Reporte: Jagat Pavitram

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj, 

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte mis reverencias

Muchas gracias Gurudev por responder mi última carta. En estos momentos mis padres se encuentran bien de salud y en el trabajo les va muy bien. Mi papá es un abogado exitoso y bien reconocido en su región. Mi mamá es enfermera y está a cargo de toda la dirección Académica de la Universidad Nacional de Ucayali.  Ellos están divorsiados pero son amigos.

Hace un mes renuncié a mi trabajo para postular a otra empresa. Es una mejor opción laboral y estoy haciendo todo lo posible para ingresar

Esta semana tendré varias reuniones en las casas de los devotos para iniciar Bhakti vriksha. Le enviaré fotos de las reuniones

Muchas gracias Gurudev por darnos siempre inspiración

Hare Krishna

Jagat Pavitram das


HpS - ASA --- Muy bien.  TlgaSP. Espero que los centros de Bh. Vrksa expanden hasta ser centros permanente, Full Morning and Evening Program etc!   Mas noticias de vez en cuando!



From: Greg Stein <[email protected]>
To: 'Tapan Meshram' <[email protected]
Cc: [email protected]; 'Ramgiridhari Das Ramanan Nagarajan' <[email protected]>; 'GBC Member - Sesa Prabhu' <[email protected]>; 'Leela Weinstein' <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, December 2, 2017 1:26 PM
Subject: RE: URGENT - ILS Presentation

Hare Krsna, Prabhus. Lately I have missed a few emails, so if you have contacted me and I have not responded, please resend me. That being said, I do not have any further communication from you on the possible seminars you are considering. I would encourage you to put forth your plans as soon as possible as our seminar slots are filling up. Please make sure you copy Lalita Manjari Prabhu (who is cc:ed on this email) for all ILS emails. Your servant, Gopal Bhatta das




AGTSP.     Paoho.


Esteemed Gopala bhatta Prabhu et al,

I told Ramagiridhari Das this was going to happen. <img alt="*:) happy" data-id="edea667a-3df2-ffe0-5333-38529f6aee6e" id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1512316522584_32020" src="" title="*:) happy" />   (Told ya so!)

But nobody ever listens to me. No, Sir. <img alt="*B-) cool" data-id="c6604f5e-7863-eddd-c899-a393f4b99569" src="" title="*B-) cool" />


Again ---  We were invited to give a presentation INDIVIDUALLY and we responded with our suggested presentation but it got lumped in with the MOE presentations.


INDIVIDUALLY we were planning to come back to India for the Jendal University Conference in January and the ILS program in March, but our brains, our Doctor (Nitai-gaurasundara Das), said that we would kill ourselves with so much travel unless Jendal could give us a Business Class ticket. In the end, even with that we saw that it would be too much.


  • We finished off our second MOE Journal:,
  • Now are turning to the GBC College being organized in March in South America with Rupanuga, Bala-gopal, Kauteya,
  • And our own NIOS effort, "Art and the Sacred" in Peru. This has become a global level program also!


So, INDIVIDUALLY, we must say that we are not coming to the ILS in March. We very, very, very much want to work with you on the ILS, SGGS, GBC College etc. and are going ahead with our own efforts with the MOE etc.


In general, the Ministry is in very intense times with Sesa Prabhu totally absorbed in the New York legal case etc..


We will make a call right after this to Rama-giri-dhari Das about the MOE ILS presentation. Somebody has to do it. Without a healthy Ministry of Education NO institution is going to have ANY succession.

We are at your service,

Hp Swami

Ph. 1 209-505-3219

Big big news from Mar del Plata

Hare Krishna beloved and esteemed Gurudev,
Please accept muy humble obeisances!!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!
I know by the blog, twitter and kdh how you are. But how is your pear tree?

ASA - She, He, It, seems to be doing O.K.    By S(he(it))'s Karma it is forced to stand out in the heat and cold and drink from one leg.  Oooof!   So far it has given one full sized fruit and two short ones. It is not getting any taller fast, 2-meters. Our rose bush is about the same. The gardener thought it was a weed and chopped its head off but still blossoming. How are your trees?

I really liked your proposal to Anuttama Prabhu. We have to make that step!!

I'm glad that your India-Australia tour was a complete success. And that you are recovering. Such great news that you are coming to South America very soon. I hope you can visit Mar del Plata this time.

ASA - So do we. We would like to ride there on the back of a tiger.

Spiritual life: improved a lot after we moved six month ago to Sri Govardhan, our eco village. Living close to a temple sorrounded by devotees makes things much more easy. 
16r 4p ok. Attending mangala aratik 3 times a week. 
We have to improve a lot the quality of our japa.
Material life: Still working as ayurvedic doctor. Our clinic works great. Next year we are going to leave mondays free of work to increase reading and studying. So the scheme will be tuesday to friday to town to work and saturday to monday stay at the farm to enhance spiritual practices.
We started teaching at the university, med school. Big challenge, great preaching opportunities. If you come i hope i can arrange a program there for you.

HpS - That is the program we did at the State Medical College in Manipur: Science, Psyche and SPIRITUAL Health, the Encounter of Carl Jung with the Ancient Mysticism.

Family life: we are getting married to Julieta mataji december 7th. Only civil. Fire ceremony after  one year of living together. She is daughter of a devotee, mother Maria. Very well educated and very fond of living with devotees. She has a very similar level of insanity as myself. Our astrological compatibility is very good. We have His Grace Srila Virabahu prabhu as asram guru. We are reading  also heart and soul connection by the GVT.
Madhu Mangal (Manu) and Bhurijana (Benjamin) are great. Also the Sri Govardhan atmosphere was wonderful for them. They attend gurukula, Madhu is chanting 4 rounds regularly. They have nice service attitude.
Preaching: Mostly to our clients at the clinic. Distribute books at work, like 12 per month average.
We are inviting many devotees to our farm to preach in town. Bhaktigouravani Swami was here last month and this month Hh Mahavisnu Swami and the harinam ruci. On January bramacharis from Buenos Aires mandir are coming
We quit all other engagements to focus in improving personal sadhana and bhajana.
We are creating a study group to start Bhakti Sastri. Prabhu Laksmana Agraja Prabhu kindly provided us with their study guides. The plan is two hours studying individually then 1:30 hs once a week we gather and discuss. Communication via wapp.
We plan to start next january.
Yesterday we had a meeting with Ambarish, Madhavendra Prabhus and Rati Manjari dd to start coordinate your argentinian tour.
Let's read second viplavah issue.
Your stupid disciple,
Nikunja Bihari das.

.HpS - Thank you! Marriage in Kali-yuga seems to be the best use of a bad bargain from any point of view. If everybody blesses you then could be useful (for you and everybody).
Our regards to Madhu and Buri. They got initiated?? Julieta? Maja-jana!...
Interesting you write and we just started having heart arythmias. Every now and then the heart misses a beat. NGD suggested a little more salt one time. It worked, but it really pushes us to think, we can have heart failure at any moment. How ready are to grab our hand luggage and go to the next vehicle. We want to develop an eternal little place at Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet. Remember our features, our friends, our family. We left them!

We hope your Mission becomes more and more clear. Are you headed in the right direction to understand that? Is this your last life in the materal world?!

Jagamohan Das

Hare Krisna por favor Acepte mis humildes reverencias Todas las Glorias a Srla Prabhupada.

Espero que se encuentre bien de salud, como sabe estoy en Madre Tierra intentando desarrollar el proyecto pero me encuentro con muchas incertidumbres o dudas sobre lo que debo hacer ya no por el proyecto en si  si no tambien por los devotos.

Aspirando a ser su humilde sirviente Jagamohan Das.

HpS - Hare Krsna.  Ya volviendo de India, Australia, todo!!!   Si, como you entiendo algo de confusion el proyect. Primero por buen Sadhana y associacion tiene que clarificar un poco cuales son sus responsilibidades  y naturaliza en servicio decocional, ISKCON of Srila Prabhupada.

2-puede buscar otros personal quien ha resolvado paso una arribe un poco.

Quien soy yo?  Quien somos nostros?

3- Un plan desarrollar Sankirtan juntos.

4- Parafernalia: Autos, herramientos, casa, ternos...

Adelante. Preguntas?

Reporte 1: volviendo a empezar

! Todas las glorias a sus señorías más misericordiosas Sri Sri Gaura Nitay!

! Todas las glorias a SrilaPrabhupada y a su sankirtana eterno que salva vidas!

Hare krishna querido Gurudeva, pamho, nuestro reporte es el siguiente;

Sadhana 5:00 am. a 5:30am., algunos días cantamos 16 rondas y otras 25 rondas, tenemos el deseo de volver a las 25 rondas después de casi medio año, 3 gayatris a la hora, los 4 principios está bien, bañando a las silas, recuperamos nuestra lectura del NOD y con mi esposo el SB canto 2.

ASA - Oooof!  Super-chica!

Cerramos el restaurante por algunos inconvenientes y porque nuestra vida espiritual se estaba debilitando, era muy cansador pero logramos la meta de hacer la casa  para tomar como una base de sankirtana.

ASA - Si, restaurante is MUY fuerte.

También dejamos de hacer programas en el centro cultural Bhaktivedanta por una serie de conflictos, revanchismo entre dos grupos y por otras cosas que no quiero dar detalles, entiendo que todos estamos en el proceso, pero lección cumplida para enfocarnos más en la distribución de libros, como Ud. Dijo una vez; el avance se ve de adentro hacia afuera, ahora quiero estar bien yo espiritualmente y que lo demás se dé, aquí donde están los terrenos  y la casa hay un señor juez que quiere ser devoto así que mientras estémos en Huancayo trataremos de darle lo que Prabhupada nos enseñó, estamos haciendo programas en su casa los domingos.

M. Anadi adi Govinda nos invitó para ir a bolivia para hacer sankirtana me encantaría poder tener su asociación para enero 2018, por el momento aquí en Huancayo estámos distribuyendo libros Gadai Prabhu está feliz por volver al sankirtana solo me queda aferrarme a su dhoti  para volverme experta como El. 

En enero un devoto de la India nos está trayendo 60 silas estámos muy felices pero Gadai está más feliz que yo.

ASA - 60!!!

Veo más seguido a mis padres y a mi único hermano, hay más comunicación con ellos, mi padre quiere ir a la India y mi deseo sigue vigente de poder llegar al santo dham, por ello voy a volver a empezar a prepararme espiritualmente.

Eso es todo Gurudeva perdón por ser tan materialista estoy tratando de espiritualizar las cosas en conciencia de Krsna. Vimos fotos de Ud. En India 

Atte. Nadiya Nivasi Dasi

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!      Demurra una mez responder. Viaje a India y Australia. HK!   HK!   Muy inspirador oir de Vds. A veces tenemos que evitar unos otros miembros de ISKCON por que no son de la misma humor de nosotros. ISKCON es bastante amplio, y a veces porque son Kanistha-adhikaris y muy materialist en su servicio.

Siempre buscando como podemos ayudar cualquiere person entrar en el servicio de Krsna. Krsna tiene mucho hacer!!!    Vamos a Peru en Febrero, Marzo.

Entra profundamente en la Lila de Senyor Nityananda.

Happiness Unbound.....

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All glories to Guru Maharaj HpS!! PAOHO at Your lotus feet!!

Dear Guru Maharaj,

We are so happy that Guru Maharaj's health has improved a lot! We pray that Krishna continues to bless Guru Maharaj ever more.

Laxmipati Prabhu, Banamali Prabhu and a couple of devotees who are attending SB classes daily will be participating in the ILS to be held on 4th Feb at Mayapur. Much as I wish to attend the blissful conclave, I am afraid I won't be able to apply for leave...but leaving everything to always..

Last Sunday, a group of Dental surgeons who attended the CPD programme at RIMS on 2nd Nov visited ISKCON temple and one of them approached us and told us that he really enjoyed the programme . We are so thankful to Guru Maharaj.

The texts were enlightening Guru Maharaj. Thank you so much. The geriatric population here are a  torn out lot...the insurgency had almost maimed a certain point of the recent past...there was a strong anti Vaishnav drive...but somehow a lot of us simply refused to leave Govinda...its a lot better now.....This kartik we went house to house singing Damodara Astakam. Banamali Prabhu narrated the pastimes of Damodara and Yasoda Ma ....and the benefits of offering ghee lamp during this month....devotees were so happy...we were even happier....we offered them prasadam....some of them generously offered Laxmi....

We are starting a congregation centre at Serou. Laxmipati Prabhu is taking charge of the centre. The land has been partly donated and partly sold by a Bengali Mataji. We have started construction with the little fund that we have collected. Laxmipati Prabhu has moved in...we need Your blessings Guru Maharaj...

Having some problem uploading the pics....not very techno savvy....will upload ASAP.

I remain,

Your servant forever,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - Hare Krsna. AgtSP.  Thank you for your news and letter. Pitta 95% recovered. We won't go to the ILS. Stay in Tennessee until February then start to travel: Texas, Mexico, South America.

So many things, people, change. We  have faith in staying in the dust of Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet, and reciting Holy Names.  There must be so many people who can become ISKCON members in Manipur. Hope we can get some international contribution, from Peru.