7 years, 5 months ago by Nanuk in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Ok , the problem really seems to be in Radhanath Swami: this is girl who was abused by Bhavananda........and then Radhanath Swami has also raped people according to this documentary. This is heavy. This is good slovenian page. Hanuman ki jay!! I knew about Bhakti Bhringa Swami not being pure at all:

Hare Krishna!!!!! Hare Rama, may Radha be always on your side, and maybe mine too.

ASA - Didn't have chance to follow the links, but I know they said that Hansadutta Swami was sitting on the Vyasa-asana in the Sunday Feast in Berkeley in cowboy boots and shoot guns, but I was there. He didn't do that, so would have to see lot of detail to get exact decision about someone's moral character.
ISKCON is very big. I fight for it's purity as an institution, which is not going to be perfect; I have my friends like you, Namacharya, Abhirama, Karuna krsna, Nitya-kishori ...........

And I have my own personal relationship with Srila Prabhupada. We are little fish, sh, sh, sh, in the big ocean of ISKCON.
.. not discounting criticism of our leaders, just putting it to the microscope.

Hare Krsna Guru Dev - Update from Pune on Aug 17, 2017

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

ASA - Hare Krsna/ Hare Rama

    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, i am in talk with a NGO for your preaching program. Trying to get details
    like - how it could be useful for you & ISKCON Education Ministry.

    As the talk is in very initial stage so would keep you posted as we get details.

    Thank you so much.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

ASA - We just sent the suggestions for travel and visiting dates. Very late, but that's the best we rate. Where are Krsna, where are the Gopis, where is Vraja dhama?  We must all talk to people who can push these songs along.

Narrate Prabhupada's Block-buster Movie!

7 years, 5 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports, Hot Topics

From: Josh Wagner To: HpSwami 
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 3:24 PM
Subject: Swami in a Strange Land

My dear Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaja,

Please accept my fond obeisances at your feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Thank you so much for your learned and (dare I say it) entertaining classes on E-sanga! They're a joy to listen to. Spiritual education can be fun!

Our dear Godbrother Yogesvara Prabhu asked me if I knew of a highly qualified devotee translator who could render "Swami in a Strange Land" into Spanish.

Yogesvara Prabhu is willing and able to pay for that service. The fee is negotiable.

Because of your extensive travels in the Spanish-speaking world, I wanted to reach out to see if you knew anyone who might be qualified and interested in doing this work.

If anyone comes to mind, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Your servant and friend,

--Jaya Jagadisa das


HpS - ASA --- Sr. Jaya-jagadisha Das,

It is always very delightful to hear from you. I hope we can be more closely involved in Sankirtan as it develops. I will post your letter on our Blog. Yes, we have some very qualified speakers, narrators, in the Spanish world. Have you sent this letter to any other Latin American Dudes?   We can post it to the Latin American GBC forum which is quite active.

Entertaining Picture Attached. One of our Alter Egos engaged with an "Temple Authority", by Maxfield Parrish.

USA - East Coast Trip

7 years, 5 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports, Hot Topics
<hr size="1" />

From: Divyanam Das 
To: "HpSwami

Sent: Friday, August 18, 2017 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: ISKCON Richmond Yatra

Respected Maharaj,

Please accept our humble and respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga!!

For your pleasure - we had a blissful Janmashtami here at ISKCON Richmond and get to serve more than 1800 guests of Srila Prabhupada. Hundreds of books were distributed and more than 1800 people honored Krishna Prasadam.

We, on behalf of Richmond Yatra Devotees, would like to humbly request you to visit us and give us opportunity again to hear and chant in your association. Maharaj, please let us know what dates works for you best and we can plan accordingly. Thank you very much.
your servant
Divyanam Das

========================- - - =============================

Hare Krsna, Prabhu,


We had about 20-devotees and served about 25-plates of Prasada, but was very nice program.

We were in 26-airports from 1 June to 1 August. Programs in National Libraries with National Poet Laureattes etc!!!

Our voice was 90% dead when we got back. Now, after resting for three weeks our energy has returned about 77%!   Tomorrow we go back to Houston for Ministry of Education and Bhakti-vaibhava work for one week. Then back here to Nashville until 27th September >>>>  India (Australia) until the 11th Nov.

Really think we should sit still until we go to India, but when we return, November - March we can plan to visit Bhaga-giri (Rich Mound).


We will post this letter on our Blog, for everyone's consideration. That is the place to catch us!!

More Sankirtan!!   You will change the world!!

Visita a Chile

Todas las glorias a Radha Krishna

Todas las glorias a Sri Goura Nitai

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudeva

por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

¡Vanca Kalpa!

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Espero que se encuentre muy bien. Hoy  sábado hace un mes que dejó Chile.

Me hubiera gustado escribir mucho antes esta carta, pero nunca es tarde como dice el refrán.

Muchas  gracias por su visita a Chile. Entendemos que es una austeridad viajar tanto y entendemos todo el esfuerzo que usted hace al visitar cada país.

Muchas gracias por permitirnos hacer servicio para usted y también perdone mis errores y ofensas en mi servicio.

  • Muchos devotos y devotas hicieron muy buen servicio para usted. En este momento puedo recordar los nombres de: Pundavanika dd, Priya sakhi dd, Gita vali dd, Prabhu Madhumangala, Prabhu Carlos Rold, Prabhu Arjuna, OM BHAKTI, Bhaktin María de los Ángeles, Bhaktin María de Argentina, Abhimanyu y su esposa Soledad, Jagad Guru y su esposa Carolina, Garga Acarya, Prabhu Miguel Ángel Sanhueza, Prabhu Mandara Sakha, Prabhu Dandakaranya, Prabhu Parasuram, y otros grandes devotos y devotas.

Para nosotros es una alegría saber que usted quedó complacido, en especial por las conferencias. Estamos armando buenos equipos de trabajo, estamos aprendiendo a trabajar en equipo.

Muy pronto vamos a realizar una reunión entre los devotos del equipo de conferencias para hacer un balance sobre el servicio y cómo podemos mejorar.

Mi amigo Sebastián Riveros es uno de los directores de Dharma Comunicaciones y él tomó muchas fotografías de usted y las conferencias.

En estos links usted puede entrar, ver y usar las fotografías que sean importantes para usted. También en esta página web hay fotografías de otros años.

Conferencia Hamlet y Arjuna, Biblioteca Nacional.

Conferencia Carl Jung, Centro Cultural Las Condes.

Antes de despedirme quería contarle que el viernes de la semana pasada, la madre Pundavanika dio una muy buena clase. Y ayer viernes Prabhu Abhimanyu dio una clase sobre cómo relacionarse de manera amorosa en Conciencia de Krishna.

Esperando no olvidar nada importante, se despide a sus pies

Bhakta Rodrigo

HpS - We looked at the links. They are very nice. We are looking for people who want to continue with these dialogs in very profound fashion. Here there is chance to change people at a very fundamental level, then all the rest, economics, envy, cruelty, will go away, at least in some. This material world is a mad-house, so don't expect everyone to change quickly. We look at letter from Abhirama Das and others to see what our future holds!  Now we chant "Hare Krsna/Hare Rama!" and that is very fine future. It will generate other things also.

New Preaching Field?

On Thu, 8/10/17, Trivikrama Swami
 Subject: Hare Krishna
 To: "Tridandi Sannyasa"
Date: Thursday, August 10, 2017, 11:42 AM
 Any comments on this?
 I'll comment that it inspires me to be
 a better person. It does so because
 it squarely address my fallen nature
 and at the same time gives me hope that
 I can rise above that nature.
 Ys TS
Hare Krsna, AGTSP!  Paoho...
Seems like great person. Read his profile in the Wikipedia. Another lecture is "Do I Believe in God?". We watched the first part and good insights. Maybe a hard copy of SB 1.9.26-28, Bhisma to Yuddhisthira about Varna-ashrama-dharma, and TLC would touch his heart.
We've printed thise SB purports as a separate booklet and it hits hard. After that we could go into so much more stuff on Politics and Religion.
Thank you.