Barcelona Mandir

12 years, 2 months ago by bhaktajosemadrid in Personal Sadhana Reports

      Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.  Por favor acepte mis más humildes reverencias. Por favor perdone todas mis ofensas.

   Querido Gurudeva, ahora estoy en el templo de Barcelona, descubriendo otro humor dentro de la cociencia de Krishna. 

    4 principios regulativos, 20 rondas y todos los dias el programa de la mañana del cual estoy dando alguna pequeña lectura-clase de Śrīmad Bhāgavatam. Ahora  me levanto a las  3:45/3:50. Todo gracias a su misericordia, y a la compañia de los devotos. Ayudo en la cocina  y a veces limpio el restaurante (debe haber sido un arreglo de Sri Krishna porque antes solo limpiaba); (asi limpio mi corazón). Tambien estudio ingles con la madre de Nimai Pandita Prabhu, 2 veces por semana a traves de skype. 

    Guru Maharaja hace unas semanas tuve una discusion sobre el tamaño del alma, en la BG 2.17 Srila prabhupada cita This soul is described as one ten-thousandth part of the upper portion of the hair point in size.  "When the upper point of a hair is divided into one hundred parts and again each of such parts is further divided into one hundred parts, each such part is the measurement of the dimension of the spirit soul." (Svet. 5.9) 

Las preguntas que surgen: ¿tiene realmente el alma tamaño o es solo el tamaño en el mundo material? ¿si en el mundo espiritual nada es medible, alli no tiene tamaño? ¿es solo una analogia? ¿porque en el verso anterior 2.16 Krishna dice que en lo eterno no hay cambio, y en el verso 2.18 Sri Krishna define el alma como inconmensurable (no medible).  Bueno le hago esta pregunta, porque me a roto un poco los esquemas y pienso que para predicar es más facil ceñirse a lo más sencillo y medible que irse acercando a temas misticos que estan fuera de nuestro alcance. Cuando uno se cree que más sabe, descubre que menos aprende.

  Seguire intentando el poder servirle algun dia; mi deseo es su bienestar y estoy tambien muy contento con su visita a España.

 Jharikhanda-gaura Das

              HpS - Jaya!!!!   Muy buena carta, noticias!,  TlgaSP   Pfanrh.....  Como yo entiendo es un analogia.  Es como medir una manzana un espejo.   La alma es mas subtile de una idea.  Por ejemplo donde esta quimica?????     Claro es un Cuerpo de Ideas.  Tiene forma, pero no bien relacionado con espacio.  Claro.  Los libros de Quimica en la biblioteca occupand espacion mediable, pero Quimica es un Cuerpo de Conocimiennto.  La alma es esto y mas.....  Immortal y compuesto de amor!!!!

Super fotos!!

See you in chile

12 years, 2 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krisna!!

Please accept my humble obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Dear gurudeva, last  6 months were very intense for me, i feel krisna is puting me in a big crossroad, now time to make a big decission in my life. i'm going to visit you in chile from nov 9 to nov 12. I would like to discuss this issue in private with you. My enthusiasm for KC is high, waking up at 5.30, 16 rounds every day, preaching intensly, more patients assisitng to our programs, yatra is growing, nectar is increasing, anandambudhi vardhanam.
Hope you are in a good health condition.
Aspiring to become you servant.
Bhakta Nicasio.

         HpS -  Jaya!   AGTSP   paoho.  At 64 years old, with all white hair on our chest, all of our advice and consulting is now informal. We just give our thoughts as a part of our casual life, but can be useful if you don't expect a Communist Manifesto. Very useful.

Your "cross roads"  sound like it might be the same problem that Harsh brings up in his "Sankhya Scholar" letter. Of course, it might be different, but a basic principle that we find is that in natural culture most of the Brahmanas don't get married.    Out of five Brahman brothers, one gets married to keep the gene-pool going and the other four stay single and become doting uncles for their sister-in-law and brothers children.   Sounds pretty good for the girl: One nice husband, five kids and four funny, helpful, intelligent, single brother in laws.  Would make you feel pretty secure.

Of course, I'm not suggesting polygamy or brahmacari ashrama.  No these are jist ideas I'ver heard from Uncle Gismo.


12 years, 2 months ago by Isaac in Personal Sadhana Reports


No soy un cirujano cerebral!  :)  Aúnque acabé los estudios de enfermeria, actualmente me gano la vida limpiando el restaurante de unas devotas aquí en Barcelona (Gopal).

Además también hago Seva en el templo, pelando patatatas que después se distribuyen a restaurantes, aproximadamente unos 50 Kg cada dia (unas 4 horas de servicio).

Soy practicante de artes marciales, y ahora también quiero estudiar más para tener una mejor comprensión de Las Escrituras (Ambarisa Maharaja Das y Vrisabhanu Nandani me recomendaron hacer el Bhakti Sastri online con Perú)  a usted le parece buena idea?

Y no sé si habrá alguna cosa más que Usted desee saber?

Mis reverencias, Isaac.

          HpS - Jaya!   TlgaSP        Artes martiales contra Las Patatatas malvados!     Antes Bhakti sastri hay Bhakti-sadachara.  Puede leer Luz de la Bhagavata con Ambarisa, Sarad bihari, Mangalananda or Nimai pandita.  Sera muy feliz leer y discutir un poco cada semana!!

reply to que asked

12 years, 2 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Esteemed Maharaj, PAMHO,AGTSP
We got letter from manipu devotees to ur 108-mnp id. we are not sure of your exact dates of Manipur travel as of now.hope they will become clear. krsna has plans , as living entities has his..your grace asked us some questions.. so we answer them...[they you were aksing nice questions to us -- u r real well wisher]--

q1-What is your plan for your Ashrama?--
ans- we dont have plan for asharama. becasue it is joint ashrama with espousa. we can not convince her of vedic standards.. so life is going on... as u told in one lecture varna asrama does not work-- it such gives black smoke only. so we are just chanting and hoping to establish better connection with super soul- vidya vadhu jivnam--and then follow that]. we are not setting any standard for ourself as grhastha. as it will demand things from our wife-- then she will feel that we are forcing her.. so better to avoid all.. better save ourself and let the real benefactor take care of our son and wife..

q2-The PhD is practical thing?
ans-apply calculation of mode of passion mind/intelligence it is very impractical thing frnakly the res problem is not clear neither the future. but this is the only occupation we can get little time in our debilating condition to chant some rounds and contemplate. we are hoping krsna may give some inspiration. we tried to corporate job - but were not able to regulate our life and were getting heavily influenced by rajas-tamas.. so we left it.. thinking we are son of rich man  our prime duty is to be good son- rest he will take care-so we see Supreme Personality of god head as father who will take care of Us and biological derivatives.. we have no other option thant to depend on him. though we know god help those who help themselves. but first help we want is able to increase standard of our sadhana. and rest leave god to take care.

          Got a standard for Japa each day?   Number of rounds?  --
standard is only 16 rounds, with best possible improvement. brother ass is very troubled, so we can not have anything regular.but the quantity 16 is what we strive for.. some times our japa means..[narayana please fix my tyre, some itmes it means please get me out of this mess, some times it is please tell me what to do,, so we have various meditation of our mantra]. we are hoping we get registered in ASA. 4 rules are intact by god's grace.

     Regular program of reading?    
we make sure that we do read the chapter of BHvai class on sat in english. so one chapter one week. everything else is variable some times there is krsna book, sometimes noi.. nothing fixed..try to hear prabhupada lecture.. we understood that book our basis for stupid self like we need to associate with srila prabhupada to stay charged.

Association of local devotees??????????????????
this is rare because we are not able to find place for self in this big Ship by prabhupada in india as of now. chowpatty temple is good. but it is for good established grhastha materially job, home, etc. we dont have none. we are not able to find any one with similar pyscho-physical nature.. so practically we dont have any intimate local association.. but we do have good acquintances with devotee. we do for temple.
frankly we were thinking to learn spanish and get a prof job in peru and help u there. we find our place but it is in land of incas. so lets see what can we do..

please tell guru-parampara and god, we are inventing our ways to serve him, we dont how he wants us to involve in sankirtana yagya..but we are looking forward.
thankinf you American Swami, meeting you is the best thing happened in our life..
waiting to  get briddled>


           hps - ASA ---  AGTSP   paoho.  Manipuri devotes bought ticket Kolkatta to Imphal 6th March and are buying return 22 March.

Report is super.   4 principles and 16 rounds, SB every week!   We can adjust our efforts to help you better and take advantage of your help better since we know this.   Yes, VAD is bad in this age.  As you stick with the 16/4/SB   get up early   then it will become clear as DaiviVAD.   Arjuna engaged in VAD as his Bhakti yoga.    Things will become clear with wife and family.  Adelante!   Do you best on PhD.   Try to have fun with it and make some practical austerity, but again you are right Krsna has to do the VAD work at this point.   We do it at the time of 2nd inistiatioon.


12 years, 2 months ago by joel rivera in Personal Sadhana Reports

all reverences to Sri  caitania maha prabhu
all reverences to Srila Prabhupada
Please accept my humble obeisances teacher

Hare Krsna dear maharaj, master I have a doubt about the soul, in the Gita says that the soul is indivisible and inmobible.
means that when you change your body everything happens in one place?, and in Goloka Vrindavan souls that have been released do not move? or the movement how here and is just an illusion?
please enlighten me with torch master knowledge
haribol maharaj. 

                Jaya!    AGTSP    ....  What do you think of this Text and Purport:

preguntas de corazón preocupante

12 years, 2 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Oh Holy Sage!!
You have been delivering many fallen souls in all over the earth. Working day and night just to reach out to more and more people. You are compassionate on others, and strict on yourself. We may have joked with you according to our level. Please forgive us for our grave offences we have done against you.

        HpS - ASA -  AGTSP!!!       You see only the good qualities in people and magnify them. We have also been attached to reading Sherlock Holmes stories in the name of "World Classical Literature".

...we have troubled you a lot over blog, skype and in person. But we may not have capacity to have any other fruitful relation with you. We may be taking advantage of your tolerance , but that is not our intent, but sort of conditioning.

Oh travelling preacher. we write to you in great trouble we have in heart. Please forward this message to Supreme Lord. We live in this kaliyuga were things are detoriating we can feel that our bodliy and mental health is taking toll. we are in grhastjha asrama where we dont have support or reminders of execution of KC. Our mind is un-controlled intelligence is weak. Jaundiced by avidya we dont relish holy name.

We are becoming conscious that death is coming closer every second, ulitmately we have to die. We know we can only attain perfection be mercy of lord. Karma-jnana-dhyana-bhakti, 9 stages of bhakti.. all this science esp which tells us stages of perfection.. questions us can we attain them in this life time. what if we dont!!! we have not even begun!! mercy is dependent on our endeavor , we feel we lack that endeavor..

not able to process is concern. but before process comes association. We are so rascal that we are very bad at relations- very low on emotions, we can not maintain relationships. we can not hope you to micromanage... but we are saying all this  to express our momentary seriousness and saneness... hope super soul -- dadati buddhi yogam to us.

our only refuge is holy name, all we can do is chant as much as we can, chant internally or externally work or no work... but dont know how much is practical... we want to write more...but we rest...can you give us some prescription out of your compassion on rascal like us....
insignificant acquitance.
  Horse Pradhana.

                  HpS - ASA --  AGTSP!!!!    BG 2.41 or so...  Nehabikramo naso sti....  on this path there is no loss or diminuition.   Even the Gopis feel that they are rascals who can't execute real Bhakti. Objectively you are in a difficult situation, but it could be worse. You could be in the West where animal slaughter and multiple "wives" is a common practice. You could have never come in contact with Srila Prabhupada nor his movement nor his other aspirants.  So, thing is to set some goal: eg. on Sunday stop and think, this week I will chant x-number of rounds every day.      Set a practical standard and then do it.  Also, associate like this in a regulated fashion.   Do you think it is not having an effect?           What is your Japa vrata?   For how long?    Tell the whole world!     Be a pioneer!

We are always grateful for your association and determination under such difficult circumstances.