ASA Kids, Houston, etc...

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Por favor reciba mis reverencias querido Gurudeva.

Han pasado muchas cosas desde la ultima vez que lo vi en Houston Gurudeva, tengo tanto que informarle. Comenzare con decirle que después de la platica que tuvimos con usted, prabhu Vidagdha y yo estamos a la espera de saber que pasara con el asunto del restaurante en Hosuton. Aún no sabemos si será posible que puedan contratar a prabhu Vidagdha. El presidente del templo de Houston nos pidió una carta de recomendación por parte de SS Guru Prasada Swami, y una de usted solo para tenerla como referencia me imagino. Su santidad Guru Prasad Swami, ya esta enterado de los pormenores. Aún estamos a la espera, que las autoridades correspondientes tomen la desición.

HpS - Hare Krsna!   Quiere una carta de nosotros???

Mientras tanto, continuamos con nuestros proyectos personales y nuestros servicios en templo.

Con respecto al programa dominical (ASA KIDS), como le mencione me encontraba un tanto desanimada al respecto, pero me he encontrado con la sorpresa de que cada día más devotos y familias, se están uniendo al respecto. Eso me da mucha tranquilidad, y ya no siento tanto la presión con la que estaba realizando ese servicio. Me siento muy apoyada y confiada, en que seguiremos adelante con los proyectos infantiles. Le pido me disculpe mi falta de responsabilidad, pero en ese momento era para mi necesario hacer una pausa, y retomar mi servicio con más entusiasmo y entrega. A finales de este mes, iniciaremos con las clases dominicales, y la idea es entrenar a un grupo de devotas jovénes que se han unido para dar talleres de pintura, barro, etc, a los niños.

HpS - Plan de Minstry of Education es presentar un curriculum super para todo el mundo, si quiere, para escuela dominical, Janmastami est ano, y metodo de entrenamiento de profesor para dominical escuela con esta curriculum en 2017~

Tratando de aterrizar un mejor servicio de mi parte para ISKCON, decidí estudiar una Licenciatura en Pedagogía online,

HPS - Jaya!

...yo tome en cosideración los consejos que usted me dio al respecto, de hacer una investigación de contenidos, fuentes, etc... Madre Lalita Gopi y una devota profesora de primaria en México, me ha orientado al respecto; y he recibido un gran apoyo por parte de ellas. Por supuesto tengo el apoyo de prabhu Vidadgha, que fue quién más me motivo a tomar la desición. No pude antes darle la noticia porque usted se encontraba en India, así que tuvimos que tomar la desición mi esposo y yo, sin poder consultar con usted, le pido disculpas por eso Gurudeva.

HPS - Esta bien!   Buen consejo.

Mi deseo es poder prepararme profesionalmente, y contribuir más eficazmente en los proyectos infantiles en ISKCON. Me he dado cuenta, que me desarrollo bien en áreas dondé tenga que realizar trabajo de organización y unificación de familias, para cumplir própositos educativos en la comunidad infantil. Solo que me hace falta mucha técnica, y me he encontrado con muchos errores en la práctica. Espero poder tomar lo mejor de la enseñanza ácademica, y llevarlo a la práctica conciente de Krishna  en los proyectos de educación en ISKCON. 

Le agradezco mucho su tiempo y quiero que sepa que extraño mucho su asociación en vapu, extraño verlo por las mañanas en el inmenso templo de Houston. Espero verlo muy pronto Gurudeva. Mi hijo Mukunda le manda saludos, el lo recuerda con mucho cariño.

Su sirviente Gopi Radha DD.

HPS - Jaya Mukunda!   Tenemos horrible dolor de estomago hoy dia.   Posible vamos a morir de cancer en unos dias.  Ha!  Ha!  Hare!    Posible Mukunda antes, y Vd antes.

Proxima vida como esta vida.

Ya vamos a clase de Hawaii on line.  10.51AM aqui. clase a las 11.00am.  Somos presentadoros.

Muy bien su esfuerza. Krsna esta completamente en control de su situacion.

Necisita carta de nosotros???

We survived the wave

8 years, 8 months ago by brian tellez in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja you are my constant inspiration.


I tell him that recently i have discouragement in my spiritual life , suddenly did not want to get out more sankirtan from disciembre until March it was as marathon in the temple out every day and suddenly the body or the mind and were tired and desnimados, I was worth writing now for the miscericosrde of Gurupasad swami and I'm otravez in a marathon sankirtan by ud Gurumajaraja traveling in the van by different cities of mexico led by Jayadeva hari dasa , 25 this month prabhu aravinda asked me to travel to panama and Colombia to do sankirtan and give a workshop sankirtan , I owe it all to you.

HpS - Hare Krsna, I think you owe maybe .001% to me. .01% a Vds and everything else to Srila Prabhupada

with respect to distributing great books to a library truth still meditating on how to carry out this instruction bought but few books 10 or 5 or so and have not sold but are still waiting as actually makes your deceo only time separates me from to achieve this, I could not upload videos to Srila Prabhupada youtube page of the temple because traduccirlos not , but I hope someone help me with this instruction , my rounds but still want to have more enthusiasm for singing .

Gurudeva even get not properly honor the living entities want to learn to see Krsna in every situation and exit is dark neophyte status constates cometeer mental offenses , please explain to me how can I increase the caludad in my devotional service , I should abide Mr. Gauranga, Srila Prabhupada , or you ? Who should I offer my prayers ? Gurudeva wanted to please instruct me if it is your desire.

HpS - Claro, la respuesta es Srimad Bhagavatam. Y claro recibido por Senor Caitanya y Srila Prabhupada en la association of devotees in ISKCON. Solamente clarificar el processo. Ya lo tiene. No tiene que hacer algo bastante diferente. Solamente tiene que hacer con mas expertise el proseso y adelantar a Raganuga Bhakti.

thank you very much beloved Gurudeva please give me the blessing of being able to remember life after life be good enough to use me in his service to Krsna I want nothing more, let my desire for material gratification fail and have no other choice but to surrender to his lotus feet that they are my only hope in the midst of this maddening and burning material existence.

sorry for my goggle traduccion

HpS - It is a good translation. Just use simple words that the Robot will understand!!
his donkey Vrajendra Kumara dasa



Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



Hope this meets u in really good health

Today I present my resignation as chief pujari in wilson.. we feel good. Because if they allow me I will continue with my seva.. but not in charge. I was not doing my service as well as before. I realized that I was a burden rather than a help.

So i think and think a lot about my priorities. Get up early and get my rounds done.. 4P.. read.. And do some for this sankirtan movement.

I have recovered all my rounds.. my fmp is much more better now. I am teaching BS. It is very nice to share ideas with my students... etc

I am helping Abhiram thakur das for the congress in June.. it is a great group. Patrak, Nitya kishore, jagat pavitram, Parama Karuna, torino. Etc... Jambavan will help us also 

We feel really happy. Hope to be useful with lalita gopi dd... Let's see what Krsna wants

Thanks for your inspiration

Trying be useful



HpS - ASA ---   Hare Krsna...    Are you going deeper in your Krsna consciousness?  If we just go on with basic determination as you are doing then the Witch can't stop you. Step by step we are climbing out of Her pit!

Live and Work in Beautiful ISKCON Houston as a Teacher

8 years, 8 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports, Hot Topics

 <img height="202" src="file:///C:\Users\hanumat\AppData\Local\Temp\OICE_F4CC3770-7260-4F97-A682-85DC7E4A410C.0\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image002.jpg" width="952" />

May 2, 2016

Goswami Academy, a private elementary school, located in Houston-Texas, is seeking applicants for teaching positions, teacher aides and substitute teachers in both the early childhood and elementary level and middle school levels. The post is to fill a vacancy as well as add to our teacher pool for the coming years of growth.

 Seeking qualified candidates and those interested in pursuing a career in teaching and who possess enthusiasm for working with children in a highly collaborative teaching environment. If you are a self-starter who wants to be part of a mission-driven school that provides an opportunity to grow personally and professionally, we encourage you to apply.

Goswami Academy’s follows the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills together with a special spiritual connect feature. We follow a 175 day school year with time off during summer and holidays. This position will begin in August 2016. The successful candidate is required to attend professional development training in July.


●       Good standing with relevant experience

●      Able to pass local, state, and federal criminal background screenings.

●      Able to pass CPS Background screening<ins datetime="2016-01-20T12:18">.</ins>

●      Able to speak, read, and write English fluently.

●      US citizen or possess documentation of right to work in the US.

●      Ability to deliver engaging curriculum

●      Connect learning with spiritual base<ins datetime="2016-01-20T12:18">.</ins>

●      Current first aid and CPR certification preferred.

●     Able to teach in a multi-level setting<ins datetime="2016-01-20T12:18">.</ins>

 Interested applicants should email current resume to the principal at [email protected]

 Send all correspondence to the attention of Subhra Lind (Principal).

Deadline – Until filled for the 2016-2017 school year and ongoing for the pool

Mission: We inspire academic excellence through a culture of spiritual values in a nurturing environment.

Thoughts on Sannyasa and GBC

Hare Krsna!


Esteemed GBC Strategic Planning Team,
Paoho....   Thank you for the following letter and invitation. Let us take this moment to organize and express our thoughts on these topics in a manner that we can also circulate for the criticism of others also.

We attended the GSG Sanga which was in 2015 as I remember. We have also attended the last two ILS and one or two other SPT meetings. Administratively we are now a Member of the Latin American Regional GBC, the Executive Committee of the Ministry of Education, have been Temple President for three ISKCON Temples, worked for years with the large scale programs of the Bhaktivedanta Institute and now are acting in our best capacity as Advisor, Administator and Foot soldier for NIOS (North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies) which is graced with Tamohara Das as our GBC and Nitai-gaurasundara Das as our President. NGD is Director of a Psychiatric hospital here in Tennessee and his brother is currently President of the nation-wide Indian Lawyers Association.
So . . . we have been involved in the management aspect of ISKCON.

NIOS organized a program jointly with the Indian National Museum on "The Contribution of of Ancient India to Making a Better World". It was innaugurated by Mukundakam Sharma, former Justice of Supreme Court of India and two former Governors of West Bengal. Now NIOS is organizing a very delightful and taxing International Seminar on "Psychology and the Sacred" with the National Library in Peru.

Just writing about this is exhausting.

We have the dates blocked on our Calendar [Feb 6-9] . Of course we can't come to India just for this three day event, but it could fit in with other travel.

In general we feel that ISKCON has become too much advanced in the mode of passion. We also feel that our feelings and opinions are certainly not perfect and want to express them as much for criticism as well as appreciation. One day during the remembered 2015 GSG Sanga the GBC Members were not present and the meetings were amongst Sannyasis who had not much or no GBC administrative posts. The idea that the GBC should look to its Sannyasa community as its source of protection, strategic leadership and ultimate spiritual authority was expressed by several Sannyasis present with citations from Buddhist history etc. Of course, our ISKCON Sannyasa community may not be capable of doing their role properly, but the theory and ideal should be kept and considered the most essential focus of the GBC to develop, no?

When we were discussing this one of the most well know of the Sanga commented that this was all true but if you expressed these ideas publicly then you would be marginalized politically.

In the written evaluations of the meetings requested the following day, I suggested that there was great necessity for more chance for the administratively uninvolved Sannyasis to meet and try to clarify their ideas about their Ashrama and its relation to GBC and Guru tattva, but there was no more meeting scheduled for this. Hare Krsna...

Of course, there are other efforts along these lines with the Sannyasa Ministry but in conversation with them and others, we feel that is a very key aspect of having an effective GBC, Sannyasi, Guru Sanga in 2017.

Awaiting your opinions for our consideration and to carry to our friends at this corner of ISKCON.

Thank you so much for the work you are doing. Practically speaking we see almost no one else doing it.
Your rather fallen servant,
Hanumatpresaka Swami

Urgente - Salva Chosica Mandir

Querido Gurumaharaja:
Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias! 
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Hemos leído Su calendario actual. Estamos muy felices y tan emocionados de tener muy pronto Su santa asociación en Mexico, por unas horas, el día 13 de Julio. 
Por supuesto siempre anhelamos tener Su asociación más tiempo. 

Podemos conseguir un lugar de alojamiento muy cerca del aeropuerto.

Agradecemos mucho esta consideración hacia nosotros. 

En la noche de Sri Nityananda Trayodasi, con el permiso y bendiciones de las autoridades del Templo, se hizo una subasta con las 13 prendas que Ud. envió. 
Con la entusiasta dirección de subasta de parte de Vrajendra Kumara das, la contabilidad de Karuna sakti dd y por supuesto las bendiciones de Usted y todos los vaisnavas, se logró colectar 4,470 pesos mexicanos, equivalente a 846,24 soles, que ya fueron enviados a Sus Señorías Radha Madana Vihari. 

El día de ayer, los  devotos de Perú, enviaron turrones Govinda para las autoridades del templo de México con prabhu Tattva vit.  

Muchas gracias querido Gurumaharaja! 
Por favor perdone nuestras ofensas. 

Su siempre y eterna aspirante a sirviente.
Asta Sakhi dd. 

Adjunto el comprobante de recibido de Perú, me advirtieron no publicar en las redes sociales por cuestiones de impuestos. 

HpS ASA - Hare Krsna! Thank you 1,000,000 tones for your letter. I hope on Braja we can spend eternity together serving Radha Krsna and the eight principle Gopis.

Pujaris should have sent DVDs of Temple.

I hope doesn't take 2-hours to get through Immigration on 13-th July.

We can all go to Houston for a week or two after that?

How is the Manasa et al?