Reporte Sankirtan Madrid

12 years, 9 months ago by Jagamohan in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Harre Krisna Mi Querido Guru Deva Hanumatpresaka Maharaja Kiiiiiiiiii Jaya. Por aqui se sigue distribuyendo prasadan Gracias a Su misericordia y tambien se distribuyen Libros esporadicamente.

Su sirviente Jagamohan Das

HpS - Jaya!              Tiene clases regular por la tarde cada semana?  Puede enfocar en un libro por un rato.  Un seminario!


12 years, 9 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Hope this letter meets U in good health ¡¡¡¡

AGTSP, AGTU¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ PAOHO¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Gurudeva last Friday we had a very nice meeting with NIMSAR we had a class on canto 3 chapter 8 ¡¡¡¡¡¡ Personally my heart was feeling so happy ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ it was very nice to come back ¡¡¡ it was so much nectar ¡¡¡¡¡ sharing time with devotees savoring Srimad Bhagavatam ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

This is last month of LAD in Chosica since June He is going to move back to his home and develop his position of president more seriously ¡¡¡¡¡¡

                 ASA - AGTSP     paoho.     This date shall live in history. The day the Blue Baboon returned to his ancestral house and began the development of NIMSAR, the Premier Educational Institution of Peru for the next 10,000 years.

This Friday we are going to have the saintLY presence of HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja in Chosica ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡they [there] are going to be lots of devotees ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ jay ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡lots of good association ¡ hope to have a connection with you¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ if not we are connected always heart to heart ¡¡¡¡

Hope your health is ok 

Thank U so much for your inspiration ¡

Your eternal servants 


 ASA -   Oink!    Oink!    Whoop!   Whoop!

SATTVA reporting

Sattva reporting:

Today, 16th May, we have our inter-faith dialogue, in the auditorium of the faculty of literature and CCHH of the San Marcos University. We have the confirmation of assistance from Mr. Nureddin Cueva (Nakshibendi Hakkani, the Islamic Association of Peru), the priest Carlos Alberto Rosell De Almeida (President of the Faculty of Theology of Lima), Mr. Peter Hornung Bobbio (Senior Pastor of Living Water Church) and us.

P.Abhirama is working on the recovery of the agreement between NIOS and UNMSM for three years. The Deanof literature of Marco Martos has already sent the application to the Rectorand we hope the prompt response.

We are maintaining our study of Srimad Bhagavatm on Saturdays from 7 to 8 am. We are in Chap. V of 1stCanto.
Conserning our personal sadhana, at the meeting on Saturday  we will designate who begin the role of members to call the others at 4 am, to ensure the participation of all in mangala aratik.

Hare Krsna!

Informe de Rama
Hoy 16 de mayo se realizara el dialogo Interfe en el Auditorio de la Facultad de Letras Y CCHH de la Universidad Nacional mayor de San Marcos. Han asegurado su participación el Sr. Nureddin Cueva de la Asociación Islámica Nakshibendi Hakkani del Perú, el Presbítero Carlos Alberto Rosell De Almeida, Rector de la facultad de Teología de Lima, el Sr. Pedro Hornung Bobbio, Pastor Principal de la Iglesia Agua Viva y nosotros.

P. Abhirama está gestionando la reactivación del convenio entre NIOS y la UNMSM por tres años, la solicitud ya la dirigió el Decano de Letras Marco Martos al Rector y esperamos su pronta respuesta.

... Estamos manteniendo nuestro estudio del Srimad Bhagavatm los sábados de 7 a 8 am, estamos en el Cap. V del I canto. En cuanto a nuestro sadhana personal en la reunión del sábado 19 vamos a designar quien empieza el rol de llamar a los integrantes a las 4 am y así asegurarnos la participación de todos en mangala aratik.

Hare Krishna,

HpS -  Jaya!    AGTSP     Wonderful.  Also, the letter from Marcos Martos honoring Dr. Bandyopadhyay as friend of San Marcos and a grand master was well received by everyone at the seminar.  I showed it on the screen and read the wonderful letter.

Yes, Sadhana, Sadhana, Sadhana... that is our expression of love at this point!

Propositions for the programs in Valparaiso 4.0 or 5.0?

All Glories to Sri Sri Goura Nitay
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada
All Glories to Hanumat Presaka Swami<o:p></o:p>

Please accept my most humble obeisance<o:p></o:p>

Hare Krsna Gurudev, I wish that everything is working just fine and your health is stronger than yesterday and worse than tomorrow. My name is Ignacio González, a dumb teacher from Viña del mar. <o:p></o:p>

In the last letters that we have exchange you ask for the opinion of Vanamali and her father, Carlos Bustamante and Rodrigo, the poet. So we arrange a meeting to discuss the topics of the conferences to make here in Viña del mar at the Santa Maria university (Carlos ‘University). 

Everybody was really enthusiastic about the topics (Fedo and the presentation of the LOB), also we discuss the order of the presentation and then we vote. Results: We thought that start with Plato is better because is a good hook to occidental minds and then finish this cycle of presentations with the main topic that is LOB and the Vedic culture.<o:p></o:p>

We are already doing the arrangements to reserve the conference rooms at the Santa Maria University. There are more things to do that we will do it soon; we will do the same prasadam standard that we do last year, with candles, rented dinner set, flowers and origami.
Guru Maharaja, where can we get the pictures of the paintings of the LOB in a high resolution? <o:p></o:p>

Trying to serve you<o:p></o:p>

Ignacio González

<o:p>HpS -   AGTSP  paoho   Wonderful.    Sorry it has taken little long to respond. The pressure from Radhadesa, Manipur and Kolkata has almost killed us.  Yet, very good results.
Topics sound fine.
We already sent the art to someone there in Chile???    Rodrigo doesn't know?</o:p>


Write to us at [email protected] and we will give you more information on source.


We get to the USA Wednesday and we can start to plan for Chile then.

Hari Bolo!

Jagamohan Das

12 years, 9 months ago by Jagamohan in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krisna mi querido Guru Deva espero que acepte mis humldes reverencias. TODAS LAS GLORIAS A SRILA PRASBHUPADA. Le he intentado escribir varias veces y no he sido capaz de enviearle el mensaje.

Muchas gracias por el Gran Hanumanji KIIIIIIIII Jaya.

Por aqui Gracias a Krisna va todo bien.

Su sirvente Jagamohan das

HpS - Esta aqui!   Muy bien oir de Vd!!!!            Tenemos hambre para sus noticias del Sankirtan en Madrid!!


 Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Gurudeva por favor acepte usted nuestras reverencias humildes

Nos complace saber de su bhajans en India y en todos los lugares donde usted va.

Que el Señor Nrsimha lo proteja.

Una y otra vez ¡Nrsimhaya namah, Nrsimha Bhagavam Ki Jaya!

Después de leer su carta, inmediatamente le enviamos, a usted, a P Srinivasa y P Laksmana, el “Formato para la Asistencia a clases de BhVai”. Muchas gracias por la guía de estudios para SB3.8 y 9.

ASA - Jaya!    Pero Laksmana y Srivas no han hecho comentarios a nosotros!    Somos casi muertos.  Todo pelo gris!   Ellos tienen que tomar liderazgo de la casa.       {[0:)-

Esta semana, Gurudeva nos encontramos en el Review del Modulo II y faltarían sus preguntas para los capítulos 8 y 9. Sabemos que usted se encuentra muy ocupado en su servicio en India, si usted asi lo dispone podemos nosotras completar el Review en español.

Esperando sus instrucciones, quedamos de usted muy atentas

Sus sirvientas


HpS ---  Puede escribiir a Srinivasa en Boise?   Tiene su dirrecion, no?  El tiene.  Estamos luchando balanncear todo.  Esta bien.  Es falta de poco pasion en estas programas academicos aqui en Kolkata.  Esta bien, pero nunca otra vez.