Hare krsna gurudev

1 year, 11 months ago by Rituraj majumder 8165 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, gurudev


Please accept my pranams at your lotus feet.

HpS - Lettuce feet, AGTSP! Paoho.

Since my last letter in January, my sadhana was good with 16rounds and 4regs till Gaura purnima.

HpS - Three months. Quarterly Report. That is nice.

Since Gaura purnima I am again struggling. There are ups and downs.

Yesterday on 1st April I was lamenting that I am bereft of your grace and at night in dreams you came and touched my head and my body became calm in my sleep. Thank you.

HpS - Hansadutta Swami told us that SP told him that the Spiritual Master does not do anything extraordinary usually. He chants Kirtan, answers letters, but ...through him... the Paramatma does many things. AgtSP.... Paoho...

On the note of association, I wanted to ask a question. The place I stay, we don't have an established Iskcon temple but there is established ISKM Ritwik temple with regular programs.

I am lonely here without any association.

Will it be a offence at your lotus feet if I go there for kirtans, prasad and programs?

HpS - If you can extract the poison from the nectar then do that. Even more potent is if you can go there to help them become free from misconceptions.

Praying that your blessings never leave this useless soul.

Hare krsna Srila Gurudev

Rturaj Krsna Das

HpS - Hare Krsna. Nehabikramo naso sti, pratyavayo no viddhya te, svapam api asya dharmasya, trayate maho bhayat. Find this verse and purport. Tell us what you think. It is after, around BG2.35

Hari bolo.

You are an importan soldier in this effort.

You need to become Guru for a thousand people.

Go ahead.

¡Hanuman Ayudaaa! (CONTENIDO)

asa[e] - yoga ladder, guru, sadhu, sastra

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I thought that this was something very intimate in the spiritual life and that it should not be revealed openly to other people, but following your instruction, I am now making the contents of the letter public.

I want to reveal my mind regarding a situation that has been happening to me for a few weeks. Today, April 1, 2023, I am writing this letter to you again.

On several occasions in the past I have tried to have a mystical connection to be able to make decisions in my life. On one occasion I asked questions in my mind and felt the answer in different parts of my body, but I found that it was not something reliable. I also paid attention to what was happening around me to have answers, but that can eventually turn into paranoia.

Before and after meeting the devotees I have practiced different methods of meditation, and recently I tried to meditate and have an answer within. And indeed I had an answer, either positive or negative.

As the days passed, I began to have answers in meditation that seemed contradictory, and the question arose in me: Could it be my false ego?

After that experience I tried to connect with who I really am, the soul, momentarily freeing myself from the false ego, and at the same time visualizing you: Hanumatpresaka Swami, Srila Prabhupada and Sri Krishna Caitanya (his feet), as an altar in the heart or in consciousness.

When I began to meditate and receive an answer, either positive or negative from this altar in my heart. The contradictory answers stopped and such a great clarity and peace came within me that I felt happy and surprised at the same time.

I have realized that I need to go into a state of deep meditation to have a clear answer, otherwise the false ego gets mixed up in the communication.

I have been able to organize my life better, have peace and be able to make decisions that are difficult to make due to my indecision and insecurity.

However, I come to you to confirm this communication in the heart. This may be my speculation or something similar, even more so for a mental patient like me.

Is this real Gurudeva or should I avoid doing it?

Thank you very much Gurudeva

Your Servant

Piyari Mohan das

PS: After receiving your response to the previous letter on this topic, this fact of communication in the heart began to be contradictory and finally stopped working.

Anyway, if this is not real, it has helped me to realize the implementation of intelligence, and make decisions through it.

Thank you Gurudeva.

HpS - AGTSP. Thank you so much for these comments and questions. Honestly, as far as we know, they are so useful for many people. Some are in a very similar situation as you and may not present it, and for others it is a chance to understand people of different mentalities than themselves.

Our Yoga is "sublime". That means it works directly on the root connection, directly from our current situation. We can be inclined to Tama and Raja guna in a body like Jayananda Das, a Sudra or woman or a child or a dog... but that does not matter. Krsna incarnates in a gross form like the Rathayatra cart or bread and potatoes, and we can do Yoga straight from the heart through that incarnation.

Our stuggles with building or assembling the Rathyatra cart touch our heart.

Yes, the mind and intellect, manas and buddhi, must become purified, but no direct effort is needed. If you see the light house and try to go towards it, automatically you negotiate all the obstacles in the path.


Maybe you are influenced by Tama and Sattva guna, so you can do very inspired art, but then sometimes very gross physical desires are activated in a very artistic way.

So, you must learn how to engage your body, words and mind in Krsna's service. Direct experiments with Yoga might be a natural part of your work, just as Anandamaya Devi Dasi or Jaya-prema Devi Dasi in their letters might be involved with children and mothers or aunts.

It is Visvannatha cakra Varti, as we remember, who says that whatever realization we have, we should check it with Guru, Sadhu and Sastra.

So, you may be in contact with the Paramatma, Deities on your gross or subtle altars, but then you check that with Guru... we are acting as Diksa guru, Siksa guru and Srila Prabhupada is your Siksa guru and Founder-Acharya (Samstapaka-acharya) Siksa and Diksa guru. He gives tons of information in his books, by his examples,

Sadhus --- There are the examples and preaching of the previous Acharyas through him, and our godbrothers in ISKCON.

Sastra - Does your inspiration agree with Srila Prabhupada's books.

If the answer is yes, yes, yes, then you can have trust in the details you get by inspiration. All of us must become Gosvamis. All of us just develop connection with Prabhupada in our intelligence. After that we can become completely pure devotees.

If there are very fine, necessary details to discuss, that you cannot solve by detailed discussion with other devotees, then we can communicate quickly about these details in more confidential communications.


1 year, 11 months ago by julia@ct in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna! Le ofresco mis más humildes referencias todas las glorias a Srila prabhupada.

Gurumaharaja el día de hoy me regresé a León Guanajuato y no pude despedirme de usted

Gracias por su visita a México, Gracias por aceptarme cómo su discípula, muchas gracias por tantas y tan buenas enseñanzas Que el señor Nrishimha lo proteja siempre.

Le pido sus bendiciones por favor 🙏

Su aspirante a sirvienta

Jaya Prema Sakhi DD.

HpS: AgtSP!!! Paoho. You certainly seem to be working to deserve more and more mercy from His Divine Grace! Now go ahead to the next initiation.

Die fighting for Krsna.

Go with us to the next letter!

We will answer it with you in mind.

Let's go!!!

MONTERREY: Eternamente Agradecida

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias Gurudev

Ahora estoy en casa después de su visita estamos reorganizando el hogar y limpiando sé que lo despedí el domingo pero quería principalmente agradecer su tiempo y sacrificio de venir a nuestro hogar e inaugurar Nueva Govardhan aun muchas mejoras pendientes pero con sus bendiciones esto puede crecer sin dudarlo disculpe nuestras negligencias y ofensas.

Quería explicar un poco sobre nuestra charla quizá no expliqué muy bien con mis palabras en español. Empecé comentando los 10 años que tengo de conocerte por que en ese preciso momento de mi vida comenzó una catarsis interna mi vida cambió en todo aspecto y en cómo e dirigido mi vida hacia el punto que e llegado ahora.

Yo e estudiado y trabajado durante este tiempo buscando mi crecimiento personal, no es fácil con la maternidad porque como ve mis hijos son completamente distintos en carácter tiene sus retos cada día, uno de mis hijos en especial cuando yo me estreso revive mi difícil relación con mi madre pero sé que tengo que trascender ese conflicto interno.

También e afrontado dificultades personales y de salud como no habría imaginado para mi fortuna me aferro lo mejor que puedo para continuar e conocido hermanas espirituales muy inspiradoras que están involucradas en servicios de ASA y me hace pensar ¿como yo puedo encontrar mi lugar en el Sankirtan? coloqué de ejemplo mi esposo: tiene el suyo como distribuidor de libros y líder. Mencioné los aspectos de crecimiento individual, espiritual, laboral y familiar por que tenía la idea que si encuentro un equilibrio puedo sentirme más plena sin frustrar me y pueda ser mejor madre, esposa, devota y profesionista... probaré que me funciona, encontraré mi lugar siempre y cuando "Get up early and sing your rounds" (hoy Rama Navami comenzamos & Bhagavatam con mi esposo)

Deseo que su visita a CDMX sea muy buena y Sri Nrsimhadev lo proteja en su viaje de regreso a su base en Tennessee ¡¡¡ Feliz Ramanavami !!! 💚🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐄💚

Tu insignificante sirvienta Anandamaya Devi Dasi


All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Please accept my humble obeisances Gurudev

bNow I am home after your visit. we are reorganizing the home and cleaning. I know I stressed you on Sunday, but I wanted to mainly thank you for your time and sacrifice to come to our home, and inaugurate New Govardhan, still many improvements pending but with your blessings this can grow without hesitation excuse our negligence and offenses.

I wanted to explain a bit about our talk, maybe I didn't explain very well with my Spanish words. I began by commenting on the 10 years that I have known you because at that precise moment in my life an internal catharsis began, my life changed in every aspect and in how I have directed my life towards the point that I have reached now.

I have studied and worked during this time looking for my personal growth, it is not easy with motherhood because as you can see my children are completely different in character, they have their challenges every day, one of my children, especially when I get stressed, revives my difficult relationship with my mother but I know that I have to transcend that internal conflict.

I have also faced personal and health difficulties like I would not have imagined, for my fortune I hold on as best I can, to continue meeting very inspiring godsisters who are involved in ASA services, and it makes me wonder how can I find my place in Sankirtan ? I used my husband as an example: he has his as a book distributor and leader. I mentioned the aspects of individual, spiritual, work and family growth because I had the idea that if I find a balance I can feel more fulfilled without getting frustrated and I can be a better mother, wife, devotee and professional... I will try that it works for me, I will find my place as long as "Get up early and chant your rounds" (today we started Rama Navami & Bhagavatam with my husband)

I hope that your visit to CDMX is very good and that Sri Nrsimhadev protects you on your return trip to your base in Tennessee. Happy Ramanavami!!! 💚🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐄💚

Your insignificant servant Anandamaya Devi Dasi

HpS - ASA -- www.translate.google.com Thank you all for your association in Mexico and your years of sacrifice for Lord Caitanya's, Srila Prabhupada's, movement. We just went through a similar day. We wake up after a little bit trouble sleep from our lusty eating and hearing from the day before.

Fight to have good morning program starting at 2AM. Good results.

Then fighting to get proper food for the body.

Devotees offer so much sometimes: Quantity and variety.

Then... driving to BIG home program.


158-Bhoga offerings.

HpS = Mother, wife of so many children and husbands!


We have very serious physical distress from trying to honor the Prasadam that we were offered today.

Our efforts are challenged by the inexperience and ignorance and passion of the devotees who are making the offerings and demanding service and attention, and our own mind with exactly the same contaminations.

Yet, we take Guru-kripa, Hare Krsna, and we learn how to deal with these attacks from Maya and make eternal progress.

Hare Krsna.

The Sankirtan of everyone in Monterrey, New Govardhana, is wonderful. Try to expand it more and more so that it will do its essential work in Srila Prabhupada's global effort.

Hari bolo!!

Best wishes for all your kids.

The Last Tulasi for now

Hare Krishna Dear GuruMaharaja!

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to you!

All glorious glories to Srila Prabhupada!

So I just wanted to write you a quick note to say that I have started reciting the translation to Gurvastaka daily. I don't have it memorized yet, but I'm reading it a lot!

Today was my last official day for Tulasi service, so I was able to share all I know with the new people how we serve Her in the greenhouse.

They were very patient with me, I think a lot of them already knew how to do the service, one person has a Manjari tattooed on her arm.

So I think with quality people like this, who are already possibly more experienced, that Srimati Tulasi Devi will be taken care of very nicely.

When we got back to the pujari room, Mother Chandravali was engaging some of the devotees in Krishna House to polish Radha Kalachandji's paraphernalia. So we got to see Their pure silver Ekadasi crowns!!!

Plus the copy I ordered of Kamala Subramanium's Mahabharata came in the mail, and I'm very excited to read it! I heard it is so detailed and gripping! Then I can figure out how to use that book, plus NOI, LOB, and TLC to preach.

Oh plus I'm excited to see the new DTC-UT!

And after Houston, I was wondering if I could stop by the Boro to see you?

See you in Houston!

Thank you for everything!

Your aspiring servant,

Jaya Hari Das

HpS - All great news. Of course, we are meeting already in Houston, but this letter gives us such great perspective on who we are seeing through our gross conception of life. See you in Gauranga Hall in a few minutes.

Improving the routine

1 year, 11 months ago by laskmiradhadd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudev,

Accept our sincerest and most respectful obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada. 🙏

I hope you are doing very well, you inspire us every day with enthusiasm and determination. 🙌

I wanted to express my deepest gratitude to him for all that he does for us is always praiseworthy. 🌷🌷🌷

yasya prasādād bhagavat-prasādo

yasyāprasādān na gatiḥ kuto 'pi. 🌻🌻🌻

My rounds have improved, my sadhana too, I am still in the community with several services, one is the service of attending in Bhakti Lunch, from Monday to Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. to the students, so at noon I can not sing the Gayatri, I have been recommended to sing it twice in the morning or afternoon, that indicated Prabhupada, what do you said about it?

HpS - Jaya. AgtSP. paoho. We never heard that SP said that we could chant it twice at one time. Rather we heard from Dhrsta-ketu Das that Srila Prabhupada told him that chanting after the Sandhya had passed was useless.

However, Trivikrama Swami would chant his gayatri at the first chance after the public program eg. Sunday feast was over and he was personal secretary to Srila Prabhupada for some time. Hare Krsna.

we are only two devotees distributing to 80-140 prasaddam students. For us it is a daily prasadam feast. Krsna Bhagavan Prasadam Ky!

Another doubt about it is that the sunrise here is at about 6:40 and sunset at 7:40. Should that be my schedule to sing the Gayatri? ❤

HpS - Can chant during morning Sandhya ie. after stars disappear and before sun appears, although we heard SP said, 6am 12pm 6pm was also good. Do them at a regular time.

We are trying to serve better, once a week I prepare and do the arati in Mangala Arati and Guru Puja, once a month I sing the Guruastakam and the Vandana Guru, I want to learn to play instruments, Krsna gives me time and its blessings! 🪷🪷🪷

Once a month together with Syam Krsna Gopal we cook for the Tacos Tuesday program. 💓💓💓

We are in the Bhakti Sastri with Laksmana Prabhu. 🤓

During the break everyone went to Miami. Syam and I preferred to stay for other activities in our free time, we lifted Gaura Nitay to a very simple standard and made arati mangala, it was very rewarding since Syam is always cooking at that time, at regular times. 🥰

Now that you will be longer in the USA please give us your blessings to be able to visit you, take darsan and direct instructions. 🙇‍♀

Wishing somehow to please him, his eternal servants in sva dharma. 🙇‍♀🙇‍♀🙇‍♀

Laksmiradha DD y Syam Krsna Gopal🪷🪷🪷

Now that you will be longer in the USA please give us your blessings to be able to visit you, take darsan and direct instructions. 🙇‍♀

Wishing somehow to please him, his eternal servants in sva dharma. 🙇‍♀🙇‍♀🙇‍♀

Laksmiradha DD y Syam Krsna Gopal🪷🪷🪷


HpS - Again, thank you for this letter and news..... ! ... now is 2.05AM up since 12.15AM. Jaya! Let us go to one more letter and then Japa.

Imagine how many people are distributing ISKCON prasadam in the world?