new temple

Dear swamij, PHO, AGTSP. I am sure that I would be with other devotees. So far Ramai maharaj has only said that it would be with ISKCON's financial backing.

ASA - "Backing" and "Banking".   Sounds good. Formally the suggestion would be to only take leadership responsibility for a Sankirtan program after Second Initiation, but there can be other considerations. Chant 16, follow 4, up by 4am, do not snore, and your sankirtan efforts will certainly soar!!

Send us news o Condor!

Hare Krsna Gurudev - Answer to your query

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
HpS - ASA - Locust feet!

    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, Thank you so much for comments and queries for me on
    Answering the queries below.

    Gurudev, Thank you so much for sending recommendation letter to Temple President for
    their approval, am absolutely ready for Second initiation and then 3rd initiation in this
    life only, I never have had plan for Grhastha Ashrama. i wanted to talk about Ashrama
    during your recent Delhi visit but the schedule was very busy.

    I want to join temple but don't know how and where? may be in Vrndavana or may be at
    Radha-Kunda by doing sadhna, don't know, how it is going to happen, not clear to me.
    want to give this life for Krsna's servant of servant of servant and read & preach
    SB and BG for the remaining life.

    I am very much attached to SB and BG, so always things are going on my mind, how may i
    preach glories of Lord with limited time and limited Knowledge!!?

ASA - Srila Prabhupada's Gita is much more than just BG, no?   He includes so many other things.

    Younger brother was studying and just finished his graduation and looking for a job. Once
    he engaged in a job, he would be able to take care of parents and it would be easy for me
    to take action for full time for ISKCON, very soon.

ASA - Look for Sankirtan Leaders, Partners. Does not have to be an eternal relationship, but practical partnership in Sankirtan. We worked with B. S. Damodara Swami as our Chief in the B. I. for many years, but it was not proper place for us for several reasons. So we left that Sankirtana party, but still worked with him as our Chief in Ranga-niketana group.

    Regarding SB,

    My Stew Dents are one entire family, cultivating them for last 7 Years but started SB
    for them after a long 7 year waiting. The entire family is chanting, following the
    4-principles. They are from business society, 7 years ago it was difficult to take their
    time and they were not ready to give their time. So what i did, i started with basics
    ( what i had learnt from ISKCON ( have 5 certificates from ISKCON Pune)) by standing out
    side their shop.and it was very difficult for me to concentrate because it was a on going
    shop and customers are their always. But i never loose my patence. This way i cultivated
    the Head of the family. Then finally the day come, when the Head of the family fully
    convince and then he agreed to give 3 hours on Saturday and 4 hours Sunday. But it took 7
    years to bring them at his stage.

ASA = Prabhupada also had to spend long time in preparation!

    Smilerly, wherever i go and get chance to explore Prabhupada's said, i try my best. Even
    they are from any society, cred, caste, any shop, road, office, market, public transport.

    But i can assure you, will take care the points, you asked me to take care for SB.

    Thank you so much.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - A G T SP.     We put some news in the DTC for you and others!!!


Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Guru y Gauranga y a su sankirtana eterno!

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Hare Krsna querido gurudeva porfavor acepte mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias y esperando que ésta carta lo encuentre muy bien de salud.

Gurudev éste es mi informe; Mangala artik 4:30am, 25 rondas (algunas veces he fallado, pero las 16 rondas las termino antes de govinda), 4 principios estrictos, lectura del SB C1C3, BG C17 Y Venu gita C8, estoy tratando de tener una rutina de lectura todos los dias y kirtana todos los dias con los mrdangueros prabhus; gadai y gaura.

Le cuento que estamos en el templo de Cusco, aquí llevamos 2 meses como encargados del puyari de sus señorias JBS Y GN. Todos los días hacemos el programa completo de la mañana; las levantamos, hacemos mangala artik 4:30 am, clase de SB 6:30am, cambiamos a las deidades, hacemos govinda 7:00am y prabhupada (los programas son mas temprano de lo normal porque en el dia funciona como restaurante) y en la mañana hacemos sankirtana persona a persona con mi gran compañero de sankirtana P. gadai Gauranga d., debo reconocer gurudev que mi naturaleza siempre fué de ayudar y lamentarse de las aflicciones materiales del prójimo y éste servicio me cae de pelo <img alt="laugh" height="23" src="" title="laugh" width="23" />!!! Srila prabhupada ki yai!!!, llevamos distribuyendo  al dia con gadai como 60 libros. algo en bondad porque lamentablemnte este cuerpo de mujer se cansa y enferma aveces <img alt="crying" height="23" src="" title="crying" width="23" />. quisiera dar más de mi y me siento egoísta cuando no salgo a sankirtana algunos dias.

Gurudeva estamos a cargo también del departamento de sankirtana del templo de cusco, tenemos en almacen como 2420 libros (todos los titulos) y previa coordinacion con las autoridades del templo se subió sólo el 0.05 y 0.10 a los libros pequeños, con la finalidad de que podamos impulsar a los devotos a comprar libros y distribuirlo. Aquí a las deidades no les falta absolutamente nada, p. gaura se preocupa por darles lo mejor a las deidades.

también ya estan construyendo la carroza de sus señorias JBS, PARA EL RATHA YATRA  en octubre o noviembre todavia no hay fecha exacta. P. Anuraksa con m. narayani están por aquí construyendo la carroza del señor.

Lo del snak vegetariano no funcionó, jejeje, recuerdo que ud. siempre nos dijo restaurante no!!!<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" /> así que es un arreglo de krsna para poder dedicarnos más a la distribución de libros.

Gurumaharaj en setiembre queremos viajar a bolivia para la marathon que organiza p. mathuresh y de ahi entrar a brasil haciendo sankirtana para poder ir a india en febrero y verlo a Ud!!! GRACIAS POR SUS INSTRUCCIONES Y ENSEÑANZAS, UD. Y SRILA PRABHUPADA SON MI PADRE AHORA Y NO ENCUENTRO OTRA FELICIDAD, APESAR QUE BUSQUÉ Y BUSQUÉ TANTAS VECES, GRACIAS POR TANTO AMOR YO LO EXTRAÑO MUCHO PERO SIEMRPE RECUERDO SU ROSTRO EN MI CORAZON.

Gurudeva me regalaron una deidad de  gopal y a gadai unas deidades de 20 cm. de JBS, nose porque krsna me envia tantas deidades, dejamos en chosica a KB, GN, JBS, UN GOVINDA, NRSHINJADEVA, Y LAS EXTRAÑO MUCHO. y bueno nuestras silas estan con nosotros, todos los dias las bañamos con agua tibia y miel y las untamos de guee y decoramos con joyas y comen muchos dulces.

ahi le envio fotos de la carroza, las deidades del templo, nuestras silas, los devotos, mi gopal y deidades de JBS que nos regalaron ya pronto las pintará gadai. me despido hare krsna gurudeva!!!

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi <img alt="devil" height="23" src="" title="devil" width="23" />

HpS - ASA - Jaya! Sankirtan es URGENTE!    Gracias su carta. Puedo entender como 87% por falta de nuestra abilidad limitada en Espanol. Pero muchas, muchas gracias!!    Me inspira mucho oir de Cusco!

Funciona el restaurante pero no hay snak?????

No nos encontramos en Agosto en Peru????

Hari Bolo. Distribuye libros pero mas importante es formar otros Sankirtaneros, no?

Hare Krsna Gurudev - SB Topics

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, Thank you so much for considering my name for second initiation.

HpS - ASA --  AGTSP paoho.  We sent a letter to Temple President and mentioned Siksa-guru with copy to you yesterday asking for their approval!  Second initiation is preparation for 3rd initiation, Goswami. Are you thinking of going through Grhastha Ashrama or going directly to Vanaprastha or Sannyasa???

    You can send mail directly to our temple President H G Radheshyam Prabhuji, also mention my local Shiksha Guru’s name.

    Gurudev, Have prepared note on SB for 7 days SB, for preaching purpose. Find below the SB topics for 7 days.
    Below topics will be covered in 7 day SB Katha. Please advise.

HpS - ASA - Who are your Stew Dents? SB 2.2.12 says we should not go beyond Canto One and Two unless Students are following the 4-principles, no?

    1. Bhagvatam Ki Mahima Part
    2. Creation Of Vedas by Vedvyas
    3. Death Of Draupadi Childs
    4. Chirharan Of Draupadi Part [Shouldn't this come before part 3. This means stealing of her clothes, no?  Ham hindi sik raha hu, and there is not much mentioned in the SB about this, no? It is g r e a t story]
    5. Parikshit Maharaj Request Sukhdeva Goswami to Recite Srimad Bhagavatam [!]
    6. Sukhdeva Goswami Says Listening Srimad Bhagavatam is the Greatest Benefit of Life Part
    7. The Value Of Time
    8. Kapil Dev Preached His Mother Devhuti [!! This is advanced topic, no? If you are engaged in illicit sex with your 'wife' then these descrptions of hell and the gratification of Kardama and Devahuti will be toooo intense!!]
    9. Suniti Guides Dhruva Maharaja [Very specific also advanced, no?]
   10. Dhruva Maharaj Ask Krishna to Provide Devotees Association
   11. Description Of 28 Types of Hell
   12. The Story of Ajamil
   13. The Story of Chitraketu
   14. The Story of King Nabhag
   15. The Story Of King Ambrish
   16. The Birth of Lord Rama
   17. 14 Years of Exile to Lord Rama
   18. The Story of King Subhdyumn
   19. The Birth Of Lord Krishna
   20. God told the Story of the Previous Birth of Devaki and Vasaudevji

ASA - From 9-on seems too advanced unless you have advanced students. Of course, in the 1st and 2nd canto we see summaries of these later cantos and avatars.  Who is your audience??  Is very good project. You should start BhVai as soon as you take second initiation!!

   This notes has been prepared for door to door preaching.

ASA - Aaaaaaaah!    For that seems you really need to stick to first two cantos.  Of course, Prabhupada puts so much information in there about later cantos. You just have to find it.   Monkey and Piggy have a ton of stuff in the archives on the first two cantos: pdp...    It is it useful???

    Thank you, Guru Dev.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - Thank you sooooo much of this work!!

hare krishna

hare krishna Maharaj agtsp pamho.

-here are the Vaishnava devotees of the Lord. They are just like desire trees and can fulfill the desires of everyone, and they are full of compassion for the fallen conditioned souls.

"Sri Krsnadasa Kaviraja, the author of Caitanya-caritamrta, says that all good qualities become manifest in the body of a Vaisnava and that only by the presence of these good qualities can one distinguish a Vaisnava form a non-Vaisnava. Krsnadasa Kaviraja lists the twenty-six good qualities of a Vaisnava:  (1)  He is very kind to everyone.  (2)  He does not make anyone his enemy.  (3)  He is truthful  (4)  He is equal to everyone.
(5)  No one can find any fault in him.  (6)  He is magnanimous.  (7) He is mild.  (8)  He is always clean.  (9)  He is without possessions.  (10)  He works for everyone's benefit.
(11)  He is very peaceful.  (12)  He is always surrendered to Krsna.  (13)  He has no material desires.  (14)  He is very meek.  (15)  He is steady.  (16)  He controls his senses.  (17)  He does not eat more than required.  (18)  He is not influenced by the Lord's illusory energy.  (19)  He offers respect to everyone.  (20)  He does not desire any respect for himself.  (21)  He is very grave.  (22)  He is merciful.  (23)  He is friendly.
(24)  He is poetic.  (25)  He is expert.  (26)  He is silent."

a nice congregation, very friendly; around about 30 devotees.
President of the temple is Maha Bhavi Prabhu, a disciple of HH Radhanatha Swami Maharaj. others are Disciples of HH kadhamba Kanana Swami Maharaj. his great aspiration is to buy a farm for Krishna. they have been very good to me, they are good people.

Maharaj thank you very much for your association.


HpS - ASA --- AGTSP   paoho.    We forget where you are. You are not is Spain now, no?  Sweden???

First ISKCON Regional Educational Congress - PERU 2015 Program

9 years, 7 months ago by Germán Vegas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Gurumaharaja

Please, accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Dear Gurudeva

As you request, I'm sending you the program of the august congress.


1. Reaffirm our educational mission in accordance with the principles and values of the movement of Lord Caitanya in the challenges of today's world.
2. Analyze and discuss priority issues and concerns related to education in ISKCON Perú.
3. Propose alternative solutions to the problems and identified challenges .
4. Encourage the development of educational programs that meet the needs of the community according to the criteria of VAD, developing the capacities of the individual and his relationship with the community.
5. Bring together educators and people interested and involved in the education issue to form a network that links individual efforts.



18.30 Sandhya aratik

19.15 Welcome and introduction (LAD and madre Isvari dd)

19.45 Introductory speech by Mathuresh Prabhu

20.30 Dinner

21.00 End of day


04.30 Mangala-aratik

07.30 Govinda

08.30 Philosophy of education by HH Hanumatpresak Swami

09.15 Breakfast


10.00 Children education at school by Krishna Karmini dd. 

10.30 Homeschooling by Anandamaya prabhu

11.00 Education and congregational development  by Omkara Krishna prabhu

11.30 Education for youth leadership by Padmavati Visaka dd.

12.00 Courses for beginners by Karuna Krishna prabhu

12:30 Pre-iniciation courses by Jiva Sakti prabhu

13.00 Bhoga-aratik

13.30 Lunch

15.00 Workshops according to topic (3 main topics, 3 tables: children, youth and sastric education)

  • During the first hour and a half participants contribute with ideas according to the conferences given during the morning shift giving their own vision about the problems.
  • During the next hour and a half the participants propose ideas for the solution of these problems.
  • Every opinion is considered and written by a secretary, there is also a moderator for each table.

18:30 Sandhya - aratik

19:30 Cultural program

20.15 Dinner

21.00 End of day


04:30 Mangala - aratik

07:30 Govinda

08:30 Conference: Conclusions by Baladeva prabhu

09:15 Breakfast

10:00 Final comments and commitments

11:30 Each table presents their conclusions

13:00 Bhoga-aratik

13:30 Lunch

15:00 End of event

Waiting for your comments.

Your servant

Gandharva dasa

HpS - AGTSP  paoho.  It sounds very well structured and nice people in nice position. Should be a success! Peru is looking to Nimsar to lead the way.