
Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



Very nice to have iur association again through SM, etc, we were kind of leading fmp but U inspire muchhhhhhh more than I do.

We are in a new phase in our therapy. Now I know what I do not want more. And value and respect myself more. I am very happy and comfortable with my therapist.

I complete my rounds but my AIM is to chant GOOD rounds,,, 4p all right. I am teaching BS I like that very much.

I will coordinate with abhiram and try to be useful  for the congress in June

I am hanging out with Madhumati dd ( Sankarshan das adhikari), she had already bought her ticket to India and her plan is to stay there..,, and no return anymore, she loves Vrindavan, she is a nice company and inspiration for me.

On Ramanavami I had to work from 2 to 9pm but at home earlier I did an offering to our deities.

When my father left i felt so so unprotected.... but lately I realized that I have SP 's, Krsna 's protection through U. Thank U Gurudeva, I feel protected.,,, so miscreants back off jeje

I am sharing  a picture from Lord Rama in chosik last friday

In response to iur letter the dog is SANTINO Dhanya lalita's.

He is so cute,...

Thank U

Trying to be iur disciple 


HpS - Hare Krsna. Hare Krsna. Get closer to Krsna. He wants to be your friend just like your psychologist. He has many extravagant plans for all of us.

Sankirtan plans for Lima. He wins His battles!

Trash 160416(6.30am)

8 years, 8 months ago by hps in Special Category A
  1. We live in a bubble of time and space, dominated by the feet of His Divine Grace.
  2. Within that Bubble, Kirtaniya sada harih, always chant, but at least sixteen enthusiastic rounds on your beads. NOI 7 & 8, CC 1.17.123.
  3.  On top of chanting: SB 5.5.3 "Those who are interested in reviving Kṛṣṇa consciousness and increasing their love of Godhead do not like to do anything that is not related to Kṛṣṇa. They are not interested in mingling with people who are busy maintaining their bodies, eating, sleeping, mating and defending. They are not attached to their homes, although they may be householders. Nor are they attached to wives, children, friends or wealth. At the same time, they are not indifferent to the execution of their duties. Such people are interested in collecting only enough money to keep the body and soul together." Your daily duties will follow like a shadow.

Trash 160414(8.52a)

8 years, 9 months ago by hps in Special Category A

Sachs Canon listened with awe while Killarney laid on for seven days and seven nights. Not one time did K hiccough or breach for a draught of beverage. His arms moved like pistons and wind mills. His eyes seared your soul. His posture, with his legs stationed far apart, stood like the rock of Gibraltar.

Justice Coon could see it all in his mind's eye and grovelled before the Defense whispering softly, "Since the Adi-Shankar and the Sutras of the 'sarirakhya bhasya', no one has held forth with such vinegar and fudge. Truly defense must be an incarnation Maha-deva or Siva himself."

On the 7th day Defense closed in like a tiger making his final crouch before leaping to kill a herd of helpless water buffalo, but just at that moment Plaintiff stood and raised his hand like an incarnation of William Jennings Bryan and declared, "I will not let you crucify this Court on a Cross of Turnips. We capitulate to the last two minutes, and the conclusion of you speech. ..

trash 160414(8.00am)

8 years, 9 months ago by hps in Special Category A

DONKEY DAVID BECKHAM regretted taking turnips from Farmer Farewell's garden. Justice Barzoom was a kind, blind Raccoon who could keep a fair tune on a banjo, guitar or 'lele.

He called the Court into Session.

And declared with concession.

That the facts dealt with Psychology and the Sacred.

Farmer, while wringing his hat in his hands, declared that the Turnips were Sacred, they belonged to him and his Brother.

Poor David's attorney, a bloke from Kilkerny introduced a book by Smith with the surname of Adam.

"I will clearly establish by this book by lauded pundit, "The Wealth of Nations", that no one has a right to claim anything until he has thoroughly discussed the point from myriad different view points. I will heave in front of Your Honour Coon and Opposing Counsel such a tirade of words that you will find nothing but delight in the concluding thoughts of the Hindu truth."

Justice Barzoom, who dwelt in the lands of the doomed, gavel whacked and crooned, "Lay on Macduff, and dammed be him who first calls 'Hold, enough'".

Trash 160414(7.15a)

8 years, 9 months ago by hps in Special Category A

Jack London said that you couldn't write even one decent paragraph worth reading until you had written 100,000 words of trash, so start writing trash.

Well, we, Tom Brown and Buck White, have already written a considerable quantity of Trash. Some of it actually organized into packets that have even been appreciated by respected Civil Engineers.

We don't feel we've reached 100,000 words yet so we will take up our pen here in the ASA blog and blabber bolder broadcasts with the hope that someone will see our neophyte condition and arrange a room for us at the Funny Farm.

Of course, any essay must begin with an illustrative story, and we presume to do just that.

daily reading: 04/04/16

8 years, 9 months ago by keninbali in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A
Guy Dear Swamiji, PAMHO, AGTSP. I hope that you will consider a trip to Bali for Govardhana Puja have your association, and I can send a ticket for you. I have been reading the small book titled :Lord Caitanya, his life and teachings. Reading about Mahaprabhu’s talks with Sarvabhaumya Battacarya has given me insight, especially after having lived in Indonesia for the past three years. I can see parralells between the Muslims and the Vedantist Mayavadis. I wonder if Krishna created Islam because those who are Muslims don’t have the intelligence to understand the absolute truth. On the whole, Islam seems to be a low class religion (for 5th class men?). I’m thinking of writing a guidebook for devotees visiting Bali from other countries. I want to write the historyof ISKcON in Bali, a comparison of Vaisnavism and Balinese Hinduism, and have a guide for the different Temples in Bali that willincludelocation, history of each temple, and guest facilities. Your servant, Ken HpS ASA - If Krsna wants we go to Bali. Now no plans after July 31st. Is Abhimanyu Das there? Book sounds great. We hear that, yes, Koran is like Tamasic purana. It is for people compelled by ignorance, but has the highest truths for those who want to go up, up, up! Your book sounds wonderful. Send us the Table of Contents! Oink.