a dream

11 years, 9 months ago by harsh_horse in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

hare krsna maharaj, apmho,agtsp.
hope you are all well. we are sorry for posting querries to you and not giving you any sankirtan news  as compared other blog participants>
we goto householder sanga, and here again we find our selves different from others in respect to content and qunatity of reading we have done.. it is all due to your grace.

we dont find any one else except you,who can answer our question our even understand it, esp when they are so deep in psychology. we just read chap 9 of canto 2, citing lord version. and verse 1 itself we got little inquistive and hence distiurbed (as householder with no job now, we should contemplate on making money, not understanding intricay of philosophy).

what made us inquisitve was- statement that we are dreaming.--- then we startde thinking then why there are rules of vaidhi bhakti tobe followed in dream. how can we come to reality just by using our free will in dream...
maharaj its a very existential dirven question. u may not make it public as it may harm some people.

regarding manipur. indian school of mgmt says our mgmt style will depend on modes we are in. so your grace relegated the Manipur university project to super soul, may be that was right according to Mode of good ness and Brahmana standards.
With a passionate standards likes us where we think we are the doer, we think it should be pushed to some degree, may be your calls from outside India can not connect to devotees there. So if you us to call on your behalf, u can give us the numbers and name of person to be contacted. may be u can forward us the email. that is all up to your discretion, as your are near to supersoul.
hope one day we can pass on what you would teach us in different courses and conersations we do other people,and hope that could be our sankirtan.
waiting to hope get orders from you when you arrive in India again.
illicit sex in control, the mind is realizing we would suffer a lot if do it.  (mate with burning iron woman in yamaloka. mind does not like it). chanting 16 rounds.. hope we can be formal aspirants in sept 2013.
bellywood actor
harsh pradhan playing his role in harsh-diksha

          HpS - Jaya!   AGTSP   We have been thinking about you all for last two days.  Now is Saturday, Rama-navami.  We are in Perth.  We will be here tonight then Sunday, Monday and then Tuesday night in the airplane.  Zooooom!          We arrive Kolkatta at 00.45 in the morning and I told the CCU temple devotees to wait until later to get us. We can chant Japa in the nice airport.  

What about the Claro Modem?     Can you activate it for the week?    We will put in our Indian cell phone chip as soon as we get to CCU.     We are looking forward to talk with you!!

In the dream we show Krsna that we are learning how to deal with real situations.  Then as we get better the dream becomes lighter and lighter and then we are fully in the real show! 

We can talk about Manipur also.   We will put some news in the DTC about our e-mail and Japa Joe etc.

Our respects to all the family, near and far, big and small!!!!


11 years, 9 months ago by om.kesavaya in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Maharaja:

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Please accept my humbles obeisences unto your lotus feet.

   As you probably know, here in La Paz- Bolivia we have 8 students who practicaly finished the BS studies. Most of them are ready to have the final examination. I'm preparing the final test according your guides from your instructions(TPP, Final evaluation). So please, is important your benedicction to go ahead. Some of them will need more preparation, and probably will take the course again, but others are really ready to recieve the Bhakti Sastri  Degree. I hope will be possible for them to receive the  diploma from your hands in your next visit to this country.

   We are really expecting your mercy to continuos serving Krishna.

All glories to you dear Spiritual Master.

  Your humble servant:

    Om  kesavaya das (La Paz Bolivia)

HpS -  ................  SO nice to talk with you.  We met your good son some where recently!!!!  Where was that!            You are not certified center, no?  Only LIma.  SO you have to co-ordinate with Patraka Das, Candra mukhi...  Ultimately Mother Rohini Devi Dasi as the administrator for the ISKCON Board of Examiners.  Of course the real test is at the time of death.  We are working our our South American calendar right now.  But actually we are with you as soon as we read these letters and can answer!!

Acintya Veda Veda Tatva

     Acepte porfavor mis humildes y sinceras reverencias Gurudeva.


Todas las glorias al movimiento de Sankirtan de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Todas las glorias a Su Gracia Hanumat Presaka Swami.

Reportando su sirviente Sacinandan en el templo de Sri Sri Radha Madana Gopal!

 Acepte una disculpa Gurudeva siempre seré su sirviente nacimiento tras nacimiento ahora estoy ocupado en diferentes servicios en el templo de cocina,pujari, vyasasan, libros y Krsna Smaranam con problemas con la matayi uff.. all the glories for the grihasta asrama<quiza nuevos planes, I onli need your mercy noting more!!

I have 26 year old please help my! trato de esforzarme por mantener mi reputacion pero creo que es tiempo de rendirme? y esperar los planes de Krsna

  Sigo buscando Vrindavan =) aunque soy un picaro! > ahora creo que voy hacia Dwaraka! y hay muchas intrigas hay.

Una y otra vez me postro a sus pies mi amado gurudev su sirviente Sacinandan Das

                  HpS - ASA -   Jaya!  TlgaSP.  Su carta es tan esoterico que casi solamente Krsna puede entender lo.   Pero podemos entender que esta abajo mucho pasion por su Karma.  O.K.   Necesita buscar un buen maestro.  Trata de trabajar en un proyecto bueno con un buen lieder.   Claro es Kali yuga y no esperamos perfection de nadie, pero podemos tomar refugio de Krsna como perfecto y toma un lieder del proyecto como 85% perfecto como arregla perfecto de Krsna y cumplir la otro 15% por gracias de Krsna, por cantar Hare Krsna.         Si, levanta temprano, y cumlir con sus rondas .... Va a virir en Vaikuntha, no el mundo material.  Es vd.  un gran heroe.  Nos apreciamos mucho!

manipur univ

11 years, 9 months ago by harsh_horse in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

hare krsna maharaj, paho,agtsp,

we saw in DTC that you were concerend with Manipuri people for university. Do you want us to take this charge an go ahead. If yes please describe the context and people involved in the university.

bollywood actor

                 ASA -  Oink!   Oink!              Whooop! WHoop!          Esteemed Bellywood actor.  We thank you for your solicitude.   We met with all the Dudes involved.  Had practical discussions of practical projects that could lead to great results. Collected all the e-mail address,    wrote to everyone.  Got a reponse from not one of the six people!          Looked at our "Sent" box and there was the letter.  No Demon Mailer responses.  That was March 23.                 Tried to personally call two of the lead Dudes two times in last three days but phone just rings and rings for one of them and the other says, "Dude your calling has his phone switiched off".

Hmmmmf.    We wrote to them all about all this and told them that if there was more opportunity to contact then we thought all we could do was relegate the project to the Super Soul...  O.K?                      Are we acting according to the Indian school of management???

Hare krishna!!!!!!!

11 years, 9 months ago by berniebg in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Por favor Gurudeva acepate mi mas humildes y respetuosas reverencias, TLGSP!!! TLGA USTED!!!!!!

La verdad me cuesta escribirle porque casi nunca tengo que contarle, me siento un poco avergonzado y en deuda con usted.

veo como otros discipulos suyos hacen tanto servicio que me pregunto ¿cuando podre  hacer algun servicio con el cual pueda satisfacerlo? ¿cuando o de que manera podre contribuir con su mision? 

              ASA - TlgaSP!!! ! ! ! ! !        pfanrh.     Patram, puspam....  AUn ofredciendo un flor una fruta con poco de amor y Krsna esta feliz.   Entonces haz lo que puede para Krsna, devotos, Guru con un poco amor!!

Muchas veces solo tengo buenas intenciones, pero se que eso no alcanza.(se lo digo por lo del simposium que queriamos realizar aqui en madrid no creo que se pueda llevar a cabo) Tambien Estuve encargandome de dar algunas clases de BG. los miercoles pero habia semanas que podia otras que no. Finalmente optaron por llevar un programa mas regular y hacer reuniones mas tipo Bhakti Vrksa,  nama hatta en los que espero poder asistir y cooperar.

 tambien estan tratando de mejorar el estandar con respecto a la adoracion de la deidad ahora solo pueden entrar a vestir y hacer las ofrendas solo iniciados y este domingo nos toca a nosotros(sananda- bhadra) hacernos cargo de las deidades.

El sadhana por la mañana mucho mas estable 4:45 o 5:00 AM LO he estado pudiendo mantener gracias a usted y japa joe.16 rondas,principios aun tengo cierta dificultad con uno de ellos pero estoy tomando ciertas medidas ,lectura (SBG canto1 cap 13) todos los dias por la mañana y BG. por la tarde. Esas son mis actividaes.Hay una adiccion muy fuerte por los libros de SP y ESPERO ALGUN DIA SE ME DESPIERTE ESA MISMA ADICCION  POR APLICAR TODO LO QUE LEO, Por ACERCARME MAS A KRISHNA Y POR PODER SERVIRLE A USTED GURUDEVA CON MUCHO AMOR Y DEVOCION.

 MIS REVERENCIAS Y MUCHAS GRACIAS.  Su aspirante a siRviente bhadra vardhana.<img alt="" height="18" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/51.gif" title="" width="18" />

               ASA - TlgaSP!    Pfanrh.   O.K.         Primero aumentar, mantener el oir y cantar.  Leer con su esposa para los deidades.  Si no esta siguiendo los 4-principios estrictos entonces va a ser un mal reaccion tocar y servir a los deidades en el Templo.  Pllllpt!!!!   Entonces, no lo hace, pero servir a los devotos buenos.  Ayudando ellos en sus servicions. Mantener altar en su casa.   Leer para Srila Prabhupad alla cada dia con su estimada pareja...  Biene.  Podemos adelantar.   Basicament canta HK/R  mas y mas...   Esperamos noticias de los resultados de esta medicina.    '.V.'


Short news from Bush City

Jay gurudev ! Pamho , agtSp !!... I m very happy that You are here in Oz , giving the seminars, lectures and also giving your saintly association to so many nice devotees overhere. We'll continue with our little efforts at the Australian National University Every wednesday trying to spread KC , our program has nama-kirtan , BG lecture , Q'n'A and of course Krishna-prasadam, some few students at the moment but we keeping on going , the results is up to Krishnaa. On saturday the home programs are turning real well , keeping devotees enthusiastic with lots of bhajans and kirtan . I m keeping regular communication with Raktak prabhu and Madhumanjari dasi so lets see by the time that You will be in Sydney if any chance to invite you to Canberra at least for one day......... That's it for the moment. Trying to be a disciple Ys Madhvacharya das Canberra-ACT-AU

HpS - Jaya!   AGTSP.  paoho.   It is just toooooooo   much!    Brother Ass is 65-years old.  Sydney, Gold Coast, New Govardhana, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Mebourne, Sydney and then Perth!!  Jaya.    Very nice but we are having heart problems from the pressure.  You will understand perfectly when you take Sannyasa!!

Your programs are great.

Asking for a fixed donation to help with the Prasadam costs really inspires most Students.  Also, a very nice book table for many students is better than preaching because they are proud of their knowledge and like to argue, at least in their minds, but your can't argue with a nice looking book table, and because they are students they love books!!    Send more news.   We hope  to see you here in Sydney or Perth, but the first thing is your Sankirtana!!