Silchar-Bihar van

"Hare krishna Gurudev. Dandavat pranam unto your lovely feet. Planning to go to Radhakund on 20th Aug to progress the Asram construction.

AGTSP, GURUDEV and Gouranga.

Hope this will find my in good health. Around six devotee in my association are eagerly waiting for getting initiation. What should I say ? May i give assurance on your behalf? Now only i request them to pray seriously to lord Gouranga and Krishna. Gurudev your writting few words enthus and give spiritual energy to me. Dandavat pranam unto your lovely feet.

Divya Svaroopa Das"

HpS - AGTSP!!!! paoho. It would only by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada that we could stay for a little time on the banks of Radha kunda, so please develop this Ashrama for him and his work.

We hope to join there.

If we are acting as Diksa guru for anyone, then they must have taken the ISKCON Disciple Course, and normally have a letter of recommendation from the local Temple President etc.

Have these aspirants done that?

Jagamohan Das

3 years, 6 months ago by Jagamohan in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krisna, my Querido Guru Deva, Hanumatpresaka Maharaja,

Espero que se encuentre bien de salud y que Krisna le siga bendiciendo en su predica.

HpS - !! Gracias. Esperamos tu es igual!!

Disculpe pero no he podido comunicarme con usted ya que se me borraba el texto cuando lo escribía. Ahora estoy otra vez con el proyecto de Madre Tierra en Gavilanes Ávila ya le iré contando.

Intentándo ser su sirviente,

Jagamohan Das

HpS - Y desculpa la demorra responder... Espero la demas cartas en esta Blog relcaiona bien a sus necesidades. El Kapi Dhvaja. Quien mas esta en Madre Tierra?


Hare Krishna querido Gurumaharaja.

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias.

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Continuando con nuestros reportes, tenemos una lista de devotos que están entusiastas en dirigir el kirtan los días lunes, 7:00 pm. 

Nos pareció prudente hacerle conocer a Usted y los miembros de ASA para que por favor nos diga si hay algo que se debe mejorar en el servicio, las instrucciones del maestro espiritual son las bendiciones para el discípulo. 

El kirtan dura 15 minutos. 

También aprovecho en preguntarle si FEP online se mantendrá durante su estadía en Perú en donde habrá devotos locales con Usted. Disculpe por favor por preguntar con tanto tiempo de anticipación.

Lunes por mes:

Primer: Jiyada Nrisimha das y bhakta Damián 

Segundo: Mitravinda dd y ladies ASA 

Tercer: Gandarva das e Indira Sakti dd

Cuarto: Parama Karuna das y Radharani Gopi dd

Gurumaharaja muchas gracias por las oportunidades de servicio que mantienen nuestra conciencia purificada por servir al Señor Supremo Sri krishna y a sus devotos. 

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd 

HpS - ASA --- AgtSP!!! So, sorry we have been slow in responding. We are writing in Robot English so that we think "" will be able to translate clearly. Your decisions about Kirtan leaders of the Monday FEP seems fine to us.

I think we can maintain the same program on 2nd and 9th of August at 6.30PM Boise time. That is 7.30PM Nashville and Lima time. Advantage is that Murari Das from Spain is there. We plan to join the program with him on August 2nd. Kirtan and arati for Radha Banki-bihari are at 6.30PM and after that we can talk about Krsna, devotional service and devotees in Spanish in the Temple.

We should have a lot of fun.

Go on walks to the river together.

Meet people and distribute books while we are there.

Got your request for a gotmeeting teleconference. We can do that.

Hope your best use of a bad baragain in using your robot, body, is going on. She you all soon in Goloka, Nabadvipa, ISKCON.

"¡oh, tú, el de los poderosos brazos!"

Podcast (v2)

3 years, 6 months ago by jaynityananda in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

In reply to the previous post about podcasts

This letter was left unfinished and while at work the kids had seized my computer and probably sent it. Thank you for your feedback.

Yes, I have been a kind of stranger and there's a story to it. After family life got more intense and demanding I couldn't maintain practice and this gave me idea of losing rights to proper disciple guru connection.

HpS - Maybe as Diksa guru, but reason for even more intense relationship as Siksa-guru, Patha-pradarhika Guru.... The Guru who gives us instructions how to get out of the jungle and get on the path!

Plus, distance and technology restricts my sense of how to relate to you.

HpS - Henry James, the Nobel Laureate said that he thought letters were the highest form of literature.

I didn't foresee this many years ago when deciding on asking initiation. There are many things i didn't think of at the time, and it was a passionate thing in a way. So i've had doubt whether i did the right thing of becoming your disciple. I have an honest heart but my mind is, well, mostly foolish and impetuous and also dull.

ASA- Well, we have one, doubt. It seems that it could not have been too passionate. You were following the process for one year before you took initiation, so there was time for practically clear evaluation.

  • Is there a God?
  • Has He manifest Himself as Sri Krsna, Lord Caitanya?
  • If I serve Him will my family, social, physical, psychological necessities all be satisfied in the best possible way?
  • What does He want?
  • 1728 maha mantras on beads and 4-principles strictly?
  • How can I do this?
  • 🤔

And as usual things picked up again. . .

🐷 🐵 ASA - Ahh! We were right! We were right!

. . . . and i started connecting to you through prayer and hearing your Daksha talks and now we're here. From the Monks podcast i finally realized that in my approach of presenting KC with others, i share a lot of your mood. A recent job oriented psychology test showed i'm mostly artistic and analytically oriented.

One point i appreciated especially from the Shakespeare podcast was your description of the recurring theme in drama of becoming dhira. For me as a sadhaka a necessary basis for progressing to a next level in spiritual life. It is happening, but it's not that deep yet.

HpS - Deep Dhira comes when you have to be a Manjari follower of our Radha rani and see Krsna flirting with another girl!

Thank you Maharaja.

Hope you are doing well in all respects.

Your servant,

Raghava Pandit das

PS. Greetings from cat Sergei.

HpS - Thank you!!! We feel that you may be thinking of us from too much of a Vapu perspective. As Diksa guru we are just focused on the formal vows. As any service we can do as Siksa guru it is more how we can help you connect your Sankirtan service to Srila Prabhupada. For that you may have many prominent Siksa gurus. We may not be very prominent at all!

Hey you got a cat, but what about your wife and children.??.

Odissi Dance Academy

Dear Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP!

We have been working with Govardhan Eco Village to create a university level curriculum for classical dance (booklet attached).

You also asked us to share here some of the work we've been doing with them, perhaps to start a discussion here and connect with other devotees working in this area 🙏. For your pleasure we have attached those documents here.

Our latest choreographic work on Chapter 6 of Bhagavad Gita:


We had only 1 month to put this assignment/project together, both difficult and fun. 😥


Please bless us and guide us. This endeavor is a fruit of the seed you have planted and watered in our hearts since childhood. We are so so blessed to have been bestowed some service in our insignificant life __/\o__.

Your aspiring servant,


ASA - Thank you for this excellent report. Maybe Paramakaruna Das, Radha-prati-japa Devi Dasi will do likewise. The video links are essential., says that zatAkSI means night! You will teach us to understand BG by dancing and deliver us from the darkness of night? Then by understanding SB by dance we will be qualified to meet Krsna for the Rasa-lila at night?!

BG is a great ocean of family conflict. It shows us that even if those conflicts come to the most extreme limit we can resolve them so that everyone is maximum happy.

.: Singing - Dancing :.