Proposition for the programs in Valparaiso 2.0


All Glories to Sri Sri Goura Nitay
 All Glories to Srila Prabhupada
 All Glories to Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaja

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, I´m Ignacio González from Viña del mar. I write on behalf of the spiritual brothers here in Valparaiso (3).

In the last letter you were asking about Carlos Bustamante, he works in Santa Maria University.  We were thinking that since we work last year with Carlos Bustamante in comparative literature (Hamlet v/s Arjuna) we can do something in the same line, which could be the “Aleph”. If you prefer we can prepare the full presentation of the Light of the Bhagavatam (Paintings, video and symposium) to do it in this university instead of the Aleph.

What did you think about the aleph? it`s a good material? If you liked we can prepare some first version of power point presentation that you can, later, improve. Good idea? If you like it we will work this year in Valparaiso with The Aleph and the Light of the Bhagavatam.

Keep following the 4 principles and chanting 16 lousy rounds
Trying to serve you!


HpS - AGTSP!    Paoho.   We read the Aleph.  It has very strong feel of Argentina and the time and place.   It is like celestial sense gratification of some painters we know.  BBT artists copy their work.  But the comparisan with the Virata rupa is not much.  The "Aleph" is like Virata Rupa Darshana but without service attitude it will have very little effect on the person.  Borges is like a like a Mayavadi, Brahmavadi, who may become a devotee (we have this contamination also), but he is attached to celestial sense gratification, and that is about all there is to say.  More productive might be the Phaedo and the Light of the Bhagavata!  Have you read it?  The St. Bernard's commentar on the Song of Solomon and the LOB.  Have read that...?

Rasa-mandali devi dasi

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I can't remember where you are now. South America perharps? You seem to be in many places at once.

HpS - ASA   -   AGTSP    paoho.   We are in Ferrenafe, Peru, with fan roaring and sill be bitten three diferent places by one determined mosquito.   Takes the blood. Shares with a female and produces more mosquitos!  Hare Krsna!!

In regards to your reply from last post, Yogendra and I started reading about Devahuti and Kardama muni. We found out some interesting things. In one of Prabhupada's purports, it is described what the roles of a husband and wife are. Something about one taking care of household affairs and another controlling some sense gratification. I have a difficult time remembering things I read. But we're slowly moving along with the pastime.

HpS - ASA - Jaya!   We remember things within the heart when we actually have to apply them!

Our Toronto Ratha Yatra is on the 14 and 15 of July. It would be so nice to have you here and all the devotees would appreciate your visit very much. 

ASA - Drat!   That is exactly in the middle of our visit to Houston.  Planned for two months now!!!

Also, Yogendra and I would like to ask for your blessings and your permission if we can get married in September. To be exact, the 15 of September. We have been taking some guidance and advice from Mother Praharana dd who is a god sister of yours and is part of the Grihastha vision team. She's very kind and super amazing. We trust her words and has experienced a lot in her life. You are invited to the wedding, of course!!

HpS - ASA  -   Jaya!   Please go ahead as necessary.  It is on our calendar!

I will keep this short. 17 rounds, 4 regs, some reading( I really need to regulate it), some sankirtan (althought any kind of preaching counts- as I have been told), temple seva.

Please forgive any offenses I have comitted.

Your aspiring servant,

Rasa-mandali dd

HpS - ASA --  Very nice...   Will you be doing puppet shows soon?


Todas las glorias para Srila Prabhupada!

Sri Sri Goura Nitay ki!!!  Jaya!!!

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias Maharaja, Hare Krsna.

Soy Bhakta Pablo del Parikrama, de España.

Yo estoy aqui en Madrid Mandir. Bhakta Jose ya esta estudiando en Nueva Vrajamandala, se le echa en falta.

He estado ahora en Semana Santa unos dias con Varuna, mis padres y mi hermano pequeño. Ha sido muy bueno.

Hoy hemos empezado a salir Bhakta Jorge y yo de Sankirtana, extatico estar acompañado. Yo soy muy malo, jajaja,  en unas horas solo di uno, Fantasia soy muy bueno, pero me gusta mucho las Realizaciones de Sankirtana. Saldremos siempre que podamos, ya le daremos informes.

Estoy empezando a realizar algunas terapias aisladas aqui en Madrid, y espero que pueda ir poco a poco organizandome mejor y acabe el proyecto que me gustaria hacer aqui en Madrid sobre Terapias-Educacion-Meditacion, su nombre comercial es " Amalaki Babaji; Terapias y Enseñanzas Espirituales e Interiores ", en el que quiero incluir Rishi Technology Proyect, estoy intentando darle forma.

Ademas estoy investigando centros culturales o parecidos para hacer exposiciones o seminarios 1 vez cada mes o cada dos meses, esta poco desarrollado pero algo ya he hecho.

En Balarama Loka, con mi ausencia, va lenta, mi hermano solo no puede sacar el trabajo pero estan tranquilos y van para adelante. Hemos estado terminando estos dias las cuadras para la vaca, caballo, gallinas y gusanos. El trigo esta terminando de madurar, los arboles estan terminando la explosion de flores y todo tiene la belleza de primavera. Muy bonito.

Mi alma explota

quien sino Tu?

luces en la acera,

en los coches,

en los giros,

quien sino Tu?

Destellos en las palabras,

en las conversaciones,

quien sino Tu?

HpS - ASA . . . . . . .    Hari Bolo.   Esperamos seguir sus pasos!!!        Su sendero es maravilloso.     Esta haciendo una vida memorable!


12 years, 9 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


Hope this report meets  U In very good health

Here we are in front of our deities taking our cup of hot milk and some bananas jay ¡¡¡¡¡

We have absolutely non communication with LAD .... buuu his tour must be really ecstatic ¡¡¡¡

Our NIMSAR group in LIma continues all fridays but the last 2 fridays they couldn't join it seems that just LAD can use the computer from chosica... nevertheless Yugala and I were together in chiclayo and had the meeting along with Hanuman Swami

Hanuman Swami was very responsible and while He were in the country He continued with His regular classes JAY ¡¡¡¡

The secretary (Candramukhi dd)  has corrected the BV exams from HpS, Sri Hari, Srinivas, LAD, tattva vit and vamsi govinda, but she has to correct some more ¡¡¡¡ she is also going to present the minutes in our next meeting... by the way U arrived on MOnday right?? please Gurudeva tell us the time of your arrival so we can scheduled our meeting....

That's it thanks a lot ¡¡ You are a great example and inspiration for all of us

YOur eternal servants


HpS - ASA   -  Jaya!    AGTSP   Paoho   We are trying to do so many things.   We have to keep a few priorities in line.  We get our rounds done early.  We write each morning, SB each morning and then we are doing this Blog each day in the morning (the end of our working day (we work from 1AM - 9AM)).  Then we gradually see what other things we can add in.  Is very nice.  This is going from Vaidhi bhakti to prema bhakti!

Hare Krishna Mar del Plata!!!

AgtSP, Pamho;

Hare Krishna Dear Gurudeva;

I feel very greatful to have the oportunity to write in this blog and to be able to listen the Krsna Book by webex on sunday. Here we are, in The Loft  Mar del PLata with the bramacaris that came back from India with prabhu Mahajan with a lot of good ideas to  preach... We are chanting the japa early in the morning and doing Mangala arati, Tulasi arati, Govinda, S.Prabhupadas arati some prasadam and book distribution in the streets of the city....Collecting Laksmi for the asram in the future farm comunity in the Sierra de los Padres .MDP Studing S.Prabhupadas book´s...Milk and fruits....WHAT ELSE WE NEED!!!!!

Always trying to serve you and Srila Prabhupads mision..

Thank you very much for your precious asos¡ation..

your eternal servant....    panca tattva das

HpS - ASA --  Jaya!   Mas, mas, but what happened to your auto after it's interfaith dialog with the auto driven by the Jehovah's Witness?

trying to service for the devotees

12 years, 9 months ago by AKD in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

All Glory to Srila Prabhupad and Sankirtan movement

Please Accept my Humbles obeisances

Dear Gurudev

these day I live in New Nilacala Mandir ( Gudalajara City ), and I participate and attend temple programs

here Radhika Mathaji wants to I help on congregational program

We assist to program on temple, and trying to make a recepcion program, cultivation team (for people new, and for assistance to devotees)

We looking for help on Ministry of congregational preaching,

but for me is so bigger and hardy job.

Every day wake up on 3:00 hours, and chanting rounds

We invite youth to jeck (enthusiasts youths on krishna consciousness), and take part on studies about vaisnava etiquette, and bhakty vriksa program.


thanks for all that you give me.

Your servant Aniruddha Krishna Das


HpS - Jaya!   AGTSP    paoho.       Please keep sending news of your travels.    Hanuman knew that one day he would meet his eternal master and that finally happened when met Rama and Laksman when they came to Rsi Mukhya mountain looking for Sita!            So, please follow the principles with enthusiadm and soon Krsna will reveal to you your eternal service!!!