LOTUS - CMDD report

1 year, 6 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, beloved Gurudeva, AGTSP, PAMHO 🙏

SO sorry I have not written before. Honestly, I did not have anything valuable to report.

ASA - As long as you can breath, you can chant. That is important to report, no? 😄

Due to this the situation with the authorities in Perú. I'm considered a dissident even if I haven't broken any principles, nor have bad behaviour. I don't know it they are going to allow me to enter to the altar again. But that is another story.

HpS - I had nice talk with Mathuresa Das and he said he was going to post some comments in the Blog. I will Whatsapp him to ask him to do that.

Let it be administrative disagreements among friends.

We can solve it that way.

Gangamayi Devi Dasi, you, can lead Kirtans for half an hour and everyone join.

Later discuss administrative details.


  1. Srila Prabhupada.
  2. Our Friendships.
  3. Our Institution.


In this opportunity I want to report that some of the ISKCON associates gathered at the Casa Roja to celebrate the Birthday anniversary of one elder Mataji who is very loved and respect in ISKCON M Prema Tarangani (JPS). She has cáncer. And still she wants to serve the devotees

She told me, "M Candramukhi this is what SP wants that we together try to work in harmony." She is not aware the political situation of the temple. Due to her disease. So I immediately thought this is SP speaking through her.

We had some Prasadam and share some good qualities about M Prema. It was really pleasant.

Ulysses is getting older. Nevertheless, I can tell he is always happy. Maybe he is waiting for You. Today while You share your view of Nashville I thought Ulysses will like there haha

Happy Gurupurnima 🌝 Gurudeva.

Hope to have the opportunity to visit You in your base. Do You know Jacksonville? My cousin lives there I went there last year. Very Nice

HpS - Very little bit. Hope we are keeping enough communication by Twitter, Blog, KDh, Paramatma.

Now is 5.31PM in Richmond. Had very full regulated day. Always struggle with body, mind, community but "Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare" and we are being of use to the mission of the current Avatara.

C U soon Gurudeva

Trying to be your disciple


Cada día mejorando

1 year, 6 months ago by ramanretidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Goura Nitay

Todas las glorias a srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudev comienzo mi reporte explicando qué mi sadhana diario es bueno, pero siempre es importante mejorar detalles, cada día analizo en que estuve desconcentrada al siguiente día lo mejoró, si me cuesta más de lo debido busco alternativas para aplicar.

Sigo con la lectura diarias a las devotas saludando, ayudando en sus preguntas, es una hermosa predica

sigo mis estudio de Pada Patma y estudiente oyente de los demás cursos que da LAD, seguimos distribuyendo dulces una vez a la semana cada vez más personas queriendo tomando su sugerencia de hablar de krishna, a otras saludar con un hare krishna según la recepción qué tenga.

Le comento que hace un tiempo compre flores en macetas y estas las ofrezco al altar estoy muy contentA por que son muy bellas y dan mucho botones , además de tener albaca y orégano

Por último mi hermana Francisca vendrá a Lima desde el 4 al 9de Julio con mi sobrino y su esposo muy contentA porque después de 3 años los veré otra vez.

Con las enseñas de Srila Prabhupada sus consejos y bendiciones para mejorar mi calidad de servicio son primordial para mi vida espiritual

Se despide su humilde sirviente Raman Reti Devi Dasi


All glories to Goura Nitay

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Dear Gurudev, I start my report by explaining that my daily sadhana is good, but it is always important to improve details, every day I analyze what I was not focused on, the next day it improved, if it costs me more than I should, I look for alternatives to apply.

I continue with the daily reading to the devotees greeting, helping with their questions, it is a beautiful preaching

I continue my study of Pada Patma and listener student of the other courses that LAD gives, we continue distributing sweets once a week more and more people wanting to take their suggestion to talk about krishna, others greet with a hare krishna according to the reception what they have .

I tell you that some time ago I bought flowers in pots and I offer them to the altar. I am very happy because they are very beautiful and give a lot of buds, as well as having basil and oregano

Finally, my sister Francisca will come to Lima from July 4 to 9 with my nephew and her husband, very happy because after 3 years I will see them again.

With Srila Prabhupada's teachings, his advice and his blessings to improve my quality of service are essential for my spiritual life.

Her humble servant Raman Reti Devi Dasi bids farewell

HpS - AgtSP!! paoho. So, nice. If there are nice devotees all over the world like this, by Srila Prabhupada's mercy, then how can there not be a change in the selfish nature of us all? Everyone become happy knowing that they have a nice, powerful friend and learning to be humble and looking for service.

Thank you.

What kind of sweets?

ASA Visiting Houston?

1 year, 6 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, Calendar Development

On Whatsapp, HpS to N. A. Das in Houston after NAD posted the dates of Romapada Swami presening LoB seminar in Houston in November, Thanksgiving:

Super (not supper). Thank you so much. 23 November (of 2023) is Thanksgiving Day.

We have had little dialog with Maharaja about LoB and would like to work more with him. Very seriously hoping we can come to Texas those days. Any service for us?

NAD: Hare Krsna Hanumat Presak Swami, 

I have forwarded your message to Saranga Thakur Prabhu (Temple President). He told me that he will follow up with you. 


Copy to Saranga Thakur Prabhu

HpS - Thank you! I had much longer talk with Maharaja and still would like to come. Was thinking of texting President Saranga Das, but is nicer that you have done it.

Now we are in Richmond for a week.

First trip out after returning to Nashville few months ago.

We have only been able to do it because Subal Das came to get us and will take us back.


Jay Maharaj!

1 year, 6 months ago by mercurio3 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Jay Maharaj! HK. PAMHO. AGTSP!

How are you? Where are you now?

ASA - www.JayaRama.US/news.html 🙂

Well, I bought the film of Diary of a Traveling Creature and watched the beginning, would like to see it completely, I liked it so far.

ASA - There are two so far. Two more coming to complete the "Travels". First one is judge as Good. Second One is Judge Very Good. Going to see 90% of the Fourth one this weekend.

I’m about to start a group of study of Prabhupada Lilamrita, so maybe I can show the movie to the devotees whenever they come home.

ASA - 🙂

Maharaj thank you for the instruction about the situation of the jivatma in the spiritual world, recently I spoke about that with a senior devotee and he told me Jayapataka Swami says that only a very few percentage of the souls in Goloka decide to come to the material world, what’s your opinion about that?

ASA - 😄

What is 2% of an Infinite Number? However, I have heard the same. It is like only a small percentage of Sakhas pick a certain type of flower on a certain day to offer to Krsna, no?

Material world, lila, is one flower in a field of flowers.

I started an ayurvedic treatment after some time of following diet by myself, and frankly speaking I’m feeling really tired, I can’t get up early in the morning as I used to do, though I keep chanting the 16 rounds and following the 4 principles.

I’m speaking with Dr Liladhar Gupta from Vrindavan to start ayurvedic treatment with him, he’s a Senior Physician and his father was Prabhupada’s doctor for some time, Dr Gupta told me he met Prabhupada when he was 14 years old, during His Holiness’ last days on this planet.

I’m about to start learning English so hopefully I’ll start writing better e-mails for you hahah :) well if Krishna allows me.

HpS - It helps because you can fine tune the Google Translations!

So I’m still reading SB I’m on canto chapter 7, and I read one should get association from a pure devotee, and since Prabhupada says one should ask submissive questions to a Guru and offer him service, my question is:

How can I regain my sadhana quality, raise early in the morning, etc.

HpS - I don't know details, but basically just use your intelligence to understand your psycho-physical circumstance and then get back to the gross standard of timings etc.

Prabahupada says that it is better to die taking Prasadam

how can I serve you??

Is there anything you would like me to do??

HpS - Aaa Haaa: https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/14134/

thank you very very much in advance!

your servant,

Federico Molnar

HpS - Thank you, Federico. We must run to take our bath and do our Gayatri or we will die.

See you again soon!!!! Best of luck with your Sankirtan. It sounds very, very nice.

El deseo de predicar

1 year, 6 months ago by piyari_mohan_das in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva

Please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

In the last letter you told me:

Hope this year of the 10,000 is a very good year for you to pay your debts to anyone.

I also wish the same, but I will have to be patient, to be able to do something does not depend only on me, but also on the authorities and the people affected.

HpS/ASA - Yes!

My sadhana has been maintained: 16x4 - personal reading - sastra study with other vaisnavas 5 days a week - arcana (flower and incense) - prasadam (even falling into eating bhoga, now I have been diagnosed with pre diabetes. I see this as the mercy of Krishna to eat less and give up sugar) - struggling with the pillow, I would love to be able to do Mangala Arati again without affecting my emotional health from not getting enough sleep.

HpS - Have to go to bed early?

My spiritual life is up and down, currently I am well situated in my Krishna consciousness, but I know that it will not always be. I go through cycles, just like in my illness. For periods I really like spiritual life, I do the practice with joy, but after a while my awareness towards sense enjoyment increases, I do not stop the practice of the process, but my awareness is not adequate.

HpS - Sometimes the river is rough, sometimes it is peaceful. The closer we get to the shore and getting out, the more we are free from the changes.

Although I am not qualified, I have an intense desire to preach. On Fridays I have a window at the institute, and I found out that it was a good time to do sankirtan, so I go for a walk and distribute some books. Now I am organizing myself to do the same on Tuesdays, before entering the first class of the week.

HpS - There must be some personal motivation within the spiritual motivation eg. desire to become famous as a religious preacher. Is that true?

A few years ago, a devotee recommended me to take the contacts of the people who did sankirtan for them, and thanks to this, now I ventured to talk to those most interested to send them a daily verse from the BG with a short explanation, explanatory videos, songs, etc. Now I started to do something similar but with devotees, since while I read the scriptures I keep excerpts that I find interesting and I have the desire to share them. I also want to apply my studies and sell books online.

HpS - Who are your Sankirtan partners? If you rely too much on your own management it can be dangerous, no?

I work daily on my musical compositions, I already have a proposal of 9 songs for the first album. The central theme is the basis of philosophy: we are not the body. I also write poetry on a daily basis and am working on a science fiction novel.

I have an idea that preaching programs can be made for every type of person who approaches Krishna: suffering, wealth seeker, inquisitive and God seeker.

I wish he is ecstatic in his service to Srila Prabhupada

My obeisances Gurudeva

Your servant: Piyari Mohan das

HpS - UP ... down... UP .... down. Is natural, no? Learning how to deal with the body. Othewise it can drive ANY of us to madness.

This world is mad!

https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/1/17/ especially starting with Text 4? Useful?

Seguimos Estudiando

1 year, 6 months ago by Adi Yajña Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja,

Reverence to Your Lotus Feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I hope you are well.

I am always reading Kapi Dvaja and trying to follow your program through GoToMeeting.

Here, things are going well. We are always struggling, sometimes under the influence of the modes of material nature, and at other times, we are rescued from them.

ASA - 🔥🚒

I am reading Chapter 7 of Canto 12 of the Srimad Bhagavatam. I am memorizing verses from Srila Prabhupada's book, which Gadadara Gosai from Mexico sent me. I am also studying a bit about Yajñas, and we continue to work on Electricity.

Chanting rounds is a bit inconsistent in quality, but I manage to complete 16 rounds every day. I am following the four principles, although at times, lust is a heavy burden. But on days when my consciousness is superficial, there is a lot of anger (which might not be much for others), but it's all part of the ups and downs. At the same time, I accept these challenges with enthusiasm as they help me to remain humble and beg for mercy while striving to achieve it.

ASA - Take Sannyasa???

The congregation of Sri Govardan always assists me, and we try to serve and assist them within our capabilities.

I continue to serve as a Pujari and help with maintenance whenever it is needed.

Hridayananda Das Goswami visited here a month ago, but I didn't participate. In fact, it was very uncomfortable for me as some (many) things irritate me, and I couldn't hide it. So, I kept myself away with a restless mind, and at that time, I couldn't write to you because everything becomes very existential when one is affected.

Now, I am more stable, and hopefully, it will last. The process of anartha nivriti is indeed lengthy.

Thank you for everything, Gurudev.

At your service,

Adi Yajña Das

HpS - ASA - One million dollar letter, thank you.

Regular Mangala arati with good Kirtan?

  • Japa.
  • Kirtan.
  • Sankirtan.
  • Karma-yoga... doing what is natural for us to do for Krsna.

Krsna has so, so, much more work for you to do. Just get steady control of your mind so He can inspire you!

Tell us about Govardhana. Photo journalism.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja.

Reverencias a Sus Pies de Loto

Toda gloria a Srila Prabhupada

Espero se encuentre bien.

Estoy leyendo siempre kapi duja y tratando de seguir el programa suyo por go to meeting

Aqui bien, siempre en la lucha a veces sufrimos las modalidades y otras somos rescatados.

Estoy leyendo canto 12 cap 7 del SB. Memorizando Slokas del libro de Srila Prabhupada que me envio Gadadara Gosai de Mexico, estudiando un poco sobre Yajñas, y seguimos con Electricidad,

Las rondas en un sube y baja la calidad, 16 rondas todos los dias, 4 principios bien , a veces lujuria muy pesada, pero en dia que la conciencia esta muy superficial y mucha ira( lo que quizas no es mucha para otros) pero es parte del sube y baja, a la vez aceptamos con entusiasmo estos desafios que nos ayudan a ponerme humilde y pedir la misericordia y ezforsarme por conseguirla

La congregación de Sri Govardan me asisten siempre y tratamos de Servir y asistir dentro de las posibilidades a Ellos.

Sigo haciendo el servicio de Pujari, y ayudo con alguno de mantenimiento cuando se requiere

Aqui estuvo hace un mes Hridayananda Das Gosvami, pero no participe, de hecho fue muy incomodo para mi, me irritan algunas( muchas) cosas, y no puedo ocultarlo, asi que solo me mantuve alejado pero con la mente muy agitada, y no podia escribirle a Usted en ese momento, por que todo es muy existencial cuando uno esta afectado.

Ahora mas estable, esperemos que dure, muy largo el proceso de anartha nivriti.

Gracias por Todo Gurudev

A Su Servicio

Adi Yajña Das