Desde Sur America

11 years, 12 months ago by Adi Yajña Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas la glrias a Srila Prabhupada

Toda la gloria a Usted Guru Maharaja

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias a Sus pies de loto

Hare Krishna, Querido Guru Maharaja, Mas que nada le escribia para que Usted sepa que estoy firme con mis principios y rondas,

                                     ASA -  Jaya!!! estoy tan fijo como en el ultimo reporte ,mas igual no he faltado al mangalrtik desde el 3 de febrero,

                                       ....  todas las Gopis estan feliz con Vd.      Nuestra dolor fuerte es que no podemos asistir la mangala arati in BsAs mandir diariamente.

   ....  se que Su salud esta delicada,

                                .....   no hace  un rato  es bueno...

.... y con esto que le escribo tambien quiero transmitirle mi presencia con Usted. No es mi deseo molestar Lo, mas como no Le escribo muy seguido ,mi deseo es comunicarle.

Bharat esta bien, y Syamakunda esta vivendo por un tiempo aca en el Templo.  Devakinandana Prabhu esta ahora haciendo el programa de las deidades.  Bhaktin Romina se quedo a Mangalartik . 

Gracias por todo.

Su sirviente Adi Yajña Das

     ....  ASA -   Thank you so much.....   How are your English classes.  You don't know how much we miss being in BsAs....   Sankirtana!    SO much opportunity!    MAke the country Krsna's!!!      Our respects to all you've mentioned.  We will be in Chile in just a few weeks!!!

Nitya Kiśori dd reporting

11 years, 12 months ago by b.Natalia Molina in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva
Please accept my humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

-These are our last days in Guadalajara.
Here we had the association of m.Radhika, she gave us courses for ladies in Krsna Conciousness. She is like a asrama guru, she is very nice, I like her very much, and I learned a lot from her.

-We had a good external result in our book distribution, we went to the universities, and Krsna gave us a sweet sankirtan.

-A pastime: in a school of gastronomy a teacher (years ago he was preparing to be a catholic priest for 7years), when we went to his classroom to distribute books, he ask if we could make a presentation about the philosophy for his students. We accepted. So the next week he prepared for us many groups of students. We made a presentation called higher taste, and talked about vegeterianism, prasadam as an old tradition in the spiritual culture of India, the transcedental meaning of culinary, about the way of living, about motivations in our work, how to make our preparations free of karma... I liked a lot to try to explain the philosophy but applied in a practical way to the interest of the students, I think it was quite nice, byKrsna's mercy. The teachers were very happy, we did the same program 3 times for differents groups (groups of 50 students! they chanted Hare Krsna, they took prasada, books), the autorities gave us permition to do sankirtan in the whole school, they told us we could come back the next time we will come to Guadalajara to make more programs like that.

-Inside essence?... I was thinking about was is the inside essence of what I am doing. I think this program shows me that explaining things to others gives me great satisfaction, I forgot the body, and my mind felt challeged, and I liked the challenge, to use my intelligence to relate the philosophy to the students in a practical way, to make it simple to understand but at the same time showing that is a very deep philosophy. I saw that Krsna gives us some inteligence to use it for Him, and when you do this, you feel great satisfacction. I was thinking I really want to study education, more and more I am convinced it is really something I can do and feel very satisfied serving Krsna in that way. Of course it was the first time I did this, do even if I thought it was very good, I make many mistakes, like talking to much, it was nice but too long, so they became borred, but I could not feel it because I was too much into my speech, and then i felt sad because of my mistakes, my ego was hurt. But I think the most important is that it is a confirmation that education it is something I can do to serve Krsna, and serving Krsna in this way gives me lot of satisfaction and enthusiasm. So I am learning more about myself and how I can engage permanently and practically in Srila Prabhupada's mission!
I don't understand what meens the inside essence of what I am doing, but I am trying to think about, to remain in Srila Prabhupada's boat as a sailor life after life!

Thank you Gurudeva, excuse me I am not able to take your association in japa joe.
Your servant, Nitya Kisori dd

the photos are from one students, we didn't had camera!

                   HpS - ASA -  AGTSP...   paoho... this is all very good.   it is amazing, but the fact still remains that all the boys should remain celibate and all the girls should get married, no?              Please run a little faster....   !!!

Devoción y salud

11 years, 12 months ago by Abhirama Thakura das in Personal Sadhana Reports

      Hare Krishna Querido Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.

¡¡ Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!

¡¡ Todas las Glorias a Hanumatpresaka Swami!!

          ASA -  Ramacandra Bhagavan, Ki Jai!

Gurudeva en estos días he estado reflexionando acerca de sus arritmias y en general de su salud y mi pequeña comprensión es que Krishna ocupa a sus devotos para dar el ejemplo de cómo practicar el servicio devocional en situaciones incomodas y desfavorables.

    ASA -  Ha!   Ha!    Ha!      Es un hecho.  Estamos oyendo de la bio-grafia de los Madres en Sankirtana, y es uno hecho....

El ejemplo es fundamental en la vida porque sin él no hay inspiración ni cambios genuinos.

Gurudeva Muchas Gracias por enseñarnos en la práctica que no somos el cuerpo sino almas espirituales, eternamente servidoras de Krishna. Muchas gracias por enseñarnos la manera en que debemos y podemos trascender las miserias del cuerpo material y seguir cultivando nuestro bhakti en el corazón.

En realidad voy a serle sincero los días que me levanto a la 1 am para entrar en el foro “Japa Joe” no no lo hago porque tenga devoción sino para escucharlo cantar a usted los Santos Nombres. Cuando usted canta el Maha-mantra se siente su Amor y Devoción a Krishna, en ese momento usted nos contagia su fe y nos entusiasma a seguirlo en el hermoso sendero del servicio devocional, ilimitadas gracias Gurudeva por su auspiciosa asociación. Bueno, esa deuda nunca se la podre pagar, y aunque sé que soy un caído, le prometo tratar de hacer algo similar con otros.

También aprecio que con toda esta situación usted nos está llevando a que seamos más serios en nuestra vida espiritual para que maduremos al punto en que podamos establecer una buena sadacara entre devotos y así trabajar cooperativamente para el placer de Krishna.

Gurudeva humildemente le pido disculpas por todas mis torpezas y ofensas. Usted es la expansión de la misericordia de Srila Prabhupada por eso a pesar de todos nuestros anarthas Usted siempre encuentra el modo de impulsarnos para que cada día seamos más consientes de Krishna. Entiendo que la relación GURU-discípulo es trascendental y está basada en sus instrucciones (la principal: SIGUE LOS 4 PRINCIPIOS, LEVANTATE TEMPRANO Y CANTA BUENAS RONDAS), pero es un hecho que para el 99.99% de nosotros aun es fundamental su vapu por eso le suplico al Señor Nityananda, el Guru Original, que misericordiosamente nos permita seguir teniendo su presencia física un tiempo más. De hecho su Compañía y Guía Espiritual ha sido, es y será la mayor de nuestras fortunas.

Hare Krishna Querido Gurudeva, su insignificante discípulo, Abhirama Thakur das

         ___/\o_       Por favor accepta nuestras reverencias humildes.   Estoy escribiendo esta carta pero posible yo o Vd. va a ser muerte antes estamos leyendo carta del otro. Leyendo la carta de uno muerto.  Si, entonces es un hecho, tenemos que levantar a esta plataforma espiritual de asociacion o vamos a perdir lo!!!!        La vapu sigue la vapu.  Si hay associacion vapu sin vani es mas o menos un illusion.    Quiero servir alguien pero no estoy tomand en cuento sus indicacions que quiere.   Es imposible, no?

Entonce si tenemos vapu es 85% por que realizamos vani.   Pero, Lord Gauranga y Sus agentes han hecho facil, "Canta Hare!   Krsna!   Rama!".       Nos vemos pronto.....   Son las 10.49PM.   Estuvimos pensando descansando a las 9.45PM  pero pasa bien las cartas.  El dolor de cabeza es menos.  Mucho ayuda bien experto de Hari-lila Das y la Madre Madhavi Devi Dasi.  El es 69 anos.             ...   O.K.  Pienso una carta mas y la Cuenta de Dhenukasura y descanzamos...    Graaaaacias todo su esfuerza en San Marcos y todo.   Claro mucho hacer tener Sankirtan fuerte, pero tenemos comenza... 


11 years, 12 months ago by jayanta in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurudev: Pamho. TgSP y sus seguidores fieles.

Parece que su salud esta delicada. Espero que se reponga y que podamos vernos pronto en España. Le escribi hace un par de semanas pero algo no hice bien y no se ha publicado.

    HpS - ASA -  TlgaSP..   paoho.     Si, salud mejor pero vamos a morrir, todos!   Super oir de Vd.   Si, el robot falla a veces pero es devoto sincero, aun no listo para iniciacion!

Basicamente mantenemos la fe en el proceso y el deseo firme de servir en la misión de Prabhupada. Seguimos con la burocracia para poder construir en Navalakunda. Cuando haya noticias le informaré de ello.

    HpS -   Ooof!    Tan muchos obstaculos indica que La Bruja Negra no le gusta la programa y estamos en el sendero espiritual.     Adjustar.  Adelantar, no?

Pienso que el proyecto va para adelante segun lo previsto y espero que podamos conseguir un nuevo proyecto para la gloria de Srila Prabhupada y Krisna.

Le envio una foto de hoy distribuyendo prasadam en mi centro de trabajo. El prasadam triunfa en todas las modalidades (bondad, pasión e ignorancia).

      ASA -  Pizza del mundo espiritual!

De nuevo mi deseo sincero de que  mejore su salud y que, en cualquier circunstancia, Krisna haga lo que crea mas conveniente con su devoto.

Esperando sus bendiciones.

Su sirviente

           ___/\o_    Hare Krsna....  Como esta el Jaga-mohan Das???    Esperamos nuevo Templo en Madrid tambien, no?   Solamente tenemos que abrir nuestra boca y tomar la poder increible de Srila Prabhupada para hacer milagros. Pero, claro, su esfuerza con ISKCON, familia, su ser mismo, ya es un milagro..  SUPER FOTO!          Primero contaminar todos los cerreros con prasadam y entonces todas las cartas en el pais.!   {:O)

All Glories to You!

11 years, 12 months ago by sarad-bihari-dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports
Hare Krishna Gurudeva, Please accept my obeisances at your lotus feet, All glories to Srila Prabhupada, All glories to you!
    ASA -   AGTSP!   Nos realizamos casi todo, 99.999% basado en la esfuerza de el!!
To be  sincere, we are very concerned about your physical health, we know that you are transcendental to all  that Gurudeva ,but that's our situation in relation to that, I hope your body recovers soon.
         ASA - Ha mejorado mucho con le steroids!
                     i always chant 16 rounds fixed , and i daily attend my deities, I try to read every day , it is super inspiring for  me and almost essential to my spiritual life, I am currently reading the madhurya Kadambini (I this facinanting for me ) and also read  nectar of devotion, and in my bag I have a Upadesamrta for the times that I'm in the street ,in the playground with radhe  etc, Im still atending the deitys  on Friday which makes me  infinitely glad, I noticed how it has helped me., and we are having the good  asociation of Krsna as P Gundica Varuthapa, Anandini, Yanina ,Isaac and many more, so we are glad :D   Radhe  started  school in an Adventist  institute ,  he still see the  krsna cartoons and we are always trying to do things in order to inspire him ,but he  often is the one who inspires me in the spiritual life:
D, I hope your body heath improve  very soon and we hope  to see you soon Gurudeva,  it is a selfish desire but we need  you so much here, who really wants to serve you,
Sarad Bihari Dasi
   ASA -   HpS  -  AGTSP    paoho.  It is so, so, so very nice to hear from you...  What is happening with the Mahatma Mangal-ananda Das???   We chatted with the Nimai-pandita Das today also...   First communication with Barcelona in months.  We would like very much to visit there!!!!!       Hope Krsna arranged is all.   Wherever we keep our minds controled and aimed at serving Krsna, Hara will give us a visio of the spirituality in everything!!  We can always live in Goloka even in this material world..  and give it to others.
 Great fotos...   Hanuman!

From Mayapur

11 years, 12 months ago by Vrsabhanu Nandani dd in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krsna gurudev por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada I hope you are well and feeling better. we are in Mayapur continuing with film service.

Now editing. We will make the chapter to present to the Lord Caitanya based on the sisastaka and we will illustrate how the teachings of Caitanya are practical demonstrations of the instructions of Krishna in the BG.

The four principles are OK 80% mangal artik and 20% waking up around 5am The rounds are unstable, sometimes good and sometimes not. I'm trying hard to improve concentration. At present the progress is small, I realize that the determination is fatally debilitated by laziness.  I heard in a class by Burijan Prabhu that he recommended reaffirm the determination of hearing before too chant each maha mantra.

Happily Lakshman Prabhu spoke to us about how continue the BVB. We will finish the essays from the first semestre until the end of this year and we will join again to the systematic study of the second semester in March 2013. I miss a lot the systematic study of SB.

I have a few question Gurudev in a recent class with Urmila Mataji about the 18chaper of first canto of SB. In relation to Pariksit and Sringi, a debate came up about how one can realize that things happen by karma or personal responsibility, and which are for "intervention of Krishna." Urmila said he could not give a final answer to this question.

I have some reflections inspired by the discussion, and wanted to share with you and know what you think and how much is speculation and how much is certain.

Pariksit have an exemplary behavior, everyone is happy with him and his power even stop the progression of Kali. His reaction to the muni, is something 'out of the ordinary' in his behavior. In the verses it is explained that Pariksit was thirsty, tired and that was affecting and even was envious and believed the sage was pretending a trance state.

Even so, in the meanings Srila Prabhupada mentioned many times that a devotee like Pariksit could not be affected by either hunger or thirst. Then. What made Pariksit behave that way? Is that Krsna was "covering" Pariksit intelligence and so he acted badly with the Muni? Or it is a fall of the king by his own anarthas? Or is it both? How we can understand when similar things happen with present devotees, or with myself? it is right to make such comparison? With all these questions in my head...

So as I understand, if a person with a exemplary behavior ( 4 principles, sadhana, 16 rounds engage is sankirtan) commits an error may be that this is an arrangement of Krsna. And if a person without an exemplary behavior makes a error, probably is because his karma Is this correct?

    ASA - HpS - Yes...

 Krsna arrange our karma, if we follow the principles of religion and the instruction of the spiritual master our accion will we direct by Radha in other way will be direct by our own karma?

  ASA - Srila P's books, Krsna's advice through 16/4, Association with Devotees.  Then, yes, it is Krsna's arrangement.

I also want to share a fragment from the book of Mukunda Goswami. It's very inspiring to know such stories, see SP through the eyes of Mukunda Maharaj. This experience impacted my heart because of see the depth of the love of Srila Prabhupada.

“It was warm cloudless evening in late March when six of us set out to the Psychedelic Shop with the Swami. The smell of marijuana and incense wafted through the warm air. On weekend evenings Haight Street had acquires a perpetual background soundtrack of gitars, bells, bongos, recorders, flutes, seaweed horns and rock music that pounded from storefronts and handheld blasters.

Many were smoking pot and hashish or were drinking Olympia beer out of brown stubbies, sharing Gallo wine or swigging Johnny Walker out of bog bottles in brown paper sacks. Others with packs and sleeping bags on their backs strummed on guitars, singing as they walked. Dozens of boys and girls and same-sex couples walked past holding hand or arm in arm. Some embraced and kissed, leaning against storefront windows. Cross-dressers lounged in doorways. People wearing flowers and feathers in their hair set up stall against the building walls and decorated the sidewalk with multi-colored chalk drawings while they sat waiting for customers. It was like a hippy flea-market, a bizarre open-air psychedelic mall.

I walked in silence next to the Swami, while Shamasundar trailed behind with four of the new San francisco devotees: Chidananda, Sankarshana, Lilavati and Gaurasundara. It was seven o'clock. I thought the whole scene before us must appear very decadent to the Swami, and I didn't know what to say about it to him. Finally, I said, "It's a beatiful night". The Swami scrutinized the strees seller, looked at passing smokers, and bongo players, people with painted faces and wild, brightly colored costumes. He appeared to smell the air, taking in the burning odor of marijuana and the sharp putried stench of alcohol, which was tempered by the fragance of roses and carnations. He turned, smiling, and said, "Everything is beautiful".

Thank you very much Gurudev for your patient guidance, by always find ways to inspire us and for make many efforts to give Krsna to all. Trying to be a servant Vrsabhanu nandani dd

   ASA - AgtSP.   Your topic is very big.  Here are some links.