Proposition for the programs in Valparaiso

All Glories to Sri Gouranga Nityananda
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada
All Glories to Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaja

Please accept my most humble obeisance 

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, I will write express myself shortly to try not stealing your time. For the experiences of the last years we want to work again in the university Santa María (UFSTM), where the last year we make "Hamlet and Arjuna". We are working with the same people so maybe we can do:

  • The Aleph v/s the Sri Bhagavatam:  Comparative literature, taking a short story of Jorge Luis Borges that goes around a manifestation of the all universe and all the times in just one moment and in just one place, called the Aleph. This is like the display of de Virat rupa, seen from Mother Yasodas`s perspectives in the 8º pastime of the Krishna`s Books, Vision of the universal form.
  • Light of the bhagavatam: Make a presentation of the pictures (we can print your favorites) and do a simposium about one of the hot topics, that we can previously discuss. 

Also we can prepare an interfaith dialogue at the Catholic University of Valparaiso (PUCV) with a Chilean theology doctor about an specific topic. This doctor has work on his investigation for his degree in making links between hinduism and Christianity, specifically between the school of Yogananda Paramahamsa. This week I will present your curriculum so we can later see which topic discuss (maybe: ideal education).

We hope that our English is good for you, and our ideas satisfy you, pleace tell us wich is the best topics? so we can start every preparation for the programs that you prefer. 
Following 4 principles for a month an a have and chanting 16 rounds.

Your servant, Ignacio

P.S. I couldn´t send the file of "The Aleph" so here is a link where you can read it.

HpS - ASA -  San Ignacio!    Thank you for the letter.    Very nice to hear from you.  We are in Trujillo.  Like 55 books distributed by Bhakta Arturo sola en la universidad las night and 25 by all of us at the table!!!     We will read the Aleph.

We can use the same idea en Peru also it sounds like it might be good.   First we have to read the Aleph.  Other from Borges is the "Library".  That seems very clearly description of the limits of Mental Speculation, impersonal Jnana.

What about Carlos Bustmantes and his school in Valparaiso?    First we get the people and then we pick the topic, from LOB!!!       Also opcioin is Light of the Bhagavatam and the Phaedo of Socrates or the commentary of St. Bernard on the Song of Solomon!  We read the Aleph now!

What about Carlos???


12 years, 9 months ago by rohini in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports




Mi estimado Gurudeva por favor reciba usted mis reverencias, estoy en una cabina en el centro de Chosica, lluvia intensa y muchos huaycos han caído anoche y Chosica es un caos de polvo y desvíos de tráfico. Aho Adidhaivica Klesha y adibhautica Klesha.

ASA -  TlgaSP   Pfanrh   Estamos oyendo de Patraka Das yo pienso de estas catastrofias!   Krsna esta en panico que podemos volver a El!!

Estuvimos, el Viernes, temprano en el Templo, imposible comunicarnos por Webex, señal de internet muy débil en el templo, pero entre nosotros conversamos el Capitulo 4, estuvimos presentes: P Vamsi Govinda quien dirigió la reunión, P Tattva-vit,. M Gaura Gadadhara y M Rohini.

Pudimos reforzar el texto de la semana, revisar la guía de estudios, y conversamos sobre algunos detalles necesarios en nuestras reuniones, como el recapitular la línea histórica del contenido de los capítulos anteriores.

Muchas preguntas para usted de nosotros, mi estimado Gurudeva..

Aquí algunas:

Texto 9-10 ¿Maitreya Muni después de escuchar lo que el Señor le dijo a Uddhava se convirtió en devoto puro?

HpS -  Ummmf!   Pienso que no.   Puede apreciar la necesidad entrar en un relacion personal con Krsna.   Cuando Vidua estaba preguntando de lo que estaba oyendo de Krsna mientras El estaba hablando con Uddhava por Vidura tiene que (kirtanam) explicar lo que esta (sravanam) oyendo.  Conoce Vd que esta causa nosotros fijar el oido en la inteligencia. Posible llegando a prema bhakti en esta puntos!!

Texto 20: ¿Entonces fue la filosofia mayavada de Sripada Sankaracarya útil en ese momento, por el budismo; es esta superior al budismo?

HpS - Si, El Buddhismo es nihlismo, no hay un realidad.  De Sankara es monista, hay un realidad, pero no estamos identificado is tiene aspectos, rasgos!

Texto 31: ¿en la etapa suddha-sattva o vasudeva la entidad es jiva mukta es esto igual que ser un gosvami (NOI1)?    Pienso es bastante adelante de solamente ser un Goswami. Casi a nivel de Bhava, no?

Texto 35: ¿En base a que Vidura entendió que el Señor se acordó de él?  No esta mencionada en la description del eventos en el capitulo, no?   Pero la descripcion solamente es general.  Dice: Krsna explico de cosas mas intimos a Uddhava, pero no da los detalles.  Entonces, entre estas detalles, puede ser la menciona de Vidura!

Próxima semana nuestra Revisión y Evaluación.

Esperando se encuentre usted bien, en compañia de los devotos, allá en Ferreñafe al norte del Perú. Hare Krsna Rama, estimado Gurudeva.

En servicio

Rohini dd

HpS - Jaya!       Buscamos Vds. en internet   Ayer, viernes tambien, pero no nos encontramos!!!         Adelantamos.   Proxima viernes, claro estamos presente a las 10AM!          Y lunes, 23rd Estamos en reunion de Nimsar!     Pienso cada uno de nostros tiene que prepara y ofrecer un curso individual o con otros para los devotos y el publico de NIMSAR.    Fotografia espiritual, NOD Parte Dos.

sadhana v/s sankirtana

12 years, 9 months ago by harsh_horse in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

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hare krsna ,AGTSP, PAMHO..

this is regarding two instructions of yours

1. best effort for japa yajna then sankirtana has life

2. internal programme is more important than external program.

...questions ...

1. why we see many devotees focussing on external program?


ASA - AGTSP    paoho...   Because they like it.   Because they are on the level of Karma-yoga, not dhyana or jnana-yoga. That's our opinion. Basic thing is focus on something sublime and do it.    How'r Prabhupuda says that Sankirtana is the most important service and Japa is the most essential service.   Jaya! 


2. why did Srila Prabhupada always focussed on fulfilling orders of Printing books and preaching books [ it seem to be focussiong on external program].


ASA - Yet, can we say he was focused that way if we look at this books. He is living there now as always.   First verse is vaco-vegam....    External, middle and internal are all there!    Serve Krsna with body, mind and words!


3. we are not able to understand the priorities of external progam and internal program.. devotees stretch themselves so much for external program that their health suffers and then their internal program suffers.


ASA - Acharya gives balance.   At least 16 rounds/day, regular morning and evenning program and Karma yoga during the day.  Do whatever you can do for Krsna nicely, not dog-hard!


4. Bg 4.34 that one should serve spiritual master then ask question, is this service sadhana or sankirtana or vapu?


ASA - It is just asking questions to remove distress, at first.


5. even in ISK there are awards like book distributor of the year , best temple of the year etc... are not these focussing on external programme ?


ASA - Yes, but there is also "BG 10-10-11" in ISKCON also.  Life Members who eat chicken and Sannyasis who don't eat Karmi bread!    We must find our position and join the fight.  Some are elefants, some are crocodiles.


aspiring to be disciplined by you.



ASA -  SO nice to hear from you!      Can you please cal Dr. Samaresh after 9.30PM if you don't hear from him every day?   Please keep accounts of your NIOS expenses!!

Pasatiempos en sankirtana

Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Guru y Gauranga y a su sankirtana eterno

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Hare krsna Guru Maharaj, estámos mucho mejor. Estoy levantándome a las 5:00 am y cantando 16 rondas, sankirtana y lectura, estoy en el capítulo 25 de Las enseñanzas del Señor Caitanya, pude entender que Prabhupada es bien claro al decir que el impersonalismo es ateísmo disfrazado y que los mayavadis son aún más peligrosos que el Budismo, y lo confirmé más aún al escuchar el Caitanya Caritamrta Adi Lila cap. 3 y 4 que está leyendo P. Gadai Gauranga, es muy interezante escuchar a Srila Prabhupada.

Entre la ciudad de Huancayo y Huancavelica voy distribuyendo 110 libros pequeños, 1 enseñanza del Señor Caitanya, 1 Ciencia de la autorrealización y 1 Viaje al autoconocimiento, P. Gadai distribuyó más libros grandes, el próximo viaje es ir a Puno y Juliaca y de ahí a Cusco con P. Adveita Thakur das después de su llegada de la India.

Un pasatiempo de sankirtana; La semana pasada estábamos tristes porque no podiamos salir a sankirtana porque estábamos enfermos pero en la calle una persona a lo lejos Un señor llamado Mariano le llamó por su nombre Gadai, no sé ni como se acordó su nombre, y le dijo que le lleve otros libros de lo que había traído el mes pasado y el señor se llevó 1 enseñanzas de la reina kunti, 1 enseñanzas de Kapiladeva y 12 libros pequeños, al día siguiente nos dimos valor para hacer sankirtana. Gurudeva ahora entiendo que los libros terminan predicandonos a los que damos libros en las calles y que la predica  de srila Prabhupada nunca terminará con nosotros.

Otro pasatiempo es que aquí en huancavelica gente que conocía de vista y amistades de la universidad me llevaron libros, aveces me averguenzo en hablarles pero a la vez me siento feliz de dar un libro que está cambiando mi vida, la mente me predica aveces.

Gurudeva muchas gracias por su asociación mediante este medio, ahí le envío fotos de mis deidades que todavía no tienen nombre.

Un saludo cordial,

Hare krsna

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi

HpS - ASA ---  jaya!!!!!!!!!    Super noticias.   Eso es la vida.    Where ever you go, who ever you meet tell them about Krsna!!!

ASA México - Sadhana Report Apr 2012

12 years, 9 months ago by asa mexico in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to you, dear Gurudeva!
Please accept our humble obeisances!

Yesterday Sunday 1 we celebratethe monthly program of Sadhana in México Mandir,  Was a very beautiful in which many Vaisnavas met, including their servant Saranagati Dasi and Bhaktin Atenea.

His  servents Asta Sakhi D.D. Karuna Sakti DD and Bhaktin Patricia made the program from home.

Continue to strive to improve our participation, inspired by the great mercy you poured out upon us, we are determined to  take shelter of its auspicious association, example and inspiration.

Thank you very much
His  servants

ASA - Jaya Srila Prabhupada.                     Upadesamrta, Srila Prabhupada says that he started this ISKCON movement single handedly and at first there was no response. But he continued with his duty and then people appreciated the importance of the movement and it expanded like anything.


12 years, 9 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva AGTSP¡¡¡¡


Rama Navami KI Jay¡¡¡¡

First of all I am so sorry for the delay of this report it was supposed to be delivered by yesterday but I am asking for your compassion yesterday I went early to wilson in order to leave everything more or less organized in pujari cause we are travelling then went to chosica for doing the noon artik.. then   gaura artik translate your wonderful class and then went back to the altar I arrived home at 11:00pm buuu. So please be merciful with us...

We had a very nice festival for Rama Navami... bhajams, very nice abhishek... drama...class very complete program..

NIMSAR had their meeting for the third canto chapter three M Yugala made the presentation... and Hanuman Swami solved some questions then we had a kind of informal NIMSAR meeting becuase the treasurer was not present....

On Rama Navami's festival Hanuman Swami, LAD, Patraka das and CMDD had a meeting. Now we are more or less clear about the examinations ... administration is a very very very complex thing but we are doing a very good job.

LAD and CMDD are going to start correcting the examinations and essays along with Hanuman Swami ¡¡¡ quite a job ¡¡¡ but the more we read the more we learn JAY

Patraka das our treasurer is doing a great job he sent to our email a very nice report please check it...

All NIMSAR is studying canto 3 chapter 4 this week we are going to have our meeting in chiclayo JAYYYYYYY on April 4th we are traveling to chiclayo vacations jeje 

LAD is travelng also for teaching Bhakti sastri and Bhakti vaibhava to cuzco, bolivia 


We are all your MONKEY WARRIORS fighting against the witch maya...

Thank U very much Gurudeva ¡¡¡¡¡

Your eternal servants


ASA -  AGTSP   paoho   Excellent report.  We have gotten even more behind in answering the letters. All of us have to pick our priorites better.  We also have not had time to collect the examinations after we sat together, but we ar going ahead. We meet on the 23rd or so, Monday in Lima.