Personal Sadhana and Mandir report of THOUBAL

All glories to A.C. Prabhupada Maharaja and Sripada Maharaja

Gouranga Mahaprabhu and Goura Bhakta Vrnda

Guruji Maharaja, Dandavat Pranam!

HpS - ASA -- Please accept our humble obeisances!  Manipuri Samskriti, Ki Jai!

Please accept my humble obeisances unto the Guruji's padmacharan that   we are continuing mangal arati, Narasingha arati, Tulsi arati then Gita path etc. with 5 to 8 matajis and prabhujis. During Krishna Vahana Das of ISKCON Congregation (Publication & Promotions Team) of Mayapur stay in our Mandir he teach us how to do aratis and Nama Japa loudly half of the mala and dansing with mala japa. In my opinion prabhuji's method of practice is physically helpful for all bhaktas. Actually our mandir is not originally established under the guidance of ISKCON. Our ancient Krsna bhaktas started one hour Bhagavat discussion in a week on Sunday only.  Gradually, we new followers of the ancient Krsna bhaktas started Sunday full programme bhajan kirtan, Bhagavat Path, Boogh arati with prasadam and daily bhog arati and sandhya arati.

Next, our plan is to construct a residential area for permanent pujari and some bhaktas for daily mangal arati, Bhagavat Class in the morning and Gita Class in the evening after sandhya arati. It will take some more time but it will be helpful for all bhaktas. Sometimes please inform to Dr. Nandalal who is the President of the Mandir Committee through this mail. I will download and hand over the hard copy.  

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - Dr. Nandalal is dentist???   Please tell us a little about him.  We send our respects to him and all the Ancient and New Bhaktas.   Your Temple is like a light in Kali-yuga for Thoubal.


Querido Gurumaharaja 
Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias!
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Alguien que lo admira mucho envía a través de mi esta pregunta.

Quién es el ateo famoso que estudió arduamente hasta llegar a aceptar los argumentos lógicos de la teología, decepcionando a sus seguidores en el ateísmo??

ASA - Anthony Flew:

ASDD: Respecto a mis servicios,  la obra "El Testigo Divino" la historia de Sakshi Gopal,  fue invitado a Cueramaro para Vyasa-Puja de SS. Bhaktibhusana Swami y recientemente fue presentada para Vyasa-Puja de Srila Prabhupada en el templo  y llevamos otra obra a  Tulancingo para Janmastami.

HpS - Por que no telvision nacional de Mexico.  Pienso la gente le gustaria much, cuentas relilgioso de la India!
Seguimos como pujari 2 días por semana. 

1-Es necesario algún ritual previo o procedimiento especial para el actor que protagoniza a Krsna?

HpS - No, listo actuar un poco loco. 

2- He leído de Srila Prabhupada y SS. Guruprasad Swami recientemente me dijo que las obras de teatro no tienen que intentar entretener al público provocando risas sino conservar y trasmitir la esencia de las sastras.

HpS - Si, pero hay muchas risas (mas que otras cosas) en nuestras Sastras, no?
Hay quienes les parece que los actores antagonistas como Kamsa, Hiranyakasipu etc no deben proyectar tanta maldad en su carácter pues resulta fuerte para el público (vaisnavas o no vaisnavas) y también resulta cansado para el actor.

HpS - Si, vamos a presentar como bueno es la vida espiritual and que mal la material, pero enfasis en el bueno. Canto cinco es fuerte, pero es Canto cinco. Canto 1-2 son para el publico. 
Nos puede dar algún consejo por favor ? 

Disculpe nuestras ofensas por favor. 
Muchísimas gracias por Su misericordiosa atención.
Vuestra eterna servidora 
Asta Sakhi dd. 

HpS - Puede ver com Prabhupada introduzca Radharani en el Prefacio de Upadesamrta. Esta alla, pero solamente en una manera general. Tiene que juzgar el publico. Por eso hay tan muchos ejemplos de predica en el CC, SB y Prabhupada lilamrta. Prabhupada le gust mucho la drama.  Quiere establecer siempre como un elemento de la predica.

Drama - y - Science!   Tien un clip, un minuto en YOutube??

GBC- Annual Report Answer

7 years, 5 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

From: tamohara Das
To: HpS (HHR)  
Sent: Sunday, September 3, 2017 8:40 AM
Subject: Re: Hanumat. Swami Brief and Enlivening Bi-annual Report

Hare Krishna,
Thank you so very much for this informative, interesting, and enlivening report. I would happy if everyone I worked with gave such nice reports on a regular basis.

You have such dedication to education, in bringing Krishna Consciousness to both the academic world and to the devotees at large. Srila Prabhupada often spoke of our mission as being an educational one, and you have taken these instructions to heart, and fulfilling them.

I am no one to offer blessings, but Srila Prabhupada will certainly bless your work.

Thanks again. 
Your servant,
Tamohara das

PS.  BTW - if your are doing work in the area of Psychology, please keep me in mind. I have a keen interest in this area, and in fact, am preparing to do some writing on the intersection of Psychological principles and Krsna Consciousness.


HpS - 

The best community we have encountered so far are the Jungians. Prabhupada in Spiritual Dialectialism said that amongst all the Western philosophers Jung had the most sense. Have you read his auto-biography?
Also, Improvisational Theater is big area for Psychology and KC, no?

Thank you.

ASA Bi-annual GBC Report

7 years, 5 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

All Glories to Sri Sri Guru-Gauranga. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Hanumatpresaka Swami - Anjana Suta Academy

Esteemed Secretary, GBC, Tamohara Das,
As per our agreement, confirmed with a hearty handshake in Mayapura about three years ago, we here-with submit our Bi-annual GBC report for "Anjana Suta Academy" a tiny but sap filled branch of the great ISKCON tree.

Since last Gaura-purnima we have done extensive work with the Ministry of Education with Sesa Das, Rama-giridhari Das and others and very powerful programs in South America. Before all we have followed four-principles strictly and chanted 16-enthusiastic rounds daily, minimum. We have a lot room for improvement in our service attitude but by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and the Vaisnavas we are slowly progressing.

With the Ministry we organized the 'Fourth Annual Symposium on Education with ISKCON' in Seattle that had as its result, among other wonderful things, the formation of a Ministry Journal, 'Viplavah', which we shall send to you soon.

In South America, through our NIOS, Tennessee, and in co-operation with two National Libraries and several first class cultual organizations we presented: Second Symposium on Psychology and the Sacred, Hamlet and Arjuna, Jung and the Bhagavata. See and search for "II psychology and the sacred" for potent clip of the event in Peru. We were in 26-airports from 1st June - 1st August.

Now with NIOS we are looking to applying for a $125,000 grant for an exploratory film, 'ART & THE SACRED: A Pligrims Progress".

This is just a quick summary knowing you are very busy but we are certainly anxious if we can be of any more detailed use to you and get your mercy for our Sankirtan in any way.

Your humble servants,
Hanumatpresaka Swami, Anjana Suta Academy.

Sharing urgent

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva


I hope U are fine. Thank U for always enlighten us !!!

We went to Chosik for Radhastami. We had in our heart your instruction." Make Radhastami useful"

I arrived and on pujari's door there were listed all the devotees who were supposed to make all the services.. My name was not there, but anyway I entered with the intention of at least wash the parafernalia. As soon as I entered devotees engaged me in service.. artik at 4:30pm, sandhya artik, abhishek, we dressed the deities on their pijamas... and of course we washed the dishes..

Palika arrived.. yugala all our friends ... I stayed in chosik until the other day in Kanupandit's house along with yugala.

One devotee donated a new vehicle for Productos Naturales Govinda

It was a great festival

Hope U enjoy the pictures

Thank U very much

See U in FMP

Your eternal servant

Candramukhi dd

HpS-ASA  --  AgtSP..  Paoho..  How many people was Radharani able to reach because all of Her friends put Her in the spotlight?   She is in great distress in separation from Krsna. She wants to see that thousands of people are visiting Krsna's temple. She wants to enthuse the Bhakti in their hearts. A little help on Radhastami and She can reach more and more.
Thank you.

Vandiye Sri Pada-padma Vrsabahnu nandini.


7 years, 5 months ago by Germán Vegas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna, Gurudeva

Please, accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

By order of Karuna Krsna prabhu I send you this report commenting that we have had our first meeting with him and Yugala Kisora ​​dd. to address the education issues for the temple of Chosica. Here the details:

  • At the moment, the designation of prabhu Karuna Krsna as national education coordinator has not been made so we are only working at ISKCON Chosica level. In that sense, the temple administration and its educational program are independent of ISKCON Lima.
  • The first topic that has been discussed has been the Sunday school. At the moment it is not working because the parents are not taking the children to the temple. Since a few weeks, no free prasadam is being distributed, so many families are going to the temple after lunch, at best. Some possibilities are being considered such as giving free prasadam to children or making some adaptations to activities to make them more attractive to children and their parents.
  • On the other hand, we are looking for some ways to improve existing educational programs, for this we have to make an evaluation and convince current teachers to improve a higher educational standard as necessary. Some pedagogical techniques can be included, among them is considered the need to prepare a workbook for students and another for teachers, so that the contents are better structured than at present. 
    HpS ASA -  What are the "existing programs"?
  • It is intended to extend the educational concept to a model that not only cultivates the academic (sastrical), but also formative (character and behavior) aspects. To do this, we are working with the Danavir Swami manual, Fortunate Souls, which I was asked to summarize. Then we will see how this content is included in existing courses or how it is articulated as an independent course.
  • Finally, a small temple education committee has been set up as follows: Karuna Krsna dasa (program director), Gandharva dasa (pedagogical advisor / secretary), Yugala Kisora ​​dd. (Educational promoter). For the moment, we will be meeting once a month. We will be reporting on our progress with the same frequency Gurumaharaja.

Your servant

Gandharva dasa

HpS - Hare Krsna!   AGTSP   paoho.   Thank you for the news. I see YOUR educational report next. I think the Chosica development depends very much on your personal development. If it is exciting, so will be the Chosica program.

Please offer our humble obeisances to KKD!  and YKD!  from HpS-ASA.  O.K.???