12 years, 2 months ago by giannina_dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Todas las glorias a sus señorias Gaura Nitay!!!

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

hare krishna gurudeva 

Gurudeva creo que la carta anterior no le llego le envio esta nuevamente pero es igual que la otra. Le envio el numero del templo de Barcelona  0034 933025194 y de p Gundica 617203223.

Tambien queria comentarle que con Sarad Bihari queremos organizarle una conferencias aca en Barcelona pensabamos que podria ser del LOB con otro tema o cualquier tema que ud quisiera dar.  Estoy haciendo el bhakti sastri con la madre Yugala y ella esta orientado sobre los tópicos del LOB que son muy bellos y como no es muy conocido aquí pensamos que se podria repetir o hablar acerca de otro tópico. Tambien organizarnos con prabhu Gundica para poder hablar con Joan Prats que es catedratico dela Universidad de Tarragona para saber si hay la posibilidad de hacer una conferencia ahi también. Por favor maharaja aconsejemos que es lo que Ud quisiera hacer, la madre Sarad Bihari hablara con ud para preguntarle de que tema le gustaria exponer. 

En cuanto a mi sadhana vamos mejorando mangala arati 16 rondas ok serivicio en el templo y ahora empezamos con la universidad y con bhakti sastri :D 

Muchas gracias gurudeva!!!! por toda su paciencia!

Su aspirante sirviente


                  ASA - Jaya!  Super!          Luz de la Bhagavata.   Si la universidad es cerca pudimos presentar un symposium alla.  Sarad b dd puede encntar un manual como organizar los simposia en www.jayarama.us/archives     Adelante!!!!           Adelante!!!

Nitya Kisori Reporting

12 years, 2 months ago by b.Natalia Molina in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva
Please accept my humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Now I am in Mexico DF. I just came today morning. Wednesday I go to El Salvador with bhaktin Tania, to do sankirtan with the local devotees for one month.
Cueramaro will be our headquarter. All the last week we did little festivals of India, one in a school, an other in a yoga center, and an other in a university.
Prabhu Aravinda will rent a house to do a brahmacarini asrama, and some of the matajis there will prepare to change their asrama studying a career while doing some sankirtan. And the other will be brahmacarinis, students, but we will also study something. In my case, because I am only few months, maybe a small course.

Radha Madana Gopal are so beautiful, it is nice to see them again!

I miss to be in Peru having your association. 

Your servant, Nitya Kisori dd

            ASA - HpS  -  Jaya!  AGTSP!   Paoho.   We are in a lot of anxiety about M. Jambavati Devi Dasi.  Her health is not good and even after we write a lot to the ISKCON authorities we can't get any news that they are able to help her...    Ooof!         We keep trying until we die.    Your Sankirtan service is the best help to everyone. It is watering the root.

Laghu Bhagavatamrta Das. Mexico Mandir.

12 years, 2 months ago by dany_mexico in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Querido Gurudeva!!!!!


Esperando se encuentre mucho mejor de salud. Le escribo para reportarle que seguimos tratando de servir a Srila Prabhupada en su mision, apoyando a los Devotos  de Nama-Hatta con P. Deva Dharsan todos los sabados y en el Templo cocinando una ofrenda para la Deidad cada domingo.

Estamos esforzandonos por cantar 16 rondas diarias y 4 principios, con algunos problemas para concentrarnos y cantar por la mañana.

            HpS - ASA --  Muchas gracias!  Nos agradecemos mucho!    Yajnanam japa yajno smi....   Japa es la esfuerza mas essential contra Maya!

Aaaaaaaaaa!!! Han venido muchas pruebas dificiles, la mente y el cuerpo nos estan dando muchos problemas; pero estamos tratando de entender los planes de Krishna, que se, son para mi avance y crecimiento espiritual. 

               ASA -  En cual quiere desporte el instructor siempra da desafios al alumno!    Acceptan como misericordia de Krsna.  Es un desporte.

Por favor pido me de Sus bendiciones para que Krishna me mantenga siempre en Su servicio y por favor perdone todas mis ofenzas.

Su aspirante a sirviente eterno: Laghu Bhagavatamrta Das.

            ASA -  Honestamente hace mucho tiempo oir de Vd. y ya estamos feliz oir. Adelante!   Tiene que encontrar su profession y desarrolla las abilidades que necesitan ser una persona fuerte en Sankirtan de ISKCON.

learning from mistakes

12 years, 2 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:



ummm this may help others ¡¡¡ due to I am to shy or I can say coward, sometimes I tend not to tell how I feel so then I got in troubles due to I feel more comfortable writing emails rather than to talk with the person face to face ¡¡¡ wronggggggggg mistake 

Anyway something like that happen and now I feel terrible, but I apologize and not by mistake jajaja face to face ¡¡¡ So I feel better 

There is no mistake u can make that U can not correct ( say rama to laksman).... thank U Gurudeva ¡¡¡

I feel like I am more and more wise because I am getting older and  I can not wait to spread all this wisdom to other younger ladies ¡¡¡ this may be a very great job ¡¡ Jay¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ All this things are helping to make me stronger ¡¡

Any further advice???    why is so difficult to be sincere??    rather than diplomatic??? 

thank U again ¡¡¡

U are in harikripa now. Today I was the whole day with Sri Sri Radha madana bihari ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

see u soon

your eternal servant

LUnatic monkey 

              HpS - ASA -   Jaya!   AGTSP   pamho.    Because when we are diplomatic we only expose our mask and not our selves.   Not so frightening to risk our mask getting assaulted rather than our actual selves, no?          Yes, we went to the beach today.  Monkey will write about it in the Blog for you.        Krsna and Radha always exist at the height of artistic craftmenship. Not even a fragrance of distress ever touch him..

Namami Nanda Nandana

12 years, 2 months ago by Raulmontreal in Personal Sadhana Reports

 All Glories to Srila Prabhupada !!

Please accept my humble obeisances

Dear Maharaja

Here we are in Montreal in the main library building to get  wi-fi and work on some literary service.  We kind of regret cutting our home internet mainly because of the on line programs you keep and we can`t attend.   The library is 10 minutes walk so it`s not that bad for getting news.  We pray for your health and thank the Lord for keeping you joyful and close to Vraja always.  We are relishing the Bhagavatam First Canto slowly and constantly.  As well as NOI and NOD  and keep the Gita and Srila Prabhupada`s bio always at hand.  Teachings of Lord Chaitanya is a deep strong delight kept for the most inspired times. And of course japa is our main duty so we keep fighting to get it done going to the Temple or going for a walk to the dharma-ksetres in Montreal (the park where Lord Jaghannata stays on Rathayatra, the first ISKON temple)  we are fighting for the path, it don`t come easy but it`s full of nectarean bliss when we get it right.  We miss the country side, the trees,  the sun it puts us in the right mood, simplicity.  News is we are going to Peru next February and March,  we hope to see you there !  Are you going in March?  We read some news about that but not shure. 

ASA - AGTSP    .....  Very nice news.   You are living in Srila Prabhupada's kingdom. Did you know that he is your personal family relation?  <img alt="" height="18" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/14.gif" title="" width="18" />        Our Calendar is always at www.jayarama.us/kd/cal.txt ...   We'll be in Europe (Your Rope) and India in those months, but you certainly can meet the devotees in NIMSAR and Sattva and...  then and help them!!

We began writing small poems to put our bhakti process on paper (thanks for the inspiration!  we got it from your poems)  and chanting, dancing to the deities the best we can.  Here is a link of a bhajan we like to sing a lot, we think the Deities like it.  We do our best.   http://youtu.be/jwo118XB3AI

HpS - ASA - I think you mis spelled youtube...  but we will try.

we hope to play Quena with you or/ for you and share some Harinam Sankirtan soon !

your servant

Raul GC

HpS - ASA ---  Yeah!     Are you going to take initiation by Srila Prabhupada's mercy??   Seems to us that this is exactly what you need, a formal compromiso.  The Youtube link was fine.  Is nice song.  Popular Brijabasi song.  No comment about it from Prabhupada??


12 years, 2 months ago by sriradhedd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna dear Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Thanks for your answer. Yes, i told You that my spiritual master left but You get lot of letters daily and i was inattentive and didn't send You the antecedents so sorry for that :(
Now i left here our last post it's easier to follow.

Maharaja, i understand siksa is more important than diksa and i respectful accept Your opinion but since i don't have diksa guru You are my only shelter.

     HpS - ASA -  Jaya...  Who was your Diksa guru??? He left his post???   In that case there can be anothe ceremony to fix the relation.   It is very individual and real thing is to get this clear understanding of things.  Then we can be an unstoppeable team, spreading Lord Caitanya's message.

I joined in 1993, got first Initiation 1995 and second 1998. My spiritual master was Balabhadra Prabhu (formerly Bhakti Balabh Puri Goswami). He was always very personal with everybody and dealt with the devotees a lot and after a time He neglected his sadhana and became weak and He started to make mistakes. He is still a devotee because joined Gaudiya Math and got sannyas again from Paramadvaiti Swami. I pray for Him but i don't follow Him.
You wrote me so many times it's not necessary to get initiation that now i think i understood to follow Your instructions is more important than reinitiaton.
And i feel i'm not good enough to get initiation. I like You so much and i don't want to cause You problem.

After Srila Prabhupada You are the most important person to me in Iskcon.  
I feel You care about me but i would like to know i'm your diciple (siksa). You said i can meditate on You when i chant gayatri mantra so i do it, but You didn't say i can chant your pranam mantra, therefore i stopped doing it. It's strange when i offer bhoga i don't offer through You, and i don't call You Guru Maharaja. I miss these things but i don't want to speculate. Or just have to do it? I don't know...
I'm sure Krisna tests my persistence but please tell what shall i do in this situation!
You said few letter before sometimes better to stay in our yatra and if there are problems we try to solve those and make better the community.
So we are still here in Hungary and try to do something. I'm not qualified but nowadays more and more mataji come and ask for help and guidance from me and i feel it a privilige and maybe Krsna has a plan with us here...it will turn out.

                HpS - ASA ---  Jaya...  What is your situation.   From whom you received Mantra?  Who was your Diksa guru....    You may have told us be we are dull headed and it is full of windy spaces!!

My situation is: i'm the number one nobody in our yatra but i would like to be the servant of the servant.
I live outside of the temple with my husband and we try to maintain ourselves. I learnt to sew and bought an embroidery machine so i would like to start a small business now. My husband can work from home also, He writes business plans and essays about financial topics. We live close to the temple and take part on Mangala Arti everyday and i preach and distribute books once a week.
I know You are very busy always so i don't want to bother You with my letters. I'm happy if You write DTC and answer to the devotees because i always learn so many things from Your answers.  I got  everything from You what i need to make progress in spiritual life i just have to realize those.

I hope we can meet if You will be here in Europe next year.
Thanks for Your association and kindness.

Your servant,
Sri Radhe dd

         HpS - ASA -  Jaya!  Now things are so much more clear in our stupid brain. So, if you want to get re-initiated we could take that service. Some devotees want it some don't.  We don't feel it is so necessary if the Diksa guru was properly representing Srila Prabhupada at the time of initiation.     Beyond the super important instruction of following our ISKCON vows and keeping full morning and evening program, we would certainly hope that you can send us news of your situation, Yatra, your Sankirtan with devotees and out in the public!  Thank you very, very much.
For Europe, it is getting fixed. We will be in Radha-desa from February 6-16th, then from April 30th to May 27th.

Hare !!!