Diksa Guru

ASA[E] Guru-tattva.. Diksa guru retires.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to your enormous service.

I hope you get much better health.

HpS - Our donkey's health is pretty good for 75-years old.

Had littel fever, probably just like you, but recovered quickly.

Hearing, sight, memory are like 40% gone. That won't come back in this life time. It is good. We want to stop watching the movie of mangos and pick real mangos for Krsna!

Would be nice if we died right after sending this letter and you died right after reading it and then we both took birth in Nabadvipa with Nimai, no!!!

We remain firm with all our vows and also with the service in the initiation committee, I wanted to apologize for my mistake in misunderstanding the words in English, I will strive to improve, in fact I am practicing English with a devotee of the Indian community 🙏.

HpS - Your English is better than my Spanish! 😄

In December we helped aspiring devotees for Hari nama initiation and brahminical initiation of Jayapataka Maharaja, we had a very good association with older devotees.

HpS/ASA - Such a nice service!

My letter is mainly addressed to you to tell you about Bhakta Carlos Rold, a devotee of many years who has always felt very enthusiastic about everything related to making your sankirtan grow.

I am a witness of how he has made an effort to qualify and prepare himself.

For a year now, he has been following the four regulative principles, maintaining his sadhana, connecting to FMP, doing practical service in the Iskcon Chile temple, singing its 16 rounds (he tells me that when he cannot finish them, he sings them the next day, adding to the corresponding ones),

he has also approved [passed] the Disciples course and is about to finish the Introduction to Bhakti yoga course.

Also Bhakta Lucciano Macchiavello would also like to formalize his entire process in a certain way, he tells me that he has known you for more than 17 years and that no one like you has understood it, he has never stopped following your institution of donating milk and butter for the deity.

Gurudeva an important question, do you think in the future granting formal Refuge and possible initiation to Bhakta Carlos Rold and perhaps formal refuge to Bhakta Lucciano Macchiavello?, Both devotees have been following his instructions for years.

Your would-be servant

Manjuali Devi Dasi

Santiago de Chile

HpS - Maybe even more than a year ago we decided that we are too old to give any more 1st initiation. The Diksa guru takes Karma. It is a job, and it is a job for a young man. Last time we did it. Few months ago. We felt really crushed.


However, that does not mean that we cannot be Guru's for Carlitos or Machaivelli.

In Srila Bhaktivinode's 'Jaiva Dharma' one fictional Sannyasi, saint, Babba Mahasai, is preaching, teaching, guiding a young man from Kolkata when he visits Nabadvipa.

Then Bobba Mahasaya tells him that he is ready for initiation, but that he, Bobba Mahasaya is 90-years old and that if he initiates him, he will die, so they should go and see Vaisnava Thakura Bobba who is only 75-years old.

Young man. 😃

VTB says that it is an honor to do the ritual if BM recommends The Young Man (35-years old).

So, that is what we feel.

Carlos and Machiavelli are our friends!

What more can we want!!?

It is an honor if we can be their friends and counselors always.

We are recommending Yadunandana Swami in Spain as a very nice Diksa guru. Radha Krsna Das in Houston.


[ASA Carnaval] – Comentarios ASA-e.doc

¡Hare Krsna! Querido Gurudeva, Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

Todas las Glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada y a su trascendental Biblioteca Bhaktivedanta

Orando para que la energía de su cuerpo se restablezca y favorezca al incansable Sankirtan que usted ofrece a nuestro Divino Acarya y agradeciendo todos los esfuerzos que usted realiza para involucrarnos en su servicio.🙇

Escribo como parte del equipo de ASA Carnaval, en relación a ASA-Encyclopedia:

Luego de su respuesta a nuestra carta reciente, descargamos el archivo, lo revisamos y tuvimos una pequeña reunión.


Comprensión general

*De manera general, observamos que el contenido es claro y accesible.

*El prefacio fue de especial ayuda, para comprender -hasta cierto punto- la estructura de análisis de esta ASA Enciclopedia. Aunque a lo largo del contenido, no observamos la clasificación de los artículos, que se menciona en este prefacio.

*De acuerdo con el documento, la última revisión es febrero 2021, así que hicimos una búsqueda rápida en el blog y observamos que varias publicaciones no han sido incluidas.



Por otra parte, surgieron algunas dudas como: ¿a qué público está dirigida esta ASA – Enciclopedia? Lo que nos ayudaría a comprender ¿Cuál es la finalidad? Asimismo, tenemos entendido que además de SS Hanumatpresaka Swami, Tom Brown, Buck White, Guy Gismo, hay otros colaboradores, de ser así ¿En qué casos participan? y ¿Cuáles son las directrices para hacerlo?



Desde nuestra perspectiva, detectamos algunas posibilidades de mejora (Como aclarar los detalles antes mencionados) o aspectos a tener en consideración (como la vigencia de los vínculos a plataformas externas) y también identificamos algunas posibilidades en las que su equipo ASA Carnaval, podría contribuir (como la actualización del documento).

Concluimos que tenemos algunas dudas generales del enfoque (la dirección) que usted desea dar a esta ASA Enciclopedia, por lo que; si a usted le parece bien, quizá podríamos tener un encuentro en línea con Usted, para despejar estas dudas de manera que nosotros podamos intentar contribuir, siguiendo claramente el mismo enfoque. 

Sin más por el momento, quedamos atentos agradeciendo su misericordiosa instrucción y guía.

¡Jaya Srila Prabhupada!

Siempre a sus órdenes, su aspirante a discípula

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

ASA Carnaval

PD- En la reunión podríamos participar los tres coordinadores de ASA Carnaval - Abhinanda Das - Isvari Radha DD y Karuna-Sakti DD.


Hare Krishna! Dear Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances.

All Glories be to Srila Prabhupada and his transcendental Bhaktivedanta Library.

Praying that the energy of your body is restored and favors the tireless Sankirtan that you offer to our Divine Acarya and thanking you for all the efforts you make to involve us in his service.🙇

HpS/ASA - AgtSP!!! Paoh... every day we see newer and newer failures in the body, but newer and newer eternal advances in our humble intelligence.

The same for you?

I write as part of the ASA Carnaval team, in relation to ASA-Encyclopedia:

Following your response to our recent letter, we downloaded the file, reviewed it, and had a small meeting.

 General understanding

*In general, we observe that the content is clear and accessible.

*The preface was especially helpful to understand - to a certain extent - the analysis structure of this ASA Encyclopedia. Although throughout the content, we do not observe the classification of articles, which is mentioned in this preface.

*According to the document, the last revision is February 2021, so we did a quick search on the blog and noticed that several posts have not been included.


On the other hand, some doubts arose such as: to whom is this ASA – Encyclopedia aimed? What would help us understand: What is the purpose? Likewise, we understand that in addition to H. H. Hanumatpresaka Swami, Tom Brown, Buck White, Guy Gismo, there are other collaborators, if so, in which cases are they involved? And what are the guidelines for doing so?

ASA = Very nice.



From our perspective, we detected some possibilities for improvement (such as clarifying the aforementioned details) or aspects to take into consideration (such as the validity of links to external platforms) and we also identified some possibilities in which your ASA Carnaval team could contribute ( such as updating the document).

We conclude that we have some general doubts about the approach (direction) you wish to give to this ASA Encyclopedia, so; If it seems good to you, perhaps we could have an online meeting with you, to clear up these doubts so that we can try to contribute, clearly following the same approach.

Without further ado for the moment, we remain attentive and grateful for your merciful instruction and guidance.

Jaya Srila Prabhupada!

Always at his command, his aspiring disciple

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

ASA Carnival

PS- The three coordinators of ASA Carnaval could participate in the meeting - Abhinanda Das - Isvari Radha DD and Karuna-Sakti DD.

Today's SB Class

1 year ago by hps in Special Category A

[1/2/2024 8:47 AM] Harilila: Hare krsna Maharaj 

Pamho. Agtsp.

Excellent class. So much information. How can I digest?

Can you text me the reference you made from 1st canto about similar question?

[1/2/2024 3:53 PM] HpS/ASA: Chini Desa, Sugar Land, Where Radha Gokulananda's sweet smiles shake the hearts of all the devotees?

https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/2/8/7/ is what I think asks that question. I could not research it in detail, but I certainly remember the same question in Pada padma.

Thank you.

Urgent! Kapi Dhvaja 26th December 2023

1 year ago by Patrak das in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Dear Guru maharaja!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and All glories to you.

Please accept our humble obeisances. (PAOHO)

As of every two weeks:

* Bulletin is now upload on Facebook (English & Spanish), it is also in Google Groups (English & Spanish) as listed at: http://www.jayarama.us/hello.htm

Hare Krishna!!! I hope you are doing ok. I pray everyday for that.

I read about all your health problems and You inspire me to continue on this path despite health problems.

My health is ok. Still I can do my sadhana. My family is ok . My niece (Aitana) is doing great, she is very smart.

Things at school ended pretty well. New projects for next year with the 9th grade. I just signed up for a Waldorf course for teenagers. Planning training trips to Chile, Argentina and perhaps Germany.

I really appreciate and thank you for doing this bulletin.

Thank you so much.

EDT (Patrak das & Antuanette)

HpS - KRSNA is a person, and you know, He loves to dance, with all Their friends in Braja, if He gets a chance.

Hare Krsna.

Hare Rama.

Hare Krsna.

Hare Rama.

The best health is that which reminds us to chant and dance

With Them.

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama.

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama.







mint!!!!! 😃 🙂 🙂 🙂

We Be Kirtan Lee Dears Where Ever Wee Go!

Thank you.


1 year ago by harsh_horse in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Gurudeva,


In 14888 ,HH asked us "What do you think of Ganesha?"

Ganesha- we used to think about him, as he is good of wisdom. He was our original Istha Deva.

Sanskrit break it as-- Gana + Ishha . Lord of the Ganas, or supreme among Ganas.

He has very interesting history.

In Indian Cartoon Industry following is the popularity order Hanuman, Krishna,  Ganesha.

In Maratha Empire kings used to have Ganesh in Background of their throne.

In Indian state of Maharashtra, Ganesh ji is worshipped as owner of the complete land.

In Brahma Samhita, Ganesh ji derives power from feet of Narsingh Dev ji.

Smartest Ganesh ji did very smart thing , he circumabulated around his parents, that is considered to circumbulation of the world.

His carrier is Mouse.

HpS - Rat?? Gana pati! NOD etc indicates that he has Vaikuntha form as well as material form.

BS indicates that he keeps Lord Nrsmhadevas feet on the two lumps on the front fo his head to remove all obstacles.!

Thank you!!!!

Dr. Samaresha!

Family success!

Realizing eternal form of service!

Remembering Krishna

1 year ago by mittalga in Special Category A

Dear Maharaja,

Namaste! Sadar Pranams! Hare bol!

What is your understanding of remembering Krishna all the time? I wrote an article in remembering Krishna all the time. Hopefully, you like it.


Gaurav Mittal

Remembering Krishna: Beyond Mental Focus

Within the Bhakti tradition, particularly in Iskcon, one of the most cherished instructions is to "always remember Krishna." But what does this truly mean? Many associate it with the dedicated chanting of Haridas Thakur, who devoted over 20 hours a day to this practice. While his dedication inspires awe, is such constant mental focus feasible for everyone?

Instead of solely focusing on the mind, I propose ...

HpS - Hare Krsna. AgtSP. Paoho. We understand as it is described in https://vedabase.io/en/library/noi/8/

is pretty detailed and precise,no??
