12 years, 1 month ago by jayanta in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurudev: Pamho.TgSP y sus seguidores fieles

Espero que se encuentre medio bien de salud cuando reciba este mensaje. Por aquí seguimos como siempre tratando de satisfacer a SP con la predica y luchando, ( a veces) desde nuestro estado neofito por controlar los sentidos.

Ayer estuvimos en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid haciendo un programa con Yadu Swami. He conseguido un contacto para hacer un programa con usted en Mayo. Es en el departamento de Antropología. Les he dicho que ellos pueden sugerir lo que quieren. Tambien usted puede sugerir algo.

Estoy en contacto con ellos para perfilar el programa.

Tambien estoy participando en un programa de Bhakti-Vriksa ceerca de donde vivo, en un pueblo a 7 kilometros (Alpedrete). Hay unas devotas rusas que estan empezando y me han pedido apoyo. Así que dos fines de semana al mes iremos Purnamasi, Nimai y yo. Ellas tambien tienen niños que vienen al Gurukula de Domingo al Templo. Así que el ambiente es muy bueno.

Sin mas, un saludo

su sirviente


            HpS  Jaya... Tlgasp!      pfanrh.   Super!!!!   Paso por paso adelantamod eternamente!!!!

           Si puede obtener   vuelo de BRU at MAD como 3PM ,   1 Mayo,   eso es bueno, llegamos a las 8AM entonces hay 5 horas de transito para guardar contra demurras.

            MAD  a NVM por coche 8 Mayo.

           NVM a Barcelona por AVE 20 Mayo, lunes

           Barcelona a BRU 27 Mayo, lunes.

Puede ver podemos pasar poco mas en NVM, Espana, por que esta demurado la reunion en Radha desa.

               Pienso la programa de Bhakti vrksa puede cambiar a un centro muy fuerte en Madrid.  Hay muchos quiere assistir a una programa pero tiene miedo del ambiente de Espiritu Santo.

                   Con Anthropologia podemos hablar de Varna Ashrama Dharma, no???  Esta bien?  Hay super fotos y todo en Light of the Bhagavata!

Mar del Plata HARE KRSNA!!!!!

12 years, 1 month ago by Panca tattva das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Respected Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.


            HpS - ASA - AGTSP...

     All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

How are you Gurudev, Here we are under your lotus feet, trying to deeply understand your instructions...


                     HpS - We are in hell just like you unless we surrender to Krsna.  We want to do so many things "for Krsna", then we get into the mode of passion, attached to results and become rough with our body and mind and devotees who interfer with our path.   Grrrr!          Just chant Hare Krsna and adjust what you can do nicely for Krsna with the tools He gives us!


Last week we had the asosiation of SS Gunagrahi Swami it was very entusiastic!!! 

Things are going very good in Mar del Plata!!!! Taking care of Goura nitay deities (named: sara siromani)


          ASA - The Essence of Crest Jewels

Chanting Hare Krishna and studing NOI and BGita!!    I took a vow this kartik month,taking just raw prassadamand chanting 20 ronds a day. It´s amasing how I´m feeling, I much more contemplative, controling much more

my Kata and all my other senses, and I can see how my senses and mind were a complete chaos...

I realized how important is to make austerities.

I wish I could mantain this for ever...this crasy mind makes everthing so I forget my position..

please give my your blessings 

In the month of Dicember Mahajan Prabhu is traveling to Chile and He want me to take care of his deaties (Radika- Giridhari) for

all the month, you think is alright??


                 ASA -  Yes, seems fine to me.  You have contact with Adi-yajna Das in BsAs?  You are becoming a Goswami, like NOI 1?   Got letter from Ignacio with similar news of Mar.   Seems like you have nice situation, just have to all push little more to speed up your journey!!


please give me your protections!!!blessings !!!!! Bhakti!!!

HARI BOL!!!!!!!!!!!!



My birthday is on 11 of abril next year 36 yers old!!!!! closer to leave this body...

                       HpS - ASA - You are on the right path, now you have to just speed up...

From New Govardhana Dhama

12 years, 1 month ago by Nityananda-rama dasa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my humble obeisances, All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

      Guru-maharaja, sorry I have been unable write, life has gotten very busy.  By your mercy and the mercy of Sri Sri Radha-Giridhari I am serving on the altar four days a week.  Dayanidhi prabhu and his wife Vrindavan mataji have been very kindly allowing me to stay with them when I have service and have been very patient in teaching me how to properly behave and serve on the altar.

     Since I have recieved the gayatri mantra, I have been chanting it daily at the apropriate times and keeping up on my japa.  I have had the great mercy of having Dayanidhi prabhu show me how to bath and decorate the Govardhana and Saligram Sila in the temple and Dharmasetu prabhu has been allowing me to assist him in preperation for fire yajnas.

     I wanted to take a few minutes to check in before we begin preperations for the celebration Giridhari's pastimes here in San Diego.  I hope to write something more substantial when I go on break next week.

Your servant,

Nityananda-rama dasa

               HpS - Jaya!   AGTSP      paoho.    Very nice to hear from you and news from San Diego, Giridhari Yatra.  Govardhana Puja must be your second biggest festival of the year.  How is the Sankirtana there?   What your your plans for speading Krsna consciousness?????    Our respects to Dyanidhi Das!!

Jay Srla Prabhupada!

12 years, 1 month ago by bhakta gonzalo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna!

Todas las Glorias sean a Sri Sri Gaura Nitai !!

Todas las Glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada !!

Todas las Glorias sean a ud Guru Maharaj !!

Por Favor acepte mis mas humildes reverencias.

Hari Bol ! Le escribo con el reporte de Mar del Plata. La congregacion sigue sumando miembros los domingos son 60/70 personas.La semana pasada tuvimos la visita de Su Santidad Gunagragi Das Goswami . estuvo toda la semana dando las clases y programas, el domingo pasado 4/11. Instalo a Sri Sri NItai Gaura Candra. en casa. Asiq estoy sirviendolos lo mejor que puedo. con un buen sadana. y las 16 rondas a la mañana (voto con Sri Damodar) sigo fijo en mis servicios y brindando lo que mas se pueda al loft. mi esposa esta en chile en sankyrtan viajero durante 2 meses. por ende mi absorcion es completa en las Deidades. Estoy muy deseoso de saber si tiene alguna instruccion para mi. desde ya muchas gracias Guru Maharaj por su tiempo y compasiva misericordia.

Su eterno sirviente  Bhakta gonzalo

           HpS - ASA -  Jaya!    TlgaSP!!!!    Estamos en Santiago hasta 28 Noviembre. Vamos a encontrar a su estimada esposa mientras estamos aqui.   Muy bien sus noticias.   Esta occupado en trabajo con distribucion de Prasadam, no?   Tan mucho hacer...   Tiene progamas para los ninos y jovenes?         Pienso eso es essential.              No puedo dar ninguna instruccion especifica para Vd sin apreciar un poco mas los detalles de su situacion...        Como esta Mahajana Das Prabhu???????????????

The Lilamrita

12 years, 1 month ago by Rashmin dd in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krishna,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Guru Maharaja, I hope you are well. It has been a while since my last confession... :) I joke.

Guru Maharaja, thank you very much for your blessings you gave me and my husband towards our wedding. And the fruit basket was lovely! 

We purchased the Prabhupada Lilamrita on your advice and have been reading a little every day- we missed yesterday unfortunately- before breakfast. It's really nice reading this book about prabhupada's life. So many wonderful things he did in his childhood! He used to be a naughty boy. I didn't know. And we also  received the Krishna book as a wedding gift although it is difficult to read that one before going to sleep. We are waiting to purchase the Srimad Bhagavatam. I will make the effort to pick up where I left off in the 3rd canto. It was very difficult to read for me.

I also have another question. I was wondering if I have any senior godbrothers who are also householders that I can take shelter from. Or anyone that is qualified as a householder couple that might not be my godbrothers. It would be nice to have their association. I would appreciate it very much.

I am chanting minimum 16 rounds, 4 regs, and some reading. Please forgive my offenses. 

your aspiring servant,

Rasa-mandali devi dasi

           HpS - ASA -  Jaya!    AGTSP.         paoho.          Lot of work being a Grhastha, no?         You have so much nice shelter there, no?    You Temple President seemed like nice Grhastha and as I understand your parents are also nice devotees, no? !                   That's the best,   making relations with many nice Grhasthas in your physical community...    Maybe some other readers of this Blog can send an answer if they also would like to give some special advice and association.  Yes, as a Sannyasa it is difficult for us to give detailed guidance for Grhastha Ashrama, although, following Srila Prabhupada's example, we try to give general advice.

Of course, the real nectar is  Srila Prabhupada's association through all these many, many, many, books!!!

Are you continuing school?     Yogendra Prabhu?

Nitya Kisori dd reporting

12 years, 1 month ago by b.Natalia Molina in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva
Please accept my humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Our distribution at El Salvador:
18 Bhagavad Gitas
20 Journey to Self discovery
1200 small books

The street is difficult!     We did mostly universities, it was nice.
The last week we had a hard time, because Tani was sick and the vigilants didn't help to the sankirtan mouvement...

We had a pastime... We went to a university called Matias, and we entered to all the classrooms. The started at 9am and finished at 12:00. The same day, at 1pm, a student (girl) from this university was kidnapped and killed. She was fiancé of one friend of a devotee in the temple (we share the asrama with her). So when we knew that, we thought that we see hundrends of students in each university, but only some take the books, but we don't know what will happen to them after our sankirtan, maybe they will die in few hours! We don't know if we will die very soon, is so important to become devotee of Krsna, to have a connexion with Srila Prabhupada. So I pray I can become more conciouss of the value of my service, and I can increase my desire to give these books to everyone. I don't know if that girl took a book or not, I hope she did, but I think at least she saw or touch them.

On wednesday we return to Mexico. My parents are going to visit me on 26th November until 6th December. After that, more sankirtan on Srila Prabhupada's marathon.

I only hope I can get the inside essence of what I am doing, I hope to have your blessings.

Your servant, Nitya Kisori dd

               HpS - ASA -   AgtSP      Paoho.    Thank you for your news.    The whole of ISKCON is a Sankirtan movement at Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet. Whatever we do is by his mercy, no?  His feet don't just reflect our light, like the moon reflects light, but they shine with their own light and purify the heart, then we can see that everything is being controled by Krsna and try to use our abilities to join His work.

Very best regards to your good parents. We are in Santiago and hope that we can risk our lives like you and be empowered like you to communicate the Light of the Bhagavata.  We go back Lima two days after your parents leave.   But we will be there when they return.