Report NIMSAR to ASA June 2016

Hare Krsna Maharaja.


Here our brief report.

1.-June 12, with the blesssings of SS Bhaktibhusana Swami we opened Dominical School "Yachaykuy Jamabavanitos" in Chosica Temple.

Yachaykuy means "Learning teaching". This program is in charge of Yugala dd and  collaborators: Lila sakti dd, Indira dd, B Maritere and Gandharva d.

2.- Laksmana d gave the course "Disciples of ISKCON " to Guayaquil (14 students). It was accredited as teachers of this course: KarunaNitay d and Rupagopsay d (Nimsar's collaborator).

3.-With your help, Radhika Ramana d and Lalita gopi dd we did the "Conversation about Education" in Chosica temple..

4.-Tarangaksi dd is a new member of NIMSAR, she is collaborating in news projects.

5.-Baladeva d will be in Lima of 15 to 25 August. He is teaching Comunications and Workshop"Conflits Resolution".

6.-We are finishing legal procedures for NIMSAR.

7.-We are organizing new projects that we tell you personally in our next meeting in Lima.

I hope you will be wirh good energy .

Nrsimhadeva protect you

with gratitude

ss and niece spiritual

Isvari dd

HpS - Wow!   So much nice stuff!    Also very nice meetings here in Chosika the last few days.   We will be very happy with these meetings today this weekend also. Thank you so, so much for your association!!!!

You are an example for others.

Mandirs report.

All Glories to Sri Guruji Maharaja and Gourangaba Mahaprobhu

Radha Krsna Ki Jay and Goura Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jay

Dandavat Pranam

Thank You so much for Guruji's reply and advice from time to time.

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Sri Guruji’s padamacharan that I am sending the submitting the report of the Thoubal Mandir. The weather of Manipur specially in Thoubal is dry. The farmers eagerly waiting the rain for cultivation. Now it is the time of rain but last month excess rain destroy vegetable and fish in the firms.

The five members who participated the sankirtan in the last Saturday are

i) Myself, Rajen Singh, Jatra Singh, Manithoi and Suraj Singh.

Rajen Singh has taken initiated from Tirth Swami Maharaja in the last Holy.

Jatra Singh and Suruj Singh are the members who are running the Mandir

And Manithoi is local professional narrator of Mahabharata, Gita  and


This time some more bhaktas and matajis also will participate the sankirtana.

Recently, I had read the 8th sloka of NOI. It highlights something but not clear all. Last time I asked under which direction ( the eight doors) and under whose guidance (Sakhi & Manjari - among the eight) I will enter the Vrndabana Mandir. Another one is where I will stay after returning from Vrndabana  by sidhi (Gamana-Gaman).

The common believe is that “in Nabadwip no women and in Vrndabana no men” can entered. Please explain.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - All glories to Srila Prabhupad. Hare Krsna. So, so ....... ssoooo nice to have regular communication here in this Blog Sanga. Manipur, Thoubal, so important for ISKCON's development.    Thank you for the Mandir Sankirtan news. Please offer our obeisances to all the Kirtaniyas.

Text Seven did you see... Prabhupada paraphasing, summarizing, the verse, "Adau sraddha...". It starts with the paragraph labeled "The conclusion is...".   This is one of our MOST important verses. To adance to Vaikuntha, then Ayodhya, then Mathura, then ... Goloka, we must understand and apply this verse.

It is from Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu (1.4.15–16).  You can find the complete Sanskrit and another translation by Srila Prabhupad in BG 4.10 Purport.   The questions about which Sakhi we follow etc occur at the level of Ruci in this development as I understand.
Waiting to hear the results of your investigation.

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que felicidad volver a verlo

Nitay-Goura=Premanande!! querido y siempre recordado Gurudev,

por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias,


                                                                            Muchas gracias por tener presente a Monkey y a Piggie en su altar, igual que mis tesoros en fotos, por su gran misericordia me mantengo en Sankirtan apesar de que ha cambiado un poco la modalidad para obtener los libros en el Templo, el pago es por adelantado y tambien han subido los precios por el cambio del dolar, en medio de los cuidados para sobrevivir con un riñon que casi no funciona, distribuyo inciensos Hare Krishna de la producción de m. Lavanga, estan muy bonitos pues llevan la imagen de Krishna en la parte frontal y en la parte posterior un verso del BG 7.9  donde se explica el origen de los Aromas que emana del Señor Krishna!!!  .....gracias al entusiasmo de m. Lalita Hirdaya , tenemos una hermosa Tulasi en la casa donde vivo, y justo la ventana donde ella está para recibir los rayos del sol queda frente a mi ventana y la puedo contemplar temprano en la mañana mientras canto mis rondas, bastante dificil salir de la meditación espiritual, para hacer los que haceres materiales pero, el tiempo nos gana y hay que trabajar para cubrir los gastos de Salud, ....le pido mucho a Krishna pueda tener la oportunidad de ir a ver a mi padre, pues, el tiempo se pasa y todavia no logro reunir el Laxmi  necesario para el pasaje aereo......

Prabhu Aravinda extatico organizando Marathones con el grupo de jovenes Sankirtaneros, la ultima vez estuvieron en su bus tour por el Norte del pais, la colecta es para la construcción de un templo en Cueramaro, y tambien se esta gestando una finca con cultivos de vegetales para el mantenimiento de la comunidad Vaisnava.....

                                                                        que felicidad volver a verlo querido Gurudev, aunque sea un pequeño momento en su viaje, ......eternamente agradecida por todo lo que nos está dando, por su ejemplo personal, por su caballerosidad, por su conocimiento, por su humildad, por su sonrisa, ...y muchas cosas mas, que hacen que mi vida se mantenga a flote en este oscuro oceano material!!!

su inútil y torpe sirvienta

m. jambavati d.d.

HpS - ASA --  Hare Krsna. Gracias para su super informativa carta. Por una Vaisnava el presente es placer y la esperansa para el futuro es aun mejor!     Si, no vemos en 8-dias.  Puede ver del DTC que estamos en La Paz listo ir a Lima.  Esta aqui Deva deva Das, quien es candidato para Sannyasa y dos Brahmacaris en Traveling Sankirtan,

Unas cuentas que personas que encuentran!

Nos vemos siempre su Papa. Es buen persona. Dijo que lea un poco el BG y canta. Espero los devotos como Patrak puede mantener un poco, pero regular communicacion.

Invitation to Bhakti House Gye

Hare Krsna Maharaja!

Please accept my humble obeissances!
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I am wirting you to ask for your blessings in visiting our new Bhakti House Center during your next visit to Guayaquil Yatra. We are now in a bigger house and have now more active outreach programs like yoga, cooking courses, kirtan, and Gita reading every week. By Krsna's grace the program is slowly growing and now we are having a small group of friends who are regularly chanting Hare Krishna. We have now opened a prasadam space , serving 4 nights a week, with a group of devotees who now reside here too. 

Maharaja also please let me know if we can again do another conference at the Casa Grande University or at Universidad Catolica de Guayaquil. During your last conference many friends were very happy to come and hear your presentations. Please again guide me on who to connect to in order to arrange the program here in Gye, if you think it will be ok. 

We are very happy to hear that you will be visiting, many of us need your inspiration and association. Please let us serve you in anyway you find it fitting, 

your servants at Bhakti Hosue Guayaquil

sarva sakti dd

krsna parama prema das

adeikeshava das

karunya chaitnya das

HpS - AgtSP! Thank you for this news from ISKCON Guayaquil. Laksman agra ja Das is suggesting we visit Guayaquil during our next visit to South America. That would be end of December and start of January. You should watch for Calender Development and Category B posts here. From that you can get a copy of our Journal, "Solaris", which gives our humble preaching work.

What kind of Gita classes are you doing??!

Mandirs report.

8 years, 6 months ago by mukta singh in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

All Glories to Sri Guruji Maharaja and Gourangaba Mahaprobhu

Radha Krsna Ki Jay and Goura Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jay

Dandavat Pranam

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Guruji’s padamacharan that I am sending the report of the Thoubal Mandir.

HpS-ASA -- This is the best news. Better than the New York Times.

Last Saturday the 25th June, 2016 Bonomali Prabhu and Sadhubhusan Das along with 16 other bhaktas of Imphal ISKCON cam to Thoubal and started Nama Sankirtana at Mandir with 5 members from Thoubal. So every Saturday we will continue such type of bhajans and discussion about spiritual matters relating to Sri Krsnas past time lilas. Yours fallen servant Yamunesvara Das.

HpS-ASA -- The Witch, Maya, has no power where pure devotees chant. How is the weather in Thoubal?  Who were the five members from Thoubal who were able to participate????