11 years, 7 months ago by gadadhara_gosai in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Por favor acepte mis mas humildes y respetusas reverencias todas las glorias a srila prabhupada.

                        HpS - Jaya!!!       TlgaSP!!!         ...  !.      ..

.... querido gurudeva  gracias por sus bendiciones para poder  seguir vivos tratando de predicar aunque nos falta  enseñar mas con el ejemplo, seguimos trabajando y tratando de servir .tenemos nuevos proyectos  enfocados mas en el desarrollo de una huerta cerca d la ciudad, nos gustaria saber cuando visitara monterrey  pues hay varios devotos que esperan  que regrese , tambien hay algunos devotos que son aspirantes a iniciacion , queremos  continuar con las presentaciones de LOB en la UDEM y la casa de la cultura de monterrey.

esperamos su respuesta att su sirviente gadadhar gosai das

                 HpS - -   TlgaSP!     pfanrh.   Oooof.      Debil....   despues de 4-meces de viaje, predica FUERTE!            El viaje ultimo 29-horas sin descazar.   Depues de 6-dias un poco energy normal.    Eso es la pregunta.    Ya tenemos 65 anos y tenemos que divinar bien como vamos a viajar, servir, en el futuro.    Aparece que much mas trabajo escribiendo. Entonces, esperamos un poco que pasa con el plan de viaje. Hay tiempo.   Vd. tambien esta mas madura, no?  Esta con diferente energia.  Pronto el cuerpo es terminara...   Si no mantenemos communicacion aqui, claro, nada va a pasar!   Ya hay buena noticias de su super yatra!   Cuales arboles tiene???  Ke lejos de Monterrey la huerta???

Un Nuevo Templo - Madrid?

11 years, 7 months ago by Dandava das in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudev. Please accept my humble obeisance. All Glories to Sirla Prabhupada.

First, I hope you’re ok. I would like to thank you so much for your visit to Spain. You brought us the sunshine, and left us the moonlight. I hope back soon, very soon, because we need in Spain and more exactly in Madrid’s Yatra.

Two Sundays ago we had an ista gosthi. The ista gosthi is a good place to talk about our experiences, frustrations, projects, and to see how we’ll going together in our Krishna’s service through our service to Krishna’s devotees and non-devotees. The Madrid’s temple has a great potential to preach and bring people to Krishna, but for some reason that’s not happening properly. Many old devotees don’t come to the temple and they’re unhappy. They prefer to come time to time, but they don’t engage the service. Since Jara Mara Hari das prabhu is in the temple, some of them have returned. From my point of view we need: giving love the devotees, listening them, understanding them, giving and receiving without expectation, only reciprocal commitment. I only commit myself to serve you.

Next Friday May 31th we have a governing council meeting. There are some suggestions of some devotees as:

-          Create a sankirtana team to begin to do Sankirtan on the streets and inside the temple, because nobody does in Madrid now.

-          Organize the ashram for matajis to change their clothes, to rest and be inside, and maybe some of them can even live inside or rent an apartment close to the temple for them. All that to create a strong community, to worship the Deities properly and enhance the activities and preaching.

-          Others …

There are some devotees who are burned and perhaps should have less presence. They have done a great service for years, but now they can’t do well. Maybe it’s not a good idea to continue taking direct accountability in the temple.

What do you think about all this, Maharaja?

I think It’s time to make changes for next generations, but what changes?. How Sirla Prabhupada would reply all these questions, Maharaja? How we can serve to Krisna, Sirla Prabhupada and you in Madrid’s temple?. There’re many disciples yours, then Sirla Prabhupada disciples ...

Gurudev, please excuse me if I’ve done wrong questions. I’m a very newcomer and fallen, I only want to do things right. I’m forty years old and I don’t want to get errors.

My Sadhana is going good: 20-22 rounds per day, 4 regulative principles ok, my mind is sometimes flying like a butterfly and I act like a fool. But I’m waking up at 5:30 to Mangala Aratik, Kirtan, reading Srimad Bhagavatam and chanting Japa. Carcika Devi dasi calls Sananda devi dasi to wake up daily. Badhra vardana and Sananda d.d are very good devotees. They’re a very good association.

I don’t take you more time. I hope see you soon again. Thank you for all, your visit, your darshan, your teaching, your answers to my questions, etc ……….

Your eternal servant, Dandava das.

                 HpS - ASA -   AGTSP.  Paoho.   We taked with Yadu Swami, Jayanta, Jara mara, you all, Jagamohana, Atma-rama.....     We think the Temple is too small for a ladies and men's ashrama, but another apartment or room in the apartment of Grhasthas near the Temple could be fine for  a B'carini Ashrama.    There are so many details in management.  It is part of Ksatriya dharma, Varna-ashrama-dharma, and in Kali-yuga it only functions on the basis of Bhagavata dharma, Sankirtan.  So, unless the devotees, in, out, around, under the Temple can do some Kirtan together there is not much hope for Varna-ashrama to develop.  That can mean Kirtan but also Bhajans, reading Krsna book.  It is austerity but the result is guaranteed.

Reporte ASA Kids México

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudeva porfavor acepte nuestras reverencias

Porfavor disculpe la demora en enviarle reportes de ASA Kids, hemos atravesado por algunas dificultades en el programa, y de pronto nos encontramos sin buenas noticias que contarle; pero gracias al apoyo de prabhu Aristasena y  prabhu Erick hemos salido adelante.

Tuvimos un bonito festival de Ratha Yatra este pasado fin de semana, ASA Kids, tuvo la oportunidad de poder participar nuevamente con un Stand Infantil.

                 ASA - .!.    Prabhu Pada Estuve un Kid!

.....Porfavor disculpe por no haberle informado antes del festival, se nos vino el tiempo encima. Tuvimos que cambiar de planes en algunas actividades, ya que de último momento se nos informó que el lugar del festival, se llevaría a cabo en otro parque, y el espacio del stand que nos asignaron fue muy pequeño. Prabhu Aristasena dio un taller de grabado y plastilina de sus Señorias Sri Jagannatha, Baladeva y Subadra, mataji Lalita Gopi DD nos apoyo en la caja y venta de varios articulos para niños, Prabhu Erick, B. Paty, B. Dulce y B. Bricia ayudaron a los pequeños a pintar y decorar marcos con el retrato del Señor Jagannatha y cajitas con vaquitas, toritos y puerquitos. Mataji Tatiana, Gopi Radha dd y hermana, apoyaron en la venta de prasadam para niños, palomitas, sandías, congeladas,etc. Prabhu Francisco nos apoyo decorando con Gopi Dots niñ@s o incluso jovénes y señoras. Prabhu Vidagdha, prabhu Andrés, los papás de Bhaktin Atenea entres otros devotos, nos brindaron su apoyo en diferentes areás para poder llevar acabo este programa. Recibimos gran ayuda en donativos por las actividades y venta de prasadam, lo que ocuparemos en comprar material para el programa dominical.

                  asa -   jaya!    gopi dots!!!!!!

Este es nuestro pequeño reporte con mil y un errores, pero con un inmenso deseo de mejorar.

Oramos por sus bendiciones para continuar con este servicio, e imploramos porfavor nos instruya en como podremos mejorar este servicio.

Porfavor disculpe nuestras ofensas

ASA Kids México.


                               Jaya!!!    !!    Super!!!!!!               16,108 ninos con gopi dots y bailando y dirigiendo su propio kirtan con su propio pequeno caroza!!!

Radha-kunda Service - Radha-carana DD - Tunga-vidya DD

     AGTSP!      paoho.   We received a nice hand written letter from Radha-carana Devi Dasi in Vrndavana. She is from Panama but has got the mercy of staying in Vrndavana Dhama for a long time now!!!   (What has happened with Cakori Radha, Vrnda, Prabhu Ji?)...     We are not sure the address of internet where we sent the answer is correct so we are posting here also.  Contains news about chance to serve Radha kunda:

AGTSP    Esteemed Radha-carana Devi Dasi and Varuthapa Ranganatha Dasan et al,

Paoho.   We are in Barcelona and Spain for the last day.  Thank you Mataji for the nice letter. We looked at it with devotee here and appreciated it very much.  I don't know if this address still works so we will publish this on the Blog also.  Please write to the Blog with your news.    1)  Yes, seems fine for us if you are painting Silas if you are following your initiation vows strictly and the propietors of the Silas are also following.   2)  Thank you for the drawing of Hanuman and the picture of him fighting with Ravana's uncle.  I wonder where this story is from??     3) You news of Radha kunda is super.   We envy you and Tunga-vidya Devi Dasi that you can stay there.  Maybe after 5 or 6 years we will also be able to stay there and do some service.        You mentioned that you are starting a Radha-kunda cleaning project and you need equipment and then devotees can help when they come.  How should devotees help with donations for the equipment?  What do you need?            Please answer the letter on the Blog!         Please go on with your wonderful journey!!!!!

Head or Heart Is Vedanta

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisnaces, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.

To night I was on my work related issues and I have some free time (as I was kept on hold, waiting for others to finish their work) and I went to "" archives and when I'm reading (Vedic Vs Myth and optical illusion document), somehow I got  this question.

What is the ultimate goal of this life, "Knowing the truth" or "feeling the truth". What is the purpose of reading all these Sastra's, is it to gradually to raise to the level of "feeling". Knowing the truth or having the knowledge makes the "heart to respond instead mind".

Or serving the Lord, knowing that, he is Supreme or anything else beyond it, in this yoga.

Please pardon my ignorance in regards to the above question Maharaj. I'm trying to make a habbit of the reading the sastras on a regular basis, some how some days, I feel more motivated and some days more like just reading. How do I make the mind go beyond the lines.

Your humble servant

-Srinivasa from Richmond, VA

       HpS - ASA -  AGTSP!    paoho   Is so, so nice to hear from you.  More, more.  We have letters of recomendation for your inititation and for your good spouse and we will deal them more officially when we get to USA after June 1st.  Now we are in the last week of this four month traveling sankirtan!     We are in Spain and Monday we go for the education symposium in Belgium.

Your questions are very good.  Usually, in these industrialized societies we take "knowing" as what Prabhupada calls, "Jnana".  There is very nice essay on this in the Foreward to the Isopanisad, "What is Veda?"   Please read it.    Modern guys, science, is Rational Empiricism. That is Pratyaksa and Anumana as you read the Isopanisad essay.  We see - I know, I see it.   And we speculate - algebra, grammar, logic, on that perception.

    Feeling for modern man is usually feelings that relate to the body, stomach, etc.   When we talk about feelings in the heart it is coming to the fundamental feelings of the Vrajavasis for Krsna.  These dont relate t the body.  This is the ulitmate goal. In the beginning our heart is clouded so we "feel" in the heart through our intelligence, Buddhi, contemplation.  Its very close to the soul.

      So, the answer is, that the jnana, rational understanding that Sastra gives, is to help us get off the gross level of Karma, senses, work without understanding.   It is useful.  We need it.  This is jnana, knowing.  But the goal is feeling.  Not feeling in the stomach, but feeling in the heart.  And to start that will mostly be dhyana, meditation, contemplation. We will be able to read Prabhupada's books with attention. We don't have to understand so much.  We are there with them.

Is a little clearer?   Read the Essay at the start of the Isopanisad!

Campa de Cordoba - Sankirtana y Frustacion

11 years, 7 months ago by campa in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna gurumaharaja. Por favor acepte mis reverencias a sus pies y sean todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Es mi deseo que se encuentre muy bien y felíz. Se que es así por que está muy cerquita de Krsna. Yo todavía espero que terminen la casa, la está haciendo un devoto, me dijo 3 meses y van 10, huyy. Trabajando mucho con la ira. Leyendo el Bhagavatam y de La lujuria al amor de BTS., mis Deidades Jagannatha, Baladeva y Subhadra me ayudan mucho. Canto las 16 rondas y sigo los principios. Creo que Krsna quiere que deje de ser rebelde y me concentre en El, en el amor, darlo y recibirlo. Realicé que siempre me enojaba cuando algo no salía como yo quería, y ese enojo me alejaba del amor, de las personas, de conocerlas, de relacionarme, quitándome la posibilidad de un intercambio amoroso. Estoy aprendiendo a no enojarme. Mi corazón está muy sucio pero quiero mejorar. Esperando también para empezar a trabajar, cuando tenga la cocina lista. Haciendo hata yoga. Relacionándome con los devotos de aqui. Estoy contenta de vivir en el campo. Esperando su llegada. Muchas gracias por ser mi maestro espiritual, lo quiero mucho gurumaharaja. 

Aspirando a poder servirlo algún día, madre Campakalata dd.


        HpS - ASA -  TlgaSP.   Campa de Cordoba, Ki Jai!   Muy bien oir de Vd.  Tenemos noticias del Mar de Plata y ya de Cordoba.   Vamos a ser muy bien informado en la busca para Sita Devi!    Eso es.  En NOI hay mucho de ira.  Claro: Yukta virodha krodha.  Puee encontrar en Texto 1 Significado?      Frustraction >>  Ira.   Entonces necesita ser ocupado en SU Sankirtan. Bien?  Entusiasmo es mas importante que paciencia per sin paciencia se convierta a pasion > ignorancia = ira.   Tiene que ser entusiasta cumplir la casa, su base de Sankirtan. Cual es la definition de entusiasmo por NOI?   Como puede aplicar a cumplir la Casa-Base de Sankirtan?      Como puede desarrolla su Sanirtan sin esperar para la casa??