Huancayo - Perú - 20 de Julio del 2016

8 years, 5 months ago by Gadai in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

¡Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Hare Krsna querido Gurumaharaj, por favor reciba nuestras reverencias.  Seguimos acá en la ciudad de Huancayo – Perú.

ASA - Jaya!!!  Peru, la cunyada de civilizazion.

Ya tenemos dos meses en el local (Snak vegetariano), distribuyendo prasadam desde las 7:00 am. Hasta las 5:00 pm, nuestro sadhana es; mangala artik 5:00am, 16 rondas de yapa, 4 principios regulativos, lectura del S.B. canto 2 cap.5 “La causa de todas las causas”, texto 38, leyendo también el libro “Las Glorias y Pasatiempos de Srimati Radharani”, estudiando algo de astrología védica, atendiendo a nuestras deidades JBS,  y Gaura Nitay y a nuestras salagramas silas en las mañanas y durante el resto del día dándoles de comer y por las noches acostándolas.

Cuantos personas visitando su Snak?

Estámos empezando a cultivar a algunos devotos por las tardes en el local a Bhaktin Lourdes y a bhakta Jimy, ellos cantan entre 10 a 16 rondas por día, Jimy un poquito más, estamos leyendo con ellos el libro de etiqueta vaisnava. Ellos son muy buenas personas y quieren hacer las cosas correctamente, nosotros esperamos poder ayudarlos con lo poquito que sabemos.

Estámos haciendo sankirtana "distribución de libros" los sábados, todo el dia, ya tenemos tres sábados haciendo sankirtana y hemos distribuido alrededor de 110 libros pequeños y 2 ciencias de la autorrealización y 2 viajes al autoconocimiento, eso hace 114 libros aproximadamente.

HpS - Super. Progama balanceada?

Acá en el local vienen  3 personas a almorzar y que están interezadas en la conciencia de Krsna y nos han pedido que diéramos charlas una vez a la semana, lo cual estamos analizando la fecha para abrir un centro cultural. ¿Qué recomendaciones nos dá Ud.?, ¿Nos autoriza Ud. Abrir un centro cultural?

HpS - Claro, por nuestra parte. Puede hablar con Omkara Das en Chosica tambien, no?  Mathuresa Das.   Muy bien.   Convertiendo en un centro muy fuerte, muy rapido!

Para fines de éste mes de julio vamos a comenzar la construcción en los terrenos que mi padre me ha donado, vamos a construir una pequeña base para nosotros y aparte vamos a construir un templo similar al que tiene P. Maturesh en Cochabamba. La idéa es que haya un templo donde se pueda organizar maratones de sankirtana y donde devotos sankirtaneros puedan llegar y cultivar devotos y obviamente se puedan realizar festivales, la idéa es que también los jóvenes bhaktas de Huancayo puedan realizar sadhana (principalmente mangala artik y gaura artik). ¿Qué nos aconseja?, ¿Cuál es su instrucción?

HpS - Enviar reportajes aqui. Mangala arati. Aprender el significado de las palabras del Gurv-astakam. Tener invitados una vez cada semana.

Estamos siempre comunicándonos con p. Jagad Bandhu, él es nuestra autoridad de sankirtana, y le parece muy bueno la idéa de hacer éste proyecto y quiere organizar maratones de sankirtana.

ASA - Muy bien!

Ya no estamos viviendo en la casa de M. Laksmirani. Ahora estamos viviendo en la misma casa donde nos alquilan el local del Snak. Discúlpeme por no escribirle hace buen tiempo. ¿Cómo está Ud.?, ¿ Cómo está su salud? Espero comunicarme más seguido con Ud. Muchas gracias, Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj.

HpS - Puede ver de los DTC que estamos bien. Vamos a morir en 2024 pienso, entonces buscando nuevo auto.  Puede ver symposium con BNP era super.  Ya 2018, "Arte y lo Sagrado" con asistencia de bien respectada escolars y devotos de todo el mundo, Huancayo.

Gadai Gauranga Das.

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi.



Please accept my humble obeinsances.

For a long time we have not had a nice conversation but I remembered you every day and at the same time we did many things. Now I am a Doctor in Education, last wednesday I had the presentation thesis. I gpt a nice grade. The judges were satisfied about my performance. Many congratulations for me. I juramente my new position. That the reason I cannot went to Chosica when you were there. I am really sorry Gurudeva.

HpS - ASA --- Congratulations!   Very nice.   Maybe next time we can meet there. Lalita-gopi Devi Dasi from Monterrey Tech in Mexico came for the Symposium and you would have been very pleased to have met her. M-tech is as big as University of Mexico.

Last sunday I was in Chosica I talked with Isvary mataji, NIMSAR member.

OK. since October you wont be the Bhakti Satri Examiner, and I wont be the Bhakti Sasatri administrator.

Thanks a lot your mercy Gurudeva with this simple old woman. I love you, I love Srila Prabhupada and I love Krsna.

You are always my Gurudeva. Thanks a lot again and again. HARE KRSNA RAMA!!!!!!

Your disciple, Rohini dd

HpS - How is Draupadi, Ananga, our Grand-daughter?  We are working very actively in Peru with BNP et al. Next project would be "Art and the Sacred" in 2018 with international delegates. What was the subject of your Doctoral Thesis?
As for the BhSastri program in Peru, I have started to exchange letters with Jayapataka Swami and hopefully we can all push the program forward more. Please give us your thoughts. Of course, we are all convicts in the material world, but when we join Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON in personal relationship with him we can practically cooperate.

HpS - Management Peru

Esteemed Jayapataka Maharaja et al,
Hare Krsna.     Paoho.     We finished the "Psychology and the Sacred" symposium in Peru with great, great success as your good self knows.   Then we flew to Cusco, La Paz and Cochabamba with Mathuresa Das et al.     The Sankirtan everywhere was intense.
After that an Education Symposium with devotees in Chosica and trip back to USA through Mexico City and Houston.

In Houston...
... we are making great progress in developing this Bhakti-vaibhava Diploma in North and South America, and the Ministry of Education had its 3rd Annual North American Symposium on Education with ISKCON.  All these things are seeing great progress with GBC participation.

Finally, we were able to send the Summary Video of the Peru Symposium to the Latin American Regional GBC address and got nice responses from Guru-prasad Swami, Hanuman Das et al.   Did your Holiness see it?

The link is:

We also included the Bio-data of the participants as you requested.   We would be very, very enthusiastic to discuss the progress  of these events with your good self as you desire. Basically we are aiming now for a global event in 2018 titled, "Art and the Sacred" which should attract sincere participation from very respected leaders around the world.

I can recount my glories in ISKCON management with Hansadutta, B. S. Damodara Swami, Atreya Rsi Das et al but in general we have excelled in first level work, as something like Zonal Legal Officer.   In that regard we have always been informed about the legal structure in Peru and because of our frequent visits and active work there many people approach us on these issues.
As Sannyasis and also at 68-years old we don't feel too competent to work at the hands on level, but we have an excellent relationship with your good disciples such as Mathuresa Das and Caturatma Das.
We would like to review the structure of the legal and administrative systems in Peru with their help. We have already been through it to some degree for various reasons and our rule has always been that Vaisnava relations come before Management relations. We like everyone in the Yatra but some of the administrative functioning seems extremely precarious.
For example, after working a lot with Yamunesvara, Ganga devi dasi, Omkara, Raghu-varam, Jiva-shakti Das et al, it seems that the National Council has not kept any Record Book of their Resolutions. This is the testimony of the current Secretary etc. This becomes problematic when these Resolutions are referred to as Peru National Law in very critical situations.

So, we would Formally Propose that with your best wishes we, with Caturatma and Mathuresa Das, review the legal structure of the Peru Yatra and make very serious proposals that would be functional in the Peruvian ambience. We feel very enthusiastic about this, even to the degree that we would now propose that unless the National Council rectify its record keeping problems, it should be disbanded and the function assumed by the GBC Secretary.
(Pretty enthusiastic, no?)     -(;o)/\___

As Daru-krsna Prabhu's structure dissolved we felt the empire that he had created was too big for ourselves (or anybody) to manage, so we decided to focus on Education and Deity worship.     The Educational work has been moving on and we can make a broader report on that as your good self desires, and we have always been trying to help in the Deity program.
Our disciple, Gaura-gadadhara Devi Dasi, was head Pujari in Chosica for many years and sustained verbal and physical abuse that no girl should be expected to tolerate. Also our disciples have been Head Pujaries in Wilson etc. We gave a lot of help so that Gaura could stay in Mayapura and take Nrsmha-kavaca's full Deity course.
How can we help more in this area?
We were Pujari, Head-Pujari, in San Francisco for years. We have bathed and dressed Srila Prabhupada's original Jagannatha and Radha-Gokulananda over 1,000 times.   Obeisances to Them. Obeisances to Them. 
In terms of $$$ support we have suggested practical programs several times and even implemented them to some degree.
1. Sunday Feast Sponsor.   This program is so, so effective in USA and other places.  There are so many Radha-Mandana bihari expatriot servants that I think it would be very well received to ask them to donate once a year in honor of their family or spiritual events eg. anniversary of their Vedic wedding, children's birthdays, Janmastami. $500/devotee/year would be $25,000/year budget for Radha and Madan-bihari.
Of course, this would need reciprocation. We have already experimented with this with very nice success. For example, the names of the Weekly Sponsors are posted very nicely for all to see at the Festival, fotos and even a DVD of the Festival and the Srngar and even extracts of the lecture given to sponsors. If they get six copies they can share the beauty of Radha-Madan-bihari with their friends. Beyond this, fotos for framing. We did a $1-million DVD of a the history and Puja of RMB with Peruvian director Oscar Natars. He was named Best Director of the year by Hispano-american critics last year. It is National Geographic level and was done during your visit. That could also be in the packet.
2. Also, there are many retired outfits. RMB can be dressed in them one last time and photos taken. Then the outfits can be made into Bead-bags, Book-bags, Baby hats and Vests etc.  We did this and we had to fight people off with a stick when we offered them to the devotees in Houston. You get the paraphernalia and fotos of the Deities wearing them.
Nobody can beat Peru in at least two things: Handicrafts and Tourism.
3. With Puspa-gopal we have been pushing this forward. He took our suggestion and we got 50-nice, NOI size, book bags made up with 1st class, cloth Jagannatha badges on them. Again, they have gone like hot-cakes in Texas and here in Tennessee. We gave like $500 to Puspa for RMB. 
So, that is our suggestion. Sunday Feast sponsors and abundant reciprocation in DVDs, fotos, movies, remnants.

Ooof.   We have been thinking about your questions for a long time.

We love your association so much and hope that we can be of use to you and all of Radha Madan-bihari's servants.
Our phone is +1 209 505-xxxx
Our Skype is hanumatpresaka_swami
But best way to communicate is through our Blog:
Hanumatpresaka Swami et al


Hare Krsna Dear SS Hanumat Presaka Swami.


I hope this regaining its energy and health.

Here  our brief report:

1.-Intense talks of education with SS Hanumat Presaka Swami to Chosica temple day 6 ,7 ,9 July.

Thanks to this  NIMSAR included several aspects.

2.-Closing program with Padayatra of Dominical School. Here books were distributed and 800 cokies.

3.-Nimsar have a new member collaborator: Caturatma das (SSJPSS).

And also soon Jiva sakti d ..what do you think?

HpS - Very, very nice.

4.-NIMSAR also collaborates with the Chosica temple giving 2 classes SBG (mornng) per month.

These classes are tematic..

5.-We will create a link for you have access direct to our records of agreements and treasury.

Thank you very much for being an example of service for all us.Your efforts will be rewarded.

Sri Nrsimhadeva protect you.

with appreciation

hs and spiritual niece

Isvari dd 

Hps - Hare Krsna. Thank you so much for your efforts. We can do something very nice as Krsna desires.

Bhakti vaibhava meetings in Houston and USA have also been very productive. So much work to do. We must chant Sri that Krsna will show us the priority.

We will have lot more contact in next few days.

Reporte de LAD

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaj, please accept my obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope you're well after your succesfully latinoamerican tour.

HpS - AgtSP! So nice to correspond with you. Of course you know, after Latin America was Houston. Now we are traveling back to Nashville. There we should be able to get more writing done.

LAD- I have to be more fix in the blog!

We'd been working a lot with you regarding education within ISKCON. That's a great honor.

In Chosica we had a very productive seminar.

1st day Education in school

2nd day Education in College

3er day Building a Educational Community in Chosica and workshops

4th day clousure

and a nice programa in La Cantuta University!

After my educational trips to Arequipa, Cuzco and Ecuador and working with you, I'm very enthusiastic to continue with this work for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada!

Now, I'm planning traveling to Tarapoto and Bolivia for the same purposes!

We'been talking about going to Ecuador. You agreed to go to work on education. We can have a seminar like in Chosica!

We have to talk more about details maybe by skype very soon!

Than you very nuch!

your servant,


HpS - Yes, let's talk. You seem to be making great progress in devotional service, great character change. Krsna must have big plans for you.


Hare Krishna <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" /> .

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias SS Hanumatpresaka Swami Maharaj
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada 

Mi nombre es Bhaktin Emily pertenezco al Yatra de Guayquil-Ecuador.

Para nosotros fue un gusto inmenso poder contar con su discípulo el Prabhu  Laksmana Agraja Das que fue nuestro instructor  y amigo, los jovenes del yatra a raiz del curso discípulos en ISKCON quedamos muy motivados  y comprometidos en ayudar en la misión de Srila Prabhupada.

Nos organizamos con guía de los devotos mayores para realizar este sábado el primer Harinama del 2016.

Disculpe cualquier falta u ofensa, estaba muy nerviosa y no sabia como presentarme.

HPS-ASA - Hare Krsna, Bhaktin Emily. It is very nice to meet you. Use We wish you all success in your Sankirtan. Please send some reports to this Blog. We also hope we can visit Ecuador. Are you chanting a regular number of rounds?