Sudama sakha dasa from Mayapur

12 years, 1 month ago by Sudama sakha dasa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna dear GM!

Please accept my prostrated Obeisances at your lotus feet

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

        HpS   -  AGTSP!!

Mayapur Dham is such a merciful and nice place. Now the weather has changed from hot and humid, to more cool and humid. It really gives some relief to feel some cold, because summer is sooo hot. But still we can experience ananda, even though sometimes we are sick, or having some other suffering, in the balance is always more good than bad.

Since 2 months I have been involved in Govinda’s restaurant. They asked me to manage the Snack Bar and to improve the cleanliness of the place, as it had very bad fame for many years. So I started very enthusiastic about the service. But now after 2 months I became frustrated because I have learnt about the Bengali management, and working with Bengali boss. And it is very difficult. And besides that I became so busy that I hardly have any time for reading and chant more rounds than the minimum.

Well besides that I have been chanting every day at least 16 rounds (most of time 20), i also try to do kirtana as much as I can, and following the 4 reg. Principles. And I wake up early every morning unless I am sick.

When will you be coming to Mayapur Gurudev?

Your aspirant to servant

Sudama sakha dasa

Ps. Please forgive my offenses and negligence.

                HpS -  AGTSP    paoho.   SO nice to hear from you!!!   How is the family???      We arrive in Mayapura like 25th February and stay until 5th March.   Before that one week in CCU and then two weeks in Manipur.  After that we will be more time in India but we are adjusting the time for Australia still!!    We also want to get some of the mercy of Mayapura!

querido y recordado Gurudev

12 years, 1 month ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido y MUY Recordado Gurudev, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencoias, todas las glorias a srila prabhupada!! todas las glorias a Sri Sri radha Madhana Vihari!!

Querido Gurudev, espero se encuente muy feliz hoy que es el dia del ratha yatra en santiago de chile. Me imagino  a Usted  y a los devotos, y al señor Jaganatha muy feliz viendo a Su devoto puro. Ojala tenga la misericordia de poder paticipar en un ratha yatra que usted se encuentre fisicamente, con mi amado hijo y mi esposo. tambien me siento muy contenta por saber que algunas de las niñas que tuve lagran fortuna de enseñarles danza hoy bailaran para compacer al señor jaganatha. Me anima tanto!!, en poco tiempo spero poder retomar las clases a aniñas y jovenes en cordoba. hay un centro ahi donde dicte clases y la dueña es muy favorable con la conciencia de Krsna, le obsequie un cd de musica vaisnava y lo aprecio.estamos planeando fuionar danza . tengo la fortuna de que Franco me da ideas practicas para mi servicio de danza.estoy muy agradecida con mi señor Krsna.

cuando instrospecto mi pasado, me doy cuenta que , cuando leia el krsna book y veia el comportamiento de las gopis con sus familias, yo deseaba tomar el ejmplo de ellas y a pesar de el trato que recibia en la casa de mi familia biologica, yo trataba de ser amorosa con ellos.pero ahora me doy cuenta , gracias a mi esposo, que soy muy sentimental y como Usted me dijo una vez , muy emocional . esto no es muy bueno para mi. ahora poco a poco me doy cuenta que si ellos cometian ofensas con los devotos , ellos reciben la reaccion, y yo al escucharlos, me hace mal a mi vida espiritual. entonces me doy cuenta que por eso debia mantenerme lejos de es mala aasociacion, no era bueno para nadie.

Aunque me encuentro lejos de usted fisicamente, estoy recordadndo muchisimo todas sus palabras, instrucciones, y me hace sentir cerca de Su Persona, me pongo feliz solo de recordar y hablar de Usted, y entiendo lo tonta que he sido ( y todavia sigo siendo, pero creo k menos) de no darme cuenta de cuantas cosas no estaba haciendo pra servirlo, pudiendo hacerlas, cuanto tiempo perdido, pero la torta neceitaba un poco mas de tiempo para hornearse bien... Asi que ahora despues de todo lo que mi señor krsnita misericordiosamente nos esta despertando,despues de pasar : fuego, ahora lluvia, inundaciones, tormentas, etce, etc, nos muestra la naturaleza tal como es, me esta despertando a cada paso, le stoy agradecida.

Muchas gracias por su valioso tiempo Querido Gurudev:

 esperando servir a sus piecesitos de loto que hoy estan danzando en el ratha yatra: Radha japa prati jalpa dd.

               HpS - ASA -  Jaya  AGTSP   paoho  We were looking for you in Peru. But seems you could not get there.  We are very happy to hear that you are happy and finding some practical service!!!!    There were two Rathayatras here.  Two days.  Long and beautiful parade both days.  There were 20 lady devotes in the same type of sarees leading and dancing.  Was very attractive to everyone and very ecstatic for them.  It is just practice for Goloka!               Your emotions are very nice.  Yes,  adjust them in the association of your husband and then you should be a great team.   I think Krsna will give you help in becoming very stable in your Sankirtana as a team!               So very nice to hear from you... Nice picture. Your baby looks like a little angel...     More news as from Cordoba as it develops!

Pilgrim from Guadalajara

12 years, 1 month ago by AKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glory to Srila Prabhupada

please accept my humbles obeisances unto your lotus feet

Dear Gurudev

Now I'm in Guadalajara city with the devotees, I try to take part on Rathayatra service, and I'm reading the prabhupada Siksamrta

my favorite book Srmad bhagavatam

Thanks for all your mercy, among many people find someone that want give'me   a good friendship is so hard, I have many troubles but I have not given up. please say me what is the best way to be a devotee?, I'm still very unqualified but keep fighting, I thank you for your infinite patience.

I continued chantin and trying to learn how to serve the devotees, I rise to Mangalartik and reading prabhupada's book.

your simple servant Aniruddha Krishna Das

                         HpS -  AGTSP..   paoho.    I think you have made a lot of advancement.    It may not yet be completely scientific but you have a deep attachment for Krsna and His devotees.   Your present path is the fastest.   You just have to continue with it.          Look at your friends and associates from 20 years ago.      And compare what has become of them and what has become of you.             That they have some material assets and you do not, is not the test.   The real test is that we have been able to NOT accumulate material assets, that we have a friendly relation with a nice Church as members and can always find something to do in our Church.

                     That is the best path and more and more Krsna will be able to talk to you from time to time about what he thinks should be done.  He is the friend we are looking for.  He is a rather jealous guy!    Doesn't like to share you with others too much!                 -{:O)+                           News of the places you go and the people you meet!!!!

Reporte DSAL brhad mridanga !!

Hare Krsna Su Santidad Todas las glorias a Srla prabhupada Todas las glorias al Sankirtan de Sr. Krsna caitania Ya estamos en Brasil calentando motores adecuando el mantra en portugués En Venezuela fueron un total de 8900 libros se cumplió la meta por la miscericordia de las grandes almas ( nuestros gurus diksas- siksas) Muchas gracias por su mensaje du santidad esperare las tres vidas corriendo tras el polvo de sus pies de loto, yo ya lo he aceptado en mi corazón y el tiempo q Ud. Considere adecuado esta bien. SS estaba leyendo CAP 20 de KB y habla de la austeridad es necesaria para revivir la vida espiritual y tengo una pregunta... Q es austeridad y q austeridades de deben realizar?

            HpS - ASA   -  Deculpa demorra responder....    20-devotos / dia en consulta,    programas fuertes con las escuelas todo!!!!!             No podemos hablar. Austeridad es 16 buenas rondas y 4 principios estrictamante y  mucho mas en los libros de Prabhupada, pero estos son los mas importantes.

Porque hay devotos con 20 años cumpliendo sus rondad y levantando a mangala y no avanzan igual q otros q llevan el mismo tiempo haciendo lo mismo? Muchas gracias Su Santidad. Su sirviente B. Brian Téllez (DSAL)

         HpS -  Hmmm.  Tengo dudas que no esta realizando rondas  y mangala arati  yyyy   4 principios para 20 anos y no esta advanzando  muy muy bien..  Possilbe tomand Coca cola en secreto     o      su advanza es algo no podemo mediar bien de perspectivo exterior.             Tambien la advanza es de vidas previos, entonces uno puede advanzar rapido a su nivel de previous vida pero entonces depende en surrender       en esta vida.            Tenemos que juzgar cada situation indivudualmente.                  

Sri Radha Kund ki jay!

12 years, 1 month ago by sriradhedd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Hanumatpresaka Swami,

Please accept my respectful obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Hahaha :) I like your sense of humour, Maharaja!
Yes, my story is like a Stephen King novell. But what i wrote it was just a preface of the book, much worse things happened there also :(
Since i got in touch with You i became a different person, i changed a lot. From Your mercy i learnt so many things but i still have to understand a lot.
I don't want to bother You with my mental platform always so i try to not write to You so often. I always start my days with Your blog and i get answer for my non asking questions from Your responses to others.
I hope we can meet in person in Europe next year.

Thank you for everything.

Your servant,

Sri Radhe dd

        HpS - ASA - Jaya!     AGTSP....    paoho.   ....      We are trying to fix the Europe dates in more detail now because they moved the Education Conference half a week later. Seems we will be in Spain for almost one month.   Is very nice there.