ASA SB Sunday Workshop

Subject: Re: Sunday Srimad Bhagavatam review class starting 11:15 AM

 Hare Krishna Prabhus and Matajis:
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada:
Thanks to all who joined for our first Bhagavatam review class.

For next Sunday (5th) the rotation is as follows:
Srila Prabhupada Guru Puja:  Mother Acyuta
Bhagavatam Review: Srinivas Prabhu - slokas 3- 7
Bhagavad Gita Class: Upendra Prabhu

Anantarupa das

Hare Krishna Temple
1615 Martha St.
Boise, ID 83706
(208) 344-4274

Super Urgente!!!!!!!!!!!!!NIMSAR on suspension

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaj, Pamho, AGTSP!

After many days of meditation I, we, decided to not work as a group (NIMSAR) any longer. Painful decision, but realistic.

It was a good name, we did good things together, gained some reputacion, etc, but continuos desagreements were holding back our development.  

It was too much. I tried, believe me, I tried really hard. But enough is enough.

I've always have your injuctions in my heart regarding this topics. I took all them into consideration. 

However, I'll continue my job as a teacher. We have to work on details, etc. 

If you allow me I can teach with your study guides as member of ASA. I have a nice relatonship with my authorities in Chosica and they agreed to work with me.

My idea is to help Junta Nacional to be again examination center. I'll do my best to work  with authorities in a nice relationship. I think that Krishna wants that, a healthy cooperative work. I was never happy with the idea to work only through NIMSAR cause is a hazel (hassle) working with the administration.

The easy way out is "to hell with all this. I can work in a nice school for at least $1000  or $1,500 a month"

But no, I want to work for Prabhupada as much as I can. Giving all my time possible. Having the chance to manage muy time as I desire.

I don't know. I'm probably wrong.

Well, that's for now.

Please, forgive me.

I couldn't do much about this.

your servant


ASA - Commando -- Seems cool to us. Let us hear what your determination is and the determination of your partner soon. 

ABC Saturday Morning Workshop. . .

.... has now become a Sunday morning Workshop with the Boise Temple as announced below:

Hare Krishna Prabhus and Matajis:

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Thanks to Hanuman Swami's efforts and desire that New Biharvan devotees associate together and review Srimad Bhagavatam at least once a week, some of us have agreed to meet at 11:15 AM on Sundays to do the same. This will change the Sunday feast schedule slightly and as Hanuman Swami had pointed out it will in fact the feast even more meaningful and joyous. Please see the new schedule below and join us for some nice sangha:

Sunday feast schedule:
    11:00 AM         Srila Prabhupada Guru Puja and kirtan
    11:15 AM        Srimad Bhagavatam review - 30 minutes
    11:45 AM         Sunday Feast class (BG or other topical Krishna Katha)
    12:30 PM          AArti and Nrsimha Prayers
    1:00  PM          Announcements
    1:15  PM          Feast

The plan is to take turns (by initiated devotees) to do Guru Puja, kirtan, SB review and the feast lecture.

Murari Prabhu and Mother Kamagyatri will make sure that Guru Puja aarti plate etc. is ready and will be back up for doing the Guru Puja. Cleanup of the plate after the AArti will be done by whoever is doing the AArti. For Guru Puja, review, kirtan and feast lecture proper devotee attire is required 

For this coming Sunday the 29th, I am proposing:

Srinivas Prabhu to do the Guru Puja

Anantarupa das to do the SB review. I would like to start the review and lead the discussion with SB from the beginning 1.1.1 - thru 1.1.5. 

Mother Acyuta to give the feast lecture.

Krishna is very happy when devotees get together, specially when it is the desire of His dear devotees such as HH Hanuman Swami; please join us. Also feel free to invite others; the invitees can try out but ultimately they should be willing to come regularly. The sangha (until 11:45) is for regular attendance of like minded devotees with desire to taste SB nectar and association of devotees. Please let me know if you plan to attend
Anantarupa das

Please join us

Hare Krishna Temple
1615 Martha St.
Boise, ID 83706
(208) 344-4274
[email protected]

ASA - What percentage of the First Chapter do the first two verses represent?

Preaching urgent

Hare Krsna BELOVED Gurudeva



Hope this meets U with good health!!!

Thank U for posting your activities here. We check this blog after our rounds everyday.

Well regarding NIMSAR. Yes the Lad and the majority of us thought that this was the best decision. We have worked for years trying to get along but it was impossible..  We can face challenges but without working as a team is impossible. I have good communication with Lad he will write to U explaining the details soon.

But now basically I want to take shelter in ASA as U said then if we can not work together we can work with ASA.. So I have 2 students in chile that want to take Bhakti Sastri with me.. So how can I teach to them and bring them support. I mean they will ask for a certification. I do not want to teach in the temple.I prefer just to give Bg and SB classes that's it. Another question may I use your material? I mean your study guides TPP. When I teach I learn more. Please guide me. What should I do. Because the classes may start in February. Please also tell me in which way I may be useful in ASA. I just distribuited one Light of the Bhagavata and one BG in English I am in wilson. Now I am going to the beach to relax. Thank U Your useless servant Candramukhi dd

HpS - ASA -- We are typing on the back of a luggage cart in the Delhi Airport. Little bit of arythmia. Waiting for our luggage.

To give certificate you have to have connection with an authorizied center. ASA is not authorized and really neither is Peru right now.

We can think more about how to go ahead in the near future. We are getting a view of a lot of other centers now.

Nimsar reoort urgent

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva


SO sorry for the delay I was a little confused about if I need to send a report or wait that  lad (Lad) does

Well straight to the point !!! Even if we try to work together as a group, still we have another [other] visions, targets and different modes on how we work, etc plus all the pressure from external people..... pfff we are seriously thinking in DISSOLVE NIMSAR and create other institution.

Our desire is to continue working in education, is the only way to learn

Thank U for iur patience and support

This is my last report as secretary. Lad told me to put that.... Personally I think that dissolve is the best option and we will back  from the ashes. With rules that all of us obey we need to work a lot in our ego. 

Trying to be useful

Candramukhi dd

H. P. Swami - ASA -- Hare Krsna. "Last Report" - Does this mean that you are resigning as Secretary? Isvari Devi Dasi was sending the reports each Ekadasi, not the LAD. Seems that NIMSAR is a fine name for an ASA Branch in Peru, but just need to work on the: Who am I, Who are we, phase of things. Then Plans. If plans based upon personal relations require and institution like NIMSAR, if not, then yes, we can put NIMSAR on suspension.

Books are the basis. The heart of any educational institution is its library. What books are your basis?

HPSwami is based upon: NOI, LOB, TLC, Song Book and how these lead to the Bhaktivedanta Library, specifically Pada-padma. Then we are reaching out to C. G. Jung's books and other World Classical Literature.

What books are the basis of your study and teaching and preaching???

Urgente! Reporte Vyasa Puja en Santiago

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja.

Por Favor acepte mis reverencias.

Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada.

Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Gaura Nitai.

Como le prometí quiero entregarle un pequeño reporte de Su Vyasa Puja, celebrado acá en el templo de Santiago de Chile.

Se realizó el día viernes 30 de diciembre, desde 1las 16:00hrs. Y como ese día se celebra la Fiesta en Honor a Srila Prabhupada, fue aún más hermoso celebrar ese día, glorificando a nuestro Fundador Acarya.

Asisitieron entre 120 a 130 personas, incluyendo invitados y niños. 

Comenzamos con unos hermosos Bhajanas, luego se realizaron las ofrendas. Un momento muy emotivo, que nos conectaba mucho más con Usted.

Luego del Gaura Arati, mataji Alankrti dió una hermosa clase, que tuvo muchos asistentes.

Luego Puspanjali, Guru Puja y Kirtan..

A pesar de que fue muy difícil reunir las donaciones para la realización de la fiesta, ya que muchos discípulos suyos no aportaron, nos llevamos una gran sorpesa, porque muchos otros, muy comprometidos lo hicieron, incluso recibimos una buena donaión de una bienqueriente.

Quiero darle algunos nombres de devotos que destacaron por sus servicios:

Pundavanika, siempre es muy comprometida con el servicio, y ayudó muchísimo en la organización general, guirnaldas, decoración, servicio del prasadam, etc.

Alankrti además de las guirnaldas, preparó una hermosa clase.

Prabhu Lomarsa Rsi, hizo 7 tortas con mucho espero, además creo que estaban deliciosas.

El servicio de Parasurama en la cocina, junto a su equipo, donde sacó más cantiad de prasadam que la que teníamos pensada.

Lalita Madhava organizó los bhajanas y nos ayudó en la coordinación de la ceremonia.

Trivikrama diseñó el afiche.

Destaco a estos devotos, a pesar que hay otros devotos y devotas que ayudaron y dieron sus cuotas para el festival, pero desde un inicio hubo muy poca asistencia a las reuniones. No tuvimos más de 7 devotos en cada reunión que se hizo, y eso era muy desalentador.

Pero bueno, finalmente se realizó el festival Vyasa Puja, en glorificación del Parampara, y fue muy hermoso poder ayudar y estar ese día ahí junto a todos los devotos, compartiendo lo mejor que tenemos en éste mundo material,. El canto del Santo nombre, y el servicio a nuestros maestros espirituales y a Sri Krsna!

Adjunto un video que realizó Cintamani Devi Dasi (Discípula de SS JPS Maharaja, con fotos sacadas por Guna Manaji, Cintamani, y palabras de algunas ofrendas)

Muchas gracias Guru Maharaja por la inspiración.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Priya Sakhi Devi Dasi.

HpS - ASA -- "Esta Sociedad fue empezada sin ninguna ayuda, pero ahora se está respondiendo a la llamada, y está siguiendo este sistema de tratos mutuos. Nos alegra que la gente esté ayudando generosamente condonaciones para el desarrollo de las actividades de la sociedad, y también esté aceptando ávidamente cualquier humilde contribución que les estamos brindando en la forma de libros y revistas que tratan estrictamente sobre el tema del cultivo de conciencia de Kṛṣṇa.",

We have to consider if what we are doing is right. If it is then we should go on whether others accept or not, preaching without violence, no? Of course, if people are not responding we can move to another Sankirtan field where people are more receptive.

We only want to see "our Vyasapuja" as our chance to glorify the Parampara including our position in proper prportion and your position also.

Now it is 2.18AM in Thoubal, Manipur. Rtu-raja Das is chanting next to us with great vigor. We have 5-rounds done and will have three hours of driving today so we will chant some of our 16-rounds while driving.
Thank you for the news and the clip!!
We hope everything is going well with your Sankirtan and your Sankirtan partners!!!