Visita Monterrey
Querido gurudeva porfavor acepte mis reverencias.
Sólo quiero darle las gracias por su visita a México. La visita a Monterrey estuvo llena de enseñanzas, fue como ponerme de frente con todos mis miedos y situaciones en donde he actuado mal. Mucho que pensar acerca de relaciones en general, vida simple, austeridad, desapego, qué es la amistad, familias amandose y luchando juntos, entrega a guru y Krishna, etc.
Que alegría poder ver a devot@s, cada uno con habilidades únicas y defectos que los hacen humanos, pero no les impiden poder servir a Krishna. Siempre hay tantos problemas y en todos lados, pero todo es más fácil con Krishna.
La depresión, tristeza y ansiedad son sentimientos tan comunes para mí, pero estoy aprendido a ver todo en su justa perspectiva. Supongo que ser mamá de dos adolescentes no es fácil para nadie. Sólo espero que mis hijos puedan tomar buenas decisiones y sean felices con Krishna.
Durante mi regreso a casa, después del campamento en Monterrey, me dijiste que esperabas que conociera en mi camino a gente interesante y tener siempre libros de Srila Prabhupada en mi bolsa. Pensé que eso era muy difícil para mí, porque por lo general me cuesta compartir la conciencia de Krishna con personas que no conozco. Y me encontré de repente en una panadería esperando mi turno para pagar, yo estaba cantando japa y una mujer delante de mí volteo varias veces a mí, de manera insistente, diciendo que había un pajarito, pero yo no entendía a que se refería. Una vez más me pregunto del pajarito y vio mi japa y me preguntó - ¿es un pajarito?- Yo le dije ah, no es un pajarito, es un rosario, con el, canto un mantra. Me dijo que se escuchaba tan bonito, que pensó que era un pajarito. Le expliqué un poco y como no traía libros en la bolsa, le di una tarjeta de NIOS, también le hablé sobre ti. Así que, me di cuenta de lo fácil que es compartir a Krishna, sólo por tu deseo. Me gusta compartir a Krishna con otros y me gustaría ser más útil en tu Sankirtana.
Por otro lado, el próximo 22 al 27 de abril se realizará el festejo del 150 aniversario del glorioso advenimiento de Srila Bhaktisidhanta Thakura en Tepoztlán. Vidagdha coordinó con los organizadores del evento la participación de ISKCON y el GBC de México SS Guru Prasad Swami. Así que, esperamos la pronta visita de su SS Guru Prasad y otros vaishnavas que vienen representado a ISKCON. Esperamos sea un muy bonito festejo.
Esperamos verte en la cuidad de México. Muchas gracias por tu tiempo 🙏.
Tu sirviente Gopi Radha DD.
Dear gurudeva please accept my obeisances.
I just want to thank you for your visit to Mexico. The visit to Monterrey was full of lessons, it was like facing all my fears and situations where I have acted badly. A lot to think about relationships in general, simple life, austerity, detachment, what is friendship, families loving and fighting together, surrender to guru and Krishna, etc.
What a joy to see devotees, each with unique abilities and flaws that make them human, but do not prevent them from serving Krishna. There are always so many problems and everywhere, but everything is easier with Krishna.
Depression, sadness and anxiety are so common feelings for me, but I am learning to see everything in its proper perspective. I guess being a mom to two teenagers isn't easy for anyone. I only hope that my children can make good decisions and be happy with Krishna.
During my return home from the camp in Monterrey, you told me that you hoped I would meet interesting people on my way and always have Srila Prabhupada's books in my bag. I thought that was very difficult for me, because I usually have a hard time sharing Krishna consciousness with people I don't know. And I suddenly found myself in a bakery waiting my turn to pay, I was chanting japa and a woman in front of me turned to me several times, insistently, saying that there was a little bird, but I did not understand what she meant. Once again he asked me about the little bird and he saw my japa and asked me - is it a little bird?- I told him oh, it's not a little bird, it's a rosary, with it, I sing a mantra. He told me that it sounded so pretty, that he thought it was a little bird. I explained to him a bit and since he had no books in his bag, I gave him a NIOS card, I also told him about you. So, I realized how easy it is to share Krishna, just by your wish. I like to share Krishna with others and I would like to be more useful in your Sankirtana.
On the other hand, from April 22 to 27, the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the glorious advent of Srila Bhaktisidhanta Thakura will be held in Tepoztlán. Vidagdha coordinated with the organizers of the event the participation of ISKCON and the GBC of Mexico HH Guru Prasad Swami. So, we look forward to the soon visit of your HH Guru Prasad and other Vaishnavas who come representing ISKCON. We hope it will be a very nice celebration.
We hope to see you in Mexico City. Thank you very much for your time 🙏.
Your servant Gopi Radha DD.
HpS - ASA --- Thank you. We read everything and it is so nourishing! Thank you. Have a book or other simple literature to give to people. You are the messenger, the instrument. Let Krsna use your mind and mouth, no?
Nice seeing you and everyone here.
Hope that our classes are useful.