Hare Krishna Maharaj, me presento.

1 year, 6 months ago by natalia.huichante in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj

Acepte por favor mis respetuosas reverencias sus pies

Todas Las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Todas Las Glorias a los Devotas y Devotos reunidos.

Esperando que se encuentre bien de salud y Feliz en Conciencia de Krishna.

Me presento, mi Nombre es Natalia Mackarenna Gómez Huichante, estoy refugiada bajo los pies de loto de SS Dhanvantari Swami Maharaj. Tengo 33años y vivo actualmente en una localidad llamada Lanco, ubicada a 8hrs (en bus) al sur de Santiago de Chile.

El primer contacto con los devotos ocurrió el año 2012 cuando me fui de viaje a recorrer Brasil por 3meses junto a una amiga. Ahí conocimos a su abuelo quién tenía 22 hijos, dentro de los cuales había una Devota llamada Damodara Lila Devi Dasi, Discípula de SS Srila Virabahu Maharaj. 

Con ella tuvimos una muy buena relación naturalmente (relación que hasta el día de hoy siguimos cultivando con Damodara), ella nos recibió en su casa, nos hablaba de Krishna, nos llevó al Templo de Butantã en Sao Paulo, nos daba mucho Prasadam, mas, nosotras no estábamos del todo interesada en un Proceso Espiritual, más bien queríamos seguir viajando, hasta que llegara el momento de volver a Chile en el mes de julio.

En Abril de 2013 tuve un sueño bastante particular, en este, habían muchas estrellas fugaces (ok) y personas calvas vestidas de color azafrán bailando(ah????quiénes son ellos?).... Al día siguiente me enteré que estaba esperando un hijo, Renato hoy de 9 años.

Luego de un proceso maternal sólo en compañía de mis padres y familiares, llegué a un punto en donde no estaba conforme con la persona que estaba siendo, no estaba tranquila con la maternidad que le estaba entregando a Renato, necesitaba más.

En Diciembre del año 2016 mi padre nos invita a pasar el año nuevo a Río de Janeiro y vi ahí una oportunidad para encontrar eso que estaba buscando, que la verdad no tenía muy claro que era. La noche antes de volver a Chile le digo a mi padre que me quedaré unos días más en Brasil con Renato y que a Chile volvería después. (Antes de salir de Chile ya sabía que no volvería con ellos, sólo el padre de Renato y una amiga sabían el plan, no le dije antes a mis padres para que no llenarán mi cabeza con miedos fantasmas)

Llamé a Damodara para preguntarle si podía pasar a visitarla..... En resumen vivimos con ella 7 meses en São Paulo. Ella en ese entonces me mostró la serie del Mahabharata(versión 2014), la vimos completa en 2semanas, en paralelo me contaba pasatiempos de Krishna, me hablaba de Srila Prabhupada, me mostraba libros ...y yo sólo prestaba atención. Hasta que en la serie se comienza a recitar el Bhagavad Gita, ahí muchas cosas me hicieron sentido, el corazón y el cerebro se alinearon y supe que era KRISHNA lo que estaba buscando.

En marzo 2017, Damodara nos llevó al festival de Gaura Purnima en el templo de Paraíso,SP. Fue ahí cuando vi a personas calvas vestidas de color azafrán bailando....TODO HIZO SENTIDO. 

De vuelta a Chile, debía ir a templo de Santiago a entregar un Armonio que había enviado Damodara de regalo, al recibirme un Devoto me dice "Venga este Viernes, un Maestro Espiritual dará una Clase de Bhagavad Gita" ... El Maestro Espiritual era SS HanumatPresaka Swami.

Comencé asistir al templo regularmente, realizar servicio, a tomar los cursos, a tener asociación con Devotos quienes algunos de ellos pasan a ser familia del corazón, a cantar mi japa y seguir los principios regulativos, a leer el Krishna Book con Rena, a participar de los festivales e intentar ser un aporte positivo al movimiento.

Actualmente en Asociación con devotos de la zona sur, estamos en construcción de un proyecto llamado ISKCON LACUSTRE, donde hemos realizado festival de Janmastami en Villarrica y programas de Food For Life . Hoy en día realizamos únicamente encuentros mensuales para nuestro fortalecimiento espiritual, ya que al estar tan lejos del centro neurálgico (Stgo de Chile) la vida espiritual es un poco más difícil.

Tanto así que hace un par de meses atrás me encontraba en lo más bajo que he experimentado de mi vida espiritual, pero llegó Laksmirada DD y me dio su mano salvadora diciéndome "Vuelve a conectarte a las Clases de mi Gurú, únete al FMP", así volvió la "magia de Krishna" . Tanto así, tanta es la misericordia de Govinda que me permitió hace una semana ir a compartir con SS Dhanvantari Swami en Córdoba, Argentina. La experiencia de poder servir en Vapu al Maestro Espiritual es sin duda el potencial que necesitaba para continuar en Vani hasta poder reencontrarme con él cuando Krishna así lo quiera.

Actualmente hago mis esfuerzos de cantar mis 16 rondas, algunos días son 17, otros 8, otros 20, otros 16...y así, cumplo mis 4principios regulativos, me faltan sólo 3modulos y la prueba de versos para concluir el Bhakti Sastri. Estamos leyendo Los versos de Bhagavad Gita junto a Renato todo esto entre las labores del hogar y el trabajo.

Maharaj agradezco la oportunidad que nos otorga día a día de poder tener su asociación, sus lecturas, las imágenes y poder escuchar de tan cerca a Krishna.

Acepte por favor mis reverencias a Sus pies.

Atentamente su sirvienta

Bhaktina Natalia Gómez Huichante


Hare Krishna, Maharaj

Please accept my respectful obeisances at your feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

HpS - Yes!

All Glories to the Devotees and Devotees gathered.

Hoping you are in good health and Happy in Krishna Consciousness.

I introduce myself, my name is Natalia Mackarenna Gómez Huichante, I am sheltered under the lotus feet of H. H. Dhanvantari Swami Maharaj. I am 33 years old and I currently live in a town called Lanco, located 8 hours (by bus) south of Santiago de Chile.

ASA - 🚌

The first contact with the devotees occurred in 2012 when I went on a trip to visit Brazil for 3 months with a friend. There we met her grandfather who had 22 children

ASA - One wife??!

. . . including a Devotee named Damodara Lila Devi Dasi, Disciple of H. H. Srila Virabahu Maharaj.

We naturally had a very good relationship with her (a relationship that we continue to cultivate with Damodara to this day), she welcomed us into her home, talked to us about Krishna, took us to the Butantã Temple in Sao Paulo, gave us a lot of Prasadam, but , we were not at all interested in a Spiritual Process, rather we wanted to continue traveling, until the time came to return to Chile in the month of July.

In April 2013 I had a very particular dream, in this one, there were many shooting stars (ok) and bald people dressed in saffron dancing (ah???? who are they?).... The next day I found out that I was expecting a son, Renato today 9 years old.

After a maternal process only in the company of my parents and relatives, I reached a point where I was not satisfied with the person I was being, I was not calm with the maternity that I was giving to Renato, I needed more.

In December 2016, my father invited us to spend the New Year in Rio de Janeiro and I saw there an opportunity to find what he was looking for, which he was not really sure what it was. The night before going back to Chile I tell my father that I will stay a few more days in Brazil with Renato and that I would return to Chile later. (Before leaving Chile I already knew that I would not return with them, only Renato's father and a friend knew the plan, I did not tell my parents before so they would not fill my head with phantom fears)

I called Damodara to ask her if I could visit her... In short, we lived with her for 7 months in São Paulo. At that time, she showed me the Mahabharata series (2014 version), we saw it complete in 2 weeks,

ASA - 😲

... in parallel she told me about Krishna's hobbies, she told me about Srila Prabhupada, she showed me books... and I just paid attention. Until the series begins to recite the Bhagavad Gita, then many things made sense to me, my heart and brain aligned and I knew that KRISHNA was what I was looking for.

In March 2017, Damodara took us to the Gaura Purnima festival at the Paraíso, SP temple. That's when I saw bald people dressed in saffron dancing... IT ALL MADE SENSE.

Back in Chile, I had to go to the Santiago temple to deliver a harmonium that Damodara had sent as a gift. Upon receiving me, a Devotee told me "Come this Friday, a Spiritual Master will give a Bhagavad Gita Class"... The Spiritual Master was HH HanumatPresaka Swami.

ASA - Not every step on the path is easy. Better if you had met someone else. 😆

I started attending the temple regularly, doing service, taking the courses, having association with Devotees who some of them become heart family, chanting my japa and following the regulative principles, reading the Krishna Book with Rena, participating festivals and try to be a positive contribution to the movement.

Currently in Association with devotees from the southern zone, we are building a project called ISKCON LACUSTRE, where we have held the Janmastami festival in Villarrica and Food For Life programs. Today we only hold monthly meetings for our spiritual strengthening, since being so far from the neuralgic center (Stgo de Chile) spiritual life is a little more difficult.

So much so that a couple of months ago I was at the lowest point I have experienced in my spiritual life, but Laksmirada D D arrived and gave me his [her] saving hand telling me "Reconnect to my Guru's Classes, join the FMP", thus the "magic of Krishna" returned. So much so, so much is Govinda's mercy that he allowed me a week ago to share with H. H. Dhanvantari Swami in Córdoba, Argentina. The experience of being able to serve the Spiritual Master in Vapu is undoubtedly the potential I needed to continue in Vani until I could meet him again when Krishna so wishes.

Currently I make my efforts to chant my 16 rounds, some days there are 17, others 8, others 20, others 16... and thus, I fulfill my 4 regulative principles, I only need 3 modules and the test of verses to conclude the Bhakti Sastri. We are reading the verses of Bhagavad Gita together with Renato, all this between housework and work.

. . .

Maharaj, I am grateful for the opportunity that he gives us every day to be able to have his association, his readings, the images and to be able to listen to Krishna so closely.

Please accept my obeisances at his feet.

Sincerely your maid

Bhaktina Natalia Gomez Huichante

HpS/ASA - Ooof! 🌬   So wonderful. We are just little birds flying in the wind of this drama. Go ahead, go ahead! Realize that there is NOTHING, N-O-T-H-I-N-G, that you can do better than get 16-rounds done very day. Krsna will never punish you for chanting 16-rounds. He will always be able to reward you. It is like the baby opening the mouth to get fed.

  • Money.
  • Management.
  • Heath.
  • Personal and Administrative Relationships.
  • Spiritual Progress.

Will all advance in the best way possible if your chant 16-rounds/day under the authority of Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

Send more news as it happens.

Thank you.

Respects to Renato and everyone.


1 year, 6 months ago by Simio madhu in Personal Sadhana Reports



Having listened to your preaching very carefully at the beginning of my spiritual life has served me as a compass the rest of the way, and today it has become absolutely relevant in my inner progress.

Thank you so much.

Y,s. Madhumangala d.

HpS - Wow! AgtSP. I was in front of the Berkeley Temple, San Francisco, as a B'cari at one point, and looking at the bushes and walls from a car and the street and realized that just with the Christianity etc that I had, spiritual life was like a dim light, and then encountering Srila Prabhupada the illumination had become bright. So many things could be properly seen.

To encounter Saints of Srila Prabhupada's character is extremely rare, no?


You, me can only hope to share him.

Reporte y contacto DevaVrata das de Córdoba, Guru Tattva.

asa[e] guru-tattva. jesus christ

Hare Krsna, Gurudev.

Please receive my most humble and respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to you.

How are you? Here report and contact from Deva-Vrata das de Córdoba.

ASA - Died three minutes ago. we are trying to bring him back, TB/BW. 🐵 🐷

4/16 okay

Some days I can't get out of bed 1:40am before sunrise... 80% yes 😏

Distribution of Srila Prabhupada's books. Okay.

With your blessings I wish to distribute 200 books per month on average 🙏🙏🙏. Without your blessings and the parampara, I am powerless.

ASA - Seems we should rely more on the Parampara!! 🙂 Hope you give good service to the nice people Krsna sends!!!1

With Campaka Lata dd we are following your instructions. Thanks for your blessings. We need them to accommodate us 🙏🙏🙏

We have a program called "Family Bhagavad Gita", where 7 students of the Bhagavad Gita share 1 daily sloka (with a short comment), for whatsApp contacts we collect in sankirtan.

And on Wednesday 7:00 p.m. in Argentina, we meet online to share some topic of Krsna consciousness.


On Fridays we meet online with Gokulananda das, a very learned devotee who lives in Govardhana. He accompanies us in the study of the sastra.

ASA - We know him well! We lectured three times while we were in Radha Kund and want to develop a strong relationship between Bhakti vedanta Vidya Pitha and NIOS.

We also continue to read and discuss Bhagavatam with the devotees in the neighborhood. Let's go for song 6. Every 15 days we meet to talk about a chapter.

I clean the neighborhood temple weekly. That is my service. And I record audios with the chapter of the Bhagavatam that he plays.

We try to talk about Krsna to everyone...

Gurudev. Another very important issue that I wanted to tell you... In what place should I put Jesus Christ in my life?

HpS - Aaaah! Revived. I don't know. It is a personal matter. I have a personal relationship with him since I was 3-years old. I worked hard to understand Srila Prabhupada and our Lord Jesus Christ. In the end, I came to the conclusion that Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami was the best Christian I had ever met. He has so much appreciation and realization of Christ.

Basically Srila Prabhupada comments that He is our Lord, Spiritual Master, he teaches us how to serve, love God".


Sometimes I feel Jesus much closer than Krishna. I know there is a cultural burden... But sometimes I feel that with the Krishna consciousness process I am missing something. It's like everything our scriptures say is far away, light years away... and I feel like Jesus is more accessible and more present... it's just a feeling (and it comes and goes). I really need a contact with God. I feel like I'm disconnected from Him. what do you think Gurudev?

HpS - Again, it is a personal thing. In my experience Srila Prabhupada was not in the least disturbed that his disciples had personal relationships with Our Lord Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohamad or anyone. Trnad Api Sunicena. It is just a matter of sorting out the traditions, the scriptures, the Parampara, the mystical experiences and building your own realization.

May not be easy or quick, but should be progressive, getting better all the time.

Gurudev, sometimes I wish I had met you earlier. I have not had much personal contact with you (vapu) like other older brothers..

Gurudev, I want to ask you to tell me: how can it be useful? How can I help you?

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be united with you through initiation. Thank ou for accept my request.

One question 🙏: When it is said that the relationship with the guru is eternal... does it mean that you will be my guru in the next life? And when the guru comes back to Krsna... what about the disciple who doesn't come back?

HpS - We are connected right now. Yes, vapu is nice, but real connection is cooperation serving Krsna!

Useful to us is if you are useful to ISKCON:

  1. The Institution - Fight wrong, Support good. Coordinate with the Bureaucracy.
  2. The Community of Friends - Stay in touch, reveal your heart (NoI 5)
  3. Srila Prabhupada - It is his Society. Get, develop, your direct experience of him.

Our, HpS, Monkey-Piggy et al, Sankirtan is ASA and its Branches. Watch the Blog, Kapi Dhvaja, and see if you can help there. Otherwise you may have so many other Sankirtan partners in ISKCON. We are trying to function as your Diksa guru in ISKCON, and Sankirtan leader, partner is other, but often related thing.


Any relationship in spiritual life is eternal, no?

It is like someone in prison for automobile robbery. As he sees the psychologist and resolves his psychological problems, learns a good trade eg. home construction, and repairs his relation ship with his wife and family, he is more and more involved in normal, spiritual life.

Someone acts as Diksa guru, in this life.

They may ask another Guru who is in the universe where you are, so pick you up in the next life if there has been an accident.

Eg. Big explosion in the primery school in the neighborhood. All the adults are running there. You see some children in a precarious condition and you help to get them out. You know that other people are doing the same for your children somewhere else.

After they are all out and safe then the parents find their specific children.

Maybe I am supposed to go to Lord Nrsmha, Maybe you are supposed to go to Ayodhya. After we are liberated, even in this body, these details get worked out, no?

Big topic. Hope this is useful.

See you here again soon.

Hari Bolo.

Respects to Mataji, Param pada Das et al.

Thanks for everything Gurudev. My great fortune is to have met you...

Your would-be servant.

Deva Vrata das


Hare Krsna, Gurudev. Reciba mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias. Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada ya usted.

Cómo estás? Aquí reporte y contacto de Deva-Vrata das de Córdoba.

16/4 ok

Algunos días no logro saltar de la cama 1:40 hs antes del amanecer... 80 % sí 😏

Distribución de libros de Srila Prabhupada. Ok.

Con tus bendiciones deseo distribuir 200 libros al mes promedio 🙏🙏🙏. Sin tus bendiciones y del parampara, soy impotente.

Con Campaka Lata dd estamos siguiendo tus instrucciones. Gracias por tus bendiciones. Las necesitamos para acomodarnos 🙏🙏🙏

Tenemos un programa que se llama "Bhagavad Gita en familia", donde 7 estudiantes del Bhagavad Gita compartimos 1 sloka diario (con un breve comentario), para los contactos de whatsApp que recopilamos en sankirtan.

Y los miercoles 19hs de Argentina, nos reunimos online para compartir algún tema de conciencia de Krsna.

Los viernes nos reunimos online con Gokulananda das, un devoto muy erudito que vive en Govardhana. El nos acompaña en el estudio de la sastra.

También seguimos leyendo y discutiendo en Bhagavatam con los devotos del barrio. Vamos por el canto 6. Cada 15 días nos reunimos para hablar de un capítulo. Semanalmente limpio el templo del barrio. Ese es mi servicio. Y grabo audios con el capítulo del Bhagavatam que toca.

Tratamos de hablar de Krsna a todo el mundo.

Gurudev. Otro tema muy importante que quería decirle... ¿En que lugar debo poner a Jesucristo en mi vida? Siento a veces a Jesús mucho más cercano que a Krishna. Sé que hay una carga cultural... Pero a veces siento que con el proceso de conciencia de Krishna me falta algo. Es como que me queda muy lejos, a años luz, todo lo que dicen nuestras escrituras... y siento como que Jesús es más accesible y está más presente... es un sentir solamente (y que viene y se va). 

Realmente necesito un contacto con Dios. Siento que estoy desconectado de Él.

qué opinás Gurudev?

Gurudev, a veces quisiera haberte conocido antes. No he tenido mucho contacto personal contigo (vapu) como otros hermanos más antiguos..

Gurudev, quiero pedirte que me digas: ¿en qué puede serte útil? ¿En qué puedo servirte?

Gracias por darme la oportunidad de unirme a usted a través de la iniciación. Gracias por aceptarme.

Una pregunta 🙏: Cuando se dice que la relación con el gurú es eterna... ¿significa que serás mi gurú en la próxima vida? Y cuando el gurú regresa a Krsna... ¿qué pasa con el discípulo que no regresa?

Gracias por todo Gurudev. Mi gran fortuna es haberte conocido...

Tu aspirante a sirviente.

Deva Vrata das

Amistad en conciencia de Krsna

asa[e] friensdship

Querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias.

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Muchas gracias por su constante asociación a través de los diferentes espacios tecnológicos, también agradecerle por aceptar invitaciones como Mayapur tv español que nos permiten más oportunidades de clases con usted y muchas gracias por sus noticias en el twitter. 

Estamos agradecidos por su visita pasada a México, también reflexionando sobre algunos puntos para poder entenderlos.

Porsupuesto entusiastas por cantar nuestras rondas, observar las regulaciones prohibitivas e incrementar las positivas como el sravanan y kirtana, también tratamos de seguir algunos programas regulares online del templo.

Con mi esposo continuamos sirviendo a la Deidad en el templo, realmente es una gran fortuna mantener la mente, sentidos ocupados con las Deidades, al inicio mi esposo no tenía mucha habilidad estética pero posteriormente se esfuerza con delicadeza y paciencia al intentar peinar a Goura y Nitay. Sino tenemos hijos podemos volcar nuestros sentidos en la forma Supremamenre bella de una manera formal. 

Por otro lado, he estado reflexionando en algo que usted ha mencionado en algunas clases acerca de saber desarrollar amistad con las personas que tenemos problemas, incluso si tenemos diferencias administrativas pero que no debemos dejar que toque la amistad. ¿Cómo lograr esto ? Suena tan elegante y civilizado que nos gustaría alcanzarlo sin una postura diplomática disforzada.

Usualmente nuestros amigos son los que aprueban nuestros pensamientos y modo de trabajo, y sino piensas o actúas igual es su enemigo y trata de destruirle si es posible o intenta desacreditarlo, he podido ver grandes amigos y luego grandes enemigos tratando de destruirse y faltandose el respeto, el que humilla más es el mejor, esto es muy contrario a la conciencia de Krsna. 

Pienso que una palabra clave es el respeto, pero hoy en día se cuestiona mucho si tal devoto merece o no respeto, esto es interesante, con seguridad en las Escrituras podemos encontrar la respuesta.

Talves podría dar el ejemplo de una pareja de esposos, hay una línea tan delgada para perderse el respeto por cualquier situación, sin embargo, si se cultiva la apreciación como vaisnavas, como personas, con la educación que nos dieron nuestros padres y los consejos de Conciencia de Krsna, por lo menos podemos naufragar como enemigos respetuosos y honestos, pero como pasar a otro nivel de una amistad real en medio de las diferencias ? 

Muchas gracias por su gentil atención.

Por favor disculpe nuestras limitaciones.

Que el Señor Nrisimhadeva proteja su sankirtana y energía para el placer de Śrīla Prabhupāda.

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente.

Asta Sakhi dd 


Dear Gurumaharaja,

Please accept our respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Thank you very much for your constant association through the different technological spaces, also thank you for accepting invitations such as Mayapur tv español that allow us more class opportunities with you and thank you very much for your news on twitter.

HpS/ASA - Ooof! We hope these are of some benefit. Yet all of us, you, me, everyone, in the ultimate issue, just have to speak on behalf of Guru and Krsna! If we can see them smiling and patting us on the head then it is wholly satisfying.

Of course, how does that pat come if not from the comments of God brothers, Godsisters...

We are grateful for your past visit to Mexico, also reflecting on some points in order to understand them.

Of course, enthusiastic about chanting our rounds, observing prohibitive regulations and increasing positive ones like sravanan and kirtana, we also try to follow some regular online temple programs.

With my husband we continue to serve the Deity in the temple, it is really a great fortune to keep the mind, senses occupied with the Deities, at the beginning my husband did not have much aesthetic ability bu]t later he strives with delicacy and patience when trying to comb Goura and Nitay. If we don't have children we can pour our senses into the supremely beautiful way in a formal way.

On the other hand, I have been reflecting on something that you have mentioned in some classes about knowing how to develop friendships with people who have problems, even if we have administrative differences, but that we should not let friendship touch. How to achieve this? It sounds so elegant and civilized that we'd like to achieve it without a fancy diplomatic stance.

Usually our friends are the ones who approve our thoughts and way of working, and if you don't think or act the same, it is your enemy and try to destroy it if possible or try to discredit it, I have been able to see great friends and then great enemies trying to destroy each other and disrespecting each other , the one who humiliates the most is the best, this is very contrary to Krsna consciousness.

I think that a key word is respect, but today there are many questions about whether such a devotee deserves respect or not, this is interesting, surely in the Scriptures we can find the answer.

Maybe I could give the example of a married couple, there is such a fine line to lose respect for any situation, however, if appreciation is cultivated as Vaisnavas, as people, with the education that our parents gave us and the advice of Krsna consciousness, at least we can shipwreck as respectful and honest enemies, but how to go to another level of real friendship in the midst of differences?

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

Please excuse our limitations.

May Lord Nrisimhadeva protect his sankirtana and energy for the pleasure of Śrīla Prabhupāda.

She your eternal servant aspirant.

asta sakhi dd.

HpS - Of course NoI 5 tells us that a symptom of friendship is to:

  • give gifts,
  • give auspicious eatables, and especially,
  • to talk confidentially.

This is in the Madhyama adhikari level and of course applys in any VAD circumstance. It applys in family relations, administrative relations etc.

Madhyama adhikari goes from Diksa to Bhava, no? So many levels of making these exchanges. Yet in all of them there is still some impersonalism. We should be able to feel that. It should make us hungry, but not frustrated [!], to move to the Uttama adhikary level, NoI 6 of making friendships.

Of course, all these friendships are in relationship to our Only Friend, that dark complexioned youth who is just waiting around the corner for you too walk up to Him by accident one day.


"Ho, Asta-sakhi Devi Dasi, what's up?"

Of course, at that point we fall in the ground in complete shock and what happens after that I don't know.

Having friends who help us be a friend to our Best Friend.


Do you think Radha and Candravali want each other dead? 🙂

Of course, not. They love each other like anything! They only hope that all their competition inspires the other even greater service in their mood.

[They are cousins]

In Europe one big monotheist died, and his biggest opponent, gigantic atheist, was seen by atheists friends to be crying copious tears, in great convulsions.

His friends and students asked:

Sir, why are you crying, lamenting. He was your greatest enemy and now he is dead!

The atheist looked at them in deep, deep grief and said, "Yes, yes, yes, that is true, but do you not understand! Now with whom will I argue all these points? Toward whom will I direct all my anger and rage?"

Is of some help, perspective:

At the end of the day we chant and dance together. Apologize if we were a little to rough in the fight, but understand that we have different jobs, positions, to represent.

https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/4/12/3/ ???

My Anartha - Sayuja Mukti

asa[e] - sayuja mukti

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva,

Please accept my hopeful obeisances.

All Glories To Srila Prabhupada,

HpS/ASA - AgtSP! Thank you for your Blog post! We were talking with some Senior ISKCON devotee a few days ago and a thought was that 'AgtSP' should come before anything else. 'Ekaki amara, nahi paya bala, harinama sankirtane', (Ohe, Vaisvana Thakura).

Without SP we cannot chant, follow principles, respect each other... .


Is correct?

We had detail conversation with HG Partha Pratim Prabhu about our own desire and Anarthas.

It came out, we never wanted to serve Krsna, we want Sayuja Mukti (merging with Krsna Body).

Moreover in this world we want Opulence of Fame of Krsna, but we wanted to famous as Renunciant, so that every other famous person ( beautiful, powerful, rich, knowledgeable) will bow down in front of us.

ASA - Even Arnold Schwarzenegger? 😲

We have accepted that we can not become Krsna, so we will try to become as close to him as we can, by even merging in him.

HG said that only good quality /hope is our attachement to you.

We did not know that we envy Krsna so much, that we are ready to eternal Spiritual suicide.

Can you kindly elaborate more in on desire of Sayuja Mukti? Can you add more of your expert comments as Guru ( finding fault with disciple for Disciple's benefit).

Who in scripture was also suffering from this disease? What steps we can take be cured from this disease?

rarest of the offender

Harsh Pradhan

HpS/ASA - Thank you for this question!


This has been in the back of our mind forever.

We hear about this desire.

SP writes about it a lot, no??!

Yet, he also says that Mayavada, Sunyavada, philosophy is 'incomprehensible'.

We first read this long before initiation or living in SF temple. We were trying to understand Buddhist philosophy.

Eg. God is a circle with its center everywhere and no circumference. We were going mad trying to 'comprehend' it. Then we read Prabhupada's above comment, and 🙂 aaaah. It all made sense.

What does it feel like to merge with Krsna's body or become Sunya, zero?

It seem like a completely silly question.

It is like, "What does it feel like to be dead"? 😄 😄😄

I have heard that SP said the closest we can come to understanding Sayujya mukti is to imagine what it would be like to wake up in the morning and there was no one else in the world except for you.

Hare Krsna!

Very interesting, no?

Would all the bakeries still be working?


I can only understand wanting unobstructed fame, power etc.

Even that I'm seeing I have childish ideas of what these are. It is like a three year old child thinking that unlimited power would be to eat as many cookies as you wanted whenever you wanted etc.

Now that we are inspired in this meditation, and we have been informed how really great God really is we can start to imagine really big power.

Eg. Benediction of Vrkasura.

Ooof. Scary. Empty. We just want to be servants of Krsna, in so many indirect ways, always at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada (with you?).

Of course, our personal power, ability, beauty, can continually develop in service in ways that not even Krsna can predict.

That is our realization.

We've seen at moments how deeply rooted these desires for fame are. I suspect that you, me, HG Partha Pratim Das, are doing everything, EVERYTHING, 99.999% for selfish desire.

Only hope is that Radha is more powerful than Durga.

Mercy is the essence of justice, not truth.


Respects to Prabhu.

Hari-nama Diksa Candidate

1 year, 6 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

From Yahoo.Com:

Hare Krishna, Hanumat Presaka Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Attached below is a first initiation letter of recommendation for Sunita Telhan.

Your servant,

Giri-govardhana Dasa



A A A gSP! Paoho... !. It is so nice to get your association.

On the basis of this official recommendation, our personal contact with Mataji and recommendation of others, we are certainly very happy to act as ISKCON Diksa guru for Mataji.

Very happy.

In general we have stopped giving Hari-nama Diksa because of our advanced physical age and can certainly recommend devotees like Radha-krsna Das in Houston to perform the function, but in Mataji's case it seems appropriate.

What Mataji's date of birth?

The ceremony will be in Rich Mound when we visit in a few weeks?

Thank you.

Hoping you find some engagement for us in your Sankirtan!

Hanumatpresaka Swami