west coast sankirtana

11 years, 2 months ago by aron illo in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Krishna's mercy was flowing this summer on the west coast.  Srila Prabhupada's books were eagerly received from the deserts in arizona through the mountains in california all the way back to texas.

In cloverdale outside the Super 5 we met an old hippie woman with her son.  Both chanted like pros and she recognized the maha mantra from my sweet lord.  while in ukiah we came across an old loadmaster who had flown to india several times.  his wallet was in his had before a donation was mentioned and he gave $20 for his perfection of yoga.

in seattle you couldnt find an american.  it seemed everyone we met was from russia, south america or the far east.  Mishra Bhagavan prabhu really impressed a vietnamese lady with a few phases in her native language. 

even somewhere as remote as central wyoming or utah has the need for Srila's Prabhupada's mercy.   we encountered souls very enlivened and thankful to have had the opportunity.

We always like to end our exchange by give folks a mantra card and asking them to chant with us.  the reponse could be anywhere from total inability to pure ecstasy. 

            HpS - ASA - !!!!!!!!!  They say, that Prabhupada said that every salesman has his own technique. You and the Misra-bhagavan Das are doing incredible service. Not only your personal book distribution but also the example it sets for others!

So many other topics to discuss but a little at a time

Istha-Gosthi’s conclusions Madrid’s temple and others

Hare Krisna, my dear Gurudeva. Please, accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I’m sorry for write you so latter. I promised you that I’d send you Istha-Gosthi’s conclusions three weeks ago. Maybe I have a bit of time to write them, but finally it’s not possible.

On September 22th we had a Istha-Gosthi in Madrid’s temple. Many devotees and friends came at the temple. The next Istha-Gosthi will be on October 20th, in a few days.



  • Have commitment
  • Have fraternization.
  • Practical solutions.
  • Have a clear idea about who are the leaders and which is the project.
  • Have a idea from no-leaders.
  • Unified group.
  • Teamwork.
  • Change from the restaurant concept to temple concept.
  • Feed per delivery.
  • Have a harmonious relationship inside and outside the temple.
  • Desire to serve.
  • Review of all.
  • Have a stable steering group.
  • Appreciation for the others service Commitment to the Deity.

Points to work:

-          Education and training:

o   Training in Deity worship

o   Congregational development courses:

§  Leadership.

§  Mediator.

§  Vaisnava etiquette.

§  Bhakti-vriksa.

o   Communication course.

o   Comprehensive training program: Bhakti-Yoga introduction, Bhakti-sastri and Bhakti-vaibhava.

o   Musical training.

§  Yoga kirtan.

§  Instrumental.

o   Vegetarian cooking.

-          Communications group:

o   Website updated.

o   Communication and information through the mail.

o   Additional information’s channel (Facebook).

o   Creating communication device.

-          Devotees care:

o   Create a comprehensive development committee of the devotees.

o   Establish the position of representative of the devotees with access to the Council Governing Body Temple.

o   Specific training in a vaisnava etiquette and devotee care.

o   Training cheap.

These are the points to work during next months.

In the next meeting we’ll work on Devotees care and Congrational development.

We expect work about that and the expectations are met.

On the other hand, Carcika and I are fine. She wants a child, but I’m not sure. I have no paternal instinct. We’ll see, Krisna will say.

Two weeks ago we were in Tarragona (Cataluña) making a devotional program. We formed a group to Bhagavad Gita’s classes via Skype, etc. We went with them to Barcelona’s Ratha Yatra. It was a very positive experience.

The last weekend I was in New Vrajamandala teaching a course: “Introduccion  to Bhagavad Gita”, my first teaching course in Bhaktivedanta Institute. The next will be in Madrid “Introduction to Bhakti-Yoga” from November to March (One weekend per month).

4 principles and 16 enthusiastic rounds minimum, ok, working. One week I work in the morning and the other in the afternoon. When I work in the afternoon I can connect to Japa Joe.

I don’t want to take you more time. Thank you for all.

Please, let me keep at your Lotus Feet.

Your aspirant to serve you, Dandava das.

             HpS - AGTSP  paoho.  Super, super.   Very nice to receive this news. Now is October 24th, so meeting was finished 4-days ago. Summary of that ISTAGOSTHI?

Our perception is that many times men do not have "paternal instincts" until they are actually paters (fathers). Then they can appreciate this is nice service to Krsna, to help some great soul get proper development to do wonderful things for Krsna.

Ask Jayanta Das for advice, no?
Murari Das.....
Usually it is dificult for girl to remain as Vanaprasthini and Sannyasini is practically speaking almost NEVER recommended, so, if a girl is chaste she deserves at least one nice son from her husband and society.

Our thoughts.

Very nice to get other news of Spain.
Sankirtan...  Wherever you go, whomever you meet, tell them about Krsna!

Keep working!

Hare krsna dear Gurudeva!!!!!

All glories to SRILA PRABHUPADA & U!!!! ( my saviors)


How are U?????

           HpS - AGTSP.  We are feeling a little low on energy and that makes us want to lament and fear, but our intelligence tells us that this is just the body. We are doing well in terms of body management, task management.

It is been 8 weeks and 1 day since our last letter... please forgive us for that... 

Our sadhana is not as good as we wish... some days (specially the days after university classes) we get up late (like 6am)... we are still adapting to this schedule; but we will back to our regular sadhana....but for now 16R,4P and MA 80% of the week, worship everyday our dearest Lords and Bhakti Sastri classes on Sundays...

   HpS - We have the same bumps when we expand to a new service. Takes a little time to adjust. Of course, we become more expert at Vaidhi bhakti as time goes on.

Health is better by the Mercy of krsna... despite all the pills we can do some service ...

Classes at the university are ok... work is ok...

    HpS - We are very interested: What classes are you taking now? How long is the entire curriculum? What will you learn? What official diploma do you get? Are you going to take Sannyasa in a few years?

actually we have to priorize... we want to do many many many things ... 70% are for krsna... so the other 30% has to be delete or changed for krsna!!! we are working on that...

             HpS - We are something like that to.

thanks a lot for all Ur support and for sharing the DTC on the Blog... we read it everyday.... 

We loved what we read on the blog.. "We can die for Krsna or we can die for sense gratification of this donkey. Yet we are going to die. Dying for Krsna is fun!"

we are very happy that U come for Christmas!!!!

always trying to be a useful tool for Ur sankirtan!!!

at your feet

Patraka Das

              HpS - ASA - Again happy birthday!   Thank you for this letter. Always try to keep the whole world in your picture. Srila Prabhupada wanted to save the whole world, so please work with that idea. Even if everyone else in Peru, South America, the whole world doesn't understand your situation, how will you go ahead.

O.K. More mail!

Thank you!!!   We arrive in 65 days 4 hours and 4 minutes.  By then we hope to have progressed a lot with Carl Jung work.

What can we do to spread Krsna consciousness in Peru?


11 years, 3 months ago by raktak in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Respected Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

We just came back after a two month trip to Azerbaijan and Hindustan. We went to Ludhiana, Fazilka, Bathinda, Ganganagar, Yamunanagar, Delhi and Vrindavan, and everywhere we went, people were asking about you, anyone who ever came in contact with you, you have touched their heart, and now they keep remembering you.

Met with Babbu, the son of Pranav Das Prabhu, he was happy to know that guruji remembers him.

Now back in Brisbane, still recovering from the long and tiresome journey.

I distributed 6 books (Matchless gift of Krishna Consciousness) at Delhi Airport, immediately, there was smile on the face of Immigration Officer upon seeing the book and he said HARE KRISHNA 50 times, glories to Prabhupad.

yours servant,

Raktak Das

.............HpS - ASA .... AGTSP paoho.  The five wandering miscreants!!!   Very nice news. We will go to India in February. Maybe we will see the same immigration officer. Hope you are becoming a great devotee like Raghunatha Das. Temple news? Kids news???

Hari Bol !!!!!!!

11 years, 3 months ago by bhakta gonzalo in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

hare Krsna !

Todas las Glorias sean a Sus Señorias Goura Nitai

Todas las Glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada !!!!!!!

Y todas las Glorias sean a Ud Guru Maharaj por ser tan misericordioso !

Hare krsna  Guru Maharaj , me pone muy contento que tenga deseos y este en sus planes ir a Mar del Plata !

Aun sigo en Santiago de chile y vuelvo a mar del el 28 de octubre para luego asistir en el Ratha Yatra de BS AS Mandir  y poder prestar servicios , ya que Srla Bhakti Marga Swami    ( quien es el Guru de Nadia -mi esposa- ) va a ir a presentar una de sus obras. donde quizas ademas ella tomara primera iniciación.

En lo particular me siento muy bien ya que estoy hacistiendo todos los dias a Mangalarati y todos los programas de la mañana y luego salgo de sankyrtan, asique tratando de purificar mi existencia lo mas rapido posible . y con su misericordia se que eso es posible.  de lo contrario no habria manera tal de poder hacerlo..

Estamos saliendo con mi esposa, hasta la tarde y estamos muy felices de poder hacer y llevar adelante el sankyrtan estando juntos ya que cada vez que comenzamos a distribuir los libros de Srila Prabhupada sentimos mucha satisfaccion expontanea.

En la calle encuentro todo tipo de personas. mas potencialmente jovenes. pero tambien ansianos y " ejecutivos" ja - aqui la gente es bastante mas receptiva y favorable para hablar de vida espiritual. ya que muchos se dan cuenta que en este mundo es todo muy perecedero y no logran encontrar verdadera tranquilidad--- 

Tambien tratando de ver a Krishna en todo.

Queria contarle que tengo muchos deseos de tomar iniciacion.. y si ud me da las bendiciones para ello. ¿?

Por otro lado en Mar del plata en la Finca Sri Govardhana , se estan haciendo los cimientos del templo..

y en lo personal estando ahora viviendo aqui en el templo y demas . puedo ver y creo entender que la comunidad que esta creciendo y se esta desarrollando en mar del plata es muy sincera y fuerte- eso me pone de buen animo al poder participar en ella y poder brindar servicios.

Muchas gracias por todo su tiempo. y por su atencion.

Acepte mis humildes reverencias , una y otra vez.

Su eterno sirviente bhakta gonzalo.

               HpS - ASA -  TlgaSP...  Estimado Bh. Gonzo! Iniciacion???  Por que no???  Lea,"http://www.jayarama.us/peru/archivos/guru-tattva-es.txt". Esta listo acuerdo de esta estandard?????   Llegamos BsAs 1 Enero. V. puja proxima dia en BsAs y viernes sabado en Mar. Un plan?


11 years, 3 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva ¡¡¡



Last Sunday we had a very nice meeting in Chosica mandir ¡¡¡

The Harinam Ruci party is visiting us and the whole temple was flooded with the Holy name of the Lord ¡¡¡

 Were presents:

Rohini dd

Laksman agraja das

Yugala Kishora dasi


We covered the following topics:

The importance of the vaisnava relations rather than the administrative relations

The importance of communication

LAD presented a written proposal of how the board, the meetings, and the functions for each member should be

We all discussed each point and make some resolutions

M Rohini will work in the statutes of NIMSAR and will send them to our emails for our revision and discussion

We had a very nice discussion about how to spend our incomes in order to continue preaching ¡¡ in this point we need your enlightment

So We are really looking forward to have a meeting with You when U visit Peru ¡¡¡

We remember again that U asked that all of NIMSAR members MUST send to the secretary the names of their students and emails

I have to say that so far NOBODY has done that so what to do??? <img alt="angry" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/angry_smile.gif" title="angry" /> i Just have the list of Patraka das and  yugala kishor told me that she will give me the names of her students soon ¡¡

Next meeting ¡¡¡the president and the secretary will inform ¡¡¡ They are in constantly communication

Thank U all so much for all iur patience <img alt="" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/38.gif" title="" />

Your eternal servant,


asa - AGTSP. paoho. so, we give one week for complete lists to be turned in or asa undiferentiated, absolute, supreme comando will take action. probably require that all non-reporting tutors immediately communicate to their students that they are no longer authorized by ASA to teach with copy of letter to ASA... If that is not done then more severe sanctions. Jaya Sugriva!