A pleasent surprise

Hare Krishna!

Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obescances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to you!

I'm currently in Gainesville on a trip to observe the Krishna House here. To observe the mood and bring it back to Dallas Krishna House in our own unique way. It is very exciting here. 25 young people (college student aged), nearly all westerners, living together hyped up on Krishna Conciousness. It's a wonderful family atmosphere to.

To my suprise I have met a godsister here, your disciple Laxsmi Radha Mataji. She is doing LOTS of service and loves it here. Our conversation, although broke up a bit by language barriers, was wonderful. She is so nice. She really wants to come see you in Houston when you visit.

Ok Guru Maharaja thank you so much for your association.

Your disciple,

Nanda-braja das

Pictured below

- Laxsmi-Radha Mataji

- Nitai Bramachari with maha sweet

- Janardana the Tea Maker

- Kevin Bramachari playing Harmonium

- Sham (Laxsmi-Radhas husband) in the Krishna Lunch kitchen

- Guara-Nitai with Guru Prampara dieities

- Krishna Lunch

- Srila Prabhupada!

HpS - Jaya! AgtSP! Paoho. Thank you. We hope to talk with you more in the flesh about your Sankirtan when we reach Houston, but these reports are so important to us and I guess the other members of The Academy.

Hari Bolo!

Happy Vyasa Puja adored Gurudev!! today and forever!!!



Report month Narayana

Dear Gurudeva! Please accept our obeisances to Your merciful lotus feet! All glories be to Srila Prabhupada!!! and to you adored Gurudeva!!!

Please ask your lotus feet for forgiveness for the delay in my offering. I wanted to offer you a nice video. I thought it was better to give you what you asked for than my foolish words. It didn't turn out as well as I wanted but I tried my best. Apparently I have to schedule his "gifts" with more time and if I leave the body before. they are there ready.

thanks to our krishna I have recovered from the pain in my leg and arm and I can continue dancing for my lords Radha Govinda!!!

This is my little offering for you:




I recorded this dance at the end of November. The day of his vyasa Puja I spent editing this video and still couldn't finish it on time.

I learned that it takes time to edit and I have to do things with more time. I was just able to finish on his birthday, January 12. but I couldn't connect or go out because it rained the whole day! I uploaded it the day after his birthday and the signal was cut so I can only send these lines today.

I hope you like it Gurudev! I am ready to listen to any mistake. I would have liked to do it with a voiceover explaining some things before the dances. I am learning to edit.

The moment of dancing this Dance was so beautiful that when I finished... I said to myself... I'm done?? So fast??😆 I couldn't believe that something that seemed so difficult to do, could have felt so ecstatic! I am praying to have those feelings again.. to live that way..all the time.. I know that they are His blessings and I ask you to please pray for me to live giving the best of myself to others.

We read that you wished to offer Mr. Nrishimha noodles with sauce and beans on the day of His Vyasa puja, So Franco himself kneaded the noodles and we offered them to his team. As you know, frankly, there are few photos. So I couldn't take pictures of his ofrenda, but I wanted to tell him about it so he would know about Franco's service. His offering was: Noodles with sauce and pancakes with milk sweet.

I was thinking if at some point I could personally make an offering to you...but from the way I see our situation it seems that it is impossible for us to go to India...so I am going to take refuge ardently in your instructions, classes...and the wonderful memories with your association vapu. I don't want to dream anymore that we'll go because that's doing me wrong.

I always read your twitter messages by email and listen to your classes.

Thank you for being my beloved Gurumaharaja!!!

Please forgive any offense inadvertently committed in this letter.

His attempt of a disciple who wishes to please his lotus heart:

Radha Japa Prati Jalpa Devi Dasi

P.D : previous month summary:

We are very sorry to read that your body is bothering you so much... I think how I can help?...

I forgot to thank you for your beautiful photo that you sent me in a previous letter where you can see a beautiful sunrise in Vrndavan... very beautiful!!! Thanks a lot. I edited a video that dances 2020 and put that beautiful photo at the end:

https://youtu.be/UN5ukcORBfw I

I would like these photos of my attempted mother katyayani to be just for you, frank and gopal. Please

2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.

His classes are the water of my life and they ALWAYS help me a lot.

We keep reciting the entire Sanskrit bhagavad Gita on the auspicious day of Gita jayanti!!! Very Preety!!!

I still have mother katyayani there. (2021 2022). Please tell me if I should disarm them or leave them there under the trees😊

We went to the Adi Sakhi event.

I send you photos. And some videos:



Gopalito and I continue our association with japa together in the afternoon. I tell him to concentrate on his friends in Krsna's pictures: Krsba balarama subala madhumangala!! Let him think that he is playing with them... and he closes his little eyes and chants the holy name like this.

please accept obeisances of Franco and Gopal.

P.D. should i send the photos again? or could you see them? Gurudev? thank you adored Gurudeva eternally

HpS-ASA - Very long letter for us to read! Struggling with gorillas in the jungles of Tripura, India, but we went through it and got most of the content. Now we will look at the first dance link.

It is very nice that you are learning video editing!

. . . .

Awwk! The link won't open here in the jungle. We try later!!

Hari Bolo.


Film Promotion: Manipuri Odissi Collab



Govinda Mataji and I have been discussing an ICCR sponsorship from Indian embassy in Mexico for an evening length production (tentatively for August) (14 artists 45min) collaboration with Manipuri dancers on the topic of reuniting Sita Ram. Here are some tentative scene ideas we are brainstorming to convey the mood of our film nicely and promote it (we are trying to collaborate with the Manipuri group as in your film)? 

1) Sita Ram wedding celebration (invocation, mangalacharan)

2) Vanvas (pure dance, Pallavi)

3) Sita kidnapped, Jatayu slayed (emotive piece, Abhinaya)

4) Ravana slayed (emotive/pure dance)

5) Sita Agni Pariksha leading to Ram and Sita reuniting in end (intense pure dance or Moksa)

We are reaching out to the Manipuri school to discuss if they are open to collaborate like this.



HpS - AgtSP!!!!! paoho. Of course, we discussed this yesterday or the day before and it seems like a very big project.

It seems different from our current effort if you want to take advantage of that and the resouces, audience and staff that it is developing.

As we discussed, it seems that classical dance from Orissa or Manipur would be to esoteric for world or Western audience.

You would need dances gestures etc. that would communicate to them.

One thing we suggested was look at the Sundar Kanda of the Ramayana, Hanumatpresaka, and then think about breaking that into pieces that lend themselves to dance drama.

Then organize one eg. Hanuma flys to Lanka, and then circulate it amongst your audience and possible collaborators in USA or Imphal.

In the van!

Hare Krishna,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Dear Maharaja,

We just had a fantastic kirtan 50 festival in Dallas. Devotees were chanting for three days straight, and then it all ended with showering about 3,000? 10,000? Different colored rose petals onto Sri Sri Radha Kalachandji!! They were up to Their necks in beautiful petals.

And as usual the Maha Prasad was distributed to everyone in the temple and we all had a flower fight! Flower shower.

Then the day after that I joined Paramesvara Prabhu in Sankirtan van!

I'm slowly learning what to say, but today I was distributing books and chanting the Maha mantra with new people. It's pretty blissful!

Thank you for everything, MaHarRaja!!!

Also I'm still okay with the sadhana.

Looking forward to seeing you in Houston!

Your servant,

Jaya-hari Das

HpS - Really super! Yet, we did not see any reason for the FESTIVAL!


You are leading us all to Srila Prabhupada!

Hope our news is also coming through!

Reporte de actividades Arequipa

Hare Krishna querido gurú maharaja, todas las glorias a Srila prabhupada, perdoneme por no tener una constante comunicación, soy muy mala con la tecnología. Estoy luchando para seguir sus instrucciones y apoyando en la predica de Arequipa, para este año 2023 tenemos buenos proyectos y si Krishna nos permite esperamos darle muy pronto buenos resultados. Quería darle a conocer, que por la necesidad de tener un mejor local para nuestra predica nos vimos en la necesidad de abrir un proceso judicial para liberar el lakshmi que estaba retenido, la resolución del Poder Judicial salió a nuestro favor, fueron transferidos el 15/12/2022 35,490 dólares a la cuenta de la Asociación Cultural Bhaktivedanta constituida en Arequipa solo con fines administrativos. En ese sentido le pedimos sus Bendiciones para poder conseguir con este lakshmi un nuevo templo para difundir conciencia de Krishna fieles a los lineamientos de ISKCON. A la fecha tenemos buenos programas en Arequipa y cada vez estamos tratando de mejorar. Orando siempre a Sri Nrisimha para que lo proteja y lo mantenga con buena salud. Hare krishna.


Hare Krishna dear guru maharaja, all glories to Srila prabhupada, forgive me for not having constant communication, I am very bad with technology. I am fighting to follow his instructions and supporting the preaching of Arequipa, for this year 2023 we have good projects and if Krishna allows us we hope to give him good results very soon. I wanted to let you know that, due to the need to have a better location for our preaching, we found ourselves in need of opening a judicial process to release the lakshmi that was withheld, the resolution of the Judiciary came out in our favor, they were transferred on 15/ 12/2022 $35,490 to the account of the Bhaktivedanta Cultural Association established in Arequipa for administrative purposes only. In that sense, we ask for your Blessings to be able to get with this lakshmi a new temple to spread Krishna consciousness faithful to the ISKCON guidelines. To date we have good programs in Arequipa and each time we are trying to improve. Always praying to Sri Nrisimha to protect him and keep him in good health. hare krishna.

HpS/ASA - So nice to hear from you!!

  1. Who are you? Why do you want a Temple?
  2. Who are we? Who else has a clear idea why they want a Temple, and with whom you can work!
  3. What is the plan? Based on 1 and 2 and their continuous development.
  4. What do we need? So the last thing in order of plans is the money, buildings, paraphernalia.

I think you will have very exciting answers to the first three questions!

URGENT: Devotee in Kolkata

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,

  Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

  All glories to Guru parampara.

  Hope you are good in health and doing well in Sri Radha-Kunda.

  Am in Mayapur. Visited Ramkali and Kaniya Natsala.

  While visit we met with two families. One from Kolkata and one from Malda.

  The family we met in RamKali want to be in touch with Devotee and learn Srimad Bhagavat Gita and Discover yourself course.

  So wanted to check with you if you know a good devotee who can cultivate them in KC for PrabhuPad, would be very helpful.

Your dependent,

Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS/ASA - AgtSP! paoho. you should stay in contact with them, no?

I don't know too many programs in India.

Local Temple?

Maya-vidyalaya near Govardhana?

We try to offer little help through these ASA media.

Everyone has to be sincere and get past Putana. She represents False Guru!
