New Ashoka Van, Peru

2 years, 8 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

ArtDas has found an Ashrama and sent video to Abhiseka Singh (President of NIOS) and ASA. Here is our reply:

Hare Krsna, Art Das!.



Thank you so, so, so much for your efforts to develop this New Ashokavan.  Sita is dying to be rescued.

Saw the promo video and discussed with Abhiseka.

It seems nice but:

1. Does it have good internet?

2. Where is it?

3. Did you talk to Gandharva Das about his property? Seems like it is too far?

4. Abhiseka and I agreed that you can offer up to $250 (less if possible) in good faith money, if you think it good, to the landlady to hold the property for a few days until we finish our work. If we don't sign, she can keep the money.

5. Do you and Caturatma Das think the lease agreement is good and standard?

6. What are the starting and closing dates for the lease? How much is the total price for the lease? Where are those stated in the lease?



On to Lanka!