Ofrenda Vyasa Puja Bhkt Luis Aguilera Buenos Aires Mandir.

10 years ago by Bhaktina Romi in Special Category A

Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Gaura Nitay
Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada
Todas las Glorias a Usted Guru Maharaja
Acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Feliz Vyasa Puja.

                Srila Prabhupada recomendaba e incentivaba a los devotos a escribir y ofrecer oraciones.  Escribir es "smaranam" = recordar. Si uno escucha al maestro espiritual es lógico que lo va a recordar continuamente. de esto se trata en este día tan especial para Usted, de recordarlo en la modalidad de glorificación.

                En el Caitanya Caritamrta (Madhya 8.247) se dice que: "El Maha Bhagavata, devoto avanzado, ve por supuesto todas las cosas móviles e inmóviles, pero lo que ve, no es exactamente su forma, sino que inmediatamente ve la forma del Señor Supremo manifestado"

                Las entidades vivientes somos arquitectas de religiones, pero Usted Gurudeva, como representatnte que es del Señor Supremo,  ha llegado a mi vida para eliminar estas absurdas ideas de religiones materiales innecesarias, como la ira y otras más, cambiandolas por la verdadera religión, como usted enseña , la religión del Mangala Arati, la religión del canto de la Japa y los cuatro principios y la religión a Srila Prabhupada y despertar el Sanatana Dharma. Siendo Usted el ejemplo más elevado en el sadhana Bhakti y predicando con el ejemplo.

                Ordinariamente cualquier persona podría decir Hanumatpresaka Swami es firme en su Sadhana, pero en verdad, Usted Gurudeva, es firme en el amor y eso es impactante para cualquier persona que sea observadora. Es de mi naturaleza pensar en Usted Guru Maharaja, aunque a veces la mente me tiente.

Srila Prabhupada dice, "El maestro espiritual tiene la habilidad de guiar a su discípulo y el discípulo, tiene la habilidad de desobedecer al Maestro Espiritual", también dice Prabhupada que "El maestro espiritual puede ser dulce como la miel o duro como el acero". Pero hasta cuando Usted enseña a sus discípulos, en forma de maseo o duro como el acero, en ese momento también se percibe el amor, es decir en forma de miel o de acero, usted siempre es amor y este amor suyo es lo que me hace sostenerme en esta existencia material sabiendo que el amor es Bhakti, según sus propias palabras Guru Maharaja.

En el Srimad Bhagavatam; Prahlada Maharaja ora, diciendo: "Mi querido Señor Nrisimhadeva, veo que sin duda hay muchas personas santas, pero lo único que le interesan es salvarse a sí mismos". Usted es un ejemplo de devoto compasivo, sino ¿Qué estaría haciendo en el centro de sus discípulos? Usted es un santo que primero quiere salvar a sus discípulos y por último a Usted.

S.S. Jayapataka Swami en una ocasión, le preguntó a Srila Prabhupada si es verdad que el maestro espiritual permanece en el universo material hasta que todos sus discípulos sean transferidos al cielo espiritual, la respuesta es sí. Primero los discípulos después el guru porque así es la regla. Gurudeva, su labor en la atmósfera material es sin duda la de una persona santa.

                En el Bhakti Sudodhaya se dice: "Oh devoto del Señor, verte, es la perfección de los ojos, tocarte, es la perfección del tacto y la perfección de la lengua es la glorificación de tus cualidades, ya que, es muy difícil encontrar un devoto puro como tú".

                Hanumatpresaka Swami, con su ejemplo enseña la cualidad más elevada del conocimiento, esta cualidad es la humildad. Todo sería diferente Gurudeva si asimilaramos tus instrucciones, aunque en lo personal soy lento y distrído para asimilar las mismas, su erudicción y  su humildad es la herramienta de la erradicación del ego falso de mucho.

                Usted es un exorcista de todo tipo de impurezas, por eso mismo es muy difícil de encontrar un devoto puro como tú, y yo soy tan afortunado ya que te he encontrado en este desierto, mi querido Gurudeva , por esto mismo estoy eternamente agradecido al Señor Krishna.

                Srila Prabhupada homenajea a Su Maestro espiritual, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura en el Vyasa Puja del Año 1935, diciendo: "Cuando meditamos en los pasatiempos trascendentales del Dios absoluto tenemos el orgullo de sentir que somos sus sirvientes eternos y nos volvemos felices y danzamos con alegría, todas las Glorias a mi divino maestro espiritual, porque el es quién tiene el incesante flujo de misericordia, habiendo despertado en nosotros el movimiento de la existencia eterna, vamos a postrarnos a Sus Pies de Loto".

                Guru Maharaja, en este día tan especial Usted ha pedido a sus discípulos, que haya mucho Kirtana y mucho canto de Japa y tal cual Srila Prabhupada le ora a Su Maestro Espiritual, nos podamos volver felices en este día, cantando bailando con alegría y tomando prasadam, sin duda que Usted estará satisfecho de este modo.

                En el Srimad Bhagavatam 4.16.3 se dice: "Aunque no sabemos glorificarte como mereces sentimos un apego trascendental  por glorificar tus actividades.
      Trataremos de cantar las Glorias conforme a las instrucciones que hemos recibido de los sabios y eruditos autoritativos, aún así, todo lo que digamos, será inadecuado e insignificante.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada porque Él le ha dado su misericordia a mi Maestro Espiritual.
Todas las Glorias a Hanumatpresaka Swami porque por él recibimos la ilimitada misericordia. 
Guru Maharaja; mientras más me instruye en la entrega total, más me está dando amor, y mientras más amor me dá, eternamente yo le diré "Gracias".

Su insignificante sirviente
Bhakta Luis.

HpS - ASA - TlgaSP.  paoho. We understand Spanish like a donkey, but we understand most of your offering. We feel that 90% of any good qualities that you see in us are coming from Srila Prabhupada's causeless mercy! When we see a beautiful form of the opposite sex we don't see Krsna, we see chance to preach, but also chance to forget Krsna and become absorbed in lust and illusion. So, we are pure by practice!!  Madhyama-adhikari.

Annual Report

Dear gurudeva
Please accept my most humble obeisances

Today is a very special day, the  Vyasa Puja day .

First of all, wish you have a nice day, along with Krsna and many devout.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. Yes, it was very nice. I felt very happy in my whole body at the end of the day. In NGD's home with five devotees. Five online programs. AGTSTP!!!

As every year, I wanted to thank you for always being a great example for my life, for teaching me to see life as it is, we can not escape the world that we live, but we can be happy with krsna in our lives. and this, I learned thanks to you.

I always thank Krishna, having his beautiful association and devotees in my life, you are a very special soul, very humble and selfless, It is for this reason that as your humble servant, I pray to Krishna that always help your services in the marathon of Srila Prabhupada in this life, this new year of life is very good health, and spiritual life for you.

I also hope to be every day a better servant to you, you are an inspiration, which helps me to take refuge in God, and believe in your arrangements. Thank you for existing and ever worry us your disciples, your time is valuable and you always have time for each of us, in every corner of the world.

I leave you, grateful, and wishing you all the best of all worlds in the day of your spiritual birthday.

Your eternal servant

Candrarekha devi dasi (Santiago - Chile)

HpS - What every mercy we have been able to deliver by Srila Prabhupada's mercy, you try to do the same!

See you in just three weeks.

Offering Vyasa Puja Day

Dear gurudeva
Please accept my most humble obeisances

Today is a very special day, the  Vyasa Puja day .

First of all, wish you have a nice day, along with Krsna and many devout.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. Yes, it was very nice. I felt very happy in my whole body at the end of the day. In NGD's home with five devotees. Five online programs. AGTSTP!!!

As every year, I wanted to thank you for always being a great example for my life, for teaching me to see life as it is, we can not escape the world that we live, but we can be happy with krsna in our lives. and this, I learned thanks to you.

I always thank Krishna, having his beautiful association and devotees in my life, you are a very special soul, very humble and selfless, It is for this reason that as your humble servant, I pray to Krishna that always help your services in the marathon of Srila Prabhupada in this life, this new year of life is very good health, and spiritual life for you.

I also hope to be every day a better servant to you, you are an inspiration, which helps me to take refuge in God, and believe in your arrangements. Thank you for existing and ever worry us your disciples, your time is valuable and you always have time for each of us, in every corner of the world.

I leave you, grateful, and wishing you all the best of all worlds in the day of your spiritual birthday.

Your eternal servant

Candrarekha devi dasi (Santiago - Chile)

HpS - What every mercy we have been able to deliver by Srila Prabhupada's mercy, you try to do the same!

See you in just three weeks.

Vyasa Puja offering!!

10 years ago by Bhaktin Belen S. in Special Category A

Hare Krishna dear gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all glories to you!!

I want to tell you THANKS for your teachings, your patience and your love.
I learn a lot just by seeing you even without share any word, because I see you as a personification of humility, surrender and knowledge. You are like a father trying to teach their naughty children firmly but with love, fun and at the same time seriousness, practicing what you preach.

I really admire your devotion and dedication in the service of Srila Prabhupada day by day and that is a big inspiration for me. Sometimes it’s difficult to me to understand your answers but later I realize that you want me to think and then you get it! haha

And I remember each pastime with you (maybe more through your blogspot or japa joe) like when I was at work and I wanted to chant but I couldn’t concentrate so I became angry and you told me that I have to act like a detective (or something like that) without make noise and search a quite place to do it ahahah.

And maybe it seems not important but it was for me. Because you showed me through a joke making a smile in my face, that I had to be more patient. So you're always teaching us! Such mercy!

Each pastime with you is so mystical and special and I feel you very near to me as a instructor. I know you are there, always. 
Thank you for understand me and help me to try to be a good devotee… 
I can’t write something better, it’s just what I feel. 

HAPPY VYASA PUJA dear gurudeva!
You are always on my heart!

with much affection,
your servant-siksa-disciple


PS: My gift for now is one of your favorite picture of Lord Caitanya :)

HpS - ASA - AGTSP!  Paoho.  Thank you for YOUR association. You are becoming part of the Parampara. When you are a Grand-Old-Lady and leave your body, people will come to put flowers on your Tomb in BsAs. By Srila Prabhuapda's mercy even a dog can take part in this movement!

Happy Vyasa puja

10 years ago by Govinda Sundara in Special Category A

nama om visnu-padaya krishna-presthaya bhü-tale srimate bhaktivedänta-swami iti nämine

nama om visnu-padaya krishna-presthaya bhü-tale srimate hanumatpresaka-swami iti nämine

om ajñana-timirändhasya jñanajaña-salakaya cakñur unmélitaà yena tasmai sre-gurave nama

Beloved Gurudeva, we adore this day because you are the living representative of Vyasadeva, spiritual master is the most confidential servant of the Lord, and you given us Krishna. Which other best gift we can have in this life?  We have no way of repaying you, just render some small service and see your smile.

our knowledge is so poor and our senses so crazy that is not possible understand what we are doing with this human life without your guidance. 

I just want to say Thank you so much for accept me under your spiritual shelter, and i hope one day be a disciple that you deserve. 

Govinda Pramodini DD

happy vyasa puja! Feliz navidad y año nuevo en conciencia de Krishna!

and enjoy the  peanut butter cookies :D

HpS - AgtSP... Thank you. Krsna's kindness is that he gives us practical, fun, challenging engagements, no?

Then we can try to pray like we see Srila Prabhupada praying, chanting, in his books. Cookies fro CCD have not come yet, but the carob cookies from Boise were nice!

Annual report from Nilachala Chandra Das

10 years ago by nataraj in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Dear guru maharaj

Please accept my dandavat pranams, All glories to Srila Prabhupad

Thank you for the kindness that you have shown to me all these years, Guiding me in spiritual life, personal life etc.

Thank you for accepting me as your desciple maharaj.

Wish you long and healthy devotional life maharaj

your servant

NC Das

HpS - AGTSP If you did not, then please also post report on other link here on the blog. thank you for your news, it is very, very nice hear from you, but please send some more news if you can!