1008 - Second Initiation Part 2

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Guru Maharaja, HG Pyari Mohan Prabhu said he sent the letter of recommendation to [email protected] yesterday. I finished Bhakti Sastri in 2019 and the ISKCON disciples course in 2016. 🙏

About the date of the initiation, whatever you say is fine, Guru Maharaja.

Thank you very much.

Your humble servant,

Sugopi Radha Devi dasi

HpS - AGTSP!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ....... paoho......... we saw the letter listed in our "vip" mail box. We will look at it and then we can have the initiation ceremony. Should we do it in the new Connecticut temple? ? ?

Then third initiation, 4th.. 5th... taking a part directly in the Mahabharata con Krsna. What role should you play???


! Month Sridhara "International Bhakti Festival"

3 years, 3 months ago by Radha Japa in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Please accept my respectful obeisances to the blessed dust of Your beautiful lotus feet!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada !! All glories to you !!

Have a beautiful Sri Krsna Janmastami Gurudev festival !!

We are trying to make a Festival for Srimati Radharani on Sunday, September 19, in the artisans' walk in the city of La Calera.

A place in the open air.

The director of culture of the city of La Calera is delighted that an India Festival is being held and accepted the proposal.

Several devotees have agreed to collaborate.

The Municipality will provide the necessary equipment for the musicians, will help with publicity and will give stalls.

We ask for His wonderful blessings! !!

The festival is being held in honor of Srimati Rdharani THE closest day that we could to the date of His appearance.

We also hope that it can continue to do so at least once a year.

Sri Jaganatha, Baladeva, Subhadra .. !! Will you come for a walk and bless us here ?? !!.

. I will be able to hear the Vaisnavas sing. . And see them in service. . After a long time without seeing them ...

Please forgive any offense in this letter.

Your would-be maid:

Japa Prati Jalpa Radha dd.

P.D. On Janmastami day it was my turn to teach the most diligent student I have.

Hopefully she will soon be able to dance for Krsna!

I am sending you photos of the place where the festival will be.

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias al bendito polvo de Sus hermosos pies de loto!

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!

Todas las glorias a Usted!!

Que pase un hermoso festival de Sri Krsna Janmastami Gurudev!!

Estamos intentando hacer un Festival para Srimati Radharani el domingo 19 de septiembre en el paseo de los artesanos en la ciudad de la calera. Un lugar al aire libre.

La directora de la cultura de la ciudad de La calera está encantada que se haga un Festival de la India y aceptó la propuesta.

Varios devotos han aceptado colaborar. La Municipalidad proveera los equipos que hagan falta para los músicos, ayudara con la publicidad y dará puestos de venta.

Pedimos Sus maravillosas bendiciones! !!

El festival se esta haciendo en honor a Srimati Rdharani EL día más cercano que pudimos a la fecha de Su aparicion.

También esperamos se pueda continuar haciéndolo por lo menos una vez al año.

Jaganatha , Baladeva, Subhadra ..!! Quedran venir a pasear y bendecirnos por aquí??!!. .

Podré escuchar a los vaisnavas cantar. . Y verlos en servicio. . Después de mucho tiempo sin verlos...

Perdone por favor cualquir ofensa en esta carta.

Su aspirante a sirvienta:

Japa Prati Jalpa Radha dd.

P.D. El día de Janmastami me toco dar clases a la alumna más aplicada que tengo😊 Ojalá ella pronto pueda bailar para Krsna!

Le envío fotos del lugar donde será el festival.

HpS - Lo paso??? Please read the Kapi Dhvaja and write us with the current Priority Code.

Por favor lea el Kapi Dhvaja y escribanos con el Codigo de Prioridad actual

Servicio a Krisna

3 years, 3 months ago by Jagamohan in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krisna PAMHO TLGASP Espero tenga un Feliz Janmastami

En la Eco aldea hay dos programas uno a las 7,30 am otro a las 19,00pm, en el primero se le ofrece a Krisna un incienso y una flor.

Ss Jagamohan Das is

ASA - Super. Por favor lea el Kapi Dhvaja y escribanos con el Codigo de Prioridad actual. 😎

PROYECTO: Historias del Universo y Avatar dorado

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj

Acepte por favor mis humildes reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Desde inicios de Setiembre publiqué por youtube el proyecto "Historias del Universo". Con el apoyo de p. Abhiram se pudo obtener los permisos del Krishna Art para el uso de 358 imágenes. Este año espero publicar 18 episodios, y así hasta llegar al episodio 33. Luego de terminar este proyecto, espero continuar con el siguiente, que se llamará "Avatar dorado" (un resumen del Caitanya Caritamrita en 27 episodios)

Después de mucho tiempo de trabajo pude concluir con los guiones y diseño de las imágenes para ambos proyectos, ahora solo falta la música, voz y video. Solo espero que Krishna me de la inteligencia para poder llevar a cabo este servicio y presentarlo de la mejor manera.

Actualmente estoy viviendo en Trujillo, por motivos de trabajo, pero estaré viajando a Lima para poder escuchar sus clases de manera presencial. No sé si será posible una reunión personal con usted para presentarle mis dos proyectos, de todos modos, adjunto algunas imágenes de presentación.

Mis padres ya tienen más de 60 años y con su salud al 70%. Yo estoy bien de salud al 90%, debido a algunos malestares.

Muchas gracias Guru Maharaj por darnos su buen ejemplo,

Hare Krishna,

Jagat Pavitram das


Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Since the beginning of September I published the project "Histories of the Universe" on YouTube. With the support of Fr. Abhiram was able to obtain permission from Krishna Art for the use of 358 images. This year I hope to publish 18 episodes, and so on until I get to episode 33. After finishing this project, I hope to continue with the next one, which will be called "Golden Avatar" (a summary of the Caitanya Caritamrita in 27 episodes)

After a long time of work I was able to conclude with the scripts and design of the images for both projects, now only the music, voice and video are missing. I only hope that Krishna gives me the intelligence to be able to carry out this service and present it in the best way.

I am currently living in Trujillo, for work reasons, but I will be traveling to Lima to listen to your classes in person. I do not know if a personal meeting with you will be possible to present my two projects to you, anyway, I attach some presentation images.

My parents are already over 60 years old and with their health at 70%. I am in good health at 90%, due to some discomforts.

Thank you very much Guru Maharaj for giving us the good example of him,

Hare Krishna,

Jagat Pavitram das

HpS - ASA - Thank you!!! With billions of people on the planet we need millions of different kinds of media to reach everyone, no?

For example, a Hare Krsna football, soccer team, competing for the World Cup.

Bala Rama! Bala Rama!!

We hear you are going to visit New Ashoka van this weekend. Will you be certified Pandemic free!


If everyone becomes better devotees than us, then the will find more and more ways to wake us up to our eternal relationship with Krsna!




Report - Radhastami

3 years, 4 months ago by pnd in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna

Please accept my humble obeisances dear Gurumahara.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Reporting after very long time.

Happy Radhastami!

We are living with devotees right to New Ekacakra (Slovakia). Built house (like 86% finished, already living inside). But still many things to do.

This year I had service to organize Janmastami and Srila Prabhupada appearance day. Was very nice experience. And seems next year will have same service if Krishna will want.

Interesting thing happened. Today is Radhastami here and after mangala arati Mahasankarshan Prabhu who is pujari and temple president came to me with idea that I would organize Rathayatra in Kosice (second largest city in Slovakia) - it will be first Rathayatra ever in Slovakia.

I am honored and happy to take the service especially when it came on Radhastami day.

Please give me your blessing so I am able to do this service properly.

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

HpS - ASA - AgtSP!!! paoho..... We wrote a detailed answer and then it disappeared!!

Maybe, Maybe, Maybe

You will meet Jayananda Das!

You wil really like him!

Keep refreshing why you personally want to do the service... Then...

  1. who am I?
  2. who are we?
  3. what is the plan?
  4. what things do we need?

H a r e Krsna!

Urgent VAD

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva:


Gurudeva I was searching at jayarama.us (archives). I did not find material about VAD.

May you be so kind and copy here the link. If you have any material. I am sure you do have.

Thanks in advance


HpS - I cannot think of anything specific. Of course, the instructions of Bhisma to Yuddhishtira in Canto One, Chapter Nine and the Narad Muni's (?) instructions to Yuddhisthira Maharaja (?) in Canto Seven.
