ASA Carnaval - Reporte al 1 de mayo, 23

¡Hare Krsna!¡ Querido Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte nuestras rendidas reverencias!

Todas las Glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada, y todas las glorias a usted que nos guía en el camino que nuestro Divino Acarya ha establecido. 🙏🌻

Orando porque la salud de su cuerpo sea favorable a su Sankirtan, aun después de esta intensa y larga gira. Escribo como parte del equipo de ASA Carnaval, para enviar nuestro reporte de actividades:

Nuestro objetivo es concentrar, compartir y conservar una buena parte del material que usted ha generado, como una fuente de motivación para involucrar a la audiencia en el trascendental Sankirtan de Srila Prabhupada, el estudio y difusión de los libros de Su Divina Gracia, así como una participación activa en su misión.


* Continuamos con las transmisiones a través de Facebook

Estamos trabajando para incluir el titulo y descripción de todos los videos, así como separar por listas de reproducción. En esta plataforma también pueden encontrarse fotografías (Compartidas por múltiples devotos), noticias sobre sus programas y algunos enlaces externos.

*Tras nuestra platica en Nueva Govardhana; hemos puesto en marcha el canal de YouTube “ASA Carnaval”

Como respuesta a la necesidad de respaldar el contenido y a facilitar el acceso al material por otros medios. Además, YouTube brinda la opción de resaltar momentos clave de las clases o conferencias, lo que nos ayuda en nuestra tarea de indización y consulta.

Este canal pretende ser una especie de biblioteca, un sitio de búsqueda y consulta en el que todos puedan tener acceso a contenido que les resulte útil. En muchos casos el audio o el video no son de muy buena calidad. Sin embargo; entendemos que ASA Audiovisual, proporciona material selecto, con mayor fineza y mejor edición, que atraiga a publico distinguido.

Hasta el momento hemos subido poco material al canal de YouTube; algunas clases, entrevistas y conferencias entre las que destaca el “Foro celebrado en el palacio legislativo en México” en su reciente visita al yatra. ( Además de algunas clases en español dadas por Su Divina Gracia. 

Algunos Desafíos:

Sabemos que una de nuestras principales labores es facilitar la localización de temas importantes para la audiencia, por eso estamos trabajando en la indización. Rogamos nos disculpen, estamos avanzando muy lentamente. Adjunto un archivo con un pequeño progreso. (*En los encabezados de cada columna, encontrará un pequeño triangulo verde, favor de utilizarlo para filtrar el contenido de su interés)

Algunos proyectos:

**Isvari Radha Mataji, sugiere que elaboremos resúmenes de contenido de las clases para facilitar la consulta. Sabemos que es un gran reto, pero mantendremos esta propuesta como una de nuestras metas principales.💓

*Para beneficio de los hispano hablantes, Candra Mukhi Mataji, traducirá uno de los exaltados seminarios que Radhika Raman Prabhu, ha dictado.

*Además estamos trabajando para que pronto podamos compartir, las conferencias que, hace algunos años, usted dicto en el GBC College.

*Nikunja Bihari Prabhu, también colaborará traduciendo algunas clases al español.

*Por otra parte; Parasurama Avatar Prabhu, nos ha dicho que tal vez pueda compartirnos la grabación de la conferencia que recientemente dicto en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Mientras que Govinda Pramodini DD y Rancor Prabhu, también nos han dicho que compartirán material audiovisual de esta maravillosa Gira. En cuanto esto ocurra, lo subiremos para beneficio de todos.

(Muchas gracias a todos por sus incansables esfuerzos🙏🙇)

_________  _________

Recapitulando: 📌

Nuestras Plataformas 💻

Para mejorar su búsqueda consulte:


[email protected]

Equipo coordinador:

Isvari Radha Devi Dasi / Abhinanda Das / Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

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Gurudeva aprovechamos para rogarle, si es posible, comparta con sus sirvientes las grabaciones de su participación en el seminario de SS Bhakti Raghava Swami.

Muchas gracias por todos sus esfuerzos para involucrarnos en el Sankirtan de Srila Prabhupada, gracias por su ejemplo que nos motiva a intentar ser útiles de algún modo. 

A sus órdenes, su aspirante a sirviente

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

ASA Carnaval


Hare Krsna! Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept our obeisances!

All glories be to Srila Prabhupada, and all glories to you who guide us on the path that our Divine Acarya has established. 🙏🌻

HpS - We hope others are also guiding!!!

Praying that the health of his body is favorable to his Sankirtan, even after this intense and long tour. I am writing as part of the ASA Carnaval team, to send our activity report:

Our objective is to concentrate, share and preserve a good part of the material that you have generated, as a source of motivation to involve the audience in Srila Prabhupada's transcendental Sankirtan, the study and dissemination of His Divine Grace's books, as well as an active participation in its mission.

HpS - We have done some, but hope we can include material by so many other friends and members of ASA.


* We continue with the transmissions through Facebook

We are working to include the title and description of all the videos, as well as separate them by playlists. On this platform you can also find photographs (Shared by multiple devotees), news about their programs and some external links.

*After our talk in New Govardhana; We have launched the YouTube channel "ASA Carnaval"

In response to the need to support content and to facilitate access to material by other means. In addition, YouTube provides the option to highlight key moments of classes or conferences, which helps us in our task of indexing and consultation.

This channel is intended to be a kind of library, a search and consultation site where everyone can access content that is useful to them. In many cases the audio or video is not of very good quality. However; We understand that ASA Audiovisual provides select material, with greater refinement and better editing, that attracts a distinguished public.

So far we have uploaded little material to the YouTube channel; some classes, interviews and conferences among which the "Forum held in the legislative palace in Mexico" stands out on his recent visit to the yatra. ( In addition to some classes in Spanish given by the Divine Grace of him.

Some Challenges:

We know that one of our main tasks is to facilitate the location of important topics for the audience, which is why we are working on indexing. Please excuse us, we are moving very slowly. I attach a file with a little progress.

(*In the headers of each column, you will find a small green triangle, please use it to filter the content of your interest)

Some projects:

**Isvari Radha Mataji, suggests that we prepare summaries of the content of the classes to facilitate consultation. We know it is a great challenge, but we will keep this proposal as one of our main goals.💓

*For the benefit of Spanish speakers, Candra Mukhi Mataji will translate one of the exalted seminars that Radhika Raman Prabhu has given.

*We are also working so that we can soon share the conferences that you gave at the GBC College a few years ago.

*Nikunja Bihari Prabhu will also collaborate by translating some classes into Spanish.

*Besides; Parasurama Avatar Prabhu has told us that perhaps he can share with us the recording of the conference that he recently gave at the Complutense University of Madrid. While Govinda Pramodini DD and Rancor Prabhu have also told us that they will share audiovisual material of this wonderful Tour. As soon as this happens, we will upload it for the benefit of all.

(Thank you all so much for your tireless efforts🙏🙇)

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To recap: 📌

Our Platforms 💻

To refine your search see:


[email protected]

Coordinating team:

Isvari Radha Devi Dasi / Abhinanda Das / Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

_________ _________

Gurudeva, we take this opportunity to ask him, if possible, to share with his servants the recordings of his participation in HH Bhakti Raghava Swami's seminar.

HpS - ASA -- Mostly we just listened. I think the only way to do it would be to work with Maharaja's team. I hope we develop more relationship with Maharaja's effort and NIOS. Then there might be more substantial content.

Your work seems very nice. Our only thought is that Srila Prabhupada has given us a cup to take some nectar from the ocean of nectar of Srimad Bhagavatam and associated literature. All we ASA are trying do is be an "ASA", handle for the cup.

Thank you very much for all his efforts to involve us in Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtan, thank you for his example that motivates us to try to be useful in some way.

At his command, his would-be servant

Karuna Shakti Devi Dasi

ASA Carnival

Developing Sankirtan in New Govardhana, Mexico

"Hare Krishna, Gurudeva, accept. my obeisances. I am meditating hard on everything I learned during your visit. honestly during this new goverdan event it was very instructive and i am very grateful to the devotees, but i have my personal reservations and i want to serve sankirtan but i feel very ignorant. develop good communication with Dhruva Prabhu and his Family. , . we want to do sankirtan and start a preaching movement. here in Latin America as a new Goverdan base. MONTEMORELOS."

HpS - ASA -- TlgaSP!.... Thank you. I think 50% of your effort is now finished, you followed up on the visit!

Many times we organize and event. That is 50% of the effort. The other 50% is to continue.

  1. It depends on our effort and Krsna's effort. Try to understand Krsna's plan from goof Japa, Srila Prabhupada's books, advice from nice devotess and people - one, two, three. Krsna wants Kirtan, hearing and chanting, in Kali-yuga, so if New Govardhana is amined at that then it is proper.
  2. Judge by the results. See how things are developing and then adjust accordingly. You have already done that in terms of your Sankirtan and got good results.
  3. Purity is the force. Four principles and 16-nice rounds (Mangala arati etc). Anything you want to accomplishin Sankirtan or with your family will only improve as you stick to these things.
  4. Keep posting results, news, here in the Blog. Let us see if the devotees respond.

Thank you, Hare Krsna!!

Noticias de Perú - "El camello" - Gestión administrativa en el ojo de la tormenta

Hk pamho

Querido Gurudeva por motivos personales tuve que regresar a Perú, pero sus instrucciones las llevaré a cabo, ya estoy trabajando en ello, prefiero que se mantenga en reserva.

Me quedé encantada con el templo de México, la cabeza es muy importante, el GBC visita sus dominios, habla personalmente con cada persona, es muy estricto sobre todo en lo que se refiere a la atención a la deidad, por lo que me contaron, ingresa sorpresivamente y si ve algo incorrecto lo corrige en el momento. Si bien es cierto que estuvimos más en la finca, vi gran inspiración y entrega en Ciudad de México, muy buen lugar para realizar vida espiritual. Los devotos, los monges muy activos e inteligentes. Seguramente Krsna me permitirá volver y conocer más de ese hermoso país.

Por otro lado, al regresar a Lima salí un día, un rato a distribuir libros y la gente llevaba los libros. Son muy pocos los que hacen ese servicio. Posiblemente siempre que pueda intentaré hacerlo. Por favor deme sus bendiciones para poder entregar los libros de Srila Prabhupada. Ahora ya no vivo por Chosica, asisto a una iglesia franciscana que se llena de 500 personas, me llamo la atención, muy rústica, construida con cañas de bambú, calaminas, muy buena organización, vi acólitos mujeres, al parecer en todas partes la presencia de la mujer es cada vez más notoria, no me sorprendería que de aquí a unos años ellas den misa.

Con respecto a Miraflores, los devotos que aceptaron la descabezada propuesta de las autoridades, “el camello”, no elegir una propuesta, sino crear un consejo, elegir el líder de cada propuesta e incluir a la administración que se supone que salía, ¡¿A nos otros aparece locura?! Formaba parte del equipo de una de las propuestas, cuando crearon al “camello”, inmediatamente me desvinculé, creo que un sacrificio como es abrir un templo debe hacerse en bondad, con un equipo humano a fin, que compartan los mismo ideales. Es una pena, porque con ese proceder solo dejan mal el nombre de su Maestro, a quien aprecio mucho, lamento que se tomen las decisiones sin pensar en el beneficio de la prédica, hay mucho inconformismo e indignación entre los devotos por el proceder de las autoridades en este asunto, recién algunos grupos, después de tantos años desean hacer algo, un poco tarde, sin embargo, espero que se salve a la predica en Perú. Perú es hermoso, turismo, historia, comida, quisiera decir lo mismo en predica. Templo hermoso, deidades bellísimas. Espero pronto se aplique una reingeniería. Un cambio urge.

Otros grupos religiosos son exitosos, otros yatras que visito periódicamente están mejorando, y Perú se rezagó, retrocede. Todo esto es preocupante. Ud. Siempre dice que en Vrndavana solo Krsna mata demonios. Espero pronto venga la ayuda necesaria. Hay muy buenos devotos merecen tener un yatra tan bueno como ellos.

Estoy tomando un curso de sastra, continúo apoyando al programa de Bhakti Yoga los sábados con Prabhu Kolaveca el encargado de predica congregacional.

Por favor deme sus bendiciones para avanzar espiritualmente y servir sobre todo a gente inocente que desea conocer a Krsna.

Muchas gracias Gurudeva por su constante asociación on line.

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kisora Dasi (el león a punto de saltar)


hk pamho

Dear Gurudeva, for personal reasons I had to return to Peru, but I will carry out your instructions, I am already working on it, I prefer that it be kept in reserve.

I was delighted with the temple in Mexico, the head is very important, the GBC visits its domains, talks personally with each person, is very strict especially when it comes to attention to the deity, from what they told me, it enters unexpectedly and if it sees something wrong it corrects it on the spot.

Although it is true that we were more on the farm, I saw great inspiration and dedication in Mexico City, a very good place to lead a spiritual life. The devotees, the very active and intelligent monks. Surely Krsna will allow me to come back and learn more about that beautiful country.

On the other hand, when I returned to Lima I went out one day, for a while, to distribute books and people brought the books. Very few do that service. Possibly whenever I can I will try to do it.

Please give me your blessings so that I can deliver Srila Prabhupada's books.

HpS - Many, many, many best wishes and hopes that we can practically help you and that you also bless us. We gave an NoI to the mechanic who worked on our car yesterday and thanked him.

Now I no longer live in Chosica, I attend a Franciscan church that fills up with 500 people, it caught my attention, very rustic, built with bamboo canes, corrugated iron, very good organization, I saw female acolytes, apparently everywhere the presence of women is increasingly notorious, I would not be surprised if in a few years they will give mass.

Regarding Miraflores, the devotees who accepted the headless proposal of the authorities, "the camel", did not choose a proposal, but created a council, electing the leader of each proposal and including the administration that was supposed to leave,

¡¿ To us it seems like madness?!

I was part of the team for one of the proposals, when they created the "camel", I immediately disassociated myself, I believe that a sacrifice such as opening a temple must be done in kindness, with a human team that share the same ideals.

It is a pity, because with this procedure they only leave the name of their Master, whom I appreciate very much, bad, I am sorry that decisions are made without thinking about the benefit of the preaching, there is a lot of nonconformity and indignation among the devotees for the conduct of the Authorities in this matter.

Recently some groups, after so many years want to do something, a little late, however, I hope that the preaching in Peru will be saved. Peru is beautiful, tourism, history, food, I would like to say the same in preaching. Beautiful temple, beautiful deities. I hope soon a reengineering is applied. A change is urgent.

Other religious groups are successful, other yatras that I visit periodically are improving, and Peru has lagged behind, is going backwards. All this is worrying. You always say that in Vrndavana only Krsna kills demons. I hope the necessary help comes soon. There are very good devotees deserve to have a yatra as good as them.

HpS - Yes, we are a little involved in the process. We receive some copies of the letters and make some small comments. Again, the first principle is that we avoid the demons, make friendship with the devotees, love KRSNA and preach to the innocent. So as much as we see devotees strongly attached to some material perspective, Madhyama adhikari, is best to avoid that aspect of their association. Preach to them from their devotional perspective and, yes, call 'HARA KRSNA, HARE RAMA" and expect RAMA and KRSNA to come and destroy the demoniac attachments in our hearts.

Let us watch for that and be ready to help.

I am taking a sastra course, I continue to support the Bhakti Yoga program on Saturdays with Prabhu Kolaveca, the congregational preacher.

Please give me your blessings to advance spiritually and to serve especially innocent people who want to know Krsna.

Thank you very much Gurudeva for the constant association of him online.

His daughter who adores him:

Yugala Kisora Dasi (the liones about to pounce).

HpS/ASA - Lioness on Sankirtan. Lamb in the Templ!


THANK YOU ! ! ! for such nice photo album of Mexico. Photo journalism.


We were celebrating Earth Day at the 6th Annual, ECO Teaching Farm Festival, at the new Raman Reti farm in Alachua, Florida.

HpS/ASA - "Whole Earth Day" originated at my Alma Mater, UC Davis! 😇 Maybe 1968.

This year’s workshops highlighted even more reasons to appreciate the gifts of Mother Nature.

There were demonstrations on making banana fiber baskets, natural dyes from backyard blooms and kitchen scraps, incense making, essential oils, homemade paper, and mozzarella cheese.

In addition, there were herb walks, talks on using the biogas digester, tips on soil improvement, growing herbs, and much more.

I especially enjoyed the mozzarella cheese-making class with Mother Rucira. She used fresh organic milk from their cows to make the cheese.

Below are some photos from the event!!!! 

HpS - Super! Super! "A devotee lives very happily in this world seeing everything as a reflection of the spiritual world" - LOB

It is like watching a good movie of the Sunday Feast!

Ha! Ha! Hare!

Of course, chanting HK and visiting the spiritual world even while you are in the material world is even better than just watching the movie.

One foot in this world.

One foot in the other.

More. More. More.

Urgent Report from Lima (hell)

Hare Krsna, Beloved Gurudeva:


Sadhana - Gurudeva I was not present all days in FMP due to on April 12th I have a surgery in my eyes the technical name is eye iridotomy (the thing is that I had I inherited from my father the narrow angle in the eyes and if I did not have an operation there could be the possibility of going blind). The surgery was a sucess Hurray Krsna. ¡¡¡¡ Now I can cross that off my list.

ASA - ... and the Black Witch will add two more things to the list. 😟

Jambavan, before submitting his resignation letter of Miraflores asked me to be in charge of pujari. I was very honor with his offer, nevertheless, I told him that I am busy but my desire is always serve the deities so I was going to be part of the pujari team.

I am not going to enter in details here, but then all the situation started to turn unbelievable, the same authority supports the same "lady " to be part of the junta in Miraflores and all her family involved in the service including the treasure hahah (very subtle). Anyway. Jambavan wrote a very complete, concise and chronological explanation about all the things that happened.

Some devotees including me denounce these facts and some authority replies in one paragraph of his letter and I am quoting " this handful of devotees that are pushing these accusations do not have the right to talk about morals and ethics."

I was shocked when I read this. Palika dd, for instance You know her SHE IS A LADY. Anyway Gurudeva, I am pretty disappointed about this whole situation. We as devotees, we were just requesting something fair and sane for ISKCON Peru and then this authority threatens us

I quote again: " in relation to disturbing the peaceful conduct of the affairs of ISKCON and that they are taking the risk of being restricted of participating in ISKCON:

Well, I can say that I have Krsna, SP's ISKCON, You, some really good friends devotees in my heart and I treasure within it, all the unforgettable things that I experienced being a devotee. I have my deities, my japa, gayatri. And that "the authority" can not take those away from me.

HpS - Sometimes there is lack of communication and "authorities" are acting on that. Sometimes they have been captured by The Witch, as we all can be, like Jayatirtha Das' situation and we have to work sincerely to keep our little part of ISKCON sane and work to keep the International Society sane.

One time the big temple in Berkeley, San Francisco, was going into the hands of Kritana ananda Swami when we was leaving ISKCON. President, local GBC, GBC Executive Committee had all given up on it. Six city lots big in very prosperous part of Berkeley, but we decided to do what we could and that rallied everyone and then they said, "thank you, we can do it from here"!

It is very painful and the level of corruption and impudence has already exceeded my tolerance limit

HpS - NoI 3 ... Niscayena. How much tolerance? Unlimited

How much? UNLIMITED.

??? U N L I M I T E D ???? This is Srila Prabhupada's movement and we will struggle with proper, healthy, happy, proportion to do our share to see it a good institution.

On the other hand, Karuna Krsna das called Janapavana das to request that some of the furniture that you left in the ashrama be stored some place else due to he is going to rent the asram. So in my house I have your bed, one altar, one cabinet (this one is locked I do not know if you have valuable things in there), one desk. I am attaching the pictures. So, Gurudeva what do I do with these things?

Patraka das is requesting if he can have the altar for his gorgeous silas and deities.

HpS - ASA --- None of the things "belong" to us. We bought the bunk-bed for the Ashrama. There is another top part. The table, the altar are just part of the room.

The cabinet has some stuff.

LoB bi-lingual hard copies etc.

Some nice stuff.

It can all be distributed to proper persons.

Gandharva Das had the keys?

Is there a combination lock?

I think I have the combination.

Well Gurudeva this is all I have to inform

See you tomorrow in FMP

Your eternal servant

Candramukhi dd

HpS - Thank you for the news. Which is crazier? ISKCON Peru politics or Peru National politics?


Yasoda DD - San Prabhupada

1 year, 9 months ago by yasoda in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports


Hare Krishna muy querido y siempre recordado Gurumaharaja!

Lo extraño mucho!! pero cada vez que me invade el sentimiento de separación por usted, canto mi Japa con más entusiasmo y le mando mensajes a través de Paramatma🧡 (por eso no le escribo muy seguido)

Mi pareja y yo salimos de Tacna Perú, estábamos trabajando de anfitriones en un parque acuático donde el dueño nos permitió saludar a los 2000 asistentes diciendo"Gauranga! Haribol" incluso el dueño nos pidió los dulces maha Haribolitas para que él pueda regalar. Luego pensábamos ir a México para verlo Gurumaharaja, pero el servicio nos trajo a Bolivia, Prabhu Kavi nos dió la misericordia de realizar un servicio trascendental que no lo merecíamos pero de alguna forma fuimos los elegidos (de seguro es porque necesitamos asociación) el servicio fue llevar en secreto el primer murti de Srila Prabhupada a Bolivia 😱😍 Tontamente yo pensé que sería fácil pasar la frontera de Bolivia con un extranjero europeo (mi pareja) una caja de 67 kilos que decía FRÁGIL (Srila Prabhupada) y mi mente que siempre cree que puede solucionar "todo" ... Pasamos por la fuerza de la naturaleza (huayco justo en el día que estábamos llevando a Srila Prabhupada y tuvimos que regresar de la frontera de Bolivia para quedarnos de nuevo en Perú) la furia de las personas (manifestantes que cerraron la frontera por 3 días) y el compromiso de cuidar con nuestra vida "la caja" (Srila Prabhupada) Nuestra fuerza fueron la Japa y hablar todos los días con prabhu Kavi y madre Govinda Nandini. Estábamos en un pueblo donde no hay pagos con tarjeta, no hay transferencia de dinero, todo muy rústico. Luego nos dimos cuenta que Srila Prabhupada quería predicar los santos nombres en ese pueblo, los pobladores nos ayudaron a pasar la caja con la imagen de SAN PRABHUPADA el Santo Hindú que predicó los nombres de Dios y repartió alimento espiritual por todo el mundo. Así pasamos la frontera Perú - Bolivia después de 4 días.

Ya en Cochabamba Bolivia nos dimos cuenta que hay muy buenos devotos esforzándose por mantener programas de predica en sus hogares. Madre Govinda Nandini se preocupó de que tengamos todo lo que necesitamos y mucho más de lo que merecemos. Prabhu Rangapuri le manda sus reverencias🙏 Una pareja de devotitos jóvenes del programa de prédica de madre Govinda Nandini nos están ayudando a distribuir los dulces maha Haribolitas, empezamos con 19 en Perú y ahora vamos por 60 en Cochabamba. Srila Prabhupada!!! Harinama sankirtan!!!

Estamos tratando de seguir las instrucciones de prabhu Kavi (quizás servicio en el templo de Miraflores que se va inaugurar) las rondas son la base de todo como dice Srila Prabhupada. Luego todo vendrá según sea el plan de Krishna como dice usted. Le pedimos sus bendiciones para que KRISHNA nos revele su plan y Srila Prabhupada nos brinde la fuerza y deseo para realizar servicio.

Le pedimos al Señor Nrishimha que lo proteja siempre 🙏

Tratando de servirlo:

Su hija Yasoda devi dasi

(Aún recuerdo cuando usted confundía mi nombre diciendo Devaki? SITA? Yasoda?)



Hare Krishna, very dear and always remembered Guru-maharaja!

I miss him so much!! but every time the feeling of separation for you invades me, I chant my Japa with more enthusiasm and send you messages through Paramatma🧡 (that's why I don't write to you very often)

ASA - Oh! Those are your messages!

My partner and I left Tacna Peru, we were working as hosts in a water park where the owner allowed us to greet the 2000 attendees saying "Gauranga! Haribol" even the owner asked us for Maha Haribolitas sweets so he can give away. Then we thought of going to Mexico to see Guru-maharaja, but the service brought us to Bolivia, Prabhu Kavi gave us the mercy of performing a transcendental service that we did not deserve, but somehow we were the chosen ones (for sure it is because we need association) the service was secretly take Srila Prabhupada's first murti to Bolivia 😱😍

I foolishly thought it would be easy to cross the Bolivian border with a European foreigner (my partner) a 67 kilo box that said FRAGILE (Srila Prabhupada) and my mind that always believes that can solve "everything"... We went through the force of nature (huayco right on the day we were taking Srila Prabhupada and we had to return from the Bolivian border to stay again in Peru) the fury of the people (protesters who closed the border for 3 days) and the commitment to take care of "the box" with our lives (Srila Prabhupada).

Our strength was Japa and talking every day with prabhu Kavi and mother Govinda Nandini. We were in a town where there are no card payments, no money transfers, everything very rustic. Then we realized that Srila Prabhupada wanted to preach the holy names in that town, the villagers helped us pass the box with the image of SAINT PRABHUPADA, the Hindu Saint who preached the names of God and distributed spiritual food all over the world. This is how we crossed the Peru - Bolivia border after 4 days.

ASA - 😮😮😮 We offer obeisances to the dust of your feet.

Already in Cochabamba Bolivia we realized that there are very good devotees making an effort to maintain preaching programs in their homes. Mother Govinda Nandini took care that we have everything we need and much more than we deserve.

Prabhu Rangapuri sends his obeisances to you 🙏 A couple of young devotees from mother Govinda Nandini's preaching program are helping us distribute maha Haribolitas sweets, we started with 19 in Peru and now we are going for 60 in Cochabamba. Srila Prabhupada!!! harinama sankirtan!!!

We are trying to follow the instructions of Prabhu Kavi (perhaps service in the Miraflores temple that is going to be inaugurated) the rounds are the base of everything as Srila Prabhupada says. Then everything will come according to Krishna's plan as you say. We ask for your blessings that KRISHNA will reveal his plan to us and Srila Prabhupada will give us the strength and desire to perform service.

HpS - Yes, in First Canto Arjuna went to Dvaraka to see Krsna's plan of work. So, we want to also see what little place we can find in Srila Prabhupada's orchestra.

We ask Lord Nrishimha to protect him always 🙏

HpS - Thank you!!! He is so, so, so tolerant. We are so happy when we manage to have a little sincere ability to serve Him lunch, do bath etc.

Trying to serve it:

His daughter Yasoda devi dasi

(I still remember when you confused my name saying Devaki? SITA? Yasoda?)

HpS/ASA - We always remembered who you were! Our rascal mind likes to carry on.

How is your "Hero of the Poor" father?

More news.