Un pasatiempo de sankirtana

Todas las glorias a Sri Caitanya y Sri Nityananda

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Hare krsna guru maharaj, porfavor reciba mis más sinceras y respetuosas reverencias. Estamos en Chosica, haciendo mangala artik con las deidades de casa, bañando a las silas y a las deidades, haciendo algunas ropas, leyendo el caytania caritamrta con P. gadai, 16 rondas, cocinando y un poco de sankirtana, hubo un harinama con el grupo "harinama Ruci", hubo muchos devotos haciendo sankirtana entre ellos el grupo que viajó a bolivia, nos inspiraron y dieron muchas ideas de como hacer sankirtana, estamos aprendiendo a tocar mrdanga.

hace una semana estuvimos en  la ciudad de huancayo durante 3 dias, distribuimos unos 200 libros aproxidamente, y ahora estamos haciendo planes para poder viajar previa a la marathon que empezará el 18 de noviembre en perú. También la marathon de bolivia fue muy extático distribuimos alrededor de 4000 libros, aprendí muchísimo de los devotos.

             HpS - ASA - OooF!   TlgaSP!!   Increible.

. . . hay un pasatiempo que va relacionado con lo que Ud. una vez me dijo que ahora no es la era del conocimiento y estoy comprendiendo que yo solamente debo tratar de que las personas se lleven libros ya sean para sus amigos, familiares, etc.

Un dia en huancayo cuando estuvimos haciendo sankirtana con P. gadai gauranga, paré un señor y le dije llévese un libro, elija el que más le guste y dá un donación y el señor me respondió si claro yo quiero estos libros yo promuevo y traigo doctores cubanos especilistas en medicina natural dame todo y  mientras hablaba con él de pronto otro señor pasó y lo paré y le dí los libros para ti pero dudó pero el señor que ya tenia los libros; el LOB, LA VIDA PROVIENE DE LA VIDA, KARMA MEDITACIÓN empezó a convencerlo al otro señor de que se lleve un libro, que eran muy buenos que existe las energías y sobre todo empezó hablarle del karma uffffff yo quedé atónita lo convencio y se llevó  3 libros; LOB, LAVIDA PROVIENE DE LA VIDA Y EL KARMA. Guru maharaj, usted siempre está haciendome ver que yo no doy ningún conocimiento que Prabhupada es el que predica yo solo intento servir a los demás y ser un instrumento.

Guru Maharaj me despido de usted, que su salud mejore.

nadiya nivasi dasi

               HpS - Jaya!!!  Una vez que un vendedor de zapatos muy exitoso fue preguntó cuál era su secreto. Él dijo: "Ver a la gente, ver a la gente, ver a la gente!"

Jaya... Super. Muy bien. Esperamos mas noticias...


Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:



Hope this meets U in good health and that your chest muscle cramps have stopped.

             HpS - ASA - - AGTSP!   (paoho).  They were just there for one afternoon. Happened before, but still got the rash and bumps from the (?)spider bites. Always something, no? Chance to get as attached to the Lord in the Heart as we are to the Lord in the skin.

Gurudeva just a few lines to inform U that it is confirmed this November 23rd it is going to be a Ratha Yatra in Chosica ¡¡¡

Without your blessings we can not do anything so the commission of Ratha Yatra humbly approaches U and ask for ur blessings ¡¡¡

Also please can U write or tell us where we can find some enlighting words from SP and Jayananda prabhu regarding the Ratha Yatra festival ??

Thanks in advance.
Personally I feel so blessed due to the Lordships always engages us in Their service in one way or another.

Jaya Jagannatha ¡¡
Trying to be useful,
Candramukhi dd

           HpS/ASA - AGTSP.....   Jaya Jagannatha Swami!  We just penciled the date onto our calendar. Just 16-days from today. That means you will have Snana-yatra this weekend? If you look on the Youtube.com, "Rathyatra Prabhupada", there are some lecturers. Also, Prabhupadavani.org, "Addresses", may have some lectures, but we didn't see any. However, CC 2.12-13 have so much information, icons, that there really doesn't seem to be much more needed.
I can tell you some experiences that we had with Jayananda Das and Rathyatra. One general comment of Jayananda was that Rathayatra was a very special festival, that Lord Jagannatha was very merciful and He comes out of the temple and gives almost everybody and chance to love Him, do something for Him. So, expect that a lot of people can be involved in many ways.

Rathayatra is the emotional return of Krsna Dvaraka to Vrndavana, from Para-bhakti under rules and regulations to Para-bhakti in the spontaneous mood of Vrndavana. It is revealed to us by Lord Caitanya and Srila Prabhupada, who is one of the Gaura-bhakta-vrnda. That's all we know.
We sure hope you get letters from Jayapatapataka Swami and others also!
Please send news to the Blog

Everyone can bring their personal Jagannatha's for Snana-yatra, for the parade. Have flags in the procession. Have a "Meditation" booth and invite people to try meditation, Japa. Have little Japa malas, like 18-beads for use and sale. Use our website. www.bhati.org/japa


Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudeva

por favor acepte mis más humildes reverencias

Aquí escribe Bhakta Rodrigo de Santiago de CHILE.

                  HpS - ASA - Jaya!  Jaya!  Jaya, Srila Prabhupada!  En la carta a Victoria, Vrsabhanu-nandini Devi Dasi estamos preguntando de que pasa con Chile, Rodrigo-Arjuna Das????

Arjuna prabhu me ha pedido que envíe a Usted afiche oficial del Festival de RATHA YATRA. Mañana miércoles comienza este festival!!

               HpS - Muy bien. Estuve en nuestra calendario, pero... no podemos pensar en un Rathayatra en Miercoles????

Nuestro corazón desea algún día derretirse de Amor por el Señor Jagannath y salir de esta plataforma de vida llena de deseos materiales.

Hay más información de RATHA YATRA en página oficial de ISKCON:


Esta semana espero poder enviar carta a Usted  con reporte personal.

Su inútil aspirante a sirviente,

Bhakta Rodrigo

                           HpS - Esperamos mucho de la comunidad Surrealista!!!!   Eso es un comunidad de pensadoros mas adelantanda de muchos otros. Claro, unos aparece inutil pero otros tiene un vision mas arriba del mundo comun. Puede ver y comunicar Krsna mejor!!!

Continuamos con el proyecto de Jung.

Convocatoria a TRADUCTORES

11 years, 4 months ago by Victoria in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports, Hot Topics

Hare Krsna querido Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada y a sus seguidores!!! <img alt="" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/40.gif" title="" />

Espero que usted se encuentre muy bien. Nosotros muy felices de saber que usted vendra a celebrar el Vyasa Puja aqui. Gracias.

En las reuniones con los hermanos Latinoamericanos surgio la idea de formar un grupo de devotos con conocimientos de ingles y español para realizar las traducciones y correciones necesarias.

Actualmente el grupo esta conformado por: Madhavendra Puri, Rati Manjari, Ambarisa m, Sarad Bihari, Sananda, Yasodanandana y yo (Vrsabhanu nandini dd) que solo actuo como coordinadora del grupo.

Quienes esten interesados en colaborar en este servicio pueden escribir a: [email protected].

Muchas gracias gurudev __^o_

intentando ser de utilidad

Vrsabhanu nandini dd

                        ASA - Oink!    Oink!    Whooop!     WHooPP!   (Bi-lingue)


Hare Krishna Gurudeva!! from Argentina

11 years, 4 months ago by danielfrozero in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna
All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Dear Gurudeva

I hope you are fine.
Here I am, trying
I Devarsi of Buenos Aires , Argentina

                  HpS - ASA -  -  AGTSP. paoho. So, so, so nice to hear from you! Is good to know you are still active, serving Krsna, even in this strange material world.

A long long time no write , I can hardly write , I'm not very good at writing .

HpS - No, you are writing very well.

Lately I've been pretty busy. Divided by working in the Temple Restaurant, and in the office. I'm starting to do some work for the temple treasury .
I am also taking care in ISKCON Argentina communication , publicity , posters, and graphic design .
Many devotees ask me to help with publicity  their nama hattas and others.
Sometimes I feel a bit overloaded , but I really like it , because it is for Krishna .
Honestly while chanting my japa every day, I feel I am offensive to sing , sometimes I can not concentrate on the holy name . Still not stop singing .
For inspiration I went back to read the biography of Srila Prabhupada to Satsvarupa dasa .
I found out in January that ud come to Buenos Aires . I was very happy at the news .
it means to be determined in the spiritual life ?
Thanks for reading my letter and for giving me your time
Sorry for my English (Google Traductor)
I'm a little kid , I write as a young child ajaja, in a body of33 year old

Thank you thank you
My respectful obeisances to you

His servant
Devarsi Narada das

              HpS - ASA - Jaya! Very nice letter. If you write in simple Spanish, Google translate can translate simply. Write with news of the Temple events, your reading and Sankirtana. You asked:

"it means to be determined in the spiritual life ?" I think you mean "What means..".

A Sanskrit world for "determined" is "niscayad". This is discussed in NoI text three. Read about it there and tell us what you think. In BG it is explained with the example of the sparrow who's eggs were stolen by the ocean. Do you know this story?

Basically it means that I will not change my goal even if there are so many obstacles or failures one after another.


We must be determined to get free from Maya so we can serve Krsna properly.

west coast sankirtana

11 years, 4 months ago by aron illo in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Krishna's mercy was flowing this summer on the west coast.  Srila Prabhupada's books were eagerly received from the deserts in arizona through the mountains in california all the way back to texas.

In cloverdale outside the Super 5 we met an old hippie woman with her son.  Both chanted like pros and she recognized the maha mantra from my sweet lord.  while in ukiah we came across an old loadmaster who had flown to india several times.  his wallet was in his had before a donation was mentioned and he gave $20 for his perfection of yoga.

in seattle you couldnt find an american.  it seemed everyone we met was from russia, south america or the far east.  Mishra Bhagavan prabhu really impressed a vietnamese lady with a few phases in her native language. 

even somewhere as remote as central wyoming or utah has the need for Srila's Prabhupada's mercy.   we encountered souls very enlivened and thankful to have had the opportunity.

We always like to end our exchange by give folks a mantra card and asking them to chant with us.  the reponse could be anywhere from total inability to pure ecstasy. 

            HpS - ASA - !!!!!!!!!  They say, that Prabhupada said that every salesman has his own technique. You and the Misra-bhagavan Das are doing incredible service. Not only your personal book distribution but also the example it sets for others!

So many other topics to discuss but a little at a time