<Banana Boro> Suggestion verse for Bhaktivedanta Medical Association conference

As you wrote:

We will sit down in The Boro until next weekend and then we go to Houston, Nila-madhavaDhama, with SripadNitai-gaura-sundara Das for the Bhaktivedanta Medical Association conference. Saturday we do a Keynote Address, (Have to prepare it), Science, Psyche, and Spirituality: The Encounter of Professor Carl Gustav Jung with the Mysticism of Srila Rupa Goswami. Sunday we do the Srimad Bhagavatam class. Any suggestions for a verse? We were thinking of the verses about Hari DasaThakura’sJapa disease.

If I may suggest: https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/1/2/10


Life’s desires should never be directed toward sense gratification. One should desire only a healthy life, or self-preservation, since a human being is meant for inquiry about the Absolute Truth. Nothing else should be the goal of one’s works.


The completely bewildered material civilization is wrongly directed towards the fulfillment of desires in sense gratification. In such civilization, in all spheres of life, the ultimate end is sense gratification. In politics, social service, altruism, philanthropy and ultimately in religion or even in salvation, the very same tint of sense gratification is ever-increasingly predominant. In the political field the leaders of men fight with one another to fulfill their personal sense gratification. The voters adore the so-called leaders only when they promise sense gratification. As soon as the voters are dissatisfied in their own sense satisfaction, they dethrone the leaders. The leaders must always disappoint the voters by not satisfying their senses. The same is applicable in all other fields; no one is serious about the problems of life. Even those who are on the path of salvation desire to become one with the Absolute Truth and desire to commit spiritual suicide for sense gratification. But the Bhāgavatam says that one should not live for sense gratification. One should satisfy the senses only insomuch as required for self-preservation, and not for sense gratification. Because the body is made of senses, which also require a certain amount of satisfaction, there are regulative directions for satisfaction of such senses. But the senses are not meant for unrestricted enjoyment. For example, marriage or the combination of a man with a woman is necessary for progeny, but it is not meant for sense enjoyment. In the absence of voluntary restraint, there is propaganda for family planning, but foolish men do not know that family planning is automatically executed as soon as there is search after the Absolute Truth. Seekers of the Absolute Truth are never allured by unnecessary engagements in sense gratification because the serious students seeking the Absolute Truth are always overwhelmed with the work of researching the Truth. In every sphere of life, therefore, the ultimate end must be seeking after the Absolute Truth, and that sort of engagement will make one happy because he will be less engaged in varieties of sense gratification. And what that Absolute Truth is is explained as follows.


Will it be streamed online ?

Your servant Namacarya Das


HpS - ASA --- AGTSP!!!!!!! paoho We were looking at the Akincana web site. They say it was started in Croatia but now other devotees have taken it over.

This is wonderful verse! Good health automatically follows when we take our quota... Discussed with the organizers and final resolution is to take the verse from Canto One, The Pandavas Retire Timely, which describes Yuddhisthira folding the different layers of the material body back into the Atma. For doctors will be nice to hear about Sankhya, ISKCON Medicine as Assisted Suicide. All of our relations with this body is to destroy it at the root.

Thank you!!!

Any news about the ?Esther? Indradyumna Das is on line most days for Mangala arati etc.

We will find out about Streaming. The SB class will be at ISKCON Houston at Mayapura TV. Others I don't know.

Inquiry - How to Manage Money While Preaching KC

Hare Krishna Maharaj, 

Please accept my humble obeisances, All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to your divine lotus feet, here and in Goloka!

HpS - We only have lettuce feet. Trying to improve. You are probably more advanced devotee than we are. We are just trying to do a job for Srila Prabhupada, mostly inspired by him rather than our own sincerity!!

I know I just posted my offering to you in the spirit of your auspicious appearance day, and I do not wish to flood your blog! However, I was hoping to ask you for some advice regarding a potential preaching endeavor coming up soon here in Boise, ID… 

You may remember a couple American yogis here in Boise who own their own yoga studio, Satyavani Gayatri and Michael Bittner?

HpS - Yes, we have some recollection of them.

Satyavani used to come at least every week if not multiple times a week in the morning for Srimad Bhagavatam class with Ananta Rupa Prabhu, myself and/or others. She is getting pretty busy with her yoga studio entitled ZenSpot Institute: Vedic & Taoist Studies and hasn’t had time lately for Bhagavatam in the morning. But her business is expanding and she has asked me to teach a “Nectar of Instructions” course at her institute this April of 2020. Because last winter, by Ananta Rupa Prabhu’s request, I had led a NOI class at the temple and some of Satyavani’s students attended them regularly, I felt confident and told her that I was interested, so we planned the dates. She shared with me how she would charge students $299 for a 6-week course. She needs me to create a personal profile so people know who I am and also I will be given 40% of the proceeds from the students.

Maharaj, I feel torn a bit for two reasons. Firstly, I don’t feel completely qualified to create a profile and teach professionally. Secondly, I would be getting paid for teaching Krishna Consciousness.

The first issue: Materially speaking my qualifications are skim. I only have an Associates Degree of General Science from BSU and I am just a housewife working for the Hare Krishna Temple. I have only finished two of the four Bhakti Sastri books (of which 1 of them is the Nectar of Instructions). I haven’t taken a teacher’s training qualifying me to teach the course, "professionally/institutionally". What impressive profile do I have? Am I really qualified?

HpS - Just explain what you have said and then include your daily austerities and for how long you have been doing them and the formal degrees you have taken in ISKCON, what they mean.

The second issue: Maharaj, the proposal is that out of the $300 per student, 60% would go to ZenSpot Institute, and 40% would be given to me. Now if there were even just 5 attendees that is $1,200 of which $600 would go to me, and $900 to ZenSpot. My question is, as an initiated devotee housewife, how should I handle the $600 given to me? Should I give 50%, $300, to the Temple, like Rupa Goswami has recommended?

I feel like giving 50% would be the correct thing to do. And at the same time, I may be in an interesting position because most of the money my husband, Nitisara das, and I make goes towards paying bills, keeping a roof under [over?] our heads, and buying bhoga we offer to Krsna. We buy a lot of bhoga to make nice offerings for Krsna. When Rupa Goswami says 50%, does that mean 50% of gross or, of net profit, after one has paid the bills?

HpS - Here is a citation from NOI!  https://vedabase.io/en/library/noi/4/#bb5913. Here Srila Prabhupada seems to equate "income" with "accumulated earnings". what you keep after operating expenses.

I am teaching Krishna Consciousness, so shouldn’t this be a free service? But what about book distributors who make a living off distributing books? What is your opinion and instructions about such a life?

HpS - As we understand, Srila Prabhupada said that devotees in the Temple who get Prasada, roof, dhotis, etc, but are Ghrasthas can keep 15% of their collection to pay for their Ashrama expenses. So it is okay, service.

A yogini making a life teaching yoga/bhakti sastri material?

Thank you for your precious time, Maharaj. Any feedback to steer the boat will be of use.

Your aspiring servant, 

Anadi Radha dasi.

HpS - $300 for 6-weeks. How many hours/week? $180 for six weeks. Maybe talk with Ananta rupa Das. If there are more students they maybe your fees could be less, because the basic costs could be divided between students. Maybe suggest that the Center charge for its costs, then you ask for donations to cover your basic costs and time and whatever else they students want to give to use for your preaching programs, like the Bhakti Yoga Center etc/

Banana Cathedral: Sri Vyasa Puja

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva AGTSP PAMHO

Yesterday we went to Chosica to celebrate your Sri Vyasa Puja.

My personal experience: I was in charge of the Raja Bhoga Artik. As soon as I entered to the altar Lord Caitanya dropped one Champa that He was carrying. I really loved that moment. Yasoda dd helped me.

HpS - Yulisa, Yahaira, .. ? Who is the third??

There were 130 preparations. All the guests went back home really happy. Even Ulysses and my cats got a portion Maha prasadam 😃🐵

All were very committed to the service. Neverheless we have to improve a lot. I guess that we need a kind of board who take charge of the things between the Godbrothers. On the other hand I have the feeling that there are lots of jealousy and machismo ha ha ha.

HpS - Those with the Greatest Machismo are the easiest to control, no?

I got a new Japa bag in order to inspire me to chant jajjajajajajaj. I need to have something fancy in order to get inspiration. As you always say Everybody is different.

HpS - ASA -- But Monkey and Piggy have decided that you-all are VERY DIFFERENT. Always keep looking for special jewelry for Radha rani!! Distribute the remnants as Prasadam.

Please bless us with your association

See U soon

Trying to be your disciple

Chandramukhi dd

HpS - Hare Krsna. 2.42PM. We are sooooo tired!!! Why is that??? TB: Because you have been traveling like a young man for three months, idiot. Relax. Recharge your "cell phone" one more time then get a new one!!!!! https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/1/6/27/

Banana Llama. LAD educación 2020

Hare Krishna, dear Gurudeva. Pamho, AGTSP!

I hope you had a good day on your Vyasa puja.

HpS - It was very intense being the object of so much attention!

I honored you that day by going to the temple to Mangalartik; chantig many rounds; reading more about Srila Prabhupada; preparing my class on Thursday 26; giving a guru tattva-ASA class. Then I went to my house and made an exquisite Peruvian preparation that I shared with my niece (almost daughter) Destiny and with my mother.

HpS - Jaya! What was the preparation???

I have already sent you my personal report and now I send you the summary of my ideas about my participation in education at ISKCON by 2020. Points that we have been discussing with you and those in charge of education.


I have been teaching BS for 10 years. I have been developing the ASA program with some improvements. I would say that I am quite familiar with ASA ideas. I have been listening to you since 2001 when I met you just the day of your VP in January of that year.

So, I will give a final BS of one year, ten months, from March to December 2020. I will put all my effort to renew it once again and offer the best of myself and what I have learned from you. For example, each student will give a short class about each book with power point. Students will take oral exams of the verses, etc.

At the beginning of March I will take the exam to the group that is finishing 2019 and I will summon the students of two groups that could not take the exam.

I will also summon students who could not complete the course to join 2020 with the possibility of validating the parts they managed to develop in the past so that they can take the exam at the end of 2020.

I will also give the opportunity to older devotees to take the March or December 2020 exam prior to some training and delivering of their summaries and essays.

I hope that the administrative aspect is a help and not an obstacle to do all of the above. M. Candra Mukhi would be the examiner.

2021 will begin another era with a new BS program.


I want to be actively involved in the improvement of the course. I agree with your ideas and based on that I will give my suggestions. I hope to be part of a more specific working group.

HpS - We are very, very weak. We are trying to develope the Bh. Vai. program in relation with the online course from Govardhana Ecovillage.

The suggestion of examination by Canto seems great to me. I plan to start teaching a new group in March. When the time for the exam comes I will give my previous students the opportunity to take the exam (They are like 15). Previous training. Again, I hope the administration will help meet these goals.

HpS - Me too! They are struggling just like us.

We also have to clarify the subject of essays and other requirements so that the old students, starting with me, will catch up with the new requirements. This administrative issue is a problem. My students are eager to study and have their certification. It would be a shame if the administration does not help this task.

HpS - If there are problems with the GBC administration we can always do something just among friends to evaluate ourselves and even give certificates, eg. the ASA Golden Banana of Everlasting Knowledge Award.

From 2021 I will only dedicate myself to BVB and my personal educational project.


In 2020 we will give a face-to-face course for those who wish to co-facilitate to be official ISKCON teachers. I will also join others I guess.

There are devotees who ask me for the online course, so we will give one last online course as well. Then those who have trained will be in charge.

We have also innovated that course since the time of NIMSAR. Something important was to include Ravindra Svarup prabhu's book among other things that I implemented later. It seems to me that some elements are still missing. For example, something basic is an analysis of Gurvastakam, etc.


I think it's time to have our own facilitators of those courses. It is very cumbersome and expensive to bring devotees from abroad. I think there are local devotees who would do very well.

Which leads to the issue of facilitator certification. So far it is requested that they have to co-facilitate to teach the course. I think this may be for devotees who are vocation educators and not professors it self.

There are devotees who are educators by profession and it would be enough to take the course to teach it. This situation has generated a kind of monopoly of some foreign facilitators that has prevented us from continuing to grow. This must end very soon.

HpS - Write to the Blog with your specific ideas for each small step. Inch by inch it is always a cinch!

I also have developed several workshops that I have directed in Arequipa, Cuzco, La Paz and Cochabamba (Bolivia). I'm good at it.

In ISKCON-Education Peru (Since they have killed personal and group initiatives, which I think is terrible because it has resulted in slowness and incomplete vision, etc.) we must create a curriculum that includes other things that we ,educators, have developed these years with local certification or something. If we are allow, because I really do not see the capacity for dialogue and convocation.

HpS - How about working with the Gandharva and the Karuna Krsna Das?

In any case, I will continue to help in whatever I can and in whatever they allow me.

I think there must also be other types of initiatives supported by ISKCON. If not, each one will look for ways to develop their own educational dreams. I've already started.

Thank you for your patience.

Your servant,


HpS - Go ahead with your own programs 100% and see how that inspires you to try to work with the institution. If you find that there is no one in the institution but Srila Prabhupada who understands you, it is normal in one sense, but if you have a relationship with Srila Prabhupada you will be like him. He was ready to teach and learn from anyone.

Banana Llama

5 years, 1 month ago by sarahii in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Haré Krishna Gurudeva mi correo es:

sarana. . . (ASA)

No entendí bien si quiere que yo le escriba también los correos de los candidatos a iniciación y a refugio?

HpS - Estamos en contacto por email with Caturatma Das, no???!! Si, no, otra vez su direccion.

Regional representation report 10 (KPC)

Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva,

HpS = AGTSP. Paoho.

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

Gurumaharaja. Here my anual report (Did you file it in the Report section here in the Kapi Dhvaja? Has to have a copy there.) and a few questions and comments about the education program. Things are going well. After 10 months in this service we almost know what to do, with whom and how to do it.

I believe education is a matter that concerns to everybody, to every devotee but in different levels according to their needs. The key is to know what those needs are.

HpS - This is like the FIRST sentence of the Preface to Srila Prabhupada's SB, no???

For some of them, education is a sophisticated, inaccessible (and unnecessary) topic, for others the panacea for every affliction in life.

  • I contacted Bhakta Rupa Prabhu who has been very kind in sending us the BS/BV forms and MOE's basic requirements for establishing both examination centers. We fulfill the BS requirements but BV is a little bit more complicated. We should work in improving this program but I trust things can be done in a mid term.

ASA - We have been working with the Govardhana Eco-village (GEV), Gauranga Darsana Das, and they are going to roll-out an online program in January for BhVai. We plan on integrating with that. We can have local groups that sign in as individual students for study and evaluation. Of course, it is in English, so we will need to translate it to Spanish, and take help from Yadunandana Swami, and some regular Peruvian school. We can start with the First Two Cantos.

  • We have proposed ISKCON Chosica to be the operations center and asked Karuna Krsna Prabhu if he agrees with Isvari dd as Introduction to Bhakti yoga teacher, me as BS teacher and LAD as BV (BhVai)teacher. He was ok with it, but he wants to know your opinion about LAD leading the BV program (as a teacher). I think we all know each other pretty well and basically none of us are qualified to work alone. We have to be part and parcel of the Team Gauranga!
  • The BV program needs an examiner. Any suggestions? Both, teacher (LAD) and examiner should have their diplomas. I'm going to ask Atul Krsna prabhu if they can give the BV exam to get their certificate.

Include us the dialog with Atul k. D. I might suggest that we do the examinations Canto by Canto with a certificate for each one. We could do a review course and then very quickly we would have certified teachers. Then we would have to certify the Examiners. I would say that a good standard for Examiners would be that they are BhVed students. Later the program could expand.

  • Other preaching centers could have their own program. For example, San Borja is asking Ramacandra prabhu to teach BS. We think is ok, he is a skilled teacher but if they want to certificate they should apply to the unique assesment. Many programs, one exam, one examiner. Is this correct Gurudeva?

It is our idea. We have a big question bank of multiple choice questions for the first canto. We can automate them. We can steal them from the English groups. Then they have a big bank of open book essay questions on the Canto. They have to stand for an oral examination. which will be like 3 out of their ten essays. The three of which will be chosen right before their oral examination. Oral exam can be a lecture before Examiners and public with Examiners then asking specific questions. Pass the computer multiple choice test, pass the oral exam on the Canto, get the certificate.

A questionair about their moral and academic character eg. do you keep daily SB class? Who are your study partners, teachers? What are their e-mail addresses?.

  • The next step is to consult the National Board and the GBC representative about the appointment of Candramukhi dd as BS examiner. Step by step.
  • ATD told that you are travelling to Ecuador by may next year. If you allow me I can go with you and take advantage of the trip to talk with whoever is necessary and observe the development of educational programs.

Who is ATD? Yes, we can try to go.

  • Today I'm sending my report to Tapana Misra prabhu.

On a personal level. I'm manifesting moderate knee problems and while time goes by it doesn't improve. There are two main medical treatments for cartilage osteoarthritis, but both contains substances of animal origin: collagen and glucosamine. Is very hard to find veggie glucosamine so I ask you what to do. Should I continue looking after alternative treatments or should I treat my problem with glucosamine whose main component comes from shellfish?

HpS - Check in the USA for vegetarian alternatives? Contact PETA or other organizations? Become the retail agent for the veg. option in Peru?

Otherwise it may be o.K. to use animal products for medical reasons from what I have heard of Prabhupada. Thank you for this letter. We want to stay in touch with you for this BhVai development.

Is Ramacandra Das an ISKCON member? Who is his GBC authority?

Thank you in advance for your answer.

Your servant

Gandharva dasa