.

Orando a nuestras Señorías porque le otorguen plena protección. Escribo como parte del equipo ASA Carnaval. Le agradecemos por llevarnos en línea cada FMS. Jaya Hari Prabhu y Unmada-vidhayini dd mataji han compartido con todos nosotros fotos y videos de su visita a Houston.

Gurudeva, en el más reciente Kapi Dhvaja usted mencionó “Hope to start working on ASA Encyclopedia with The Carnival.” Por favor, háganos saber ¿de qué manera podemos participar?

HpS - Can you, agtSP, download the current edition of the Encyclopedia at: and then see if you can open it and understand how it is organized?

Thank you.

Por otra parte, hemos leído la actualización del calendario en Por favor permítanos consultarle:

Respecto al 17 de diciembre - Aniversario harinama y sannyasa diksa de SS HpSwami. ¿Cuáles son las actividades y la meditación correcta que deberíamos tener los discípulos para ese día?


  1. You might read about Srila Prabhupada's Harinama/Gayatri Diksa and Sannyasa Diksa in the Lilamrta or one volume biography of Srila Prabhupada.
  2. Send a few ideas about your Diksa and becoming a Goswami either informally for a lady or formally for a man, and what experiences you have had following those vows.
  3. Ask us some question about our experiences and following our Mantra and Ashrama vows?

Y en relación al 11 de enero - celebración del Vyasa Puja (español) en línea. Nos gustaría preguntarle ¿Se realizarán diferentes transmisiones (como el año anterior) o será una sola para todos los hispano hablantes? En cualquier caso, nos gustaría saber si podemos contribuir de algún modo.

HpS - Sundara radhika Devi Dasi made a Whatsapp group for devotees to communicate about the Vyasapuja festival. I think if you just filter the Posts for Calendar Development you can find it. You can ask there.

I have not heard of a Spanish language subgroup, but maybe one exists.

I expect she, others, will post some scheduled for the events pretty soon. If they don't then Monkey/Piggy will start posting.

In general, we think the 11th should be like 10am - 11pm. Some devotees will be live in Srinivasa Das and Mataji's house and we can announce the online link.

General purpose is to glorify the Parampara from Krsna to you.

Querido Guru Maharaja, muchas gracias por mantenernos ocupados en este trascendental carnaval. Esperamos poder ser herramientas útiles a vuestro servicio.

Siempre a sus órdenes

Su aspirante a discípula

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

(ASA Carnaval - Equipo Coordinador: Abhinanda Das / Isvari Radha DD / Karuna-Sakti DD)

HpS/ASA - Can Abhinandana Das send some news to the Blog? How does he spend his days? What are his realizations in devotional service?

My Journey to Krishna

1 year, 1 month ago by mraasdas in Special Category A

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga,

It is not appropriate for an ordinary practitioner to write about his own life. But on the instruction of His Holiness Hanumat Preshak Swami, as a service to him, I write this Blog.

HpS/ASA - All of the followers of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are so powerful that any one of them can deliver Krsna to whomever they meet. AgtSP. Paoho.

I was born in fairly religious North-Indian family and I remember the early days of my life, in Delhi, when my grandmother would take me to few Satsang programs with her. I was too young to absorb anything there, being a toddler.

I observed even my father sometimes chanting holy names of Lord Rama. He would also tell us the food we ate was supplied by Lord Vishnu. But, the family was hardly ritualistic. I saw them sitting in front of laminations of gods only once a year, the day of Deepawali.

I also had a religious bent and was a natural believer in God along with my weaknesses. I would chant daily prayers to Hanumanaji (Hanumana Chalisa) for many years. I had sensual weaknesses right from childhood and was attracted to girls and crave for money and fame. All good and bad mixed, I grew up with ambitions for my carrier and worked hard to rise for material success. I did well in my academics to secure always a top position in junior college days in Delhi. There was no space for spiritual inquiries and practices, except on festival days.

When I reached my Bachelors degree course in Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, my dream college, I was still obsessed with the desire to attain prestige and money. But in the competitive environment, I would find myself tiny and insufficient.

Despondent, I was no more a topper here and lost interest in going far in my professional carrier.

It was becoming harder and harder with every step in the world of glamour and cut throat competition.

I didn't ( and don't ) look attractive and have always been very poor in flirting, so never thought of having a girlfriend.

Therefore, the material life was gradually slipping away. Krishna was preparing me for some sort of surrender.

HpS/ASA - How many of us are echoing your history like 97%! 🙂

Right when I had been becoming disappointed in my life, Krishna sent His devotees to my room in the hostel, IIT Kharagpur. They pulled me from frustrations and despondency I then faced for my inabilities to make big in material life.

Srila Prabhupada entered my life through his books - the devotees gave me.

I was finding refuge and solace in them.

I remember I would read for hours everyday to feel peace of mind. Devotees' love healed my wounds of frustrations. Srila Prabhupad's books and devotees words combined showed me goals I could be ambitious about with no more competition and envy.

I could be peaceful while pursuing the spiritual goals.

There was no comparisons, no envy, no unhealthy competitions. I was a fit. I would take shelter of Srila Prabhupada's books and the chanting of the Holy names of the Lord attentively.

I realized peace of mind and happiness, that I had never known, in Krishna conscious practices. All questions I had met with satisfactory answers.

By the time I graduated, my consciousness had taken roots in Krishna consciousness and I was no more interested in making a professional carrier, earning money and even in girls.

ASA - Not even Srimati Radharani and the Gopis? 😎

These were exciting days because I was finding freedom from material desires and experiencing deeper insights into Krishna consciousness.

Since, now in this phase, I happily lost interest in material prosperity, I gave up my job in a Multinational company that was planning to post me to France for a project. I was not sure I would be able to maintain my 'consciousness' in France, while being away from devotees, I decided to quit. I decided to join Brahmachari ashram as a full time monk in Kolkata.

The decision to quit job and join Brahmachari ashram was also aided by the fellow devotees who had also graduated with me from IIT Kharagpur and had also quitted their jobs to join ashram.

The next phase, life in Brahmachari ashram was very very thrilling. It was a very disciplined life. Practicing austerities in a disciplined environment with my devotee friends was too good. This is the best phase of my life. I would sleep with satisfaction and rise with excitement. I was in a frame of mind prepared to do any service with happiness. This is when I also received formal initiation from my eternal father - His Holiness Radhanath Swami.

When in Kolkata, I was told to preach to young college students. I spent time travelling to colleges and meeting, talking with boys for about 7 years (my last assignment in IIT (ISM) Dhanbad).

Later in 2016, I stopped youth preaching in the colleges and started taking my studies of scriptures seriously. I did my Bhakti shastri and Bhakti Vaibhav and later became a teacher for the same. I now teach Bhakti Shastri and Bhakti Vaibhav while doing myself Bhakti Vedanta from Mayapur Institute.

I came in touch with His Holiness Hanumat Preshak Swami during one of the classes of Bhakti Vedanta. I feel very fortunate that Maharaj is compassionate on me and considers me worthy of his mercy.

I live in Kolkata now preaching to families here and teaching Bhakti Shastri courses. I will be happy to serve the devotees if I could. I can be reached out at :

[email protected]

Maha Raas Das ( ISKCON Kolkata)

HpS/ASA - So nice. To our perception ISKCON is heading into Phase Three:

  1. They will laugh at you.
  2. They will attack you and try to destroy you.
  3. They will become interested and want to learn from you.

In Phase One we have to appreciate ridicule, in two we have to duck a lot, in three we have to actually know how to guide nations and the world in practical situations. Chapter Three of BG, vrtti, professional devotional service.

  • Political Science - Danda Veda.
  • Architecture, City Planning - Vastu Veda.
  • Medicine - Ayurveda.
  • Singing, Dancing and Drama - Gandharva Veda, Lord Caitanya's path!!!
  • Etc

All success to Sriman Maha Rasa Das in developing his Sankirtan in Bhagavata Dharma and Daivi-varna-ashrama-dharma!!! Hoping to send other posts to this ASA community as they develop!

enjoying the holy name

1 year, 1 month ago by harsh_horse in Special Category A

Hare Krsna, Gurudeva.


We will be quick so that your bodily eyes are not strained.

We request you to use speech to text for writing replies.

HpS - Thank you. Send more suggestions as they occur. Takes more energy for us speak than type. That is why we don't talk on phone too much.

"We think we are enjoying holy name, can you write in detail for humanity and us --

how do we serve holy name? what are ways we can enjoy holyname ?"

ASA - Serve Holy Name by Chanting, He.

HK HK KK HH... !!!

With attention and meaning!! Meeening!

"Oh, Radha, please pray to Rama/Krsna to help us with our Sankirtan".






2) We don't want to enjoy the Holy Names, no? Serve them.

Chant more clearly. Chant louder. Chant and Dance.

Do some Karma yoga while we chant. Eg. Cook for Krsna while you chant. Chant while you draw. Chant from your heart while your mind plans. Play recording while you answer mail.

trying to be Das of (Hayagriva Avatar) or ( just HpS Swami and parampara).

HpS/ASA - Trying to follow your examples in many ways. What do you think of Ganesha? Thank you for all the ISKCON India work!!!!!!!


Urgent! Kapi Dhvaja 26th novemeber 2023

1 year, 1 month ago by Patrak das in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Dear Guru maharaja!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and All glories to you.

Please accept our humble obeisances. (PAOHO)

As of every two weeks:

* Bulletin is now upload on Facebook (English & Spanish), it is also in Google Groups (English & Spanish) as listed at:

Hare Krishna!!! I hope you are doing ok. I pray everyday for that.

As always I am trying to keep my sadhana sane, I get up at 4:30am to start my day. I try to finish all my round before noon, which is most of the time difficult. Reading and worship everyday.

My health is ok, I turned twelve years after being transplanted. My doctor told me again to be prepared if something happened. I don't have any symptoms that show any failure, but i am aware of the situation.

Things at school are pretty good. Next year I will be responsible for secondary level, I will be with the 9th grade. Next week we will present our play "Who we are". This play is a collective creation of the students and the teacher.

HpS - AgtSP. Wonderful. We are in Peru when we hear from you. We remember Sanatana Goswami saying that every cowherd boy thinks that he is KRSNA's closest friend. he is disturbed, confused, by this. he thinks that KRSNA has so many other friends who are so much more sincere than he is, more competent. Yet, he sees that KRSNA comes to him again and again with confidence!

We remember Sanatana Goswami saying that every cowherd boy thinks that he is KRSNA's closest friend, and then commenting that.... by the nature of the internal potency it is a fact.

Harvard, Oxford, San Marcos, they all fall or rise depending on your service to KRSNA at Waldorf School, Lima, no? 🙂

I really appreciate and thank you for doing this bulletin.

I was thinking maybe you can publish it once a month.

HpS - Your advice is worth $200/word!

We started it like May 1979, so maybe May 2024, 45-years later, it is time to send it to Goloka, or turn it over to anyone who wants to take Sannyasa from HpS/Uncle Gismo et al.

Thank you so much.

EDT (Patrak das & Antuanette)

HpS = Thank you all!!! How is your nephew??