Vyasa Puja ( Reporte Anual)

9 years, 8 months ago by btna andrea in Special Category A

Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri GouraNitay!!!!

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!!

Todas las Glorias y mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias a sus pies de loto en el día de su auspiciosa aparación  querido Guru Maharaja!!!

Este año ha sido maratónico, muchas cosas, y muy poco tiempo, disculpe mi negligencia por no  haber escrito antes, esta semana he terminado las clases en la universidad  con excelentes notas y todos los ramos aprobados, ha sido un gran esfuerzo en todo sentido, ya que debo organizar mis tiempo entre las rondas, los niños, las deidades, mi servicio en el templo, y estudiar, gracias a Krishna tengo mucho apoyo de mi familia y de todos los que me rodean, en especial de mis hijos, que siempre desean verme feliz, a ellos también les ha ido muy bien en sus estudios son los primeros en sus cursos y los profesores siempre me dicen que son unos lideres positivos para los demás niños.

Realmente siento que todo va avanzando, pero también que debemos mejorar muchas cosas, nuestro sadhana, el canto de nuestras rondas, el leer y estudiar los libros de Srila Prabhupada, el ser más constante en mis reportes mensuales en el blog, en apreciarlo más a usted y esforzarme de todo corazón en seguir sus valiosas instrucciones y consejos, sé que aun soy una discípula muy neófita, pero espero realmente ser digna de toda la misericordia y cuidado que ud entrega a cada uno de sus discípulos y bienquerientes aunque voy poco a poco estoy esforzándome por mejorar.

Muchas gracias por todo Gurudeva, muchas gracias por inspirarnos cada día con su sencillez y profunda sabiduría, Nrsimhadeva lo proteja en todo momento.

Mis reverencias eternas a sus pies de loto

Alankrti Devi Dasi 

HpS - Jaya!!   Es asombraso cuantos buen devotos hay en el mundo! Milagro de esfuerza constante de Srila Prabhupada. Aun que no esta presente fisicalmente pienso es conciente de nostros y ayudando muy personalmente. Como el mundo no puede cambiar!?

Vyasa Puja Offering

9 years, 8 months ago by sarad-bihari-dasi in Special Category A
Hare Krishna Gurudeva, Please accept my obeisances at your lotus feet, All glories to Srila Prabhupada, all glories to you and your wonderful appearance in this world. I especially want to thank your shelter all these years, especially today I thank you, for give it to me being completely aware that not deserve it, thanks for being so understanding always, thank you for loving us, I really don't know what else to say, who hopes to serve you Sarad Bihari Dasi HpS - AGTSP. Thank you. I think you "deserve" a lot of the help you are getting from Krsna. As far as I can tell you are trying pretty hard to deal with your Karma and life. Don't give up. Do your best. Every austerity done for Krsna has eternal effect, for everybody's welfare.

Jung and Nabadvipa Dhama

9 years, 8 months ago by Raulmontreal in Special Category A

  AGTSP !!!

  Please accept our humble obeisances

  Dear Maharaja

  We are finally on twitter !  dont have a cell phone, net at home  and really dont trust technology much but it seems pretty useful when used for devotional purposes.     Also we found the Philemon.org   ... outstanding work,  hope to follow your future collaboration with them.  As you say it's a vast area to share with interested people who understand what cross-interdisciplinary  work is,  so much common ground, terminology, categories, paradigms  can be expressed differently at times but on the surface only, esoterically the link is strong.  We believe that Jungs process of individuation is the key word and hinge where all roads finally meet.

First and foremost spirituality  it's a science that has to be experienced -  "before it's systematyzed and defined"  this was Jung's process,  then find reference points to build a paradigm,  the careful balance between insight and a priory principles. This in a way is  our primary epicenter of metaphysical search,  as saddhana bhakti normally works with a descending process, but eventually has to reconcile identity to paradigm.  Would this theme work well for an essay ?  

    HpS - Jaya!  AGTSP. Paoho. You already have just done a synopsis of an essay. It might be nice to write it and share it with others, even yourself after afew days as it will look completely different when you re-read it, no?

But of course appropriate techniques such as japa, sravanam, kirtanam vishnu, smaranan are essential to even reach a minimun platform of qualification,   so the descending process  is essential even at earlier phases of spiritual search. Eventually though the resistance to a new identity could become a stumblin block  if the individuation process has suffred a disociation from awareness and has fallen into a neurotic fantasy.   I think there is some little useful stuff here, rest is useless, forgive my sillyness Maharaja.   Night !  is the finest moments in Vraja and Navadvipa !!!!  

your servant


HpS - Thank you for your comments. We are reading Sonu Shamdasani's "Carl Jung and the Making of Modern Psychology...". It is a big book, but we are not losing interest. It is like a very purposeful history of modern psychology from the best Western perspective. I am getting precise summaries of Kant, Henri Bergsen et al. Prabhupada said of honest intellectuals that they may be slow to come but they would also be slow to go.
In all this Essay Writing etc. We are really looking for an active audience, people who are talking honestly and then we can all advance in purification and potency to again help the Gopis!

Soldier ready!

Hare Krsna Guru-maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Sri Caitanya's Harinama Sankirtana movement

Its nice for me to say im working really nice on my sadhana, waking up earlier when im in traveling sankirtan than when im in the temple... more motivation?

It has been 2 months full of adventure since the last letter... after you responded me, i got my visa aproved, still i was not so animated due to your words, i spoke with mother jambhavati and she told me your answer wasn't a complete no... that i just needed to prepare myself with a good plan of what was i going to do there... still i felt discoraged, so i spoke with Vanamali Prabhu and we thought it was better if i concentrate fully in SP marathon in order to collect a little laksmi to start my life program in Queretaro city, you remember in Gaura Purnime i told you we had 2 nama hatta programs per month in that city? now Guru Prasad Maharaja gave his blessings to start a congregational developmet program there, i will be supported and guided by Sinior devotees to serve in that issue and at the same time i start building my griha... i have a few projects wich will be acompanied with sankirtan as much as possible.

if its ok for you, we thought that could be nice to visit you next year when you go to somewhere in texas...

HpS - AGTSP - - -  We would like to be in Mexico right now. If you can avoid the bullets, it is a wonderful place. Everyone are natural devotees of Jagannatha....  In general, I guess we will be in Texas at the end of July for the North American Symposium on Education!  Krsna met the Brajavasis at Kuruksetra during the solar eclipse.

Gurudeva... there is also one question i need to know the answer, because my mind is very very offensive, how can i come to understand the position of an ISKCON guru who is accepting to initiate devotees who are not COMPLETELY recomended by the local authorities, and further more... proving that they dont know even how to put tilaka on themselves?

HpS - Hmmm.  As you are describing, would not be an ISKCON Guru. Sometimes ISKCON Gurus, like Prabhupada, accept people on the recomendation of others, older disciples without personally knowing the devotees. Prabhupada did that and also chastised the Temple Presidents for recommending people who weren't ready. Try to deal with it enthusiastically and correct the situation.

Just based in the authority they are following 4 principles and chanting 16 rounds by now...?

i fear for that question on my mind to be offensive towards a great devotee of The Lord.

Thank you for all your kindness Gurudeva.

Yours in service

Krsna-Kirtana Das

HpS - Yes, is difficult situation, and again, the exact same problem was there when Prabhupada was managing things also. Talk with local GBC Secretary. Talk with other administrative authorities. Try to arrange better situation. Sometimes it is also a fact that ISKCON "Gurus" deviate. Maharaja Bharata deviated!

You will be and ISKCON guru very soon.

News from Montreal

9 years, 9 months ago by Raulmontreal in Special Category A


 Please accept my humble obeisances

 Dear Maharaja

 We found the Light of the Bhagavata !!   We were wishing to have it after reading about it from you, and one day it was just there in the Temple book kiosk the '96 original edition.  It's just a masterpiece of interdisciplinary-sankirtan and oriental aesthetics as well.  Remember I talked about making some bonsai type Vrindavan pots ?   well,  autum entered and everything green just became hard to work at or even think about..  but this book is keeping the desire to do this service alive and giving us many ideas on where to take it.  We may need some Krishna - Balarama small icons from India, similar to the ones at home to complete each mini garden pot and get-buy the right oriental looking plants..still along way to go...but seems this is what Krishna-Balaram want.  We are beginning to have small exchanges with our small icons-murtins (hand carved in India)  they seem to be aware of who I am and how I can serve, such esoteric activities but so humble and real,  Krishna's opulences, mercy and potencies are inconceivable. They are accepting my poor apartment as their home and my silly self as a servant-caretaker.  Can't fathom it, it just happens.  These murtis are too merciful.  I guess Krishna did like to be on top of the Macchu Picchu !

HpS - ASA - AGTSP!    Very nice to hear from you, Regent Raul of Montreal. If you look in the archives in the section starting lob you can find some ppts and an Index and Table of Contents for the LOB.

On regards Jung, we are looking for your paper on your library, only have 1rst part.  Personally I think he did reach an active and esoteric encounter with Atman and may be even Paramatma.  Although he seems to fuse both together theoretically. He may have reached the Brahman stage of cognition also.  What Srila Prabhupada called the  process from karma yoga to jana to astanga...it seems Mr Jung did go through them.  We also received Suhotra Swami's paper on Vaisnava psychology "Transcendental Psychology,  very interesting but tough to research, seems to be based on the Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumma, Anirudda aspects and the masculine - femenine aspect of creation.  Krishna-Lasksmi,  (Krishna-Radha as he proposes)  Krishna-Rama  we propose. Detail study of Brahma samhita should clarify the thesis we beleive.  His lectures complement his paper.   Maharaja !  we may see you in Lima !   we'll be there from January 22nd to March 24th.

HpS - Ahhh! If you are receiving our Tweets you know we posted a letter of co-operation to the Philemon Foundation a few days ago. I think it is in the archives starting with the word, "Philemon", if not "nios". The area is too broad to say much in detail until we find some intelligent, informed, people to discuss with. Look for "Philemon.org" on the web. 

Thanks for bringing  Jayananda Prabhu's memory to the present !!!!!    such an inspiration !!!    

you poor, silly servant  Raul

(a pic from '97-'98)  role Lakshmana -  Ramayana  (good memories !)

HpS - Thank you. Your service and consciousness sound fine. Just have to all move ahead with good Japa and full morning program. More in the DTC!

Many Services and Bad Japa

Hare Krishna gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to you!

How are your health?

HpS - AGTSP!!! About the same yours will be when your donkey turns 66-years!<img alt="cheeky" height="23" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/tongue_smile.png" title="cheeky" width="23" />   Good preparation for death and other delights. Hope your Rathyatra is SUPER!

I want to tell you I’m very focused on service and I realized that I’m not reading and I’ve lost my concentration in my japa. I never leave to chant but I can’t chant good rounds because I’m on passion modality all the time,

  • thinking about pendings things that I have to do,
  • thinking about new things to do,
  • thinking about to preach non-devotees,
  • thinking about atitudes that I have to change,
  • thinking about attitudes that I have to improve,
  • analyzing myself to be better,
  • trying to make strong relationships, and
  • thinking about what devotees teach me with their attitudes.

I think also that If I try to act in the goodness modality like I did before, I couldn’t do all the service that I want to.

ASA - Oink! -- It's all service! [{(We will now give to you a Secret Mantra that is hiden from all the Vedas. Don't share it with anyone)}}

And Krishna is giving to me the opportunity to do all these service, so I can't neglects them. It’s hard to me looking for a balance. Sometimes I feel too anxious and can not focus in my japa.
I remember my spiritual master said that Krishna sees our effort even if we are not chanting good. He sees our effort to chant better. But sometimes I don’t put any effort to chant because I want to finish my rounds quick to do more service. I don’t have any taste. How can i understand this if the chanting is considered as a service to Krishna too?

HpS - Answer above, no? And how to get the BG 10.10 mentioned, there? [[[Call "Hare Krsna, Hare Rama"}}} If you chant minimum 16-nice rounds on beads then ALLL the other services will improve at the maximum possible speed!

On the other hand, I want to read again like I used to, but I can't find the time to do it.
I put all my energy in the service, sleeping little bit, and when I have a "free" moment I'm so tired, without energy that I only want to take a rest and even trying to read, I fall asleep.

How can I looking for a balance ? I'm happy doing service but I think that my whole sadhana is not the best.

I'm very happy and anxious to see you on January! :)

My respects,

Hare Krshna!



ASA - Milk, milk to quench His thirst. Which one shall I get for Krsna first?