From Madrid learning to love

11 years, 3 months ago by Sananda in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva:


I hope your eyes and your health are better. we´ll be fast.

             ASA - Zoom!    AGTSP.  Our eyes are O.K. now!  Our feet still swelled up and need to X-Ray one tooth unless I meet Super-man. Same for you all, right?

Things are getting better in Madrid, we are more of a team now.

-There is a cultural centre interesed in the LOB Simposium, it is a simple place...Are there any chances for you to travel to Spain next year and celebrate it?

             ASA - Right now, I think it would be doubtful??? But you can do it!! We would participate by mental telepathy. 

-The drama is written as you ask one time during Japa Joe, some devotees want to peform it, I am a bit scared to share it...

             ASA - People laughed at Dostoyevskii when he started writing dramas. That's what it takes. Self conviction and ability to hear from your critics. Ooooof!  Big qualities.

-We will be studying BV with Yadunandana Swami one weekend a month.

-Sanga-sankirtan it is stablished for every first weekend of the month. We also want to push the sunday Harinama.

-The community development department was also accepted in the last Istaghosti, so we will be working on that.

-We wish to help the translation team, from south America.

-And Radha Damodara just arrived from India a few days ago, to let us live in theirs and Gaura Nitay´s and JBS´s home.

By your mercy we are fully engaged, feeling blessed, sometimes overwhealmed, trying our best there is sooo much dirt to clean up within our hearts!!!

Please forgive us for our offenses, for taking so long without writting you, and then having so many news to tell alltogether.

Aspiring to serve you.

Bhadra VD & Sananda DD

             ASA - Mr. Bhadra vardhana Das. How is your work? Can you make it useful for Krsna????

Bhaktin Zareth sadhana report

11 years, 3 months ago by zareth bhaktin in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Gurumaharaja AGTSP! PAMHO!

Chanting 16 rounds and following four principles, now living in the temple, getting up to Mangalaratik every day, trying to serve Srila Prabhupada by his devotees, longing in my heart that one day the Sadhana and service becomes a spontaneous activity by Sri Krishna ...

I continue studying languages ​​and weekends working in the boutique of the temple, making a variety of services including help Raja Bhoga, dress Srila Prabhupada, food for life and entertaining, among others. Now study the Bhagavad Gita, the guide Upadesambrta and CPI, every night I read the Book Krishna with my ashram mates, so dreaming about the pastimes of Govinda and not with our minds ... well, that desire.

After two months of living in the ashram I am experiencing many accomplishments that have come for their blessings, Every step I'm living and noting that without Krishna consciousness all achievements made ​​in the material world, but is accompanied by a good Sadhana and good rounds is hardly a good service to Srila Prabhupada.

I have no good qualities and I have no opulence at all, the only thing I carry is with a young body but even with energy, if it allows me to serve you, I will make it impossible for this body is determined to serve the ISKCON movement Srila Prabhupada!!!!

Thanks for being my inspiration every morning, noon and night, my heart trembles for soon you will be in the temple of Sri Sri Radha Madan Gopala.

His slow servant Zareth Bhaktin.

HpS - Hare Krsna.  Thank you for giving your live to Krsna. What you are doing is love. You are one of Krsna's lovers, but, yes, it is just beginning to wake up, but it is there. How can you live in the Temple unless you have some love for Krsna and Krsna has some love for you???

We will be in Mexico in 5

We look forward to seeing you then!!!!

sonrisas y mas sonrisas


Jay Gouranga! 

Please accept my humble obeisance

Hare Krishna Maharaj

Yes shanto maharaj thats him , yes he is currently in Panama , my reverences to you maharaj. Oh so your plans changed i am sorry to hear that maharaja ,i will try to make it to chile for the time youll be there im saving laskmi ,about the sarkintan movement here well there was a time when there was one but not anymore we distribute to central america  , a few yoga events and few events where devotee do sankirtan but there isnt a movement here .


Bhakta Juanka

HpS - AGTSP....  Yes, the Sankirtana comes and goes in the material world. That is the nature of the material world. It is hard to fine anything good here, what to speak of something SPIRITUAL, but we can make the commitment of doing Sankirtana to the best of our abiltiy according to our nature, and realizing austerities to increase our ability, no????

Our respects to Maharaja! Who else is there in Pa Na Ma???

DTC Tu(8) & ABC

paoho.  6.03PM.  We answered some letters but still have letters from one week and one day old to work on. We could be better devotees, more efficient, but we are really doing pretty well. We just have a lot of work to do.
We are becoming always more concentrated.
O.K. Now we drive in Rtadhvaja Swami's mother's car to Nitai-gaurasundara Das home. It is about 12-minutes from here, but we will stop at K-Mart (nice name, no?) and buy a few supplys. Then we will go for his regular walk, 45-minutes.
Read the KRSNA book and come back.
We wanted to answer more letters.
Post our ABC notes and read our BhVai verses.


We are still with the BhVai classes Saturday in English and Tuesday in Spanish on

Friday at 11.30AM is the Hawaii class. Google ISKCON Hawaii.

Daily 1.30-3.30 AM is Japa Joe.

Some other stuff going on with Japa-sankirtan and we are plannng to do a formal reading of Tamal Krsna Goswami's book from Oxford or Cambridge Press. You can get it at Amazon. That will be part of our Carl Jung work.

Join us, get a copy. It's called "A Living Theology of Krsna Bhakti".


11 years, 3 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

hare krisna beloved gurudeva, pamho, agtSP, when can i call you? what is the proper time so we can speak by phone for a little moment? at your lotus feet, bhakta nicasio.

HpS - ASA - Jaya!   AGTSP.   We are on Skype and you can always try there. We are two hours earlier than you. Tommorrow we will be out at the library, but even then we can talk some of the time.

Our cellular is 209-505-3219!



11 years, 3 months ago by brian tellez in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna GM



Me encuentro de maraton viajando por la  zona costera de mexico, por la miscericericordia de el Señor Nitiananda la maraton va muy bien, hay varios grupos en distintos lugares de Mexico, queda semana y media, estube pensando por que realmente hacia sankirtana, y la verdad Querido GM es porque quiero avanzar espiritualmente, y para eso es muy importante satisfacelo a usted y a Srla Prabhupasa, ademas cuando estoy fundido en sankirtan me siento protegido espiritualmente.

Pero por favor le ruego q me instruya sobre cual es la conciencia mas adecuada con la que debo realizar mi servicio, y asi  satisfacerlo.

Su Sirviente. B. B.rian T.ellez

             HpS - ASA -  TlgaSP.    Pfanrh.   Somos tontos bajos, pero podemos compartir nuestra comprehension.  Que significa 'advanzar espiritualmente'?

Muchas opciones pero uno, posible bueno por nosotros, es que esperamos purificar nostoros de lujuria, de 'laziness', osiosidad (?).    Esperamos saborear cuales es nuestra posicion natural. Krsna trata comunicar esta experiencia a nosotros y estamos realizando Sankirtana yajna para purificar nos, para saborear nuestra posicion natural como podemos realmente hacer algo para ayudar a Krsna, Gauranga. Ellos tiene deseos real. Rama quiere 'rescue' Sita de las garras de Ravana.

Podemos hacer.

Podemos ser capaz ayudar por purificacion.