Annual NIOS $$$ Report and Accounting Prospectus

7 years, 4 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Financial Report &  Reporting Prospectus


2016 July 1 – 2017 June 30


Compiled by Hp Swami, General Secretary of Advisory Board, from Sm. Abhaya Narain, Treasurer, notes etc.




         NIOS International – 26, 135

         NIOS Nashville – 731
 – 8,374

         SUB-TOTAL – 35,240


Book Sales

         NIOS Int’l – 258.70

         NIOS Nashville – 100.00

         SUB-TOTAL – 358.70

TOTAL – $35,598.70



1.   Anjana Suta Academy – 7509*

2.   India Dr. Sanaresh Bandhyopadyaya & others for printing and publication – 2,650*

3.   Car Purchase - $3,500

4.   Car Registration etc. - $639.25

5.   Meta-soft Membership – 4,995*

6.   Misc. Expenses – 205.18

7.   South America Tour Including “Psychology and the Sacred”, printing ‘Solaris’ magazine - $2,000

8.   Nashville Kirtan - $356.84

TOTAL – 30,229.27






(2017 Sep 24)


1.   NIOS International - $21,648.63

2.   NIOS Nashville - $45,211.26

3.   US Bank Visa – 0

          SUB-TOTAL - $66, 859.89


4.   Integro, Oscar Natars, Professional Cinema Services Due - $2,000

5.   Goloka Education, Ramanan Nagarajan, Sunday School Curriculum Design Services Due - ~$6,000 of $10,000 original contracted.

6.   Automobile ~ $3500

         SUB-TOTAL – 11,500

TOTAL -  78,359.89




1.   Anjana Suta Academy (Hanumatpresaka Swami) - While traveling we receive and pay NIOS funds through ASA and keep simple but usually adequate records. Any money ASA received from NIOS should have been accounted and adjusted by 30 June 2016. We will try to find out the cause of this but for certain it was NIOS printing, publication or event expenses in Europe or South America.

2.   India Dr. Samaresh – These are for publication of works such as the book Bharatiya Sanskriti and the forth coming Education in Ancient Indian and Making in Modern Times.

3.   Meta-soft Membership – Is for professional help in obtaining grants from foundations.



To improve accounting in this fiscal year we are proposing the following Chart of Accounts (COA):

1.   Assets

1.1.                Bank Accounts

1.1.1.                   NIOS International

1.1.2.                   NIOS Nashville

1.1.3.                   USB Visa

1.1.4.                   Petty Cash

1.2.                Physical Assets

1.2.1.                   Inventory

1.2.2.                   Office Equipment

1.2.3.                   Building and Auto

1.3.                Copyrights

1.4.                Accounts Receivable

1.5.                Misc.

2.   Liabilities

2.1.                Accounts Payable

2.2.                Misc.

3.   Income

3.1.                Donations


3.1.2.                   HpS – Traveling Programs

3.1.3.                   Misc.

3.2.                Sale of Books, Videos etc.

3.3.                Misc.

4.   Expenses

4.1.                Office and Property Maintenance

4.1.1.                   Web-page

4.2.                Book, CD, Periodical Publication

4.3.                Projects

4.3.1.                   ‘Solaris’ magazine.

4.3.2.                   “Education in Ancient India and Man-making in Modern Times” book.


4.3.4.                   Art and the Sacred  Movie  Symposium Oct 2018, Lima, Peru.

4.3.5.                   Nashville Annual Labor Day Festival


4.4.                Misc.


7 years, 4 months ago by Gadai in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krsna Gurudev, reciba mis respetuosas reverencias, bueno, como siempre seguimos aqui en Huancayo - Perú,

HpS - Ya esta Vd. Alcalde?

...como siempre las pruebas que hay, y como siempre luchando por pasar las pruebas de la bruja maya.

HpS - Y el progresso es eterno!

En la carta anterior me hizo esta pregunta:

Su restaurante, snack, atraya nuevo gente? Clients regular?

Si, hay gente nueva, también hay clientes regulares, la mayoria de gente es vuelve vegetariana por salud, también algunos son enfermos, pues a dos cuadras hay un Hospital, algunos interezados en los libros de Srila Prabhupada y en saber más sobre la conciencia de Krsna. Bueno, el efecto es mucho menor que salir a las calles con los libros de Srila Prabhupada.

HpS - Si, pero si podemos mantener es bueno. Prasadam, prasadam, prasadam, sus corazones se cambian.  Y tambien puede cultivar la gente que encuentran en la calle en el Snack, no?

En mi experiencia propia hay más oportunidad de encontrarce con gente interezada cuando se sale de Sankirtan, la experiencia en ese instante es muy diferente y la energia también, el Sankirtan Yajña para esta era de Kali, obviamente no es un sueño, es la realidad.

HpS - Si, es bueno hombre a hombre en la calle. Hay mucho mas gente, no? Pero cada persona tiene su abilidad y naturaleza. Buscando nuestra posicion en la ejercito de Sri Gauranga.

Por otro lado, la salud esta algo estable, bueno igual todos vamos a Morir, asi que mejor Morir haciendo Sankirtan.

Nuestro Sadhana es regular, Mangal Arik 5 am, Gaura artik los miercoles y sabados, cuatro principios regulativos, 16 rondas de yapa, Gayatris, algunas veces fallando al medio dia pero recuperando en las tardes 6 pm, lectura de Srimad-Bhagavatam canto2, Krsna Book en las noches, solo nos falta la leche caliente, jejeje.

HpS - Cuales capitulos en el libro Krsna, Canto 2?

La base de sankirtan que estamos haciendo en los terrenos, esta entrando a la recta final, esperamos por la misericordia de Sri Nityananda que todo salga bien en estos dos meses de septiembre y octubre.

Quizá un sankirtana viajero para fines de Octubre, (Ayacucho, Cusco, Puno, Bolivia, Arequipa). Esperamos se concrete este Sankirtan viajero.  LIBROS, LIBROS, LIBROS....

Bueno Guru Maharaj me despido, gracias por todo, Hare Krsna!!!

Gadai Gauranga Das

ASA - Sankirtan viajero con ????

Sismo en México

Querido Gurumaharaja:
Por favor acepte mis reverencias!
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 
Ayer, 19 de Septiembre, un sismo de 7.1 grados movió fuertemente a México. Esta vez Ciudad de México resultó  afectado. 
El Templo y las Deidades están bien, se está organizando Food for life.
La comunidad de vaisnavas se están  reportando sin daños.  Hemos preguntado y parece que los monos de ASA Mex se encuentran también ilesos.

​​​ A las 11:00 del 19/09/17 se activó la alarma del simulacro conmemorando 32 años del terremoto de 1985, dos horas después la pesadilla se repitió una vez más para México! 

Más de 200 muertos hasta el momento, aún hay gente atrapada en los escombros,  muchos edificios colapsaron incluyendo una escuela con niños. 
No tenemos televisión, pero nos informamos por las redes sociales. 

Aún estamos con el trauma pero agradecidos con Sri Nrsimhadeva; desde el cuarto piso del edificio sin oportunidad de salir pensé  "llegó el momento de partir Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna!!!! " ... pero seguimos vivos! Y el edificio resistió sin daños en esta ocasión. 
Prabhu Manash Ranjan también se encuentra bien. 

Estaré reportando cualquier novedad si Sri Krishna nos permite. 

Sus bendiciones por favor. 
Su eterna aspirante a sirviente 
Asta Sakhi dd.

HpS-ASA --  Hare Krsna!   Require tan fuerte agitacion exterior de Krsna para producir un poco movimiento en nuestras corazones dan duros.  Esforazamos cantar mas. Hay un disaster en Goloka par nuestra absentia. 

Thank you so much Guru Maharaj

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All glories to Guru Maharaj HpS!! Your sweet lotus feet.

ASA - We offered too much butter to Lord Nrsmhadeva today out of stupidity. Lettuce feet.

Dear Guru Maharaj,

In all humility, I bow my head at your lotus feet for all the mercy that you have bestowed on your fallen servant.

ASA - ... and we bow our head at Srila Prabhupada's and all ISKCON devotees feet to allow us to do something even though very mean and selfish.

Surely, we would add' Psyche'. Please keep giving us instructions....and the mercy to carry them out.

The programme has been made under the guidance of Prof Samaresh and we are so grateful to Guru Maharaj and Prof Samaresh. The timings have been made in consultation with the Heads of Departments of Psychiatry and Community Medicine, RIMS.

Slightly disappointed about the movie....can we get a glimpse of Peruvian life...a documentary or something? Of course , we will screen the movie in the temple. Would the narrations be in english? Having a strong intuition that a handful of the audience of 2nd Nov would come on 3rd Nov too.....having all faith in Guru Maharaj's ability to attract crowds!!

Slight confusion here....we will have just one external programme ...that is at RIMS. The University is a different organisation.

Talked to  Tustakrishna Prabhu. The cultural programme will  include whatever has been suggested by Guru Maharaj. Will finalise with Prof Samaresh today.

New York.....Peru.....Venus.....North pole......wherever Guru Maharaj leads the caravan...let me always be there too!

I remain,

Your eternal servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

Thank you for your immense blessings

HpS - ASA -- LOB movie we will send. It is only with sub-titles, Spanish or English and music. So someone has to look at it several times and practice reading the subtitles with great dramatic voice as they go by.  Would be best to show it last thing in the evening when it is dark?  Do you have a BIG SCREEN.  You can rent, NIOS can make donation for cost.

See Letter from/to Yamunesvara Das for one LOB picture to use for promotion: 8MB. We can even print some of them bigger size for sale.


7 years, 4 months ago by mukta singh in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports


All glories to A.C. Prabhupada Maharaja and Sripada Maharaja

Gouranga Mahaprabhu and Goura Bhakta Vrnda

Guruji Maharaja, Dandavat Pranam!

Please accept my humble obeisances unto the Guruji's padmacharan that  Dr. Nandalal is a dentist. He is now working as a Joint Director, in the Medical Directorate, Government of Manipur. He is the seniormost devotee of ISKCON though we take initiation in the same year. Before taking initiation, he was associated with the Imphal ISKCON center for the last 10 to 15 years. His wife also taken initiated. He has two sons, the elder is reading Doctor in Delhi (Dental) and the last one is reading 12th Standard or so. I dont know exactly. Now he is also coming Mangal Arati on food with his wife. His life is completely changed after his transplantation of his one of the two kidneys. He is now completely improved though taking medicine rewgularly.

He has dedicated his life fully for the activities of spiritual purposes. But he did not take the openion of other bhaktas or matajis before doing anything. It is the only defect from his side. He bought the bigrah of Jaganath-Baladeva-Subhadra from Puri (Jaganath Kshetra) when he went there but all senior bhaktas and matajis did not satisfy their expectation likewide he is not taking interest the construction of Guruji's Ashram but now he wants to use for any purpose as Guest House.

After all he is good bhakta and uninitiated matagis wants his nature but for the last 15 or more years they are coming in the mandir and no one is ready for taking initiation. Not only that they are not following the four principles of ISKCON.

In my mail also please write and instruct him for the better management of our Mandir and regarding arrangement of Guruji's future visit. As I had already mentioned in my earlier letters that we are planning to extend some portion of Guruji's Asram for Gurujis kitchen and residence of Guruji's helper.

Guruji Maharaja! as You know, Thoubal Mandir has less number of bhaktas and  matajis initiated or uninitiated. We need to start the systems of ISKCON padhati with a full dedicated pujari (Brahmachari / Sanyas). 

We want personal talk when Guruji came to Thoubal about the Navadwip Parikrama before 20 days of Goura Purnima in Mayapur. If Guruji leads our team of 10-15 members from Manipur and some from Tripura, Silchar, Guwahati and Silong it will be the best chance for meeting, discussion, question and answer. We will get the opportunity for serving Guruji for all initiated bhaktas under Guruji Maharaja which we had never available.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - Thank you for all the nice news. Please give your respects to Dr. Nandulal and ask him how is his health and Sadhana, regular spiritual practices. Ask him if he has any suggestions about our preaching when we visit in just a few months.  Thank you so, so much for your sincere service in ISKCON. I am sure you are buying Lord Gauranga by your efforts.