Chile today hot tamale


Hanumat Preshak Swami. Humbles and Glories.

Greetings from Santiago Chile.

While I was in Mayapur, Jayapataka Swami told me "You should go to Chile " 🌎 with no explanation why.

Anantagauranga Prabhu is from Chile and suggested that I could get a job teaching English in Santiago. 📚 It sounded like a good idea so I came here to give it a go.🛬

Then the carona hysteria lockdown shipwrecked me inside the ISKCON center. 😱I was given service in the kitchen to be of some use. 🥖Jayapataka Swami told the devotees that he was happy that I am here. When Jayapataka Swami is happy everyone is happy.

ASA - Except the Demons. 😎

The temple is managed by Bhakta Sebastian and a few other new devotees. The president comes once a week, in the afternoon. The GBC does not have a strong presence.

It would help if the GBC and gurus had more time to spend in Santiago! ⏳Jayapataka Swami came last year and gave a boost of inspiration.🚀

HpS - We have been spending one month every year, but our trip was cancelled this year by the pandemic. As far as I know Bhakti Bhusana Swami also comes regularly and Maha-visnu Swami and Hari nama ruci have been coming. Of course, you are there setting the proper example of Goloka life!

Sebastian wants initiation from Mahatma Prabhu and Bhaktin Phyllis is striving for Maha Vishnu Swami. Elroy for Bhakti Bhushan Maharaj. Bhakta Liisiano wants to get in line with your disciples.🗿

HpS - Is that Bhakta Luciano?

x x x (Censored because it is a comment of a lower category.)😁

It didn't take long for everyone to figure out that I am in a much lower category.

HpS - They are very clever that way! (Ha! Ha! Ha!)

You asked for suggestions so this is mine. Have some real senior devotees come to Chile and stay.🐒

HpS - We discussed that above. I think it may be that you are only getting a view of the Yatra during the Pandemic. Again, we spend 1/12 of our time there each year and run into other "senior" devotees often there. Write again with 1. How you actually fought the battle to improve your participation in the situation and 2. How you joined that with another devotee who was doing the same!!

"Inch by inch, it's always a cinch", Vaisesika Das

Sus Mishra Bhagavan Dasa

Kapi Dhvaja 22 de abril, 2020

4 years, 9 months ago by Patrak das in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva!!!

Dia 41 de cuarentena obligatoria... estaremos dos semanas mas en cuarentena.

Todo el sector educativo trabajara a través de la plataforma virtual. Asi es que estamos organizando, planeando y preparando clases que de alguna manera se ajusten a la pedagogía que seguimos, la cual es mas vivencial y social.

Luchamos por mantener un sadhana sano y bueno. 16r,4p, 5am. Adoración a la deidad!

El Kapi Dhvaja ya esta listo (en ingles y español) en el grupo de Facebook, aquí el enlace

Gracias por su gran asociación a través del boletín!


Equipo de traductores

HpS - Gracias, Patraka Das! Quienes son "Equipo de traductores". One ape, one, parrot, one, rat????????

Rohini kumar das

hare krsna gurudev por favor acepte mis reverencias . continuamos en asuncion-Paraguay . nuestro programa de distribucion de prasadam esta mejorando . vamos al templo los fines de seman y fe lunes a sabado hacemos mangalartik en casa , lectura de SB. Canto 1 , cap. 8 la muerte de Bishmadeva. Cantando las rondad a cada día un poco de harinam y libros por las calles en diciembre . aca celebramos su Vyasapuja junto con nilacala candra y vijay govinda . muchad gracias por mantenerme inspirado y ocupado en servicio. Tenemos planes para predicar mas este año . nos gustaria invitarlo este año por favor Gurudev . hay 2 ciudades y en cada una de ellas hay opcion para conferencias en universidades . en television tambien . estaremos felices de organizarle y recibirlo. Perdone mis ofensas Gurudev . su eterno sirviente Rohini Kumar Das .

HpS - Thank you!!! Of course, this is delayed in answer for our travels. Look for more current news from you. Your association is so nice! All your Sankirtan is so nice. We focus on Argentina 1-15 May. Maybe we can integrate work in Uruguay at that time!!!

Donkey-1 Pada padma work

Hare Krishna, dear gurudev. Pamho, AGTSP!

So, you already have worked on the Canto One questions?

Where are they?

HpS - AGTSP!!! paoho....

Can I work on the chapter 4, then?

HpS - We had nice discussion of that with Yugala kishora Dasi today. There is her, you, others who can, should, work on this Educational Development, Bh. Vai. development, Bh. Vai. Evaluation Development. As we suggested, we are trying to organize the work by starting with the current Module, SB 2.1-3, by including three panditas: HpS, Isvari-radha Devi Dasi and Gandharva Das. We are trying to share our mode of work, the kind of intellectual product that we are aiming at and learn from others. Then we can go ahead with an expanded team for the next modules. Seems O.K???

I have sent some suggestions. How are they?

HpS - We answered! They were great!!!! You are great.

Your servant,

Laksmana-agraja das


Hare Krishna, dear gurudev. Pamho, AGTSP!

I continue teaching the Disciples Course, Bhakti sastri and Pada padma online. Everything is going well. My mentality works in ASA mode, giving priority in studies to association, method or academic sadhana as part of spiritual sadhana.

The result is always rewarding. Lots of participation, reflection, practical matters, debate, inspiration, mutual enrichment and enthusiasm.

I feel like a fish in the water being a teacher. That is what I do. It is where I can be of some help. For some time, I think too much, I collaborated in the administration because there was nobody who wanted to take charge. I was actually there in a very dark time. Result, a burst ulcer. Happily, there are now good people in charge like Gandharva and Karuna Krishna prabhus, M. Nitya kinkari, etc. We can breathe easy.

My sadhana is quite good with the help of my future wife, Raman ret dd. When we studied the Bhakti vaibhava with you we learned many things and the matter of the relationship of the couple, marriage, was quite clear to me. So now, when the moment came I am practicing it to the best of my ability.

As for the Pada padma, I think there are things to be specified as Nikunja bijari cleverly pointed out, the other time. We are guinea pigs, we need a more precise guide. Personally, I find it hard to follow you, you are too smart for me, I am rather slow. Slow but safe.

Some points of the Pada padma that I think need to be organized, according to what I consider necessary, at least for me, to advance in the First Canto exam

1. Have the questions you said you were making.

2. Select and edit the TPP questions.

3. Ask the collaborators of each chapter a specific number of questions.

4. Ask for example, 4 essay questions and 16 short answer (say any number)

5. The short answer questions can be of several types:

a. Fill in the blanks.

b. Multiple choise.

c. Matching 2 columns.

d. Answer of one sentence, etc.

6. All these questions built the bank of questions from which some are carefully selected for the final exam. It is more fun.

7. In these questions, the normal standard of 25% high difficulty questions, 25% easy, 50% medium difficulty questions must be considered.

8. Choose a coordinator to review the questions so that there are coherence and the agreed rules are followed.

8. Collaborators must have a sufficient knowledge of the English language if they are Latin American. Questions must be submitted in Spanish and English.

I consider that these indications can help to organize the work well. Of course, other things will be lacking. I am a German guinea pig.

That occurs to me, for now, to advance.

Thanks gurudev for your constant association. We are very fortunate to always have it. Sometimes we are not considerate and we don't let you breathe. Sometimes we are so focused on our own interests and needs without taking yours into account. Hopefully I have the intelligence to take what you gives us without being a hindrance. Hopefully I can be able to help you in your sankirtan without being an insect in your seat.

Please give me the intelligence to take responsibility and take your advice without bothering you with details. As Rupanuga Prabhu advised. First one is sweating on the playing field. Then there is the coach who runs to the side of the field, screaming at his pupils. Next, sit on the bench and tell the assistant to go talk to the players. Finally, be in the stands commenting and writing articles for a sports magazine. Give me intelligence, please, to understand your position and my position in this game.

Thanks for everything. We are so lucky to have you here. And when your body is gone, I hope to serve you even better than I can now.

Your servant,

Laksmana-agraja das

HpS - ASA === AGTSP! Thank you for the precise news and positive attitude towards politics!

Yet, Iso 11, inspires us that we should focus on the good aspects of spiritual life, but also be aware of the negative aspects of material life, not to enjoy material life, hamburgers, or to drag others down, but to do positive benefit by helping people to see the devils that have them.

What about the public school work? What about the Junta Legal. You are the Secretary, no?

We hope we can be of some use in the academic work. Every point you mention is something that we have thought about and heard from others also. We seem to all see the same reality. How to integrate it with our regular SB classes etc.

Thank you. More. If you want to include some little text that we should consider in private and then edit out of the published post that is O.K. because you are a Brahmacari Grhastha!!

Vyasa Puja Festival in Houston and Kirtan 50 in Dallas

4 years, 10 months ago by lalita_mdva in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Pamho !!!

Hare Krishna gurudeva, sharing a little of the experience we had these past weeks at Radha Nila-madhava Dham, has been very exciting every day full of inspiration and service.

On the first day of our arrival on December 22, Prabhu Prana-hari Das invited us to do sankirtan in a Latino community near the temple in Houston, so we were able to perform approximately an hour and a half of sankirtan, the result was very good we invited The Latino community to attend the Christmas party in the temple, but I couldn´t take pictures of this, this day we were with preparations and previous purchases for the vyasa puja.

On December 23 we were able to meet the new facilities of Goswami Academy, Jahnavi my daughter was amazed, this place has always inspired us a lot.

Day 25, day before the vyasa puja we were cooking most of the day, we made approximately 350 tamales and 18 liters of sauce for Vyasa Puja

Day 26 THE BIG DAY!!!

By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and from you I took Diksha initiation as Lalita-radha davi dasi, I am curious to know if my name refers to: servant of the Lalita sakhis group servant of Radharani?

HpS - AGTSP. It certainly can. Or Radha herself.

 After lunch at Goswami Academy we began with decoration at Gauranga Hall and last details for Vyasa Puja, we had a really good association with our god brothers and with the devotees of Houston, great devotees beautiful souls, the whole event was recorded live and Although we could no longer present the vyasa puja written offer, I hope you enjoyed the puppet show.

The next day of vyasa puja we were given the opportunity to do Raja-Bhoga for Radha Nila-madhava, of course we made Mexican food and we were also able to meet the pujaris room, we also visit the little cows and the facilities of the bhakti urban farm, that same day we traveled to Dallas to Kirtan 50 where we were 5 days.

We were also able to cook Raja-Bhoga for Sri Sri Radha Kalachandji and we had the opportunity to cook tamales on December 31 for: H.H. Giriraj Swami, H.H. B.B. Govinda Swami, H.H. Rtadhava Swami and H.H. Guru Prasad Swami who told us that especially H.H. B.B. Govinda Swami enjoyed tamales a lot because he ate about 6 tamales that day.

We had the opportunity to take darshan with H.H. Giriraj Swami, we sang some rounds with he and we were in his classes.

On January 1 there was Pushpa Abhisheka for Sri Sri Radha Kalachandji, the temple was at its maximum capacity, definitely it was an unforgettable experience. 

I would not like to make this letter longer, I don't have enough words to describe all the incredible moments of these weeks, I can only say you thank you for inspiring us every day more and more, my heart is eager to serve you, we want to get closer to the Houston Yatra where we have found a lot of inspiration from Radha Nila -madhava and his devotees, we are seeing the opportunity to go on vacation for two weeks in April, if possible we will go before for more mercy.

your eternal servant

Lalita-radha devi dasi

HpS - AGTSP paoho. We scanned this wonderful letter. We are struggling to keep all of our correspondences!!! Please write. Your description gives readers a WONDERFUL visit to the Temple!!!!