Tulasi likes baths. LAD on education again. Semi-urgent

Hare Krishna, dear gurudeva. Pamho, AGTSP.

ASA - AGTSP. Paoho. Can you please edit this into a shorter letter with the themes more concisely arranged? 🙂

The year is already ending and we need to do an evaluation, perhaps.

I think it was a good year. I got married and it raised my bar in my service. On that side everything is fine.

I end the year with a lot of service in the area of ​​education. I have 5 study groups. So I have classes practically every day. Now I am helping Gandharba prabhu a little bit in the excellent work that he is doing. On the one hand I am helping a little in the education congress and also in adjusting the themes of the Bhakti Sastri and the Bhakti Vaibhava.

I hope to keep busy about it for the rest of my life, which is not long.

We are trying to form an educational group to continue working in education and preserve the legacy of ASA in that area. That is one of our goals. We look forward to meeting with you for some advice on this educational endeavor.

We are aware of our differences, Gandharva and I, but what unites us is greater.

In the educational congress I will participate with a topic that I am passionate about, which is teacher-student interaction. Basically I am guided by the idea of ​​ASA, which is also mine, of the priorities in the study: association, process and content. I will cite some scholars who handle a very similar idea and my own experience as an educator and university student for more than 40 years, including my 20 years within ISKCON. I will present my own perspective. You mentioned that an educational project is based on the enthusiasm and desire of the teachers, or something like that. We have a lot of that. I hope to learn a lot from the great educators who will participate. I consider myself an eternal student. And from time to time I share a little based on what I understand.

I will participate online and associate with you and visiting devotees whenever I can see you at the temple, Vyasa puja, etc. I think there are many people and activities in Santa Eulalia and I don't want to be an insect on the king's throne. Besides, I am too old for discomfort and my wife does not like the tumult very much.

Returning to the educational topic, I share the concern of you and other great devotees like Yadhunanda Swami and HDG in the development of the educational area.

We face tough challenges. How to get authorities excited and supportive of education? How to get devotees interested in their education? How to make the temples giving proper importance to the SB and BG classes? How to make people see us as a SB-based culture? How to get educational institutions interested in spiritual cultivation? How to be aware of and apply what Srila Prabhupada told us in the SB's preface?

ISKCON resources keep going to great constructions and rituals, which is very good, however there is no work on building colleges, universities, libraries. I see with some shame how other religious groups are making decisive progress in the educational area and we continue to emphasize the ritualistic part. What little there is in education is due to private efforts. So should it be? Education is on its own.

I think your legacy that will be reflected in your film can go further. Continue developing your Sankirtan. Gandharva and I think that it is best to continue developing education trying to have a good relationship with authority, trying to inspire them and inspire devotees who want to educate themselves and help in this great task.

I don't know what will happen in the future, when you leave, when Yadunandana Swami leaves. I don't know, but we can continue to be a voice crying out in the desert.

His servant,

Laksmana-agraja das

New Goloka Embassy in USA

3 years, 2 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

On Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 11:58:06 PM GMT-5, Divyanam Das <[email protected]> wrote:

Dear and Respected Maharaj, Dandavat Pranam. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! 

With immense pleasure and gratitude in heart, we would like to share with you that, on the most auspicious day of Srila Prabhupada’s disappearance, ISKCON Richmond acquired a beautiful farm house with 20 acre buildable flat land. The property is located just 15-20 minutes drive distance from the main city area. We officially closed the property, now the land belongs to Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON of Richmond!! We offer this as an humble offering to our beloved Srila Prabhupada on his most auspicious 125th anniversary year.

We take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to your holiness for all the encouragement, guidance and blessings you have given to our Yatra.

This is just the beginning, we have a long way to go. And for sure, with your blessings and the blessings of Srila Prabhupada, our Acharayas, we will together reach there one day! Please always keep your blessings and guidance to our Yatra. Thank you very much. 

We beg your blessings to chant holy names without offenses and serve servants of Srila Prabhupada without any ulterior motives; I beg to remain

Your servant,

Divyanam Das 

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!  Vrndavana divyasthan!!!  By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and the previous Acharyas, you all can make a new Embassy of the Spiritual World!

So nice.

We are still scheduled for the online initiations 29th December and then we hope to visit between mid-March and mid July!!  So, so, very nice. Will post this in our Blog.

RKD News and Requests

Hare Krsna, Gurudeva, por favor ecepte mis humildes reverencia.

Continuamos atendiendo a Goura Nitay cada mañana, apoyando regularmente en el templo y manteniendo el programa de harinam que lo retomamos despues de las fiestas intensas en el templo.

En nuestro ultimo harinam muchas personas ofrecieron mechitas a Sri Damodar. Algunas mañanas me conecto al FMP para tomar asociacion de los vaisnavas.

El 3 de enero estamos llegando a Lima y posiblemente el 5 estamos yendo a tomar su santa asociacion previa coordinacion con p. Abirram.

Si krsna me permite tambien tengo pensado ir a vrindavan por unos meses para la fecha que usted tiene planeado llegar.

Me volvieron a invitar para ir el proximo año a new vrindavan y solo me falta en donde usted afirme que soy su discipulo (iniciado en agosto del 2006 y tome segunda en octubre del 2009) podria enviarme ese carta a mi correo rohinikXXXXXXXXXXX.

Perdone mis ofensas Gurudeva y gracias por siempre ocuparme en servicio y mantenerme inspirado.

Su eterno sirviente, Rohini Kumar Das

HpS - We are looking forward to seeing you after so long. We hope your help in our little Sankirtan. We just sent the letter. We don't have your second initiation information in our data-base. We hope to add it.

Thank you.

"Pada Padma" [KDh-FMP-PC] - Second Initiation Part 3

Hare Krsna guru maharaja. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. 

Thank you so much for your reply to my last letter. Pyari Mohan Prabhu said that various spiritual masters will be awarding initiation to devotees in Connecticut in a few months. He said that I can sit in the Yajna when those devotees receive initiation but receive the Mantras from you virtually whenever it is possible. Please let me know if this plan is okay, guru maharaja.

Your insignificant servant,

Sugopi Radha Devi dasi

HpS - Jaya!! AgtSP. Paoho. Is the regular arrangement now. Very practical and hope that this practical formality is the next step in your return to your dearmost friend.

We see that there are dangers all along the way.

Yuddhisthira fell victim to a game of dice.

Kumari Kunti fell victim to a celestial visit from the demigods.

Asvatthama to desire for revenge for his hurt feelings when the Pandavas used tricks to kill his father.

Become a great heroine!

"Pada- Padma" [KDh-FMP-PC]: Sri Vyasa Puja Part 2

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


It is always very enlightening joining the FMP, that charge our batteries in order to face the day. [With great enthusiasm]

Regarding to your observation in my last letter :

Personally I am going to be involved [or not involved?] actively in the organization if you allow me due to I will be travelling the last week of december to the States I have a family commitment and I will return the same day of your Sri Vyasa puja

CMDD: I did not express myself properly,sorry. I am going to be actively involved in the organization of the VP until December 24th, because on December 25th until January 3rd in the morning I will be in the States. I arrive early in the morning (January 3rd) then I will go straight from the airport to Sta Eulalia.

HpS-ASA: AgtSP!! Thank you, now is clear. Short trip to USA!

The next step is :

With your observations we will have a meeting with Palika, Artd, etc and then start to prepare the program, then write you back for your approval. We are in communication with Sriman Radhika Raman Prabhu, he is very resourceful.

  1. Who are you?? CmDD... what do you want from the program?
  2. Who are we? Just CmDD, Palika Devi Dasi and Art Das are the team to make The Plan? Have PDD and ArtD answered question above? What is there answer? Seems need a few more people in the committee who have answered question one, no?

Our Ekadasi is really purifying

Please send our respects to all the devotees that are with You

Trying to be your disciple


HpS - ASA - For us it was great Ekadasi also. Yugala k. D. and MvDD go to work in the Ladies ashrama in Chosika for two weeks! Wonderful. We go on Friday. See you soon. Respects to your Big Sister.

[KDh PC] Sri Vyasa Puja glorification of the whole Guru parampara

Hare Krsna, Beloved Gurudeva:


I really miss your association, I was very relaxed and calm when I was in New Asoka Van and as soon as I arrive home ¡¡¡ Oh the humanity, my poor cat was feeling sick and we spent more than 1000 soles in healing him. Now he is better.

Well, let's go to the point in here. I contacted with Sriman Radhika Raman Prabhu and Subhra Mataji and Govinda Pramonandini, regarding the Sri Vyasa Puja topic. Here we have some suggestions that we want to put into your consideration.

First of all we all agree that for you this important day is not just for you, is an opportunity for all of us to glorificate the whole Guruparampara

I got with the idea that you are always talking about finding Sita so I was wondering in which way we can approach that in the day of the Sri Vyasa puja. Then Radhika Raman p came with the wonderful idea of narrowing this topic so we came to the following suggestions for you:

. Building bridges for finding Sita

  • Building bridges for finding Sita

HpS - The bridges come AFTER we have found Her. They are for The Army, not the Search Party.

  • We can highlight in which way You were a pioneer in building such bridges for instance regarding education you support Gurukulas in two different continents.

HpS - Then you have to show this in proper proportion to the entire parampara, no?

  • In regards of academic preaching you were leading programs in Peru like Bharatiya Sanskriti
  • In the Area of art and culture you were a bridge builder ( Manipuri dance drama troupe) all over the United States and South America
  • Scientific preaching you have organized The Second World Congress for the synthesis of Science and religion
  • Participation in the Bhaktivedanta Institute
  • In Sum up in the program we can highlight the different ways that you have been a pioneer in the party to build bridges to Krsna for all the living entities in different areas of society we think that this will be a very nice offering for the whole Guru parampara. Because in that way we can enthuse other generations of devotees to continue building these bridges like monkeys carrying stones of any weight
  • We all know that due to all your humility you can say that you did not do it alone, nevertheless you were the captain of that ship. (we can present a PPT in which we can present all these aspects)
  • If you agree we can start with contacting the different devotees from different countries that had helped in those programs, so that they can contribute with photos, videos, ideas and so forth

Personally I am going to be involved [or not involved?] actively in the organization if you allow me due to I will be travelling the last week of december to the States I have a family commitment and I will return the same day of your Sri Vyasa puja

We are working with Palika dd, ARTD told me today that you have discussed some ideas about this topic with him, so our idea was to present to you these suggestions so you can give us feedback or what you really want for that momentous occasion 

Thanks in advance Gurudeva

Trying to be your disciple


HpS - We are really only happy with Vyasa puja when the whole Parampara is seen in proportion. Of course, it starts with Krsna. We are little part, but something. You and those following us in initiation etc. are bigger or smaller parts, but again always something essential.

See attached idea.