Podcast Questions

3 years, 6 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

7/14/2021 - Caitanya-carana Das: Maharaj, Pranam. Here is a comment on our podcast that you might want to see.

Still Born

Thank you for an interesting discussion. I'm wondering whether you feel that there is the potential in Jung's conception of human psychology for the kind of eruption of higher consciousness that we find depicted in our own tradition in the Rasa Dance and the Love of the Gopis, for example? Doesn't the kind of break-through in the human psyche that we call 'self-realization' or Krishna Prema go past Jung's archetypal understanding? It's been a long time since I read Jung, but now I'm wondering whether anything in the psychological process that he envisioned is indeed helpful to us in advancing toward our goals?

Many thanks.

Hare Krishna.

Still Born

1 week ago (edited)

Just to clarify, Bhakti Vinod Thakur said that all religions (and this includes systems of metapsychology such as Jungian psychology?) are essentially Vaishnava. Some are steps up to it, while others are distortions of it. Which one is Jung? Its interesting that BVT had only these two categories i.e. he didn't allow for anything to be unrelated altogether!

HpS - ASA -- Esteemed Mr. Still Born. Let us apologize for being slow to reply to your question. It is very nice.

We have done some depth reading of Jung and associated with members of the current community, but that has led us to the conclusion that we need, and are trying, to get a guide to Jung's experiences and conclusions in more depth.

I think we expressed our opinion in the Pod cast, I don't remember for sure, but as far as we could analyze Prof. Jung's comprehension of the Absolute Truth it comes up to direct experience of Hiranya gabha conception of the Lord, above Virata rup and below Param-atma.

Of course, looking at the garden through a surrounding fence is much better than hearing descriptions from a block away.

For our humble comprehension we see tremendous courage, honesty and sincerity in Jung's character. Maybe.... there is some pride that would turn his efforts into an attempt to distort the truth rather than move quickly toward the next step.

These are things would want to know as they are manifest in the character of his actual followers.

I don't see that he has any problem with conjugal relations in transcendence. The archetypes can exist as statues, words, mental images, comprehensions (attitudes), Laksmis, Dvaraka Queens et al, no?

Please contact us though our web page: www.JayaRama.US and join this investigation for the actual need of modern society!

Regional Representantion Report 22

3 years, 7 months ago by Germán Vegas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva

Please accept our sincere obeisances

Jay Srila Prabhupada!!

I am writing to you hoping that you are in very good health. Our prayers are always with you.

HpS - Thank you. AgtSP!!!!! ..... paoho .... Our health is O.K. We just have limited energy and we are trying to work for everyone's best interest in the best way we can. Thank you for your determination and tolerance. I think you must have a lot of help from your good wife?!

I tell you with joy that a Bhakti Vaibhava program is being organized based in ISKCON La Paz, being the administrator-examiner Mitravinda dd (currently representative of the ministry in Brazil and devotee with vast educational experience in the service of Dhanvantari Swami) and being LAD and Om Kesavaya prabhu official instructors. My role is limited to supporting coordination, especially in the first part of the process in which the file has to be prepared for BoEx approval. I believe that we must be prepared to receive those BS students who wish to continue with their studies. May Lord Jagannatha inspire and drive us always.

On the other hand, I have a question to ask you. I was listening to Caitanya Charan prabhu's interview with you last Tuesday. It is very interesting to learn to identify certain patterns present in the Gita resounding in other universal texts. You call archetypes that set of signs that characterize certain individuals and that represent the original paradigm of thought and behavior. Where do these archetypes come from? How can they be common to Hamlet and Arjuna? Is doubt human or divine? How are they related to rasa?

Thanks in advance for your reply


Gandharva das

HpS - Wonderful. Understand the student's natures and motives for studying and help them develop their service wonderfully. Expect a revolution.


Here is first time we know how the Priest/Magician, King, Merchant, Artesian/Laborer and described as part of the Virata Rupa. The VR is not just sensuous elements, it is also roles and persona that we can use, no?

https://vedabase.io/en/library/bg/3/14/ and

https://vedabase.io/en/library/bg/3/15/ also describe the details of the Varna ashrama archetypes, no?

Then, as you suggest, there is an analysis of Servant, Friend, Parent, Lover in the Nectar of Devotion etc. It is a big topic and hard to write in detail, yet we think we can clarify these things more and more until our hearts are clear and we can use these material elements for Krsna.

You will play Dhrstarastra in your next life?

For Krsna!!

I can play Sakuni??

😎 Let the games begin! 😎


Reunión con los aspirantes

Hare Krsna querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

¡ Todas las glorias a Sri Caitanya Mahaprabu y si glorioso movimiento de sankirtana!

El día de ayer prabhu Sankirtana se reunió con los aspirantes:

Iniciación Harinama

Marco Antonio Galván Torres

Marina Xihuitl Rendón González

Haidee Natyelli Coronel Garza

Segunda iniciación

Laghubhagavatamrta das

Arya Srestha das

Para conocer más de ellos, sus retos e intereses y ponerse a disposición para aconsejarlos, prabhu es un devoto de muchos años, observa bien su sadhana y estudio de las escrituras en el templo así que puede ser un buen siksha si los devotos lo desean. También recibió las referencias del encargado de servicios.

Respecto a los requisitos extras para iniciación que no son solicitados oficialmente el templo está evaluando con el GBC de la zona por los hechos de denuncias y violencia al templo ocurridos este año, sin embargo hay requisitos extras que si podrían aplicarse a quienes deseen vivir en el templo y no a los que desean tomar iniciación, en cuanto a pedir un perfil psicológico prabhu Sankirtana mencionó que en este caso no lo ve necesario porque ya conocen a los aspirantes.

Se les hizo el recordatorio que escriban al blog, que participen dentro de sus capacidades de uso de internet a los programas de ASA, programas en casa o en el templo si lo desean.

Prabhu Sankirtana tiene buenos recuerdos de usted y desea comunicarse en algún momento.

Es importante mencionar que la lista mencionada aún no tienen la recomendación, seguramente en estos días darán una respuesta.

Su eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd.


HpS - O.K.

Hay otros Diksa gurus visitando al templo?

Ha pasado conflictos en terminos del edificio, pero hay un comunidad en buen comprehension de uno a otro en terminos de administracion y esfuerzas de Sankirtan?


3 years, 7 months ago by jaynityananda in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

With great delight i am watching your talk with Caitanya Charan prabhu on his video podcast. I'm a regular watcher of his shows, and also the podcasts of Gurukuli, Namarasa, the Late Morning Program.

In the latter was an interview with Raghunath Cappo who suggested doing a podcast and it gave me the inspiration to do something similar in Dutch language. My vision is to have talks with Dutch speaking devotees on major points of our philosophy to introduce them to the broader public. A spiritual and non sectarian radio documentary, so to say. Our Dutch and Flemish yatra is not so big, so not just an ISKCON, but only connected to Vaisnava philosophy.

Plan is still in unpolished form, with two devotees i will discuss the details. Also the question of video or audio only is still open. I have a soft heart for radio documentary, plus i lack filming and editing experience. Videos Monks podcast are doable, but perhaps a bit stagnant for our purpose.

i seek your for your blessings for the project and i would like to know if you have any thoughts of suggestions.

Other than that things are still falling short, but understanding mind and body better. Some steadiness. Relishing Suhotra Swami's books and passing them out to colleagues. I received a box of those for donation. Family is well, marriage still functioning against all odds. I'm learning and are very happy with being in ISKCON.

HpS - Thank you!! This is Raghunandana???? You have been such a stranger that I cannot remember you exactly. You helped us, saved our life, when we were in transit in the airport? We were talking through the glass wall.

Radio is GREAT!!!

letter from Denupal Das from argentina

Hare Krishna Gurudeva,

pamho, AgtSP!!!

This is a letter from Denupal Das from Argentina, he was having problems to log in the blog.

Haré Krishna, queridos devotos y devotas, reverencias TLGASP.

Queríamos agradecerle a todos los que participaron en el encuentro del Día Yoga 2021. El 20 y 21 de junio.

Debido a esto las autoridades de la Municipalidad y de Cultura, nos felicitaron y nos invitaron a que organizamos un Congreso " Desarrollo Social Sostenido" en la Universidad. Debido a esto podemos decir que en septiembre del 6 al 10; organizaremos este Congreso, junto a SS Hanumat Presaka Swami, Hridayananda das Goswami, Bhakti Sundar Goswami, Bhakti Marga Swami, Krishna Shetra Swami y otros Gurús a confirmar.

Dado la conformidad del evento, también se darán en el mismo diferentes conferencias por distintos devotos que convocamos.

La organización, diseño, logística se hace desde plataforma Zoom.

Están invitados a este Congreso, y si desean aportar más información o participar comunicarse con la organización

Va haber un link específico para anotarse con anticipación, tambien certificados otorgados por la Universidad

Aqui dejo un link a cuadro conceptual, donde se pueden ver los principales temas a tratar:


Dejo aca mi numero de whatsapp para quien este interesado y quiera entrar en contacto: +54 9 343 4587987

A su servicio Dhenupal das y Krishna Priya


Hare Krishna Gurudeva,

pamho, AgtSP !!!

This is a letter from Denupal Das from Argentina, he was having problems to log in the blog:

"Hare Krishna, dear devotees and devotees, obeisances TLGASP.

We wanted to thank everyone who participated in the 2021 Yoga Day meeting. On June 20 and 21.

Due to this, the authorities of the Municipality and Culture, congratulated us and invited us to organize a Congress "Sustainable Social Development" at the University. Due to this we can say that in September from 6 to 10; We will organize this Congress, together with

  • HH Hanumat Presaka Swami,
  • Hridayananda das Goswami,
  • Bhakti Sundar Goswami,
  • Bhakti Marga Swami,
  • Krishna Shetra Swami and
  • other Gurus to be confirmed.

Given the conformity of the event, different conferences will also be given in it by different devotees that we convene.

The organization, design, logistics is done from the Zoom platform.

You are invited to this Congress, and if you wish to provide more information or participate, contact the organization

There will be a specific link to sign up in advance, also certificates awarded by the University

Here is a link to the conceptual chart, where you can see the main topics to be discussed:


I leave here my Whatsapp number for those who are interested and want to get in touch: +54 9 343 4587987

At your service Dhenupal das and Krishna Priya

HpS - ASA --- September 6th - 10th. Sounds like we can participate. Only Sustainable Social Development for people general in the Kali yuga is Daivi Varna Ashrama Dharma, no? Bhagavata Dharma for devotees?

SB 1.9 Two purports where Srila Prabhupada describes the content of Bhisma Deva's instructions on DVAD to M. Yuddhisthira!