Krsna-kirtana Dasa from Queretaro, Mexico

Hare Krsna! All Glories To Guru Parampara All Glories To Srila Prabhupada All Glories To Hanumatpresaka Swami Please accept my humble obeisanses Gurudeva, i extend my apologize for the absence of letters the past months, after i called you in december marathon there where a LOT of changes one after another, so i needed a little bit stability to structure my mind and heart in order to write. Sri Radha and i flew to peru in new year's day, her brother got diagnosis of 4th level cancer, so we thought we was going to say good bye to him (chant hare krsna, read Bhagavad-gita for him, feed him prasad etc.) wonderfully he recovered at least enought to keep with treatment, we will see next 4 months... i tried but never found the way to go to lima during your visit, still i got big remembrance of you due i was in cusco with some of my older God-brothers, i took A LOT of inspiration from them, about personal confidence and practice of Bhakti, but most of all, a lot of inspiration about Grhastha asram, Sri Radha and me had the chance to experience sankirtana with Gadai Gauranga & Nadiya, i beg so one day i can become fit to worship dvarka silas... also, learned about eagerness from Rohini kumara Dasa & yoga-mayi DD, but the ones that took my heart were Ananda Maya's prabhu Family, meeting them streghten my will to perform a service whithin ISKCON as a responsable Grhastha, we consulted an astrologer and told us the best date to marry was 19 th May, so we are preparing by now, a few more austeritys, accepting service for small-home, deities here in Queretaro, and also we will make 2 yajñas before that day, do you have any suggestion i could add at this? For now, we are back here at Queretaro city, taking more personal responsabilities, going sankirtan almost every day, at least a few hours, trying to improve each day our sadhana (sometimes we wake up but fall asleep after breakfast... or so.) and also trying to get deeper, heartfeeling relationships with the rest of the vaishnavas in general,still we make a special push with the ones that we appreciate. Personally, im inquirying from various sources, specially HDG why ISKCON is more like "small comunities gathered internationally" than an actual INTERNATIONAL - SOCIETY. trying to focus the obvious, a society has plenty of variety, still ISKCON has a lot of tabues about expanding service outside of temple structured thinking models. Again, thank you for your exemplary life, it constitute the very faith i have this movement is the beating heart of Srila Prabhupada, despite of some parts like me being materially ill, it can be fixed just by Sincere work and causless mercy. Your growing servant Krsna-kirtana Dasa HP swami - AgtSP. Paoho. We are on Barcelona. There are a lot of institutes outside of GBC ISKCON, no? E.g. Oxford Center for Hindu Studies. If we keep healthy contact with local GBC, they seem to accept these mature efforts. All of ISKCON's problems seem rather natural to us. We see progress is pioneering our own Sankirtan within the social and institutional life of ISKCON. Have friends, fight corruption. Support sane rules. Send pictures.

my personal sadhana

All Glories to Sri Guruji Maharaja and Gouranga Mahaprabhu

Radha Krsna Ki Jay and Goura Bhakta Ki Jay

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Guruji's padmacharan that I could not communicate Guruji through this blog due to office network.

I am regularly reading NOI to increase  my personal spiritual knowledge. Sometimes, the problem of english work meaning. Guruji, when you reach America (Guruji's own station).

Our mandir problem is not yet settled but will solve very soon.

Due to my wife's health problem of stone case in Goldbleder, she was admitted in the Hospital and I am so busy for going Office and that to the Hospital. May God bless her and Guruji.

My Dandabat pranam.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das,

HpS - Hare Krsna. So, so very nice to hear from you. Please just write down some Krsna conscious things that happen every day and send these to this Blog. We hope wife's experience is making here closer to Krsna! We have to wake up. Remember our service in Goloka. Do it quickly. How are your rounds? You get many done early?


Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada y su Sankirtana eterno!!!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, reciba mis reverencias, seguimos acá en Huancayo, en tramites, papeles y cosas parecidas. 

Hicimos Sankirtan para el día de Gaura Purnima y distribui 12 libros pequeños y 5 Bhagavad - Gitas. 

Me estoy proponiendo a mejorar mi Sankirtana y distribuir más  libros y enseñar a otros devotos y personas a que se unan a esta sagrada misión, parece que comprare una cantidad de libros, espero sea así.

Con mi esposa Nadiya Nivasi pondremos un negocio de venta de comida "Prasadhan", sera algo pequeño, para no descuidar nuestro Sankirtana y nuestro Sadhana.

Para el mes de mayo tendremos disponible 3 terrenos de mi padre para sembrar y construir una pequeña casa o base de descanso, a lo cual mi esposa podra vivir ahí con su prima y la madre Laksmi, para que la acompañen cuando yo este viajando de sankirtana, a Nadiya Nivasi le gusta mucho el campo y sembrar, a su prima también y a la madre Laksmi también.

También pensamos en la Apicultura "Criar abejas" y obtener miel.

Nuestro Sadhana marcha bien, 5 am Mangal Artik, 16 rondas y algo más, 4 principios, Srimad - Bhagavatam canto 2, cap. 2,  Krsna Book  cap. 2.

También me regalaron otra Salagrama Sila, un miembro más de la familia y a nuestras Jagannath, Balarama y Subhadra las hemos refaccionado y pintado. Ahi le envío unas fotos.

Bueno Guru Maharaj me despido, Hare Krsna.

Gadai Gauranga Das

Hp Swami - Hare Krsna! Your report is wonderful. Our seems very full of the variety of Krsna consciousness. Start training people! Saligram sila is like a baby you can't put it aside when become "tired" of it! Hope your Yatra expands!

Planting trees


The farming project at times feels a little overwhelming and physically exhausting, but the hope is to attain complete self sufficient living(along with pure love of Krishna) and therefore display the perfection of God centered living to this atheistic materialistic civilization.

-(Some of the places we have gone have been)- weird places. they are very coercive and persuasive, it seems logical and sashtrically sound what they are saying there. But it doesn't feel right, it feels a little cold hearted and resentful. Far too much criticizing and sectarianism, and what to speak of the claiming to be fully self realized gopi bhava vaisnava.

We are planting about 140 trees this year. Chestnuts, hazelnuts, Apples, plums, peaches, apricots, seaberrys, and pea shrubs. And about 200 berry bushes raspberry, blueberries, blackberries and goji berries. Hopefully we will be supporting the assembly of devotees with all the food and be pleasing you, Prabhupada and Krsna with this project. 

Your everfallen servant,

Bhakta Daniel 

HpS - potatoes? Bhakti lata bija?

Trying for a humble and honest reply to

How do I reply to your comments on my letters on this forum? I only see an option to make a new letter so that is what I am doing as my reply to you here: Your reply to my very serious offering is very confusing! You have replied: "Maybe Krsna will send you a used ice cream trick with super mileage and a loud speaker." I was seriously begging for blessings, making myself vulnerable publicly to the vaishnavas, humbly trying to be responsible and offer our lives to Srila Prabhupada's service, as well as making a HUGE investment in this regard. I am confused by your reply. Are you making fun of me and my fiancee and our offering our lives to Srila Prabhupada? Are you trying to humiliate us, curse us, or put us down?? What is the meaning of your words (quoted above)? Please forgive my confusion. It is a very serious huge financial investment I am legally bound by and I am putting myself at great risk for. Trying to be of some service to Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtana mission. It appears to me that you are cursing me to get an old Ice cream truck with high mileage. I am sorry, but I have 20 solid years of traveling sankirtana experience and breaking down due to having an old vehicle. Then having to pay so much of Krishna's laksmi and time to fix it etc taking away from funds and time that would have other-wise be used for book distribution and preaching is very unfortunate. This takes away fromt the sankirtana yajna. I unfortunately have all too much experience of this. That is why we are buying a new vehicle. I am feeling very fearful of the future (now that you appear to be cursing my offering) and I am hurt by your reply. Please forgive any offences I have made in my trying to be of service and taking care of my fiancee. HpS - Hare Krsna. Tried to reply immediately, but we are in Kolkata and could not connect. We were not cursing you. This is just our "Hanuman", frivolous nature which has been noted by many ISKCON devotees and even Bharat-bharati Gold Medal winners in India. Tamal Krsna Maharaja told me that we had very different natures but it was very important for his disciples to have my association also and gave me a $50 donation. I hope we can all understand our natural differences and stimulate each other. Basically I think Krsna will send you the vehicle you need!

Invitaciòn al Jala Yatra Monterrey

8 years, 10 months ago by gadadhar in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas als glorias a sri guru y sri gauranga 

Porfavor asepte nuestras humildes reverencias querido gurudeva, estamos empezando a tratar el tema sobre Jala yatra de este año 2016 y la fecha la estamos ajustando para ver si puede considerarnos y dar su misericordia para asisitir al  festival, muchas gracias por su tiempo gurudeva. 

atentamente su aspirante a sirviente Gadadhar gosai das 

HpS -Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna! Jaya Jagannatha. Is it possible to arrange things for more people on the route? We are totally occupied until 1 St August. After that we may be dead. How are you? Your baby? We are in Kolkata.