Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva
Very nice to have iur association again through SM, etc, we were kind of leading fmp but U inspire muchhhhhhh more than I do.
We are in a new phase in our therapy. Now I know what I do not want more. And value and respect myself more. I am very happy and comfortable with my therapist.
I complete my rounds but my AIM is to chant GOOD rounds,,, 4p all right. I am teaching BS I like that very much.
I will coordinate with abhiram and try to be useful for the congress in June
I am hanging out with Madhumati dd ( Sankarshan das adhikari), she had already bought her ticket to India and her plan is to stay there..,, and no return anymore, she loves Vrindavan, she is a nice company and inspiration for me.
On Ramanavami I had to work from 2 to 9pm but at home earlier I did an offering to our deities.
When my father left i felt so so unprotected.... but lately I realized that I have SP 's, Krsna 's protection through U. Thank U Gurudeva, I feel protected.,,, so miscreants back off jeje
I am sharing a picture from Lord Rama in chosik last friday
In response to iur letter the dog is SANTINO Dhanya lalita's.
He is so cute,...
Thank U
Trying to be iur disciple
HpS - Hare Krsna. Hare Krsna. Get closer to Krsna. He wants to be your friend just like your psychologist. He has many extravagant plans for all of us.
Sankirtan plans for Lima. He wins His battles!