PC Pedido formal

4 years, 11 months ago by brian tellez in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Gurudeva Pamho Agtsp

Because of Tulasi's miscericity, and because of your mercy we are in the Holy Dham today we leave Vrndavan to Mayapur. 

HpS - Krsna, must love you! Write all the time of what happens. Even simple things. Years from now you will read them with great joy.

Gurudeva came some shilas to me and wanted to ask if I could worship them. I am always in Sankirtan and Harinama but since I do not stay in any temple I have not been able to exercise my deity worship, I really wish I could do it, with its authorization.

HpS - I think that the Shilas are too advanced for us. They are for someone with very Brahminical culture. Bhima carried Deities of Sita Rama that he got from Hanuman around his neck. Little Gaura Nitai dieties seem very, very, wonderful. They would love to travel with you! 

I'm going to travel with Harinama ruci through India and then maybe Europe.

(This is private please don't published). ASA - O.K. but only because you are in male body but in summary you have sent explanation of personal and social Ashrama situation.

Krsna is certainly working with all His power to help you, so do not be discouraged. Any distress is minimized from what we deserve, maybe we were Bank Robbers etc in our last life, and... Krsna is using the bad reactions for our ETERNAL progress. Go ahead with your Sankirtan first and give some interest in your Ashrama situation. 

please allow me to keep myself busy day and night in the devotional service at your lotus feet, excuse all my shortcomings I try to do my best.

Trying my best to be servent of your servers Vrajendra Kumara Das


4 years, 11 months ago by Gadai in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja, reciba mis respetuosas reverencias, gracias por responderme a mi carta anterior.

Sigo aquí en Huancayo, y, también siguen habiendo cambios, pero bueno, seguimos en sankirtan "distribuyendo los libros de Srila Prabhupada".

HpS - TlgaSP!!! Pfanrh...

Ahora mi padre esta enfermo, tiene neumonía, fue internado en un hospital de Lima, bueno, este mundo es así, mi padre respeta la Conciencia de Krsna. Estoy predicando a mi familia, por teléfono.

Mi madre se volvió vegetariana cuando comencé a conocer la Conciencia de Krsna, en el año 2003, también canta una ronda del Maha mantra Hare Krsna por las mañanas 7 am.

HpS - Prabhupada dijo que la mayoria de la gente a quien estamos predicando no va a convertir en devotos en esta vida. Pero proxima vida, si. Posible eso es nuestra hostoria, no?

Mi padre tiene 70 años y mi madre 75, entiendo que en un momento de sus vidas dejaran el cuerpo,

HpS - Ja! Ja! Yo 72! y todos

. . . nosotros también dejaremos el cuerpo, cada instante de nuestras vidas es importante para seguir desarrollando Conciencia de Krsna y no desaprovechar la misericordia de Srila Prabhupada.

Bueno le comento que un tío materno nos quiso estafar con un dinero que le dimos para los tramites de la embajada italiana, nos dimos cuenta a tiempo, estamos recuperando el dinero de a pocos, bueno, lo lamentable es que tendremos que empezar de nuevo pero con otro familiar que es mas responsable y serio. Bueno, si las cosas no se dan, entenderemos que es voluntad del Señor Supremo.

En mi carta anterior le comente sobre comprar un auto y trabajar para comprar libros, hacer programas de predica, etc. Bueno, son solo ideas, no es algo que sea definitivo o que ya este decidido, veremos que pasa y como se den las cosas (TENGO QUE ANALIZAR DETALLADAMENTE ESTE PLAN).

HpS - Canakhya Pandita dijo ... Exito proviene de buen consejo, y buen consejo proviene de muchos consejeros.!

Guru Maharaja tengo 3 preguntas:

¿Usted que opina de la Astrología Vedica?

HpS - Es la ciences ... ayurveda, vastu veda.... mas sutil, y entonces es el mas deficil. Es mejor obtener opinion de seis astrolgos en algo muy fina, pero para modo de trabajo, profesion.., matrimonio, momento de muerte, puede ser bien. Tambien tiempos bueno para vijar.

Hay devotos que han aprendido la Astrología vedica pero no lo utilizan para predicar sino para ganar dinero

Encontré una publicación en el Internet donde Srila Prabhupada le dice a su discípulo Sanatana Dasa lo siguiente:

Mi Guru Mahārāja era un gran astrólogo y astrónomo, pero lo abandonó todo. Eso es para los karmīs. A nosotros no nos interesan esas cosas.

Carta de Ś. P. a Sanātana dāsa (3 junio 1975)

¿como entender adecuadamente lo que Srila prabhupada nos enseña?

¿Se puede estudiar Astrología vedica y utilizarlo adecuadamente para el Sankirtan?

HpS ... Otra vez, es dificl relacionar on KC, pero posible. Usualmente Krsna da buen inteligencia a nosotros como relacionar con el mundo material. Prahlada ananda Swami y Bhanu Swami utilizan. Subhaga Swami me dijo que Prabhupada utiliza en forma simple para adjustar sus viajes.

Bueno con respecto al Sankirtan viajero, hay un grupo de devotos serios que quieren viajar en Sankirtan y por ahí algunos devotos independientes que viajan solos. Nos preguntamos ¿con quien viajar???

HpS --- No, se los detalles. Con buen devotos.

Bueno Guru Maharaja, que Nrsimha lo proteja y guíe sus pasos, que tenga un bonito festival de Sri Nityananda. Hare Krsna.

HpS - Hare Krsna. Siempre muchas gracias por su asociation. Cuales libros esta Vd distribuyendo????

ASA Sankirtan Leader's Report

Hare Krsna.

We met Misra-bhagavan Das when we B'caris in the Temple in Berkeley. Some think he's as crazy as a loon, but others think he is the back-bone of Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtan army. Never stops distributing books according to his capacity.

Do you do that!! We have to take lessons from him!


Humbles and Glories. Working hard in Radha Kalachandji Dhama. Mi esposa tiene trabajo con la City of Dallas. She is working as an operations specialist.

So far on sankirtan this month 14 people have bought Srila Prabhpada's books from me. Jayapataka Swami asked me to go to Chile. Next month I hope to go and find out why. Though I have been continuing with show business we aspire to go south for awhile and get into the educational field. 

I hope this meets you well. Yours , Mishra Bhagavan Das

Report and question

4 years, 12 months ago by brian tellez in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

HpS - AGTSP... This letter came while we were traveling, so only responding now.

Dear Guru Maharaja pamho AGTSP, I am telling you that I am now traveling with Harinama Ruci Making Harinama Sankirtana Again every day, we will be in Mexico until the 22nd then we will go to Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, New Zealand, maybe if I get the visa Australia, and India . I have been reading the upadesambrita and it is a mystery to me to know what it means to bathe once in its waters of the Radha Kunda, which is the Radha Kunda in reality, which is the prema Bhakti and how GM is achieved, I do not I have nothing else in my life, I am not able to be good at anything else to go out to preach, but I do not enjoy the nectareas of relations with Krsna based on prema but I can not go to enjoy Maya roughly because it makes me empty, GM How can I go through this circumstance? always yours Vrajendra Kumara Das queretaro Mexico 09/19/19

HpS - Just the way you are! Do as much Sadhana Bhakti as you can, and then as much Karma yoga as you can!!! Then.... be as good a person in VAD as you can....

Kirtan Event 2

4 years, 12 months ago by jaynityananda in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

ASA-We got this while we were traveling, months ago!

Thank you for your reply. In reply to your questions, the kirtan event is in April and September or October, fitting with events in the Dutch Yatra calendar. We prefer Vaishnava holidays, but are not attached to it.

So far we had five hour kirtans where people sing preferably 45 minutes or an hour. Some sang 30 minutes. I prefer longer kirtans for deepening the meditation. We've had the Damodarastakam, but generally we just chant Hare Krishna. We mix seniors with juniors who are in good standing. Besides that we still work on inviting Manu and his good wife (Radhadesh Mellows), Kadamba Kanana Swami or Sacinandana Swami. And perhaps 6 hours is worth the experiment (12-18).

HpS - Long time, but some may be ready. Advertise for early starting time for more advanced souls?

I'm still looking forward to make it to Spain whenever you are there, but so far i failed.

Your aspiring servant,

Raghava Pandita dasa

HpS - O.K. Send news of your April Kirtan experience!.

Spiritual Tourism

Dear MaharajaHare Krishna!

Please accept my humble obeisances 
All glories to Srila Prabhupada 
All glories to Srila Sripada 
When Your Holiness will be arriving India and share details of Manipur visit. 
Please also let me know when Your Holiness will be available in your head quarter. What are the best places to see and how do we see your culture and meet the devotee there?
Your servant 
Radhacharan Das
(Temple President, ISKCON Imphal, Manipur)
HpS... <img src="https://s.yimg.com/nq/yemoji_assets/latest/yemoji_assets/1f641.png" alt="Emoji" height="16" width="16"> <img src="https://s.yimg.com/nq/yemoji_assets/latest/yemoji_assets/1f641.png" alt="Emoji" height="16" width="16"> <img src="https://s.yimg.com/nq/yemoji_assets/latest/yemoji_assets/1f641.png" alt="Emoji" height="16" width="16"> AGTSP. H. H. B. S. Damodara Swami, Ki Jai! It is so nice to hear from you. Our vehicle, donkey, is getting older and we cannot travel so much. We will probably go to India in August. Can you host a tour group of Vice-chancellors et al?============================

Dear Maharaj,

Hare Krishna!

Thanks for Your Holiness quick reply.

Please let me know the places which can be selected for cultural experiences during a trip to Your Holiness country.

Regarding hosting of a tour group of Vice-chancellors for a trip within Manipur, I like to request Your Holiness to make me understand more elaborately. 

Your servant

Radhacharan Das


HpS . . . AGTSP  Paoho...  USA is like Manipur. There are some places of interest as Narada muni was appreciating the material world as the production of Lord Visnu: https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/1/6/13/.

The Grand Canyon. Niagra Falls. It is a very big country and things can be very spaced. It is like asking about the places of cultural experience in Europe or India. As for human culture there is not much here. It is a materialistic culture in general. Killing animals and drinking alcohol is so common. 

The events organized by devotees of ISKCON such as Rathayatra are valuable. New York Rathayatra and Los Angeles Rathayatra. When would you visit? How many?  Who?   Best thing would be to travel with a Sannyasi or Sankirtan program during that time.

Our tour of India would be in August, organized by Hertiage Tours from Radhanatha Swami's yatra. They do first class tours. It would be professors and others from South America. Even Vice-chancellors. They would want to see Taj Mahal, Himalyan mountains, and they would also go to Vrndavana, Govardhana Eco-village and meet with Ministry of Education in Dehli... and.. maybe Manipura. It would be chance to establish educational, institutional, links for University of Bhagavata Culture. Maybe seven people. Maybe twenty.