Todas las glorias a Su Divana Gracia Srila Prabhupada
Todas las glorias usted
Mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias querido Guru Maharaj
Siempre estaré muy agradecida por haber podido servirle aunque sea de lejitos, haber podido escuchas sus palabras y tener gotitas de su misericordia.
Muchísimas gracias por esos momentos en los que me brindo su asociación.
Todos los días canto mis 16 rondas lo más temprano posible, lamentablemente para mí el poderme presentar a Mangala Arti me es algo complicado. Actualmente vivo con mi padre Hari Bhakti Das, mi hermano Sri Krishna Bhakti Das, mi otro hermano Nrisimha Balarama, mi abuela paterna y mi tío abuelo paterno. Mi mamá se fue por un tiempo al templo de nueva Vrindaban en Virginia Estados Unidos por lo que solo somos nosotros seis.
Somos conscientes de que el cuerpo no es eterna y debido a la edad y las enfermedades de mis familiares más grandes de la casa, ya es algo complicado para ellos caminar, moverse, en ocasiones respirar y muy usualmente el ingerir alimentos, por lo que mi padre y yo nos encargamos de cuidarlos.
Sin embargo anteriormente cuando escribí mi primera carta yo me encontraba haciendo residente en el templo de Ciudad de México. Llegué un 23 de diciembre tengo muy presente y me fui un primero de enero el siguiente año debido a que mis inserte el tobillo bailando en harinama con su santidad Maha Vishnu Swami, yo estuve unos días más con muletas viviendo en el templo haciendo mis servicios habituales hasta que por dolor lo tuve que detener ya que en el templo no se me trató.
Sin embargo durante el tiempo que yo viví en templo asistía a los programas matutinos y vespertinos, tuve la misericordia de poder administrar el cuarto de flores por un tiempo, de este ir a comprar las flores, hacer colecta en la central de abastos pidiendo donativos, la decoración de festivales y hacer las guirnaldas las que faltaran para el día siguiente.
Al mismo tiempo entraba a Rajah Voga la mayor parte de días de la semana, y llegué a cocinar tamales y hamburguesas para restaurante Govinadas. Tuyo
Actualmente cuando se hace el programa de la tarde usualmente me encuentro laborando en la boutique Radha Krshna del templo.
Ocasionalmente leemos en mi casa las escrituras del Srimad Bagabatam y por mi estoy estudiando néctar de la devoción.
Tengo el curso buro discípulo avalado por el GBC impartido por Prabhu Deba Deba Das y cuento con la carta de recomendación del yatra de México y su comité Madre Anuradha Devidasi, Adhoksaja Das y Prabhu Vanamali Gopal Das emitida en abril de este año.
Muchas gracias por su tiempo
Muchas gracias por su misericordia
All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada
All glories you
My most humble and respectful obeisances dear Guru Maharaj
I will always be very grateful for having been able to serve him even from afar, having been able to listen to his words and have little drops of his mercy.
Thank you very much for those moments in which you offered me your association.
Every day I sing my 16 rounds as early as possible, unfortunately for me being able to introduce myself to Mangala Arti is somewhat complicated. I currently live with my father Hari Bhakti Das, my brother Sri Krishna Bhakti Das, my other brother Nrisimha Balarama, my paternal grandmother and my paternal great-uncle. My mom went for a while to the New Vrindaban temple in Virginia, United States, so there are only six of us.
We are aware that the body is not eternal and due to the age and illnesses of my older relatives in the house, it is already somewhat complicated for them to walk, move, sometimes breathe and very usually eat food, so my Father and I take care of them.
However, previously when I wrote my first letter I was a resident in the Mexico City temple. I arrived on December 23, I am very aware of it, and I left on the first of January the following year because I twisted my ankle dancing in harinama with His Holiness Maha Vishnu Swami. I spent a few more days on crutches living in the temple doing my usual services. until I had to stop him because of pain, since I was not treated in the temple.
However, during the time that I lived in the temple, I attended the morning and evening programs, I had the mercy of being able to manage the flower room for a while, from this going to buy flowers, collecting at the supply center asking for donations, the decoration of festivals and make the garlands that are missing for the next day.
At the same time, I went to Rajah Voga most days of the week, and I got to cook tamales and hamburgers for Govinadas restaurant. Yours
Currently when the afternoon program is done I usually find myself working in the Radha Krshna boutique of the temple.
Occasionally we read the scriptures of Srimad Bagabatam at my house and I am studying Nectar of Devotion for myself.
I have the bureau disciple course endorsed by the GBC taught by Prabhu Deba Deba Das and I have the letter of recommendation from the yatra of Mexico and its committee, Mother Anuradha Devidasi, Adhoksaja Das and Prabhu Vanamali Gopal Das issued in April of this year.
Thank you very much for your time
Thank you very much for your mercy
HpS - "In this Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement we require everyone to rise early in the morning, by four A.M., and attend maṅgala-ārati, or morning worship, then read Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, perform kīrtana, and so forth." - "En este movimiento para la conciencia de Kṛṣṇa, requerimos que todos se levanten temprano en la mañana, a las cuatro de la mañana, y asistan a maṅgala-ārati, o adoración matutina, luego lean el Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, realicen kīrtana, y así sucesivamente."
You are making progress in pious life, but not completely fulfilling the requirements to matriculate in Srila Prabhupada's University of Love of God?
Don't worry it is next challenge on the road. The next lesson.
Of course, the next thing is to get your associates to engage in the required morning program if they are not.
Can you talk to them about having a regular morning program.
Maybe start with once or twice a week, or whatever.
It will be satisfying and your mind and intelligence will be purified and then everyone will become addictead.
Right now, all over the ISKCON world, there are about 23,227 people in the same class as you. Graduate first in your class.
What do you think?
What do your associates think?