From Kalindi Devi Dasi 12/18/16

Esteemed Guru Maharaja:  Haribol!  Please accept sincere dandavats and pranams! All Glories To Srila Prabhupada!!!!!!!!

1)  Very happy to read about extremely successful Houston festivals, black-tie dinner, Psychology and the Sacred along with June symposium and contracts with Catholic U and Nat'l Library (so far!!)!!!!  Question:  We are still planning to meet you in Seattle June 2017 at your kind invitation and be of whatever service we are privilged to offer.  (Wish my health would allow for sleeping, eating, etc on a 5-day train ride.  Sorry).  Keep us appraised of your changing needs and schedules as the date approaches, please.  Also, if there happen to be any secretarial services I  can render for this event (or any other) please let me know!


2)   Looks like your bank account is fine right now.  Please let us know if you need any unexpected help, especially when you are out of the country.


3)   Have been communicating with dear Kamagaiatri Devi Dasi frequently.  She is special - so sincere with so many good questions about life in general and devotee life in particular.  Thank you for introducing us in Boise!!


4)   As Dave prabhu mentioned to you, our local ISKON community ran into difficulties.  We have taken a little break from attending for about a month until tempers settle down and some level of organization reinstates itself.  We have a new, smaller meeting place now.  We attended last night, and it seemed things are getting back on track.  We had been doing lots of service, while many younger folks, doing not so much.  So we also resigned from those services, except donations.  Now, the seva seems to be more evenly distributed and carried out in a more or less efficient and harmonious manner, which is great!  I have used the time to double my own sadhana bhakti efforts, especially working with my mind, which I'll tell you more about in my Disciple Report before the end of January.


5)   Govinda Priya Devi Dasi has begun a Vishnavi study and association group on the 2nd and 4th Fri nights each month.  We happened to be out of town on the 2nd Fri and will be out of town visiting Dave P's relatives on Christmas on the 4th Fri.  So I will begin attending in January.  All reports are that it was well-planned, began on time(!!!) (I expect no less from GPMataji) was well-received with all 5 or 6 matajis well-studied, taking notes, asking questions and greatly enthusiastic.  Govinda Priya DD teaches Deity Worship in Mayapur 4 months each year and is one of the few who are allowed to tend to and dress the Glorious Pancha Tattva.  She is one of the most outstanding, accomplished ISKON women I have ever met and it is a joy to know her and be friends with her!!


Ever taking the dust of your lotus feet and grateful for your undeserved mercy!


Your Aspiring Servant,  Kalindi Devi Dasi

HpS - Thank you for the wondeful news. No, we didn't see any news from Dave about problems in the Yatra. Of course, there were demons in Vraja when Krsna was personally present causing miscarriages for the girls, what to speak of ISKCON Sacamento!     If we deal with them they can stay within a reasonable range, and from the broader perspective they have a PERFECT function in KC, then we can be very happy on the Sankirtan platform with our friends, in the Yatra.

We are looking at planning West coast tour now. We have to go South America 21st June so we would visit the West before. Maybe start end of May, Northern California, Portland, Boise, Seattle, Vancouver???  Any suggestions?

Bhaktin Loly (Madrid)


Por favor acepte mis mas humildes reverencias. TLGSP

     Tal como hablamos, le envío una foto de mis Deidades y otra de las Deidades de mi hija. Ahora en invierno les ponemos un abrigo; aquí en la sierra de Madrid hace frío. 

     Me gustaría que me explicara lo que me dijo en su última carta acerca de Jaghanatta [Jagannatha]. Yo pensaba que tenía esa forma porque cuando volvió a Vrindavan y vió a Radharani entró en éxtasis y Balaram y Subadra después de verlo, también entraron en éxtasis.

ASA - No tengo historia directa de Prabhupada, pero Krsna has visto Radharani antes de volver a Vrndavana, en Kuruksetra, no para la batalla, pero despues en otro evento.

Jayananda dijo que Prabhupada dijo es Krsna con la opulencia de Kurukstra, Dvaraka. No se mas ahoradecir mas.

     Ayer en Madrid, estuvimos haciendo  Sankirtan con los niños Gurukula. Fué una idea de Purnamasi y salió fenomenal. En una hora pudimos distribuir alrededor de 50 libros por misericordia de S. Caitanya Mahaprabhú. También distribuímos galletas de mantequilla y bolitas de coco. Los niños estaban muy contentos y nosotros también. 

ASA - Jaya! Sankirtaneritos!   Va a ser seres humanos increibles, no?

Hablé con Janardan y me dijo que ya le envió la carta. ¿La ha recibido?

ASA - Nada recien y no 'record' de algo bien pasado!? Esperamos.

     Le envío un afectuoso saludo quedando siempre a su servicio.

HpS - We just arrived in Mexico after just a few hours here in June. Very nice.

Goswami Academy Updates

   Hare Krishna Dear Maharaj,
   Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
 December is already at our doors and the 2016 is almost over. 
 The children recently went on a field-trip to the Match Theater on Main Street to watch a Musical. They had a blast. In addition, we were very    fortunate to have His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami visit the school and children last Monday. They were eager and enthusiastic to tell Maharaj what they were learning as well as answer His questions with confidence. Grades 3 and 5 students are working hard preparing for the ISKCON 50 Gita Jayanti Contest.
Finally, as an outreach and marketing tool we have registered our school as a center for the Kangaroo Math Nation- wide contest. Children in grades 1-5 from within and outside our school can take the test at our school facility in March.
Almost forgot... Trimester 1 parent conferences went well!:)
HpS - Hare Krsna. Thank you for this news!   Can people move into the Houston community? Are there houses available. How much is tuition for the kids?  Is the school accredited?

SEMI -urgente ¿Pregunta?

8 years, 1 month ago by YugalaKD in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports


Gurudeva did not understand this, he answered me in an earlier letter, I am currently serving in Chosica, NIMSAR and Pujari Sunday School, and I have always conversed with the authorities, P. Karuna, Omkara and M N. kinkari. A month ago I spoke with Prabhu Yamunesvara and with Jaya Laksmi, members of the Board of Wilson, and we stayed in talking with Mother Ganga, I would have talked to them but because of working hours it was not possible, I talk to them this week. At the present time by changes in the administration of Wilson, they are more flexible to the dialogue and P. Yamunesvara stated that he wanted to participate more actively in Wilson.

Regarding NIMSAR there is a problem of functions and communication, so the next meeting is about that procedure manual, it is an administrative and internal arrangement, so I do not understand this that I answered the last time, you wrote: "Then We are very, very strongly proposing that you do not have any Nimsar meetings unless there is a member of the National Council and other gifts to participate. "

With the National Board or National Council led by Fr. Caitanya Candra, a representative of NIMSAR, I think he must be the same president or delegate of the group and present his work plan of studies in the temple or project on proposal. That's why I do not understand your answer.

HpS - There are many members of the National Council, Caitanya, Caturatma, Karuna, and also the Presidents and Members of the Temples. Our idea is that unless we have enthusiastic participation of the Temple community officials then we should stop trying to do Bh. Vai. or Bh. Sastri. We can do something else that will push to higher development, but in Radha-desa, other places the Mihe, Vihe, Ole, is well integrated with the Temple, then it works. Different units focus on different work.

So far LAD must have communicated the problems of NIMSAR, official statement. There have been many irregularities. Please clarify what you wrote me, because I do not understand.

If there is a NIMSAR meeting with you that we would like very much, how long would it be?

Hari cake!

His daughter who adores him:

Yugala Kishora Dasi.

HpS - I think we meet Friday. Can be for 1/2 hour. That is enough for us. The we apply what we discussed and then meet again!!!  Conquer the world for Govinda!


Gurudeva no entiendo esto, que me respondio en una carta anterior, actualmente hago servio en chosica, escuela dominical de NIMSAR y Pujari los domingo y siempre converso con las autoridades P. Karuna, Omkara y M N. kinkari. Hace un mes hable con prabhu Yamunesvara y con Jaya Laksmi, miembros de la Junta de wilson, y quedamos en hablar con madre Ganga, ya hubiera hablado con ellos pero por horarios de trabajo no fue posble, esta semana hablo con ellos. En la actualidad por cambios en la administración de wilson, estan más flexibles al dialogo y P. Yamunesvara manifestó que deseaba que participe más activamente en Wilson.

Respecto a lo de NIMSAR hay un problema de funciones y comunicación, por eso la próxima reunión trata de eso manual de procedimientos, es un arreglo administrativo e interno, por ello No entiendo esto que me respondio la vez pasada, Ud. escribió:"Entonces estamos proponiendo muy, muy firmemente que usted no tenga ninguna reunión de Nimsar a menos que haya un miembro del Consejo Nacional y otros presentes para participar".

Con la Junta nacional o Consejo Nacional liderado con P. Caitanya Candra va un representante de NIMSAR, pienso que debe ser el mismo presidente o delegado del grupo y presenta su plan de trabajo de estudios en el templo o proyecto a propuesta. POr eso no entiendo su respuesta.

Hasta el momento LAD debe haberle comunicado los problemas de NIMSAR, verción oficial. Han habido muchas irregularidades. Por favor,  clarifique lo que me escribió, pues no entiendo.

De haber una reunión NIMSAR con Ud. que nos gustaría mucho, esta cuándo sería? 

Hari bolo!

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi.

Sorry by our bad comunication with you

Hk dear guruji agtsp pamho Agtssgg 

One of my realizations in this year is that we are very fortunate to be part of this sankirtana movement down your steps so thank you so much for accepting us as you spiritual students .. Realy i apreciate a lot your endeavor to serve srila prabupada.

Talking about us ; we are in brasil traveling as vanaprastas all week we have to travel to doferent citys sometime in car other in airplane this weekend we go to buzios to holi festivalfor chant hare Krishna kirtan for thousand people. Sometimes its getting very austere for one family with a 4 year old daughter so in january we are leaving to india for some months vrindavana and participing in elachakra kirtan mela and mayapur kirtan mela, krishna realy blees a lot .. I found or i decide wath to focus in the service .

Our family its god harini and karuna are a nice devotees and they do a nice service 

, our shilas are worshiped as elder sons and we are chanting japa every day minimum 16 r and srimad bhagavatam canto 2 now, japa notebook and other books ...

I hope all well about your health , and service , we pray to krishna for blessings for you dear guru maharaja.

I hope meet you in india i will see your dates we will follow some days 

Your, insignificant and trying to serve 

Nanda nandana dasa 

And family 

HpS - Jaya!   Yes, we heard you had left for Brazil and then India.  Your life is wonderful!       Yes, we will get a phone in India and then you can call us!   Chant Hare Krsna and Krsna will reveal His plan for you, no?

December Nimsar Report 2016 (Urgent)

Hare Krsna SS Hanumat Presaka Swami.


For the reports that you send, we see that your health has ups and downs.

HpS - Thank you for this report. Our health is good for our age. Usually no ups nor downs. Is matter of controlling our energy, lust.

We worried the time pass, our leaders leave.

Sorry for sending this late report.

1.-Answering your questions of the previous report:

_Yes, Nimsar have minutes book.

_ What is the relationship with National Council?

For the moment, efforts are being made to improve the communication with them.

_ Karuna Krsna d explained me: Nimsar can to give courses but first presenting our proposal to each temple.

_ Visit of SSJPS to Perú is suspended.

2.-We talk with lad (Isvari dd, abhinanda d), to coordinate meeting with NImsar.

Lad desire to establish rules for to regulate to administration of NImsar.

3.-Here arrive to Chosica a devotee named Mahabudhi d (Director of Vedic College Florida), was invited to give class of SBhag but devotees they do not know that him is now follower of Narayana Maharaja.

HpS - As far as I know he was associating with N. Maharaja but never to the extent of any formal sanction by GBC.

4.-In the last report of year, I will send a report resume of activities of Nimsar.

That will be my last report. The next year new secretary.

ASA - On behalf of T. Brown, B. White, G. Gizmo and all of the Members of Supreme Absolute Undifferentiated Commando of the Anjana Suta Academy we extend our most sincere thanks for your most expert and sincere service. We can only hope that greater opportunities are soon to come.

5.-I think so we will be on stage to become good citizens of ISKCON.

Sri Nrsimhadeva protect you and let us understand your instruction.

With affectionate respectful.

ss Isvari dd

HpS - We talked with LAD and are hoping for a meeting with NIMSAR this Friday. Excellent prospects.