Las estrellas brillarán
Todas las glorias a nuestro Fundador Acarya A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Śrīla Prabhupāda!
Querido Gurumaharaja
Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias.
Orando y agradeciendo al Señor Nrisimhadeva para que siempre proteja su energía consagrada al sankirtana eterno de Śrīla Prabhupāda y porsupuesto para que proteja mi contaminado corazón de nuestro enemigo más grande: la lujuria.
Prontamente se celebrará Janmastami, por la bendición de Śrīla Prabhupāda desde el corazón purificado podemos saber que existe una atmósfera de paz y prosperidad en todas partes y en todas las direcciones pero quizás nuestros ojos materiales no pueden ver, sin embargo las estrellan brillarán en su máximo esplendor por el nacimiento del Señor Krishna.
Estamos leyendo los libros de Śrīla Prabhupāda y escuchando algunas clases regularmente, tenemos algunas preguntas.
De acuerdo a Srila Jiva Goswami el paribhasa sutra del Srimad Bhagavatam es el 1.3.28 , nos gustaría saber por favor si es correcto que el paribhasa sutra del BG es el 18.65 ?
Atma Tattva
•BG. 2.24
El alma está en todas partes y es inmóvil..
Cómo entendemos está aparente contradicción?
También queremos aprovechar la oportunidad para solicitar por favor su ofrenda para el Vyasapuja 2023 de Śrīla Prabhupāda para poder leer en el templo.
Muchas gracias por su misericordiosa atención.
Disculpe por favor nuestras ofensas.
Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente
Asta Sakhi dd
Prabhu Manash Ranjan le ofrece sus respetuosas reverencias.
All glories to our Founder Acarya A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Śrīla Prabhupāda!
Dear Gurumaharaja
Please accept our respectful obeisances.
Praying and thanking Lord Nrisimhadeva to always protect his energy consecrated to Śrīla Prabhupāda's eternal sankirtana and of course to protect my polluted heart from our greatest enemy: lust.
HpS/ASA - AgtSP. . . . ! . We wonder how we can continue in devotional service, since we are very insincere, but maybe it is because of the best wishes of other devotees!
Janmastami will soon be celebrated, by the blessing of Śrīla Prabhupāda from the purified heart we can know that there is an atmosphere of peace and prosperity everywhere and in all directions but perhaps our material eyes cannot see, however the stars will shine at their maximum splendor by the birth of Lord Krishna.
We are reading Śrīla Prabhupāda's books and listening to some classes regularly, we have some questions:
According to Srila Jiva Goswami the paribhasa sutra of Srimad Bhagavatam is 1.3.28, we would like to know if it is correct that the paribhasa sutra of BG is 18.65?
HpS/ASA - As we remember, we have read from devotees that the most cited verse by Srila Prabhupada is BG 18.66. Yet, we remember one comment by Srila Narayana Maharaja that BG 18.65 was the essence of BG.
That is all I know.
It seems to me that Srila Bhakti siddhanta might have comment that it is the PBS.
Certainly very important verse, often emphasized and used by Srila Prabhupada, no?
Atma Tattva
•BG. 2.24
The soul is everywhere and it is immobile.
How do we understand this apparent contradiction?
HpS/ASA - In the Purport Srila Prabhupada makes some comment on this:
The souls collectively are distributed everywhere.
🐒 Bh. Tom suggests it is like saying that in Mexico Tamales are everywhere and immobile.
Also, we remember that SP comments the soul is sarva-gataḥ (omnipresente) means within the entire body... by its consciousness.
We also want to take the opportunity to please request your offering for Śrīla Prabhupāda's Vyasapuja 2023 so that we can read in the temple.
ASA - We searched our files on our computer and letters in our E-mail account and cannot find it.
We will compose a little offering in another Blog Post!
Thank you very much for his merciful attention.
Please excuse our offenses.
Your eternal would-be servant
asta sakhi dd
Prabhu Manash Ranjan offers his respectful obeisances.
HpS - Thank you! What will be our next ASA service assignment from Srila Prabhupada! Will he give us one??!1
Thank you.
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