Report NIMSAR to ASA June 2016
Hare Krsna Maharaja.
Here our brief report.
1.-June 12, with the blesssings of SS Bhaktibhusana Swami we opened Dominical School "Yachaykuy Jamabavanitos" in Chosica Temple.
Yachaykuy means "Learning teaching". This program is in charge of Yugala dd and collaborators: Lila sakti dd, Indira dd, B Maritere and Gandharva d.
2.- Laksmana d gave the course "Disciples of ISKCON " to Guayaquil (14 students). It was accredited as teachers of this course: KarunaNitay d and Rupagopsay d (Nimsar's collaborator).
3.-With your help, Radhika Ramana d and Lalita gopi dd we did the "Conversation about Education" in Chosica temple..
4.-Tarangaksi dd is a new member of NIMSAR, she is collaborating in news projects.
5.-Baladeva d will be in Lima of 15 to 25 August. He is teaching Comunications and Workshop"Conflits Resolution".
6.-We are finishing legal procedures for NIMSAR.
7.-We are organizing new projects that we tell you personally in our next meeting in Lima.
I hope you will be wirh good energy .
Nrsimhadeva protect you
with gratitude
ss and niece spiritual
Isvari dd
HpS - Wow! So much nice stuff! Also very nice meetings here in Chosika the last few days. We will be very happy with these meetings today this weekend also. Thank you so, so much for your association!!!!
You are an example for others.