corazon vacio

Haribol Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaj,

Please accept my obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I apoligize for messaging you Maharaj as I know you have more important matters to attend to. I wanted to wait until I had my rounds straightened out to speak to you but I felt it still shouldn't stop me from communicating.

HpS - ASA --- A G T S P !    paoho.   Yes, we all need association to advance from level 127 to level 128, so please stay in touch so we, the ASA Blog Society, can all help each other advance our service to Lala and Lali!

I'm still here in Boise, writing papers for undergrad-college, getting braces to hopefully fix these raksasa-teeth and selling stuff at the counter.

ASA - What counter???

Thinking of moving to a more clean job at the end of this spring semester. Happy to still be alive and happier to be in association with Balabhadra dasa prabhu and his wife Lalita devi dasi mataji, through their shelter they help inspire me to stay conscious of devotional service and be able to learn to associate and serve Vaishnavas. But the reason I wanted to send a letter to you was to ask some questions.

I gave away these RK and JBS deitys and some others I have had in storage for a long time, along with some beautiful dolls I got from Mayapur all to the Boise temple, Sri Arjuna’s family and Balabhadra prabhu. I felt that they needed to be in qualified care, rather than letting them stay in dark boxes. It’s sort of an anxiety I guess I’ve had pent up that I hadn’t taken care of. My mother considers them “hers” but I want her to trust my judgment by putting them in the hands of more willing and qualified devotees. I try not to worry about my mother, but I guess I still consider it my duty to ensure she is safe and has money? I feel by giving her money much like my grandmother and my father used to, it enables her to be more co-dependent on me as a source of income. Although if I cold-shoulder her, I’m ignoring my duty to her as a son and being hard hearted?

HpS - We try to act in Varna-ashrama institution in a nice fashion. It is created by Krsna to create a nice psycho-social situation in which the dormant spiritual qualities of the spirit soul can develop. If this spiritual qualities are not developing much then we don't invest too much energy into it. Whatever ever we can easily do. Krsna will do any extra that is required.

In the Bhagavatam I believe it's explained we lose our memory after birth. Is it possible devotees can experience things that may relate to their past lives? Devotional images or Paraphernelia that may give them a sense of "familiarity"? Are feelings or voices experienced with it whether positive or negative - from the self, demons, ghosts possibly inhabiting the conditioned material mind/body?

HpS - You last sentence is not clear: Unclear pronoun reference and maybe a missing comma, but yes, as far as we know, even ordinary experiences from the last life are still available until about three years old. It is like when you wake up, you can remember dreams for some time and then the force of your current life pushes them back. For devotees, special situation.

Finally, I had a realization a few weeks ago thats been sitting deep in my mind every day since. I've felt it very rarely in the past few years and I admit I'm ashamed I never realized this years ago or even before that day I first set foot inside the Boise temple. Thats why it's given rise to the most important question I think I want to ask you. 

ASA - My God! The suspense is killing us!!!!

Maharaj, what can cause a living entity to have a heart so hard that it feels nothing?

HpS - Killing cows. Aborting babies in your womb... Super-bowl football.

A heart so silent and so empty for so long that they forget themself and even other living entities have a heart? How can we open that heart to feel with it again and then purify it from all these material desires? Most importantly, how can we listen to the holy name and hari-katha sincerely within our hearts?? 

Maharaj, how can I find a heart??

HpS - ASA - I have, had, the same problem. I think ....   The basic answer is "brahmanda brahmite kona ...", that it is Krsna who is going to make us feel different. Especially in His humour of Lord Caitanya. He comes. He smiles at us. He sits with us when we are sobbing in pain and gives us some help. Sooooo, we have to cultivate the mercy we have.

You were born in a Gaura family. You have contact with Gaura's devotees. You have some Gaura intelligence! You have to cultivate that with utsahan, niscayad, dhairyat (NOI 3).

It won't get soft, responsive to the Name of our beloved, immediately, but it will go from feeling like a rock to feeling like an auto mobile tire, little flexible but tough.

Adau sraddha... BG 4.10 purport... is Ruci we start to get a soft heart, no?


Please forgive my offenses,

Your aspiring fallen servant,

Reilly G.

Thank you so much for you association. Our respects to Balabhadra and Mataji and everyone. Looks like 97% confirmed we will be in Boise for Rathyatra! On to the next letter. Join us!!!

More info!

Hare Krishna dear maharaja!

pamho! AgtSP

Thank you so much for your answer!

I wish Lord Nrsimhadeva always protect you. Thank you for all your effort to preach Krishna Consciousness even with the nuisance and issues produced by the body. You inspire me a lot!

I regret the issue about prasadam, maybe it could have been avoided.

His Grace is grhastha and the name of his wife is Jahnava devi. They live in Mayapur with their daughter. 

I understand what you are saying to me. He knows about my status but maybe I should talk with him deeper about it. Anyway I don’t know if it’s the most important. Is it? I Just wanted to know your thinking about it.

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP.  Seems to our bewildered intelligence that first thing is to just have fun in ISKCON: Go to the Sunday Feast. Chant when you walk to work...  Then start to chant regularly: 16-rounds, 4-principles, SP's morning program. If you do that you get Hari-nama Diksa. That's realization that you are servant of Krsna. Sambandha. If you go on with that then you start to understand what is your service in terms of your lifetime VAD: Woman, Ksatrini.... So it would seem now the center is getting first initiation.

Then the VAD, you need a mirror. We always need a mirror. Krsna is the greatest mirror. What is your VAD? Great mirror is a devotee like Mahatma Das. A guru is fixed in his Hari-nama rasa, his VAD position. What is next? A guru's wife is natural mirror for guru's lady disciples. Ask Mahatma Prabhu if you could write to her to introduce yourself???? Maybe she is very shy person and doesn't serve her husband so much in that way.  Maybe she does. Get know your VAD gradually as you get to know the VAD situation of your gurus, no?

 I don’t understand  when you tell me that If I want to clarify my ashram I have to know my guru’s ashrams status. Should be my status related to his status?. Most of his disciples are ghrasthas, but not all. 

HpS - Above, no?

So If I don’t live in the temple for at least 6 month, I can’t take hari-nam diksa? There’s no way?

HpS - No, just have practical relation with Sri Hari, Temple President, so that he can recommend that you have told him that you are following Temple program practically at home and he trusts you.

Yes I’m following the principles about a year ago but I don’t think to live in the temple now. I have many responsibilities with my current service that I can’t just give them up. 

Thank you for your advices about relationships with men and with senior devotees. I will implement it.

All glories to you for inspires us with your steadiness, wisdom and humility.

Thank your for YOUR precious association!

Hare Krishna,

your servant,


HpS - AGTSP. Thank you. You really seem to have been a Sannyasi in your last lifetime but . . . .   Oooops!!!!   ... <img alt="devil" height="23" src="" title="devil" width="23" /> . . .  [Back on track. One more mile to Goloka]

incognitas a resolver

9 years, 10 months ago by monkeymono in Special Category A

Apreciable Maharaj:

Escribo a usted enviandole un cordial saludo; me parecen muy interresantes sus planes de apoyar la educacion correcta en una institucion tan importante como ISKCON.

Soy educador y quiero pedirle favor que me ayude a entender algunas cosas que he escuchado entre los devotos, tengo tiempo que conozco a los devotos aunque no acudo tan frecuentemente con los devotos, soy Angel Smirnov.

1- ¿Es malo educar a enviar a los hijos en la educacion academica?

HpS - ASA - [Use] - It depends on the individual child and the "academy". Some children can focus in very Brahminical things like scripture, deity worship and fire sacrifices. Others are more practical and need to learn more modern history and geography etc. Main thing is that the philosophical basis of the education is correct. Many schools, even if they are vegetarian, are based on "karma-vada" philosophy. Eg. if you memorize this I will put a red star beside your name on the wall in the classroom.

2- ¿He escuchado que e debe dormirse con la cabeza hacia el norte en REIKI, que significa el dormir en alguna direccion en especial y que bebeficios tiene? 

HpS - ASA - In one of the sacrifices mentioned in the SB it says not to sleeep with the head North or west. I hear Prabhupada said head east. As I understand, when we go into deep sleep, susupti, the prana, and the more subtle aspects of the body, mind, intelligence, "rise" above the gross body and then tend to orient toward the south or east. Then when you wake up and "come back into your body" you are in upside down if you were sleeping with your head to the West or North. You feel like your head is in your feet and have to shake and jump for some time to get sorted out.

3- ¿En EKADASI que se entiende por granos (semillas, cereales, o cuales si y cuales no)?

HpS - Ask local Iskcon Brahmanas. They can give good list.

4- y ¿en donde puedo leer sobre el Ekadasi, en el Bhagavat Gita no encuentro mucha informacion sobre esto?

HpS - CC adi 15.8 plus following chapters. Other information is in many different places in Prabhupada's books. In the NOD in Chapter Seven there is more information. There is one article that was supposed to have been written by a disciple of Bh. Siddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada. It cited some source that Ekadasi is so pure since it is related to Lord Visnu that sin personified had no place to stay, so Krsna told him that he could reside in grains on that day.

Agradezco mucho su atencion,  y le felicito por su bien admirable trabajo que es muy emprendedor.

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!!


Todas las glorias a srila prabhupada

Todas las glorias a sri Nitay  Gouranga

Todas las glorias a sri  gurudev

Reciba usted mis humildes reverencias por favor

Querido Gurudeva, deseo contarle hacerca de mi sadhana realmente estoy peleando con un gran anartha para poder levantarme temprano y cantar 16 BUENAS rondas la perseverancia espero nos ayude a ser fijas en ello . por otro lado nuestras rondas estan bien cumplimos con ellas de manera fija aun que en ocasiones se ajustan a las circunstancias, con nuestros 4 principios ahora somos mas estrictas que antes. resulta ser que krsna es muy bondadoso con nosotros tanto para mi mama como conmigo.

Gracias a la misericordia de krsna, suya y de los devotos me dieron el servicio de pintar a las deidades del templo por lo cual estoy muy feliz tambien estoy orando para que krsna me permita ser su instrumento y sirviente sumiso para lograr pintar a las deidades de manera que expresen total dulzura y amor. Cuando el servicio este terminado le enviare fotografias de las deidades; son jaganath baladev y subadra , gouranga y nitay , laksmi nrshimha.

En verdad antes de pintarlas me gustaria recibir su autorisacion sin enbargo los devotos me digeron que  pintara a las deidades antes de gourapurnima y eso es en dos semanas debido al trabajo y a la universidad no me queda mucho tiempo. por favor gurudev disculpe cualquier ofensa que haya cometido a sus pies de loto.

eternamente su sirviente apsara gopi dd

HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. We certainly give any blessing we can for painting Them! If the time is too short to do a good job for all of Them, then do some first.

Of course, if you put your rounds and principles and morning program in second place Them that will damage your painting.

Personal email

9 years, 11 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



One mataji asked me a personal email from yours in order to talk about her personal issues. She had a proposal of marriage, she said yes but she did not want to share this in public ...I know that blog is practical,but what to do in these cases?? 

Thank u so much for the association Gurudeva

Trying to be useful

Candramukhi dd

AGTSP paoho.
She can use another name and first we can talk about the general principles and then if we can give more detailed advice then we can arrange a private communication. It is just the same situation as always, no? We just can't handle 450 letters per month, but when we discuss the general aspects in public it drops to 150 per month because 4 other devotees have the basic questions answered in the first letter and then only have to ask about more specific details briefly.

Thank you for handling this mail and also for translating on this tour etc. We hope your Sankirtan is wonderful.

Annual Reports 3

10 years ago by hps in DTC, Special Category A

Aaaaaaa! All the Annual Reports read and answered!

Gaura kishora Das Babaji only had one disciple.

(Prabhupada had ove a thousand, no?)
It is hard work, Sankirtan, but we feel that it is mercy too. We can contribute a little bit to the Yatra. You, readers, many, are doing much much more sacrifice for Srila Prabhupada than we are.

So we try to improve.

Grateful that we can do something.
O.K. No more reports accepted. Whoop!  Whoop!     If you didn't report them maybe you should return your Japa beads and revert to your secular name.

Oink! Oink! (Unless they repent and are sincere!).

3.56PM  Sun is heading for the horizon. Tomorrrow is New Year's eve day. We leave at 6AM for the air-port. We start the trip tonight so we don't have to begin it on Ekadasi. Now we go do some last minute shopping etc. for the trip.

Thank you. Hari Bolo!