9 years, 6 months ago by Germán Vegas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Gurumaharaja

Please, accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I´m very sorry forthe delay of this report. We're travelling outside Lima but now I can write you. This week has had little activity with regard to the organization of the event, except for sending some invitations. I've been talking to Isvari mataji who has thought to register the study material and  NIMSAR intellectual property . After achieving recognition of the national board and shortly after obtaining registration with the peruvian state should concentrate on strengthening our institution resources. NIMSAR issues have been good in the past but to be best from now on we have toprofessionalize our activities. I will be already telling you on this.

Only six weeks for your arrival. Can´t wait for it, Gurudeva.

Your servant

Gandharva dasa

HpS - ASA - AGTSP! Paoho.   Thank you for your news, as it is.  We are always looking to be engaged in Krsna's service, and then our news is unlimited!

Oscar Natters details

Hare Krsna respected Gurudeva:




Here it comes the details:

All years the Aibal : Asociación Iberoamericana de Artes Escénicas y Letras made a recount of all the 2014, the awards  was supposed to be the last march, but it was delayed due to organizational problems,  so at the end they did in mid-of may.

Thank U Gurudeva

Trying to be useful

Candramukhi dd

HpS - Thank you!!!!  We congratulate El Oscar!

Congregational preaching

9 years, 6 months ago by bhaktakenny in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Swamiji, AGTSP, PAMHO.

My visit to Manila in March has left me with a taste for preaching and now Krishna is fulfilling that desire. The Sunday feast crowd will be divide into 2 groups. I will give class to the younger and newer devotees. I am thinking of starting with Sri Isopanisàd, then move on to NOI and Light of the Bhagavata? I want to bring them to rhe point where they can take the ISKCON Disciple Course.

Because soon the IDC will be a requirement for initiation. Whether or not I go to open new temples I want to become more involved in training and education of devotees.

HpS - Jaya!!!!!  AGTSP.   Prabhupada Lilamrta is available also? That is very nice book also for new people. Lilamrt and NOI the same time maybe. Isopanisad is very technical. I think Prabhupada only did it so that we would have SOMETHING that is Sruti, directly from the Vedas, for big, big, proud scholars.

Urgent Oscar Natters

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:



I received this news today:  Oscar was awarded as the best theater director 2014....

I am attaching the picture ¡¡¡

HpS - AGTSP!     Interesting, but this is June 2015. He just got the award? Why so long to give the awards?  Who gave the award?  We will all send a letter of congratulations as soon as you tell us the details!

hell ooooohhh from Madrid !!!

9 years, 6 months ago by jaramara in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krisna Maharaja:


Brieflly writing you from Madrid:

Sri Sri Gaura Nitay Madrid look very Happy, Nice pujari team (Isvara Das, Rasala Das, Mantri Ram Das, my self...)

Good team of devottees making garlands (Mani Mope anjari DD, Matura Mani DD, Antaranga DD and all her Russian Bhaktins)

Tulasi Looks very Happy (Bhaktin Marta is taking care of her and all the plants in the temple)

Book distribution is developing very nicely (I personally go out everyday, 40 sciences of self realitation/day) and now two devotees from mexico and one from brasil are staying with us. They are sankirtan devotees collecting for monterrey-Mexico project. So there is some sankirtan spirit developing.

Shatyabama DD from Mexico would like to study her next semester in Madrid and live in the temple and do Sankirtan do you think it is all right ?

ASA - AGTSP.   Sooooooo nice to hear from you!!!!      I can't give any details from her, but seems like it could be O.K.

Temple is full, no beds abaileable, good Sadana in general terms and nice lunch program.

Congregational preaching is developing with the efforts of Dandava, Carcika , Jayanta et all.

I personally will try to keep on sankirtan-Book distribution till december combined with my duties as temple comander.

Marta is taking care of me very nicelly, we have discover a little penthouse in the temple building and we are triying to contact the owners to talk about the posibility of renting-buying the place for our selfs.

Thank you for all your mercy


HpS - Jaya!   You all should make a Temple CD with selected songs and comments. Should become famous in Madrid for your your Music.
Up early and good rounds!!!     You are our example in many ways.