Mature enough bananacicle

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva:

AGTSP, pamho

The last 2 days I had fever, I do not have voice but I feel a lot much better. I want to deal with two issues in these letter.


I received early in the morning a letter from a godsister who says that she needs to talk with me because she was feeling really bad. Her life was not as she expected and then I thought who gets the life that wants? hahaha. This is not our place and we suffer because we drift apart from the original source. KRSNA. I haven't talked to her yet, but I do not what to said to her. What to say to a person who has lost faith in Krsna? she signs with her karmi name, and addresses me with Hola so I can infere that she does not want to listen about Krsna, but he is within everything. What can I help her?

ASA - Answered this whole letter and then it got lost!! She must be remembering Krsna if she is approaching devotees. She also wrote to us. Yes, in the Peter Brook Mahabharata, at youtube. part two, bhima kills duhsana, his cousin, then he and draupadi, cover dusasana's face and bhima does a little death dance and then says into the camera, "we were not born to be happy.". Listen with your heart. Every situation is basically in SB. You can give good association. She is an individual and will move forward in her individual way, like all of us, with KRSNA, but we can help!!!


There is undoubtedly an increasing trend towards leaving ISKCON or at least its standards. In the past I did not understand that but many many devotees are becoming disappointed due to some behaviours of some authorities.

One temple president who does not like me even if I was programmed to do the abhisek in Nityananda Trayodasi asked another devotee to do so. When I received the news I just laughed hahaha. Well if you can not handle that I am straightforward so sorry. And the problem originated when another devotee told him that I do not trust him anyway I do not want to bother you with these issues. But I reacted completely calm, if Nityananda does not want me to do His abhishek is for some reason. On the other hand I have gorgeous deities at home. So I will do the abhishek at home for Them. I guess that had grown up.

ASA- "Don't be surprised who goes, be surprised who stays!".... Draupadi got drug into the public assembly in a terrible situation. NOBODY was going to help her but...… live your live with depth. Dance a new step with Krsna! Radha-krsna! She will teach you. Will you be the Draupadi in your next life?????

Thanks Gurudeva for your support and for your letter about Hermanos Espirituales Mayores.

I guess that we focus on nonesense more than service that is why we do not advance.

Trying to be your disciple

Candramukhi dd

BANANACICLE Lad good news

Hare Krishna, dear gurudev. Pamho, AGTSP!

I didn't write before because I had to address some situations to give you good news.

ASA - The Godfather always wanted to hear bad news immediately.

In my last letters I have been very negative and prone to destructive criticism. I have tried to meditate on the situations I'm facing and I noticed that I only saw the negative. Perhaps frustration, envy, conceit, false ego was what led me in my analysis.

ASA - Wow! Very rare people can see their faults (if there are any).

I could see more clearly, for your inspiration, that the administrators face many problems and I have to be more understanding with them while pointing out what needs to be improved. In my specific case I'm talking about the authorities in the educational field.

So, I faced the situation and talked to my authorities. The results were very good. We agreed on some common points and communication began to flow.

ASA - HpS has had the same experience at several times. I was grumbling about the faults of different people in the Ministry of Education to our Minster, Sesa Das, and he said, "They are people, Maharaja!". I said, "Hmmfff. Ooooo!" and realized that I had forgotten. That everything changed. I was a normal human being again!

Now as a collaborator in the educational area I have several tasks:


1. We set some details for Bhakti sastri exam in March with the groups that needed to be examined with M. Candra mukhi as an examiner.

2. I was authorized to give a one-year BS, from March to December, and then retire.


1. I will give one in person for those who want to co-facilitate and prepare to lead the course.

2. I will give an online DC to some devotees who are asking me. Maybe I will go to retirement too.


1. We will start a course in March where new students can participate and as a review for those who were left behind and allow them to take Canto 1 and 2 examination with a little preparation. Two semesters as before. It concludes in December.

2. A situation to be resolved is the BVB examining center, so for now we call it the Pada Padma course.

3. I think I can start doing serious work in Pada padma with the idea of ​​accessing the exams of the Bhakti Vaibhava itself in the future.

4. Something to discuss in more detail is the development of the course itself. You have proposed to follow some study guides. Particularly I feel inclined to the tava pace pace. In any case, could a mixture be made? The issue of standardization concern me. Seeing that topic I think there has to be more freedom and consider each particular center. It is how the Ministry of State Education gives general guidelines and each educational institution puts its own mood, etc. So, I think we have to find a balance.

HpS - Oooo! The BOEX is working on that. I am pushing to get a good, simple, global examination going and don't worry about the details of the centers. Just see how their students pass the tests.


1. Inspired by what you do in other places and with the idea of ​​integrating more educational programs the temple I proposed a Pada padma in the temple. Of course, it will have a local certification and less requirements than the Pada padma on-line. It would be on Saturday mornings before our Bhagavatam class.

HpS - Great. Thirty chapters, 52-weeks. Nice breaks. For alumnos libres, ASA registered, BOEX BhVai candidates. Three levels?

2. Simple study guides, taken from tpp, would be used. And the requirements would be minimal such as regular attendance, and some simple essay and exam.

HpS - Level one and two?

Finally, from my conversations with Karuna Krishna and Gandharva Prabhus, an aspect emerged that I had not contemplated. Prabhu Karuna asked me about my relationship with Raman reti dd and told him that everything was going well. Then I realized talking with Gandharva that P. Karuna as an authority and a senior devotee was making sure that my VAD was fine. This would give me more credibility and moral transparency , so to speak.

ASA - Yes, we love you! Romeo and Juliet! Anthony and Cleopatra??? Tarzan and Jane!!!! (Ken and Barbie???) Devahuti and Kardama... ???

Later we can talk about more details, now that the environment is favorable.

Thank you very much for your understanding and support.

Your servant,


HpS - So nice to hear from you!!! So, nice! We are working on the PdP question bank. We will circulate with you.

Vedabase Spanish Report

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Sending report for Spanish books importing.

Mirtavinda Mataji:

  • Caitanya Caritamrita Antya: 8 chapters
  • La luz del Bhāgavata: whole book

Indira Sakti Mataji

  • Caitanya Caritamrita Madhya: 2 chapters

Gandharva Prabhu:

  • Caitanya Caritamrita Madhya: half chapter

We waiting for more books and Mataji Mitravinda is inspired to continue with importing.

There are these books online now: El Bhagavad-gītā tal como es, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, El Upadeśāmṛta, La ciencia de la autorrealización, El Śrī Īśopaniṣad and La luz del Bhāgavata.

And I will add pictures into Light of the Bhagavata book.

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

HpS - Super, super, super!!!! We use all the time when we are preaching. The paragraph links are super!!!!

Report to Dr. Samaresh

Esteemed Professor Dr. Samaresha et al,

Awk! Hare Krsna.

We are like 97% dead, but happy.

We have had arthritis in our shoulders the last few weeks. It may go away.

We have to talk carefully or our throat becomes in flamed.

We have wanted to report for so long but don't know how to summarize things.

Personally, we have been able to maintain this Japa Vrata of 16-good malas/day and this Dharma vrata of our four principles from the SB( and Guru. If we did not our Karma would carry us away very quickly like your Fullbright son whose attraction to alcohol killed him very quickly.

It is hard, it takes time, but withour 16/4 we would be even more useless than we are.

We have been working very furiously with the Ministry of Education and this Sastric Studies development, the four diplomas that Srila Prabhupada and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta outlined.

We have been working on the Ministry of Education newsletter, Viplavah, and our NIOS newsletter, Solaris, and developing the symposia for Education and the Sacred.

Just for example, day before yesterday:

Full morning program on line, with Mangala arati, reading Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, Japa together for 30-minutes, answering about five quick questions in the Chat.

1/2-hour preparing for SB class.

1-hour presenting class and discussions.

1/2-hour each with Rama-giridhari Das and Radhika raman Das about political problems in ISKCON, calendar for travel and projects, family issue..

1-4.30PM preparing and meeting with Prog. R. Messier, one of the foremost expert on Islamic studies in USA. He is wonderful person. We had so much to talk about. I showed him Pracyaprajna, Bharati Sanskkrti, Siksa Drsya, Stapathya, Light of th Bhagavata, Solaris. He was very enthused and showed us his current work. He is a historian and doing two original digs in Morocco, and did his doctorate in Numismatics! He is 68 years old.

Our practical relation is developing more and more.

Then we came back from Prog. RM home and went for a walk in the near freezing weather with Ravi and Dr. Kiran Desai and discussed all the NIOS and ISKCON work and answered the many dogs in the neighborhood.

So, we become exhausted, and have to force our selves to rest and read historical novels sometimes.


That is a little update.

I hope to call soon unless our voice disappears altogether.

We are always trying to take advantage of the mercy you have shown to us and NIOS.

Best regards to your out esteemed family and hope that your influence is spreading more and more.


Regalos de Karuna Mayi dd

Querido Gurumaharaja! 

Por favor acepte mis reverencias! 

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Estuvimos preocupados por Su salud, que Sri Nrsimhadeva siempre proteja su energía para servir a Srila Prabhupada, es nuestro humilde oración. Trataremos de volvernos discípulos sinceros.

HpS - Gracias!!! Pienso, poco a poco es mejorando. Estoy aprendiendo mucho cada dia como manejar mejor esta burro.

Envío algunas fotos de la premiación de la marathon de sankirtana.

1 - Jayadeva Hari Dasa

2 - Bhakta Gerardo

3 - Bhakta Mauricio 

4 - Braja Mohan Dasa

Entre muchos, los primeros lugares fueron para los sankirtaneros del Templo de Sri Sri Radha Madana Gopal :)

Muchas gracias a Usted y a nuestra apreciada Karuna Mayi dd y familia. 

Su eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd 

HpS - AGTSP. Pienso sus punturas fueron super regalos para devotos. Algo hecho individual!!!!! Pienso es ordenado por Krsna!!! Gracias a todos.

Regional representation report 11 (KDPC) URGENT

Hare Krishna dear Gurumaharaja

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

Humble obeisances Gurudeva.

  • I am making progress with the process for the certification of Candramukhi dd as Bhakti Sastri examiner. There is only a matter on which I have certain doubts. MOE's requirements are: Bhakti Sastri degree (she has it), Teacher Trainig Courses 1 and 2 (she does not have it), but in exchange she has a lot of teaching experience for almost 17 years and a Master. I'm sending these documents (Master degree and the proof of teaching document) with the hope that they will accept them as valid.

Should I need your intercession??

HpS - I don't think so. When I was with the BOEX in India in October they were all lamenting that the Teacher Training Courses have had both good and very bad effects. One thing was exactly what you said, that it was eliminating or disabling very qualified teachers. So I think it should be O.K.! Let us know if there is any need to change things.

  • On the other hand, BhVai certification is in stand-by because Caitanya Candra prabhu and Karuna Krsna prabhu have some doubts about LAD as BhVai instructor. Both prefer to have a personal conversation with you before proceeding. If LAD is the instructor (in spanish). Who's the examiner? You mention someone who is a Bhakti Vedanta student... You?

HpS - To our mind the BhVai diplomas are in a real infant stage. Yes, I would like to talk with Karuna and Caitanya about almost anything. I suggest that you go ahead with organized study of the Bh. Vai. materials and several devotees teach, lead the readings and discussions and then give local certificates at the end of each Canto and later those can be integrated with BOEX standard as needed. To quote B. Vijna Swami in Russia, "We are not fruitive workers!", is we get some nice appreciation for the material, make friends who like the material, and develop life long study habits, that is great! Details of institutional diplomas will follow, no?

  • Finally, there has been some small issues in administration because Yamunesvara p. and Ganga Mayi mataji thinks that I'm going to intercede in initiation processes... I need to talk with them, maybe my fault.

HpS - Yes.... Education, Brahmanas, are meant to co-operate with Administrators, Ksatriyas. They are the two legs of prosperity and happiness for the citizens. Of course, it ISKCON we are all very Brahminical now but I am sudra-brahmana(x3). Somebody else more details. We need to adjust these things so we can offer leadership to the entire nation.

Waiting eagerly for your kind answer

Your servant

Gandharva dasa