Ofrenda a sus Pies de Loto.

10 years ago by Bhakta Francisco in Special Category A

Dear Guru Maharaja please if desired accept my sincere and respectful obeisances prostrate dust of his lotus feet.
On the anniversary of his coming, I thank the Lord for giving us their wonderful association, his instructions and his example of how deve perform devotional service.
You dear Guru Maharaja is expert in fulfilling the deepest desires of Srila Prabhupada, you serve with love and devotion. And shows us the way forward.
You guide us in the darkness of this world with the torch of knowledge, protects us from all dangers that beset us and gives us his blessing for us to understand that we are not this body full of miseries, if not, we are spiritual souls eternal, blissful and full of knowledge.
Thanks for letting distribute the books of Srila Prabhupada, is the most wonderful task that a conditioned soul can do.
Dear Guru maharaja you are the kindest person I know, gives all his heart to us, their activities in this world can not match, we see you every day is dedicated to spreading Krishna Consciousness all conditioned souls of this world without stopping to think about their own welfare, you are always thinking of the welfare of others.
I can not find the way to give back, and thank you for everything that you help us in this way from back home back to Krishna.
Eternally indebted and grateful, its useless aspiring servant

Nandaraja das

Querido Guru Maharaja por favor si asi lo DESEA acepte mis sinceras y respetuosas reverencias postrado al Polvo de Sus Pies de Loto.

HpS - TlgaSP. Pienso el tiene pies de loto. Nuestros aun mescla loto y zanorhia.

En un nuevo aniversario de su advenimiento, Agradezco Al Señor, Por Darnos su maravillosa asociacion sus  Instrucciones  y su claro EJEMPLO  de Como se deve Realizar  Servicio Devocional.

USTED querido Guru Maharaja es Experto en CUMPLIR Los Deseos mas profundos de Srila Prabhupada, USTED lo Sirve  con amor y devocion. Y Nos Enseña el camino Que DEBEMOS Seguir.

USTED nos guia En la obscuridad de Este Mundo con la antorcha de su Conocimiento, nos Proteje de Todos los Peligros Que Nos acosan y nos da SUS bendiciones Para Que podamos entender Que No somos este Cuerpo Lleno de miserias, si no, Que somos almas Espirituales eternas, dichosas y Llenas de Conocimiento.

Gracias por permitirme Distribuir los Libros de Srila Prabhupada, es La tarea mas maravillosa Que Un alma condicionada Pueda Realizar.

Querido Guru Maharaja USTED es la persona mas bondadosa Que conozco, nos Entrega TODO su corazon, SUS Actividades En Este Mundo no se pueden igualar, VEMOS Como USTED dia a dia se dedicación a propagar La Conciencia de Krishna a  todas las almas condicionadas de Este Mundo , sin  Detenerse a Pensar en su propio Bienestar, USTED ESTA  siempre Pensando en el Bienestar de los demas.

No encuentro la forma de retribuirle, ni agradecerle Todo Lo Que USTED nos ayuda en Este Camino Que Va De vuelta a casa de vuelta a Krishna. 

Eternamente endeudado y agradecido, su inutil aspirante a sirviente Nandaraja das

HpS - Gracias, Nandaraja Das! Somos feliz esperar que Srila Prabhupada utilizanos realizar todos su actividades como utiliza su baston! Nos vemos en dos semanas, no!!!?  Si ni podemos ver el potencial en otros, como podemos sentir animo predicar a ellos. Jaya!. Todos glorias a su Sankirtan.

Jing, Prema, Mercy & Personal Work

  AGTSP !!!

  Please acept my humble obeisances

 Dear Maharaja

In this your Vyasa-puja many memories come to mind, like those days back in Lima when I used to tranlate conferences for you, then the Hanuman Express Dispactch into spanish,  all the association you were kindly giving 16 years ago.  Now this blog,  all your guidance, inspiration, all going back to your Spiritual Master Srila Prabhupada to whom you've dedicated your every moment, eight fold?   Activities of Uttama Adikaries like you are glimpses from the spiritual wolrd and the Nitya-lilas of Krishna and Gaurachandra.   Thank you for bringing the Paranpara and its river of ectasy closer !  dandavats !  juste a verse from today's Srila Prabhupada's mp3 purport on.. Manasa deha geha arpilum tua pade nanda Kishor !!!  when will that day be mine ?????  jiv jago !! jiv jago !!   Tomorrow I'll meet the bramacharies and distribute 10 books in your name  hari !  

You were right on the essay synopsis, I already see it with different eyes, may be Jung's individuation process translates as discovering your real spiritual identity as an eternal servant and associate of Krishna (for some),

HpS - Seems the same to us, but have to know him more to see how he corresponds, no?

  how can we measure  the transcendental pleasure of reading about Gauranga's Nitya Lila in Navadvipa ??  off the charts !     Got Henry Bergson's L'evolution Creatrice, wow, changes the whole game, theory of knowledge - theory of life-consciousness-evolution.   I have a question Maharaja, it is mention in NOD and other sources that pranayama in meditacion on Vishnu is an accepted process, I personally used it months ago during morning japa in meditation of Hladini Shakti and ...that's when I called you urgent etc, a glimpse of Cintamani-dhama.  etc    I feel attracted to Gauranga  and Krishna Nitya Lila meditation, seems spontaneous to me,  would like to further on, also memories of Vasudeva stage sometimes come to mind and I hanker for it...does it sound too greedy?  individualist?

     HpS - ASA --- AGTSP!!!!    Thank you your letter. We are just trying to represent the Madhyama-adhikari stage. That is sufficient to represent Parampara. Engage people in worshipping the Deity. This comes to your question. Are we experiencing Vasudeva sattva, Goloka vrndavana? It is hard for us to give even an opinion from 1,000 miles away and not having a lot of personal association with your good self. Prabhupada warns that sometimes our affective hallucinations are taken as spiritual experiences. Jung thought Nietszche was on the right path, looking for God within, not just in rituals, but that he didn't have proper guidance, didn't take proper caution and went mad. Jung would do his introspective yoga daily and have his regular psychiatric practice and family relations in the afternoon and he felt that was essential to groud him.

In the age of Kali the process is Sankirtan, no? So if we are having intense esoteric spiritual realizations, experiences, then we should really see how it is coming from Sankirtan and is for Sankirtan. The Pranayama is natural by chanting on beads, dancing, but surely we can add some conscious spiritual though mechanical tricks to control the mind eg. sit-properly.

So, we would say, don't eliminate trying for the highest state of consciousness, but keep it confidential, well certified by nice association and manifestation of high moral standard, detachment from sense gratification and Srila Prabhupada's books.

When Srila Prabhupada begins the second chapter of NOD saying that Rupa Goswami classifies devotees according to their taste what exactly is He refering to?  Like my taste is in meditation on Vishnu, means that's my way in bhakti?   if I chant 16 rounds, meditate on Vishnu, perfect that, I'm ok?      You can see I'm studying NOD, began as part of the research for the essay and now it's a whole full thing on it's own,  I wonder where Rupa Goswami got the soources for defining and explaining rasa, other than his full qualification and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, I'll re read your essay on the matter, related to theatrical studies in India.  May need the entire Bhakti rasamrita Sindhu to fully comprehend fully, after full comprehension of NOD, I'm hooked.  may be that's why  Krishna allowed halidini shakti to visit, so my intellect would be baffled for ages !   Hari !   Hari !  Govinda !  

your servant


ASA - We looked at Chapter two on the vedabase and also Dh'dara Swami's Waves of Devotion. He is translating "taste" as atttraction. Which is how we understood it. If we have got the mercy/done the work then we have a strang attaction to service or a weak attraction and then we are qualified for the Sadhana, Bhava, or Prema Bhakti stages diferentially as he is describing!

Hari Bolo! More news. Good luck with your Sankirtan. Thank you for you intense association.

Happy Appearance Day

10 years ago by Rashmin dd in Special Category A

Dear Guru Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to this day, your appearance day.
Please accept my humble offering of a few words. Thank you for your association and guidance these last three years. A disciple such as myself is nothing without guru.

I thank Srila Prabhupada for coming and giving me a chance to know Krsna and giving me knowledge that there is a godhead to go to some day. And of course I thank Him for giving you the opportunity for being my guide.

Your aspiring servant,
Rasa-mandali dasi

HpS - AGTSP!!!     Thank you for giving us all you association.   Please send us news of your immediate and extended communities, church, nation, race, gender!   We are just little whistle for Srila Prabhupada.   Surely you are doing the same, no?

Vyasa-puja offering

Hare Krsna dear Hanumatpresaka Maharaja!
Please accept my respectful obeisances, 
all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Today is Your Vyasa-puja day.

In the early morning, when I was lying in bed with a fever and pain in my body it came into my mind that it is so great that I can cure myself.
But at the same time one other thought came out. This material existence is the real and the biggest sickness which never can be cured by my own effort. I need Krsna's mercy, I need Krsna's help!

Srila Prabhupada has written in a Caitanya Caritamrta text's purport*: "There is no difference between the shelter-giving Supreme Lord and the initiating and instructing spiritual masters." and in His widely known Vyasa-puja offering to Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura**: "There is only one Guru who appears in an infinity of forms to teach you, me and all others."

For me You are one of the infinity of forms Who teaches me by His example, words and not odinary personality.
I hope once I could add something to Your mission in Srila Prabhupada's service.

Jaya Sri Sri Guru Gauranga!

your servant,
Kadamba Kanana dasa

HpS - AGTSP. Paoho. Thank you! We hope we can see you soon. We hope we can contribute to your mission.

*   - http://www.vedabase.com/en/cc/adi/1/47
** - http://www.vedabase.com/en/spl/1/4

VP offering Subhra Devi Dasi

10 years ago by chas d lind in Special Category A

Gurudeva, Sent this yesterday and seems to have disappeared, once more. Thanks for your patience!! 

Dearest Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances on this auspicious day of Your appearance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to You.

  Poised eagerly, with pen in hand, so to speak, to write a glorification of You, I hear the rain incessantly pouring and thunder rumbling… auspicious signs…  There are innumerable ways to start, and unlimited ways to glorify You. However, this fool is not qualified, however I will simply open my heart and see what it dictates.

  How, fortunate I am, and all those around me to have come in contact with you somehow or the other. Each day, I always remind myself that my present service I have has come to me from, Your, mercy. Somehow, by you kindness, you offer my devotional service, which I know I don’t actually deserve nor appreciate enough. I only wish I could do more not so much in quantity but in quality and sincerity.

  I was remembering recently the “Nectar of Instruction” and how you tell us that this little book spells out everything in Krishna Consciousness. As part of my offering, I am making an effort to distribute 20 of these treasure books before the end of December. Four down, sixteen to go…I often review verse one (NOI), however, this past few months I am reflecting more on verse 3. The six principles favorable to the execution of pure devotional service;

utsahan niscayad dhairyat

tat-tat karma –pravrtanat

sanga- tyagat sato vrtteh

sadbhir bhaktih prasidhyati

  But it is not easy being patient and remaining enthusiastic in times of trials and tribulations. Through all types of weather, you continue to be there, to help and guide, support, encourage and inspire us through the inevitable storms.

  On this special day, I wish to send a simple gesture of deep gratitude for all you have done, for all you are doing, and for all you will tolerate in nurturing this fool.
Your insignificant daughter,
Subhra devi dasi

HpS - ASA --- Thank you. Can you send the power point show? If it is not too big you could even add the audio. My gosh. Then you could even save it as a movie and them upload it to the YouTube!!!! 
It looked really, really nice. If I had kids in that community I would want them there: "To hell with going to MIT, to hell with making money, to hello with everything. I'm going to put my kids in the Goswami Academy, so they can be happy!"


Ofrenda Bhaktin Linda Janeth

10 years ago by Linda Janeth in Special Category A

Nama om visnu-padaya Krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

srimate bhaktivedanta-svami iti namine

Namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani- pracarine



Todas las Glorias a usted querido Gurudeva.

Por favor acepte nuestras humildes y respetuosas reverencias a sus pies de loto. [ASA - Loko]

En este día de su vyasa puja permitame agradecer su infinita misericordia para con esta alma tan caída y condicionada.

 Usted con su gran sabiduría y entrega nos guía por el camino hacia la autorrealización, para así poder regresar de vuelta a casa con nuestro amado Sri Krishna. Aunque somos torpes e ignorantes usted nos cuida como el padre protector que es.

Le ruego disculpe las ofensas que cometemos, pues nuestra posición es muy baja y muchas veces el disfrute de los sentidos gana la batalla. Seguimos en la lucha, que cada vez es más fuerte y difícil de controlar, pero con sus bendiciones podremos seguir avanzando.

Usted es la luz que ilumina la existencia material, gracias a  su entrega y dedicación a la misión de Srila Prabhupada los vaisnavas tienen la oportunidad de servir a sus señorias y poco a poco sentir el prema bhakti que otroga tanta felicidad. 

Este día tan especial para nosotros permitame de nuevo darle las gracias por permitirnos servirle. 

Su caida sirviente 

Bhaktin Linda Janeth 

HpS - ASA - Gracias! Sri Sri Radha Madan-gopal, Ki Jai! Muchas veces nuestra disfruta de los sentidos no es mal. Realmente nosotros no tenemos inclinacion de disfrutar los sentidos. Esperamos disfrutar los sentidos de una manera espiritual: Eterno, con plena perspectivo, dando siempre mejor y mejor satisfaccion a Krsna.

Esta bien?

No trata mucho negar los impulso de los sentidos. Trata animar los sentidos en buen servicio con comida apropriado etc.